SEN issue 1079 - 21 March 2007
- Details
- Category: Archive 2007
- Hits: 1577
Table of Contents
Junior Team Thanks - Batiuk
Tach - Wagner
Chase bike for sale -Szura and Smith
U$A Team Comment$
This is the first issue of SEN that has been sent out by our new distribution method.
Not all of the old subscribers have confirmed their e-mails. Some more are because they
that have not actioned the confirming e-mails and some are because of the way we set
things up. We will send back number to people who were not confirmed at the time
of the send. If you have friends who are who are concerned because they are not
getting SEN they can go to and subscribe.
A small number of you will have been auto subscribed without having to confirm, but most you figured how to do the confirm that. That will be required when you change your address or someone subscribes for new. Be sure to do the confirmation online do not send an e-mail asking for it to be done. There is a URL [web address] in the e-mail, if it spreads over two lines make sure that you have the entire address entered.
USA Junior Team Thanks
George Batiuk
I'm pleased to report that I have sent $3560 to the AMA for the Junior Team
Fund. This is money that was donated at the America's Cup banquet in February.
There is about $1000 out in promised IOUs so this is a sizeable contribution.
Thanks to everyone's help we are making it closer to happen again.
From: "typeshoppe" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Roger, I would appreciate your posting this in the next couple of
newsletters. Wanted to purchase: Doug Galbreath tach that was manufactured
a few years back. It had both audio and optical capability for RPM. Will
pay top dollar. Thanks, Joe Wagner (H) 410-778-3933 or e-mail.
Chase bike for sale
From: "Michael Szura" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Norm Smith has a chase bike for sale. Kawasaki KT 250, 1975. The bike is in
good working order and is ready for use. The bike is currently listed on
EBAY and can be viewed at :
Contact with Norm may secure a deal directly. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
U$A Team comment$
At a recent SCAT meeting we were chatting about the letter that those got from
the TEAM selection program for next time. It looks like there is a conflict between
'reasonable' finals entry costs and assisting TEAM members in paying to go to the
World Champs. Except when the champs are in the USA the cost is significant. for example
this year even looking hard for cheap tickets it costs about $1500. In addition the entry
fee is often about 300 Euros and the accommodation 50 or more Euros a day. Then there is the rental car, etc . The AMA has reduced the amount they pay for team travel and
the travel costs have gone up. This is not just for Free Flight teams but for all.
They have some scheme that's based on the level of participation and we do better than the F2 guys and some of the F3 and F4 classes too.
So should we pay say $400 for the team travel or double the entry fee so we can pay $800, or would get less participation and get less money.
Note that the TEAM selection committee and Team manager both do additional fund raising [an example is the fund rising that George Batiuk mentions elsewhere in this
SEN for the Juniors] for the team and that supplements the AMA funding. That additional money can be paid to the AMA to take advantage of their tax exempt status but will be dedicated to the team fund and supplement the normal AMA funding.
Roger Morrell