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- Category: Archive 2010
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- USA Finals Info
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- Wet Central Europe
2010 USA TSP Participants and Time keepers Handout,
Following is the last of the organizer’s information messages. Each participant will get a paper copy at the time of registration on Friday Sept 24 at the Lost Hills flying site. The two referenced Appendixes are not included because the table formats are not compatible with SEN. Registration will be done at three different Trailers / RV’s. Look for A,B and C signs. Registration will start approximately at 9:00 am and conclude at 6:15 pm.
Per the Finals rules all models must have the FAI model identification on the model and be accompanied by a FAI model specification certificate. Each model part has to be identified with the model number or letter as per the rules.
The Flyer meeting will take place at the field in the Trailer/RV area. If there is adverse weather, an alternate location will be posted and announced.
The long term forecast indicates a high of 90 degree F and a low of 58 degree on the three days of flying. Winds maximum of 4 mph, gust to 7 mph.
Thanks to our volunteer timers, we have a full compliment of timers for days 1 and 2. We are 3 timers short for day 3 (Monday) and we will fill these spots with the organizers or some of the arriving foreign fliers.
See you at Lost Hills.
Thermals, JIM
FAI FF Team Selection Hand-out
Lost Hills, California, 2010 Sept 24-28
Finals Staff
Contest Director: Buzz Averill
F1A Event Administrator: Norm Furutani
F1B Event Administrator: Larry Norvall
F1C Event Administrator: Terry Kerger
Head timekeeper: Bob Norton
Field Administrator: Hector Diez
Head Jurist: Dan Tracy
F1A Jury members: Ken Bauer, Andrew Barron
F1B Jury members: Aimee Schroedter, Paul Crowley
F1C Jury members: Mike Roberts, Chuck Etherington
Organizers: Jim Parker and Mike McKeever
Finals Authority
The Team Selection Committee members have no Finals authority or duties other than those who are Jury members as stated above. The Organizers also have no authority at Finals site.. Generally speaking, fliers should contact the Event Administrators for issues concerning model processing and missing timers on the flight line. The Head Timekeeper and Field Administrator will also be watching and handling missing timer problems. Refer all other issues to the Contest Director. If you do not get a satisfactory response, then present an official protest to the CD per the process outlined in the Team Selection Program (TSP). The CD will either make a decision or engage the Head Jurist and jury.
Round Schedule, Pole Position and Flying Line(s)
The round schedule will follow that as shown in section C below (per the TSP). Event one, round one, starts at 7:30 am. Event two, round one, starts at 8:10 am. The standard round duration will be 30 minutes with a 10 minute break between rounds. The published event start times will be maintained unless special circumstances prevail and the CD announces other schedule times. There is no scheduled lunch break
Flier’s starting position for each day is shown in Appendix A. Starting positions were determined randomly. Fliers rotate 3 poles positions each round. A new random starting pole position is used for the second day of flying. The F1A and F1C end pole positions will be identified. F1A and F1C fliers should not rotate into the extra pole positions needed for the greater number of F1B fliers.
The starting flight line will be designated with a 12-foot vertical Green flag displayed 30 minutes before the start of the first event start time (eg. flag displayed at 7:00 am). The display of a red 12-foot flag designates the flying has been stopped or the next round has been put on hold. If a round has been interrupted, the CD will make several announcements more than 10-minutes before the intended restart of flying. Generally, the CD will provide a 10 -minute buffer prior to a round restart if flying continues at the current flight line and a 30-minute buffer if the flight line is changed. It is the flier’s responsibility to know and understand when and where the restart of flying is to take place.
It is also the flier’s responsibility to time per the TSP. Arrangements have been made for the two fliers flying two events. Appendix B shows the various timer assigned pole positions. Timers must be at their pole position a MINIMUM of 5 minutes prior to the start of each round. If a flier is shown on the time card for a pole position and no flier is there at the start of the round, the timer must stay at that pole position for the entire round unless released by the flier. The Head timekeeper will designate, on the traveling score sheets, which fliers who have stopped flying. The responsible timers for those fliers are released from timing duties for those rounds. Note that some of the volunteer timer assignments are set to time only one of the two events each day.
Timing Responsibility
The timer, on the first round of each day, shall document, on the time card, the four models being declared by that flyer for that particular day of flying. It is also necessary to document, on the time card, which model is flown in each round. It is not necessary for the timer to witness fuel loading, rubber loading and winding. Some fliers will be selected randomly and their models checked for rules compliance after completion of certain flights. Time keeper check list:
- Before the first round on each day, indicate the model number(s) (up to 4 per day) the flyer is declaring
- For each flight, indicate which model is flown, in the case of an attempt, indicate if a different model is flown
- Record flight time and initial the score card. Leave the score card at the pole. The Time keeping helpers will move the score card
- Time keepers are to remain at their pole position until the score is recorded or until the flyer releases the timer or the score card clearly indicates the flyer has stopped flying
- The timers shall use a stop watch with at least 1/5 second accuracy, Binoculars with at least 7 x magnifications. It is highly recommended to use a tripod.
- For flights that appear that they will land short of the maximum, and at a distance in which a clear determination of the end of the flight cannot be made, begin a verbal, 10 second count down starting at the loss of sight of the model. If the model does not reappear after those 10 seconds, stop the watch and subtract 10 seconds from the watch reading and record the time.
- Time F1C motor runs using the best indicators available—audio and visual. Benefit of doubt goes to the flyer. In the case of a clear over run, clearly communicate the over run to the flyer immediately.
- In the case of timing problems, contact the Head time keeper or Event Administrator. If a timing issue arises that impacts a flyer’s flight time, immediately notify the flyer and an official.
- Note that the Event Administrators will be doing spot timing checks. Should you need help while timing a model, shout out for help and other flyers, helpers or officials will come to help.
Chasing Restrictions
Motorize vehicle shall not be taken into crops or furrowed fields. At this time, there are no crops or furrowed fields adjacent to the Lost Hill FF properties. There may be crops further from the launch site and models that land there can only be retrieved on foot (no motorcycles in the crops!). Do not damage pipelines or any other equipment. Some adjacent fields have been recently disked leaving large chunks of earth and areas consisting of fine silt. . Be warned that these conditions make access with motorcycles dangerous to both man and machine.
The portion of the TSP describing the conduct of the Finals is shown below and provides answers to most of the questions asked at the flier meeting. Please review.
It is the policy of the Team Selection Committee to conduct a single-site Finals. It is preferred that the Finals are rotated between East-West sites for alternate programs, provided acceptable sites and organizations are available. The purpose is to balance the burden of travel for the fliers, and provide diverse flying conditions similar to those faced by U.S. teams competing at the various World Championship sites. The TSC has also pledged monetary support, if it is required, to rent or lease a site for a Team Selection Finals.
(Note: Per the AMA’s document “World Championship Teams” the head jurist is the highest authority at the Finals contest.)
A. Procedures and Rules for the Finals:
The Finals will be conducted in accordance with the FAI Sporting Code except as amended below.
1. Models must be launched from a line and pole position that is approximately perpendicular to the wind direction. The Contest Director has the discretion to lay the flight line appropriate to the conditions of the field.
2. Models must be launched within 5 meters of the specified launch position. For F1A, the helper must launch the model within 5 meters of the launch position. For F1B, winding stooges and other support equipment will be set up at least 15 meters downwind of the flight line.
3. Selection of the initial launch position for each day a contestant flies shall be by random draw prior to the contest. From thereon, pole advancement will be per the FAI Sporting Code.
4. The launch area is defined as a distance of plus or minus 15 meters from the launch line in F1B and F1C, and plus or minus 65 meters in F1A.
5. Only the flier and a maximum of two helpers are permitted in the launch area. No devices more that 3 meters high are allowed in the launch area.
6. The use of thermal-finding models (goats) will not be permitted.
7. The use of a motorized vehicle to attempt to influence the flight of a model is considered to be a safety hazard, and is therefore prohibited. Finalists who violate this rule will be disqualified from the Finals and forfeit all fees paid. Any non competitor violating this rule will be asked to leave the field.
B. Finals Rounds Format:
Four (4) day Finals: 14, half hour window rounds, 7 rounds the first day and 7 rounds the second day, with the fourth day reserved for completion of 7 rounds in any event and/or continuation of the fly-offs (see Para. E, below) if required.
F1C flies days l (late round) and 2 (early round) and times day 3
F1B flies days l (early round) and 3 (late round) and times day 2
F1A flies days 2 (late round) and 3 (early round) and times day 1
The first-round max each day shall be:
F1A - 240 seconds
F1B - 270 seconds
F1C - 300 seconds
The maxes for the remaining rounds each day are 180 seconds
(Note: It is the Contest Director's discretion to lower round max times providing extenuating circumstances arise resulting directly from site and/or weather conditions.)
C. Finals Site:
The site will be chosen by the program participants from candidate sites selected by the Team Selection Committee submitted to AMA headquarters by July 1, 2009. The site and date chosen will be announced by September 1, 2009, unless negotiations are underway but not finalized on this date.
The first round will start no earlier than 30 minutes after local sunrise. For example, if sunrise is 7:00 a.m., the following format may be used:
Early Round Late Round
7:30-8:00 8:10-8:40
8:50-9:20 9:30-10:00
10:10-10:40 10:50-11:20
11:30-12:00 12:10-12:40
12:50-1:20 1:30-2:00
2:10-2:40 2:50-3:20
3:30-4:00 4:10-4:40
D. Flyer Timing:
Each flyer or his designate is responsible to time all day for one day (including those who fly more than one event). Also, each flier will be required to pay a $200 deposit regardless of the number of events entered, which is refundable at the end of the contest, after the flier timing duties have been fulfilled. This deposit must be paid to the Event Administrator at Processing. Payment is to be made in the form of a check or money order payable to the AMA. Deposits can be collected from the Timer Administrator directly after each day of timing. Those not collected will be shredded. Forfeited deposits will be added to the Free Flight Team fund. Fliers 24 years old and younger are exempt from this deposit, but not their timing responsibility.
Additionally, to alleviate any imbalance of contestants (and thus timers) in various events, a qualified timer pool is to be created. Each timer will be compensated for each complete day of timing. This rate will be $100/day.
(Note: It is recommended that all timers should provide themselves with at least 7 power binoculars.)
E. Interruption of the Contest:
1. As many rounds as possible (to the maximum number of rounds scheduled per day) shall be completed.
2. The contest should be interrupted or the start delayed by the Jury in the following circumstances and in other circumstances decided by the Jury:
a. The wind is continuously stronger than 9 m/s measured at 2 meters above the ground at the starting line (flight line) for at least 20 seconds.
b. The visibility prohibits proper observation of the models or due to atmospheric conditions it would be dangerous to continue the competition.
c. It is necessary to reposition the starting line. This may only take place between rounds.
d. The prevailing conditions are such that they lead to unacceptable sporting results.
e. Any incident affecting safety or requiring access for emergency services.
In the event of an interruption during a round, the Jury must decide the action to be taken to complete, repeat, or cancel the round. The remainder of the round may be completed as soon as conditions allow, with adequate notice given to all competitors.
3. If, in a class, at least seven rounds in three days of the Finals have been completed, and no fly-offs are required, the team will be selected on the basis of the rounds flown.
4. If, in a class, less than 7 rounds have been completed at the end of three days, the class will continue on the fourth day or at a later date, retaining the flight scores from the previously completed rounds until 7 normal rounds are completed, after which fly-offs will commence if required.
F. Number of Models Allowed
During the initial processing the flier will be allowed to process an unlimited number of models. Each Finalist will be allowed to compete with no more than four models per event per day, which according to the FAI Sporting Code, must be declared prior to the first round each day. If, after the second day of flying, further flying is required to complete the Finals, only 4 models chosen from the models declared on the first 2 days of competition shall be used.
G. Fly-off Procedure:
Fly-offs, if required, will start on the same day the event is completed. If at the end of the second day's schedule, at least 7 rounds total for the two days have been flown, the fly-offs will commence. That is, the fly-offs take priority for that event on the second day. Using the example of the times for rounds under section IV,C of the program, F1A regular rounds would end at 4:40 p.m. on the second day as long as 7 rounds were completed. If fly-offs are necessary to decide the F1C team, they would begin after 4:40 p.m. on Day 2 and as many fly-off rounds as possible or necessary would be completed before dusk. The Contest Director should postpone fly-offs to the reserve day only in the event of conditions listed under IV, E., 2 or if a fly-off round cannot be completed before sunset.
Fly-offs will be flown in 10-minute launch windows. For events ending on the third day, the event rotation for fly-off will be F1A first, F1B second. Scheduling of succeeding 10 minute rounds will be at the discretion of the Contest Director in accordance with FAI Sporting Code. The Contest Director should postpone fly-offs to the reserve day only in the event of conditions listed under IV, E, 2 or if a fly-off round cannot be completed before sunset.
If the fly-offs are not completed on the scheduled final day of the event, they will be carried over to the fourth day or a later date. The first max on that day will be 10 minutes. Event rotation on the fourth day will be F1C, F1A, F1B. The first round will be a 10-minute launch window beginning no sooner than 30 minutes after sunrise.
H. Protests
All protests must be presented in writing to the contest director and must be accompanied by a deposit of $20. The $20 deposit is returned only if the protest is upheld. An unreturned protest fee shall be deposited into the team fund.
1. Prior to the first flight of the contest, protests may be lodged, for example, against the validity of an entry, contest rules, flying contest area, processing of models (if done before flying starts), or contest officials.
2. During the contest, a protest may be lodged against a decision of contest officials (excluding the Jury) or against an error or irregularity committed during an event by another competitor; but the protest must be lodged in a timely fashion, in accordance with FAI rules.
3. Protests may be lodged up to one hour after the announcement of results.
(Note: A complaint may also be filed. The purpose of a complaint is to obtain a correction without the need to make a formal protest. Complaints are made to the Contest Director and may be verbal [see VII, F, 9]).
180 is a MAX on Youtube
Wet Central Europe
From Face book it looks like there is some confusion around the WC contests at the end of the year becuse of rain - be sure to check before going
Attila Székelyhidi Vörös Jenő Memorial & Szeged Cup are cancelled, because inpossible to enter to the field after the last days heavy rains (more than 60mm)
Robert Hellgren No luck on the World Cup contests at Tass this year..! :( Really hope the whater goes away soon!Allard van Wallene Thanks for warning us Attila!
Gerhard Aringer Hi Attila, are both contests planned later in the year
The Árva János Memorial & Budapest Cup(both of two open international contests) will be organized in Salonta(ROU) in the official time , because the problem with the field in Tass. Accomodations:
Roger Morrell