SEN issue 1081 26 March 2007
- Details
- Category: Archive 2007
- Hits: 1472
- CIAM Snapshot
- Classix Glider at SCAT ANN
- Re. 53 Wakefield Fly Off Rescheduled
- Radio Trackers Correction
CIAM Snapshot
George Batiuk
Roger, I am in Lausanne at the CIAM meeting, and we have just finished the
voting on the Free Flight items on the agenda. Anyone wishing further
information should visit the FAI web page, and look at the agenda.
- B.7.4 changing the flying order at WC and CC from A,B,C to random order
determined by organizers, approved
- B.8.1 changing pole position movement from 3 positions to a number determined
by dividing the number of official flights into the number of pole positions,
rounded to the next highest number, approved
- B.8.1 mandates the CD to designate a test flying area, approved
- B.12 to ban thermal detection equipment, rejected
- B.15 to excluded FAI stickers from indoor, approved
- 3.1.2, 3.2.2 and 3.3.2 (previously referred to as the Russian proposals to
change the basic characteristics of A, B and C models) all rejected
- 3.1.7, 3.2.7 and 3.3.7 to change the wording from 'exceptional meteorolgical
conditions' to 'suit meteorlogical conditions', approved
- 3.4.7 to do with indoor steering, was approved, with the exception that the
first 2 sentences in the proposal to be replaced with the orginal wording in
the existing rule
- 3.H.2 to change the wing loading rule for F1H was rejected
- 3.J.2 to change the F1J engine run to 5 seconds was approved
- 3.P.2 to change the F1P engine run to 7 seconds was approved
- 3.P.2 to make F1P props a minimum of 180 mm was rejected
- 3.Q.2 to allow radio control of engine stop and DT for F1Q was approved
- World Cup new class 'F1P Junior" was approved
That is about it, except that the Polish delegation regretably withdrew its bid
to host the 2008 Jr. WC. Ukraine has stepped in to reorganize, and will take over.
Classix Glider at SCAT ANN
From: EDWARD MATE [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
What did Tim Batiuk fly in Classic Glider please? Thanks, Ed Mate
Re. 53 Wakefield Fly Off Rescheduled.
From: John White [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
This item particularly interests me, as I cycled the odd 40
miles from my old south London home to watch the original contest. Sadly, my
box camera shots of the event are too fuzzy to be of any real interest. One
thing that was pointed out many years later was the fact that Ted Evans
would also have made the fly-off if the timekeepers' eyesight had been
better. By the way, there is only one past British winner of the Wakefield
cup still alive. Last August 89 year old Albert Judge came 3rd in a 70th
anniversary commemerative event, flying a replica of his 1936 winning model.
> The 1953 flyoff was the first flyoff in Wakefield history.
> Joe Foster's winning "Power-to-Weight" will be flown by Hal Cover, second
> place Hugh O'Donnell's "Maxie" by Bernie Crowe,
> and Eliseo Scotto's "X-5" by Juan Livotto. All planes will be
> flown to the 8-oz rule and will be launched Rise-Off-Ground.
> See you there.
Radio trackers - New FF electronics devices website
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Report of wrong link in SEN issue 1079 - 21 March 2007
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Radio trackers - New FF electronics devices website
In your latest SEN message posted on Mar 21st, there was an error in
the link to my website. Could you please correct it as follows:
Thanks in advance
Send submissions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell