SEN issue 1072 - 3 Feb 2007
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- Category: Archive 2007
- Hits: 1449
SEN issue 1072 - 3 Feb 2007
Table of contents
I would settle for an abort and/or D/T on demand. - Mate
an un controlled leaper
RC for FF - Brokenspar
AL34, AL37 plans available here - Leaper
Worshipping the Ocker - Mate
Bike rack for Sale - Gannon
SEN Online - White
RC in FF - OssiK
USA F1E News
The Leaper Reports on recent competitions
Desert Challenge
Junior News
Evgeny will be here - Tymchek
I would settle for an abort and/or D/T on demand.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I would settle for an abort and/or D/T on demand. We IMACS will start
playing with it come this spring. Ed Mate
an un controlled leaper
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi! I've been controlling myself pretty well lately, huh?!
Relieved to see Lee's RC disclaimer! RC was like a cuss word in our
house! Yes, I remember the Dallair and Auto-the-Gyro...but they
had to make sacrafices to
keep me, Midge and McGovern fed! I type this w/ the usual reluctance, as
I'm never sure of FR's current opinions - the BOM thingy has caused me to
question if I was adopted or not! Sorry, but I suffer daily the brain damage
resulting from the overexposure to dope and Indoor film-covering stuff - at
least it's not all for nothing...he certainly is enjoying
long as he's happy.....
RC for FF
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This wouldn't work for Brokenspar....
- flying the model by RC
back to the launch piont after the max -.
The two times I have tried RC,-
when the model is coming to me,
I don't know right from left...
AL34, AL37 plans available here
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It may interest you to know that Andres gave me the
original mylar drawing of AL34 in 1989.
That model is the basis for his AL35, 37 & 38.
AL35 being the mark number he used after round 2, to
win the F1A World Championship in Embalsa, Argentina.
I added the information to the original about the modifications
for AL35, 37 & 38[via translation by Alex Andriukov, btw].
If you would like a copy, please let me know.
I will need to find out costs of copying & postage, but
think $20US will cover the expenses.
Lee Hines
Worshipping the Ocker
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Neil Murray, AMEN.
Ed Mate
Bike rack For sale
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Can you post this ad. "For Sale" a trailer hitch plug-in style motor
cycle carring rack rated for 500 pounds, aluminum/steel construction
with four tie-down straps, 2 to 3 years old used only 3 or 4 times, $
100 firm. Located in Lancaster CA. arrangements can be made to deliver
to Lost hill or general So Calif area. Contact me through this email
address for more info and phone numbers, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks, Bill Gannon
SEN Online
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Hi, can I get these correspondences off the net rather than as emails?
thanks malcolm White
and follow the link to News and Comments
RC in FF
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Re: RC in FF
I can agree with Allard. At the beginning of seventies in
my first RC glider I used F1A wing and stab. The weight
was very similar to F1A, too. I newer got it back to the
starting area when some 5 to 10 minutes in good lift and a
few meters wind.
USA F1E News
F1E organiser Jim Parker[wearer of many hats...]reported there are 5
official entries so far for our F1E CAL Cup on Feb 13.
So why not come to Holloway Hill to observe the fun? Oh, & please help
as timekeepers...
For any interested fliers, please take note that F1E is a provisional Am
Cup event.
So get a plane together, enter & you might glean some Am Cup points!
The club rcvd a note from Bob Sifleet that the F1E Team Selection
Committee is comprised of himself, Peter Brocks, Ken Bauer & Tom Ioerger.
They will be finding a site & formulating a program for the next F1E
Team Finals.
As always, stay tuned...
The Leaper Reports on recent competitions
...Desert Challenge was a fun day @ Taft.
Not too cold, light breezes, some fine soft lift in the afternoon, so
Pierre kept flying & flying, recording 14 maxes in 16 flts to win it!
The bonfire feast with the gang was a fun time.
Dallas, having served his apprenticeship in past years, took over the
august role of Chief Fire Stoker, with oversight & tutalage by
Sir P.A. Allnutt of Taft.
The SWR @ Eloy AZ...
now that was COLD! Plus windy on Sat from 1pm on.
THe F1 events were halted after round 5, to be concluded on Sunday...
But the Cat Glider crew kept on regardless of the conditions[no wimps
there]with Tim Batiuk finally pipping this Scribe by 6 seconds, nearly
as the 4 o'clock whistle sounded the end of official flying!
Sunday @ 8AM the hardy[ foolhardy ?, maybe...temp was in the low
teens!]flyoff guys did the best they could to get their birds to
come from the nests & warm to the tasks at hand.
Some Glider guiders found it too cold for proper electron flow, rubber
must not have been inclined to give its best, & power fuel must have
been like sludge to burn.
After all said & done, good ole BVN[aka, Brian,our top team final
guy]won F1A, Charlie Jones came from Ohio to win Wake, while Scotsdales'
own Randy Archer continued his winning way in F1C.
Cody Secor traveled all the way to Eloy, maxed out in F1P (5 Rounds)
along with Terry K....Cody made a flyoff flight Sunday morning at 8:15am,
(12 degrees at the time),...won with a flyoff time of 6:11 ....
Terry showed up late and did not make his flyoff flight."
Sunday then warmed[!]up to 50 degrees, maybe, but the drift was quite
light all day. These eyes were privileged to observe what I consider the
best OHLG performance I have seen in my 55 years of FF action.
In lift so light my glider would not ride, Ken Bauer[another SCAT member
on next F1A team]made 9 maxes! He used his E-HLG Bunter[his own
electronic timer with servo]which he came 2nd with @ 2005 NATS.
The extra decalage and forward CG afforded superior lift-riding ability to
take the win. Stan B & Tim B used FF DLGs to max out for 2nd & 3rd places.
Junior News
The Jr Team Select Program is @ AMA for approval.
Walt Ghio is running the Jr Wake Dev program. News soon.
Jim Parker will hold a tow/launch seminar on Feb 17, Sat PM, for
interested parties, esp Juniors.
Evgeny will be here
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IME format.
I would like to let anyone who might want to email me of my
new email address. It is now This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Gorban will be coming for the Isaacson & MaxMan contest.
See you
NFFS in Feb
Walt Ghio
As most of the Free Flight community knows the National Free Flight Society
sells several items to help support the NFFS. Being the new VP for Western
District, I have asked Bob Stalick to supply me with some of the items that
he sells for the NFFS. During the Isaacson Winter Classic and the Max Men
International at Lost Hills, I will have for purchase Symposiums , BMFA
FF Forums, NFFS t-shirts, hats along with several other items. Also, for
those of you who are not members of the National Free Flight Society I
will try to bend your arm to join. International flyers are also welcomed
to join. I will have a table set up during the Isaacson contest on
Sunday / Monday and each day of the Max Men. Hope to see you.
March 17 & 18, 2007
Lost Hills Field, CA
Sanction No. 07-0278
For FAI Classes A,B,C,G,H,J,P
Trophies for 1st places, Medals thru 3rd
Saturday, March 17: F1A, F1B, F1C & F1P
Seven [7] one hour rounds start @ 8AM with extended max
F1A rd 1 max is 240 sec
F1B rd 1 max is 300 sec
F1C rd 1 max is 360 sec
F1P rd 1 max is 300 sec
Remaining rounds maxes are 180 sec
ABC Flyoff Schedule TBA
Sunday, March 18: F1G, F1H, F1J[Note: 5 sec motor run rule]
Tie-breaker 'No-Max Fight', @ 7:30-7:50AM.
Then five [5] 45 minute rds will be flown with 120 sec
maxes, beginning @ 8AM.
Rd 5 should end by 11:45AM with Mini Event Flyoffs to begin
@ approx 12:30PM.
Max times TBA.
If winners are not determined after two flyoff rds,
the Tie-breaker times shall decide final placings.
National Cup Events
Trophies for 1st places, Medals thru 3rd
Saturday: Hand Launch Glider & Nostalgia Wakefield. 8AM to 4PM
Sunday: Catapult Glider & Classic Towline Glider. 8AM to 4PM
Entry Fees: FAI first event, $20 Open, $5 ea for additional
FAI events.
National Cup events and Juniors, $10 for first event, $3
additional events.
All-In Fee of $30 to fly any & every event you want!
Junior Hi-Time Medal will be awarded.
Memberships in AMA & Lost Hills Field Assn are mandatory.
We will sign you up at field for either one.
Contest Director Contest Organizer
Lee Hines Jim Parker
376 Magnolia St 9534 Ruffner Ave
Costa Mesa, CA 92627 North Hills, CA 91343
[949]645-4850 [818]892-4110
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Roger Morrell