SEN 1316<

Table of Contents  - SEN 1316

No Call from Croatia

No call from Croatia, reporter Bauer must be too pooped after all that chasing as there was wind during the day

But top 5 in F1B

1 156 NISHIZAWA Minoru JPN 300 328
2 240 HRIBAR Tomaž SLO 300 326
3 293 JONES Charlie USA 300 279
4 031 ČABARAVDIĆ Malik BIH 300 272
5 227 MILIĆ Slobodan SRB 300 186

So congrats to all. Especially to Charlie Jones to do so well at his first World Champs behind to very experienced sportsmen.

North East Update

Free Flight Friends,

  Attached here for your possible interest are the results of the Wilbur and Orville National Cup meet June 13/14, 2009 and the Skyscraper Annual America's Cup and National Cup meet June 27/28, 2010, both held at Barron Field in Wawayanda, New York.

  Highlights of the W&O include the win by new junior flier Brede Doerner in F1B over Tom Vaccaro and Carrol Allen; the near perfect flying by Brian Pacelli in F1P and F1J; the first and second by Timothy Barron and Michelle Barron in F1A; the win by Miles Johnson in Hand Launch Glider; and the win by Al Vollmer over nine competitors in Catapult Glider.  [Watch for Brede, Brian, Timothy, Michelle, and Miles at the Junior Team Finals and National Champs at Muncie this weekend.]

  Highlights of the Skyscraper Annual include maxes on four out of five flights in F1H by six year old Gina Barron, along with Jean Pailet and winner Miles Johnson;  perfect flying by Jean in F1J; a near max-out and win by John Clapp in F1G; the win by Aram Schlosberg by two seconds in F1B;  the Peter, Timothy, and Andrew Barron sweep in F1A, the final order of which went down to outcomes in a turbulent final round of an otherwise calm day;  the flyoff battle between Vic Nippert and Bill Buss in P-30; and the continued dominance in HLG by Miles Johnson.

  See the attached score sheets to probe further.

  Thanks go to Lisa Pacelli for excellent score keeping, and the steady leadership by W&O CD Art Ellis and Skyscraper CD Dave Acton.

  I wish many thermals at the National Championship for all who are participating!


Wilbur and Orville Contest - June 13/14, 2009

 Place  HLG (S/O)                                      Total
       1Johnson, Miles      80   68   45   97            245
       2Phelan, Dennis      55    8    7   37   24  120  212
       3Pelatowski, Larry   48   51   37   50   67   59  177
       4Pacelli, Brian      40   27   75   45   30   35  160
       5Nippert, Vic        33   50   37   29   43   48  141
       6Morris, Robert      24   43   38   20   45   45  133
       7Barron, Andrew      15   24   32   13   17   17   73

 Place  HLG (J)                                        Total
       1Barron, Gina         2    2    2    2    1    2    6

 Place  CLG (S/O)                                      Total
       1Vollmer, Al         22   28   40   89   85   25  214
       2Pelatowski, Larry   29   36   30   22   71   68  175
       3Phelan, Dennis      42   25   40   39   35   90  172
       4Johnson, Miles       7   63   41   17   21   49  153
       5Nippert, Vic        27   44   57   43   42   18  144
       6Gagliano, Vito       6   23   22   22   24   93  140
       7Pacelli, Brian      19   40   29   33   49   19  122
       8Morris, Robert      19   31   36   36   19   18  103
       9Morris, Miriam      26   25    3   22   19   25   76

 Place  1/4A Nostalgia                  Total
       1Acton, Dave         64   76   99  239
       2Vollmer, Al         75   56   73  204
       3Morris, Robert      35   70   50  155

 Place  1/2A Nostalgia                  Total
       1Vollmer, Al        120   82   59  261

 Place  Mulvihill                       Total
       1Allen, Carrol      120  180       300
       2Algerieri, Domini  120  180       300
       3Barron, Gina        42             42

 Place  F1A                                                  Total
       1Barron, Timothy    180  180  180  180  120  180 DNF     1020
       2Barron, Michelle  DNF   180  109  180   70   69  180     788
       3Ranan, Lachman     180  180  180  180 DNF  DNF  DNF      720
       4Barron, Andrew      73  180  180   76  180 DNF  DNF      689
       5Tzvetkov, Tzvetan   98  148  180  180    0    0 DNF      606
       6Johnson, Miles     180 DNF  DNF  DNF  DNF  DNF  DNF      180
       7Phelan, Dennis    DNF   180 DNF  DNF  DNF  DNF  DNF      180

Brooklyn Skyscrapers Annual Contest - June 27/28, 2009

 Place  HLG (S/O)                                         Total
       1Johnson, Miles         70   73   83                 226
       2Pelatowski, Larry      40   57   66   34   49   35  172
       3Vollmer, Al            22   62    6    4   25   30  117
       4Morris, Robert         25   20   40   28   40   36  116
       5Gagliano, Vito         11   26   11   14   20   18   64
       6Gove, Bill             12   12   19   12   27   13   59

 Place  CLG (S/O)                                         Total
       1Barron, Andrew         13   45  120   59   38   52  231
       2Pacelli, Brian         36   45   17   10  120   12  201
       3Johnson, Miles         32   34   93   21   19    2  159
       4Nippert, Vic           38   36   44   43   42   35  129
       5Morris, Robert         41   38   41   22   22   39  121
       6Vollmer, Al            15   33   28   35   49   30  117
       7Gove, Bill             11   16   16   15   15   11   47

 Place  CLG (J)                                           Total
       1Barron, Gina            3    3    8   15    8   12   35

 Place  P-30 (S/O)                                        Total
       1Nippert, Vic          120  120  120  150  180       690
       2Buss, Bill            120  120  120  150   96       606
       3Rousseau, Don          58   58                      116

 Place  Classic Towline  (J)               Total
       1Barron, Gina           58   69   33  160

 Place  Dawn Unlimited                     Total
       1Rousseau, Don         185            185

 Place  1/4A Nostalgia                     Total
       1Vollmer, Al            54   65   60  179
       2Geyer, Bob            100   37   31  168
       3Morris, Robert         26   15 DNF    41

 Place  1/2A Nostalgia                     Total
       1Vollmer, Al            76   59  120  255

 Place  AB Nostalgia                       Total
       1MacLean, Malcolm       33 DNF  DNF    33

 Place  Mulvihill                          Total
       1Nippert, Vic          108  153   74  335

 Place  Pee Wee 30                         Total
       1Cook, Mike            526  553  750 1829
       2Morris, Robert        193  294  400  887

 Place  E-36                               Total
       1Nippert, Vic          120  114   81  315

 Place  Vintage F1C                        Total
       1Kerr, Tom             180    0DNF    180

 Place  F1A                                                     Total
       1Barron, Peter         180  180  180  180  180  180  131    1211
       2Barron, Timothy        55  180  180  180  180  180  180    1135
       3Barron, Andrew        180  180  180  180  180  180   52    1132
       4Cai, Oliver           180  179  180  148  180  111  115    1093
       5Tzvetkov, Tzvetan      73  168  122  180  180  180    0     903
       6Johnson, Miles        125  110   67 DNF  DNF  DNF  DNF      302
       7Barron, Julie           3 DNF  DNF  DNF  DNF  DNF  DNF        3

 Place  F1B                                                     Total
       1Schlosberg, Aram      180  180  152  180  180  180  180    1232
       2Vaccaro, Tom          166  178  180  166  180  180  180    1230
       3Clapp, John           180  137  180  180  180  180  180    1217
       4Doerner, Brede        180  171  131  180  143   99  180    1084
       5Allen, Carrol         175   90  123  171  180  141  151    1031
       6Pacelli, Brian       DNF   133  180   94  180  120  180     887

 Place  F1C                                                     Total
       1Kirilenko, Andrei     180  180  180  180  180  180  180    1260

 Place  F1G                                          Total
       1Clapp, John           120  120  120  116  120  596
       2Rousseau, Don         120   97  108   98  120  543
       3Vaccaro, Tom          107  120  120   90   63  500
        4Allen, Carrol         106  120  120   46  105  497
       5Buss, Bill            120   56  120  120   61  477

 Place  F1H                                          Total
       1Johnson, Miles        120  120  120  120   76  556
       2Pailet, Jean          120   63  120  120  120  543
       3Barron, Gina          120   31  120  120  120  511

 Place  F1J                                          Total
       1Pailet, Jean          120  120  120  120  120  600

 Place  F1P                                                     Total
       1Pacelli, Brian        171  180  176  180  180  180   98    1165
       2Pailet, Jean           46   80 DNF  DNF  DNF  DNF  DNF      126

 Place  F1Q                                                      Total
       1Schlosberg, Aram       27    0   79  138    7    7 DNF      258

From the Edge of Beyond to Krbavsko polje

Nurse SCAT,

I read from Ken Bauer that "we heard from Mike Woodhouse that the British team were being harrassed with text messages during the competition from fellow Brits, or maybe one notable Scottish gentleman as some of the less than perfect scores were posted."

I can confirm that this is true ! Gordon Brown, our notable Scottish Prime Minister, has the ear of Mike and takes a keen interest in all things FF. Accordingly I understand he kept up to speed with events via text messaging.

Well done to 'M' on his achievment. I saw the '91 Champs F/O when he was sent to cover Jim Parker and missed the better air that 'K' subsequently got; in different circumstances he would have been World Champ then.

EoB - via string and tin cans

Roger Morrell<