SEN 1475
- Details
- Category: Archive 2010
- Hits: 1345
- Isaacson Winter Classic
- Anselmo Zeri memorial Dutch World Cup Contest
- F1Q from the World Cup Winner
- Last Tustin Session
- Foiled Again
- Rubber for sale
Fabulous February at Lost Hills - Isaacson Winter Classic
I can hear Ike saying, "Are You Crazy?"
At the first Winter Classic, we had a campfire Sat. night and we fed everyone with a couple paks of wieners and buns. This included a shepherd that wandered had in from who knows where(who was that guy?). The whole point of the WC was to have a friendly warm-up contest for the MM. Then a few years ago, the Ike became an America's Cup (thanks Old Al, great idea!) entries jumped up to right around 200! This year, we're hosting the Anselmo Zeri Memorial, Dutch World Cup contest along with the usual Ike events. This should be one heck of a week!
Please have your current AMA and Lost Hills membership card!
See you in February! The Isaacson Winter Classic flyer is attached.
Norm and Roger
So here's the link
and here is the words...
This year, we are hosting the Anselmo Zeri Memorial Dutch World Cup F1A, B, C, E, P & Q. See: Zeri an-nouncement. All FAI classes are America's Cup. All AMA and NFFS classes, except Gollywock are National Cup. This is a Cat. II contest.
FAI Events: 7 one hour rounds, 8am
F1B, C,& P (Zeri World Cup, Am Cup)
F1H (Ike, Am Cup) 5 one hour rounds, 8am
AMA/NFFS Events (Ike, Nat Cup)
NEW! Stan’s Nostalgia Tip Launch Scramble
GOLLYWOCKS! One Design, 5 flts + all Mass Launch
NEW! E-36, provisional NFFS Rules
FAI Events:
F1A & Q (Zeri World Cup, Am Cup)
F1G, J & Vintage FAI Power (Ike, Am Cup)
AMA/NFFS Events (Ike, Nat Cup)
NEW! SAM Compressed Air- (mass launch 7:30am)
FAI Style Catapult Glider! No BOM, no rubber restriction,
7 rounds!
Leeper’s Foot Longs, BTV West (12”CLG, see Lee)
Nostalgia Gas 1/2A, Early 1/2A & 1/4A (sep. Nat Cup pts)
Nostalgia Gas ABC (sep. Nat Cup pts)
P-30 AMA rules
Nostalgia Wake
Hand Launch Glider
Catapult Launch Glider (no BOM)
Classic Glider
F1E – On the hill! (Zeri W Cup, Am Cup)
Reserve day for F1X events
F1A, B, C, P & Q – Pim Ruyter and Allard van Wallene
F1E – Peter Brocks
Vintage FAI Gas – Dave Parsons
All CLG and TLG events – Stan Buddenbohm and Ralph Ray
E-36 – Bernie Crowe
Compressed Air – Ron Boots
All other events – Norm and Roger
Norm Furutani
15423 Haas Ave.
Gardena, CA 90249
(310) 323-1943
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell
1916 B Gates Ave.
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
(310) 374-2136
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
$15.00 - includes one event. Additional events $5.00 each. Juniors: $5 unlimited events.
Sign-up on the field.
Please have proof of current membership in AMA(
or MAAC, AMA Affiliate and Lost Hills Associa-tion (
Fees and registration for the Anselmo Zeri Memorial Dutch World Cup are separate from the Isaacson Winter Classic, see Zeri flier below
JSO Combined, First through third. Nos Wake and Gollywock Award courtesy of Bob White
Awards Ceremony RAFFLE!
Buddenbohm Glider kits and more!
Winners MUST be present!
Sloane’s Catering
Jay and Lois will have their food service on the field all week!
Bob and LaVera Isaacson
Anselmo Zeri Memorial Dutch World Cup Contest
The full flyer can be accessed on line, complete with pictures if the t and polo shirts. at
Here are the words in simple form
This contest will be hosted by Isaacson Winter Classic*
February 12-14, 2011 at Lost Hills, California, USA
The 1st. Dutch World Cup in the USA
Type of contest: Open Free Flight World Cup Contest in the classes F1A,B,C,E, P en Q Senior and Junior (except F1C and Q). For North American flyers this event qualifies as an America’s Cup Event.
Event Directors: Pim Ruyter This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and Allard van Wallene This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FAI Jury will be announced at the field.
Entry Fee: $30,00 for F1A,B,C Senior. $15,00 F1A,B junior, E,P and additional F1A,B,C entries.
All competitors must have a valid FAI license, AMA affiliate membership and Lost Hills contribution paid. Foreign competitors can obtain an AMA membership for insurance ($28,00) and pay Lost Hills contribution ($10,00) at registration.
Deviations from the guide for FAI outdoor Free Flight contests:
- Flying from a Flight Line without pole positions, no position switch between rounds.
- Competitors will time each other. There will be random check for correct time keeping.
- No ‘moto flapping/lofting’ allowed!
Time schedule: Saturday February 12, F1B,C and P.
Sunday February 13, F1A and Q
Monday February 14, F1E (Event director Peter Brocks)
Monday February 14 Reserve day for 12 and 13 Feb.
Round schedule: For both days:
Round 1 8:00am - 9:00am
2 9:00am - 10:00am
3 10:00am - 11:00am
4 11:00am - 12:00am
5 12:00am - 1:00pm
6 1:00pm - 2:00pm
7 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Fly-Off rounds to be announced after round 7
Round One Max. 210 sec. for F1A,
240 sec. for F1B,C.P
180 sec. for F1Q motor run 15 sec.
Registration: All competitors must register by regular mail or e-mail before February 6, 2011.
For registration use the registration form below. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Payment at the field
We like to have as little admin. at the field as possible
Registration at the field will cost you $45,00
*This event will replace the F1A,B,C,P,Q and E events that were part of the Isaacson Winter Classic. The FAI Mini Events and other AMA events will continue as part of the Winter Classic. Refer to the Isaacson Winter Class flyer for details and a complete schedule of the weekend’s activities.
Entry form: Dutch World Cup 2011
Name :____________________________
Number and street :____________________________
Zip code and Town :____________________________
I will fly : F1A Sen.____ Jun.____
F1B Sen.____ Jun.____
F1C Sen.____ Jun.____
F1P Sen.____ Jun.____
F1Q Sen.____ Jun.____
F1E Sen.____ Jun.____
Valid FAI License Yes/No Number:___________
AMA Membership Yes/No Number:___________
Lost Hills Membership Yes/No
Souvenir Contest shirt(s): Yes/No Type shirt, T-shirt, Size:______
Polo, Size:______
Please send this registration form, before Feb.6, by regular mail or e-mail to:
Pim Ruyter
Kantemarsweg 36
3871AP Hoevelaken
Tel: +31 33 2581459
Special Attention
To be eligible for World Cup points you must have an FAI licence. For AMA members these can be obtained through the AMA competition department. Because 2 other countries, Holland and Denmark have decided to run a World Cup in the USA this year so there will be a total of 6 World Cup Contests in North America. Contrary to the America's Cup the World Cup scoring goes down to 20th or more place. Your best 3 contests count, plus the one in Argentina when you go there either on the team or to support the team. The bigger the contest the more bonus points. So this is the chance for North Americans to see how they rank in the World and show them your stuff. So get that FAI ticket now.
Notice that while for the non-World Cup events, including the FAI/America's Cup Mini events you do not have to pre-enter, for the World Cup you do. So get that e-mail off to Pim right away. You can pay him at the contest.
Be sure to go to the online Zeri Flyer and see the classy black shirts. The Polo Shirt has a great picture of Anselmo that is must for those who knew him. There will only be a limited number of the shirts, particularily in the big sizes so make sure you get your request in early to make sure you get one - by 21 January. So even if you're not flying in the World Cup you can get one. Just to reserve one send you name, address and shirt information to Allard at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Remember Anselmo excelled at F1G , so be in 2011 it will be the Zeri shirt, not the Gorban Coupe that will put you over the top in America's Cup F1G. The shirts will only be available at Lost Hills.
This is an article written by Matti Lihtamo of Finland. Matti is this years F1Q World Cup winner with 4 first and one second place. This paper was submitted to the FF technical subcommitee. Matti clearly has the hottest F1Q model of the year. In his text he makes refernce to 2 diagrams and there are links at the end of the article.
Electric motor driven F1Q is very suitable contest class to free flight aeromodeling; it has right amount of new techniques, traditional free flight aerodynamics and know how to fly. The rules, today, give too much power and energy for the climb of model. The battery, after rules, gives with 5 sec motor runtime, in best, the climb high 120-150 m and flight time 4-6 minutes in neutral weather. It is not needed to speak about longer motor times.
It is ABSOLUTELY impossible to take exact motor runtime with optical devices. From ground you can see motor running in one-two seconds accuracy, but not parts of second. Demonstrating the motor runtime to timekeepers in ground is a good solution.
The rules need changes.
It is fact, that when rules are fixed to some device’s measurements or weight, the development of class concentrates to get as much benefit as possible from this rules fixed devices.
Now when the maximum weight of battery is fixed, development concentrates to get maximal energy and power from battery. If weight is only reduced, we have to squeeze more exact all juice out from battery in one contest flight. So batteries will be disposable. Do we want this?
If the rules determine the weight or volume of motor, the development concentrates to get out from motor as much as possible. The contest motors will be short living, difficult to get and expensive special motors. Do we want this?
If in rules stay, that we can control the power and energy which motor gets from battery (e.g. 2040 Ws and 400 W), the development concentrates to get maximal profit from those magnitudes. It means that both, the aerodynamic of model and propeller, and the efficiency of electric devices should develop. This is what we want!
Somebody want that in F1Q we can contest fairly with different sizes of model and different amounts of energy, it means maximum power short time or lower power longer time. For this we need to find right values of energy amount connection with the weight of model. The size in proportion to the weight should also be right, so that we can build models strong enough. In dissection, there are values 3-6 Ws/g and 12-16 g/dm2. My opinion is that values should be; Energy taken from battery is 4 Ws/g and minimum load is 15 g/dm2. According to my experience with these values the model, with area 33 dm2 and weight 500 g, climbs with 400 W power and 5 sec motor runtime to 80-90 m height. This load of area gives possibility to build stiff and strong enough constructions.
I have noticed that the model with 500 g needs over 300 W powers for safe straight-climb. Lower spiral-climb can be done with less power.
I prefer models with standard size 32-34 dm2, minimum weight 510 g, maximal energy 2040 Ws and maximal power 400 W. Then energy and power limiters should be available with only one value. This is clever.
The greater voltage makes the efficiency of electric devices better. The development is to use more cells in battery package. It would be right to limit, with the rules, to have maximal unloading voltage of battery in 25.5 V (6S LiPo).
RadioCutOff , to stop the motor and steering the model to glide with radio signal without DT-action and to get
after that an accepted contest flight is against the spirit of free flight and should be forbidden. It would be accepted, after RCO-action, the delay, maximal 5 sec, before DT-action. The speed of model goes slower and does not stress the wings as much as in shorter DT-delay.
In FlyOffs should fly with energy power limiter as in other F1ABC-classes, longer flight time with same energy and power. F1Q-contests are usually organized at the same fields and contests with other classes. There are no special demands in field size for F1Q.
Energy and power limiter brings to F1Q-class many good things:
- We don’t need difficult motor timing
- The meaning of electrical and aerodynamically efficiencies grows. The contestant can self decide if he flies with small power longer or with great power shorter time.
- The importance of development of electric devices and especially of battery technology will be smaller. Electro-motors and batteries have longer lifetime, when we don’t have to stress them until the last drop.
I think, the energy and power limiter would have the size 40x20x15 mm, weight 15 g and price 40 €. This is anyhow cheaper than to buy special batteries and motors all the time.
The best solution would be, that energy and power limiting would be in ESC (Speed controller). Some ESCs have already the measuring and logging function of power, so limiter-function would only be expanding of program-activity. The ESC-energy and power limiters would be very simple and minimizes manipulation. We have asked this from some ESC-producers, but they don’t show any interest.
The second best solution would be separate limiter as NeuMotor's F5B and F5D limiters.
It is also spoken also about separate limiter, which gets the signal from electric timer to start and limiter gives timer the signal when the use of energy will be full. The electric timer starts and stops the motor. I think, this is not a good solution, because there are possibilities to manipulate with delays.
The good solution would be like in ANNEX nr 1 is showed. It is the separate limiter, which does limiting independently and the e-timer cannot interfere:
- Limiter will be connected between battery and ESC.
- The BEC-wire (1) from ESC will be connected to limiter, so limiter gets its use-voltage from ESC.
- The BEC-wire (2) from limiter will be connected to e-timer, so timer gets voltage from ESC via limiter.
- The timer sends the signal for controlling ESC and motor in wire (2) to limiter, which transmits signal with treated limiter measurements in wire (1) to ESC.
-If limited power will go over, the limiter adjust of ESC smaller so, that it takes from battery maximal the limited power. So it is driving ”against the limiter" like driving of the car with limit-function. When controlling from timer is so small, that the limit power is not reached, the motor runs with the value of the control from timer.
- When energy limit is reached, the limiter adjusts of ESC to zero. ESC gets still voltage from battery via limiter. The motor is only stopped. Limiter and timer get the voltage trough wires (1 and 2). The e-timer counts time and the bunts and DT are made after timer-programming.
- The limiter measures all the time the power taken from battery. From power it calculates energy with function of the time. The limiter starts to calculate used energy only after, when at first time the power goes over e.g. 10 W during the time of 0.1 sec. When battery is connected to system, there goes little bit the idling current. The limiter cannot count this to used energy. When the motor will be started, the battery current grows and starts the calculation of energy. The signal-light shows, when energy-calculation is going on.
- The restart of motor can be happened only after the battery is disconnected for awhile or something likewise sign is given.
The function of energy-and power limiter has to be absolutely independent from the function of e-timer. It is most important, that allowed limits are not over driven. The contestant should program his timer so, that the bunts and others are in right time, depending, if the energy is used or not. This is not the function of limiter!
If the size of model is fixed, one limiter with one value would be enough. For several model sizes there are needed several values of limiter. It is maybe possible to agree about 5-10 different values of energy in limiters, but maximum power limit would always be 400 W. The manufacturer stamps the values on limiter, which values the organizers of contest could control with tests. So we get fixed values to limiter, which are not possible to change by contestant.
The inspection of energy and power limiters is not a problem in the class F1Q, if we want so.
The motors in classes F5B/D are stressed to the last point so, that they don’t stand without overheating the whole amount of energy in static-testing. F5B-motor runs only short cycles within 15 min flight. It cools down between the cycles due to fast flightspeed. This is way the inspection in these classes needs great power standing load resistances.
In class F1Q we can agree that we make static-tests in contests to check the values of energy-and power limiter reasonably with the model composition used in the contest. We can do it with system showed in ANNEX 2.
I think the system costs under 300 € and accurate less than 1%.
This technical development is maybe not bad. When the model flying bites the youth, they now starts with RC, because it is so modern and nice technical (cool). F1Q should be rather simple, but it should have some technical things together with energy and power limiter. I have nothing against it, that RadioDT should be required due to safety reasons.
After the discussions in the net, the first F1Q energy limiters are quit soon in testing from one or two producers. I think there will be more producers when the demand is greater.
In history have I red, that in 1950'es, there was the same kind of discussion about the different sizes in gliders. The Nordic countries decided to use rules of Nordic-Glider. After some time the rules were founded to work and they were taken in international use as class A-2. The rules of model A-2 to F1A are still the same and nobody is longing for different sizes of models.
With best greetings
Matti Lihtamo
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Links to the diagrams
Last Tustin Sessions
Foiled Again
Editor's Comment -Bernie is a SEN subscriber and may wish to comment or just run. Foiled again used a clever way of printing to dot matrix printer - which are hard to find these days. Top airfoil programs are xfoil and xflr - which more info can be found in Wikipedia. Other readers may have other programs they wish to suggest.
June 2009 Rubber for sale
I have 2- 10lb boxes of June 2009 1/16 rubber for sale. They’re still in the original boxes. If interested please contact Aimee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for price and details.
Roger Morrell