SEN issue 1087a - 4 May 2007
- Details
- Category: Archive 2007
- Hits: 1277
- Norcal Champs
- Looking for a tach
AAA Category III AMA Sanctioned Contest
An *America’s Cup and ^National Cup Contest
AMA, NFFS Nostalgia, Classic & Special Events, + SAM Rules Apply
Entry Fee: One Event $15.00, Two or more Events $30.00. $5.00 discount
with proof of NFFS membership for two or more events. Field Fee: 2007
Waegell Card Holders Free, otherwise $5.00 per contestant. Jrs. $2 per
Contest Directors: Bill Vanderbeek, Dick Douglas, & Fred Terzian (FAI)
Join us for a $5.00 lunch at noon Saturday! Cash Awards will be drawn on Sunday. Contestants will receive one ticket with entry fee. Contestants must be present to win
1-Design: Richard Mathis’ Bounty Hunter, Tee Dees O.K. – Classic Gas
Contest Schedule
Saturday Events Sunday Events
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
*F1B Wakefield (seven rounds) *F1H Towline (five rounds)
*F1Q Electric (five rounds)
EITHER DAY--All Events must be completed on the same day
^Junior P-30 Rubber ^Classic Junior 1/2A Gas
1/4A Gas Mulvihill Rubber R.O.W.
^1/2A Gas ^Mulvihill Rubber
^A-B Gas ^Moffett Rubber
^C-D Gas ^P-30 Rubber .020 Replica
.020 Replica Old Time Hand Launch Glider
^Nostalgia Rubber ^Hand Launch Glider
^Nostalgia Wakefield ^Classic 1/2A Gas
^1/4A Gas Nostalgia ^Classic A-B Gas
^1/2A Gas Nostalgia A-B-C Ignition Old Timer
^A Gas Nostalgia A-B-C-D Gas R.O.W. Combined
^B Gas Nostalgia 4 Ounce Wakefield
^C Gas Nostalgia 8 Ounce Wakefield
Gollywock/Jabberwock F1P (1/2A-.060 Gas)
1) Flight time max for all events except F1A, B, & C is 90 seconds.
2) Gas power events, except F1C, will have engine runs of 5 or 6 seconds depending on event. Fly-off engine runs will be 3 or 4 seconds depending on event.
3) Rubber events, except F1B will have a motor run-down prior to launch based on the motor run time of the first flight. The second flight will have a prop run-down time of 10% of the first flight motor run time. The third flight will have a hold time of 20%. Increase hold times by 10% until 50% is reached. The prop may be stopped at the end of the hold time and before launching at the discretion of the flyer.
4) Towline glider events, except F1A, will use 35-meter (115 feet) towlines. A line gauge will be on the field.
5) Special rules will apply for ROW, Moffett, OCD Catapult, etc.
6) He-man glider rules:
All wood construction (no built up, tissue, carbon fiber, etc.) D.T. OK – Min. weight 1.5 oz (42.5 g) – Must have a name, prominently displayed on wing – 4 attempts, best 2 count – All flights before 9:30 a.m. - No use of thermal detecting “devices” – Time one, fly one.
FAI Events: One hour rounds beginning at 8 a.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. Sunday
Mini-Events will be flown near contest headquarters. One-hour lunch break
on Saturday. Fly-off flights TBD (depending on drift conditions).
Contest Information:
Bill Vanderbeek Fred Terzian Dick Douglas
4155 Old Trace Ct. 4858 Moorpark Ave. 5303 Calderwood Lane
Palo Alto, CA 94306 San Jose, CA 95129 San Jose, CA 95118
Marriott Courtyard Fairfield Inn
Rancho Cordova 95670 Rancho Cordova 95670
Waegell Field is located southeast of Mather AFB near the corner of Sunrise Blvd. and Jackson Highway. From the Stockton area, it is best to take Highway 99 north past Lodi and go northeast on Grant Line Road, just below the town of Elk Grove. Continue on Grant Line Road until you cross an aqueduct then bear left at the signal light onto Sunrise Blvd. which heads due north. Cross Jackson Highway at the four-way signal lights and then, count approx. 14 telephone poles from the corner on the right hand side. After that you will see a gate leading towards a sheep shed and pen. This is Waegell Field.
Fred's notes
Hi Lee,
Sorry for the slow response but I've been fighting off a lot of "to do's" that had been backing up.
Again, we hope to have good weather for our contest. We "may" be impacted by a different set of flying rules passed on by the Northern Calif. Free Flight Council last November for all Waegell contests. At issue is a 35 meter line for Straight Tow and F1H, and most events with a 90 second max (except for F1A-B-C). Also, rubber event flyoffs may have a run-down of the motor prior to launch.
I am also passing this on to Jim P. for clarification of America's Cup rules. Last year, I did a round by round check of wind drift using a helium-filled balloon, in case I had to change the round max times. Weather was great so we were not affected.
Bill V. "may not" be available to be overall CD, which means that I would probably have to fill his shoes at contest headquarters. I hope to have other FAI OCD club members assist with running the FAI events each day (Dave Parsons, Craig Cusick, Norm Smith, etc.).
This is always a fun contest and great for personal contacts and great food bargains on Saturday.
We will not have an ROW pond this year as Bill V. cannot make arrangements to have the "pond" equipment brought up (he usually brings it up in his motorhome. I "might" still be able to offer the event using the existing "reservoir" in the south west part of the field (towards Jackson Road). A lot of this depends on drift (ideally heading north from that area). The obvious is that it would be best to allot a time each day when the ROW competitiors can all go up there together and help each other out. We will just have to "wait and see".
Hope to have a lot of competitors for the OCD Catapult event. Stan Buddenbohm was talking about coming up (possibly with Ralph and Dick) and I have promised to make sure the pole was placed up early and in a visible location.
You should also build a 24-inch plus HLG for Stalick's He-Man event. Discus is okay but no carbon and other exotic material allowed--just wood. We will also have a glider "Pig Pen" somewhere on the main flying pad (and probably close to the catapult pole.
Any other questions, e-mail me. We have an OCD meeting tonight and alot of it will be for NorCal planning.
MMM FAI 14 Rounder
Mark your calendars for a trip to Colorado June 29, 30, July 1 for the
Magnificent Mountain Men 28th Annual FAI 14-Rounder & National Cup
This will be an America's Cup competition for the following events: F1A,
F1B, F1C, F1P, F1Q (14 rounds); F1G, F1H, F1J, F1K (6 rounds); F1E (5
rounds); awards through third place and perpetual trophies.
We will also offer the full menu of National Cup events plus OT Rubber and
MMM Slow Open Power. Combined events will be scored separately for NC
Saturday night will feature a banquet. Contest headquarters: Super 8 Inn &
Suites (formerly MicroTel), 6230 E. Pine Lane, Parker, 720-851-2644. Ask
for MMM Club rate ($71.10 single, $80.10 double). Contest flyer available
soon. Please email me if you would like one sent.
Send Pre Entry to: Chuck Etherington, 33946 Goldfinch Dr., Elizabeth, CO
Entry Fees: $20 per event for F1A, B, C. $15 per event for F1E, G, H, J,
K, P, Q. $10 for non FAI events. $30 maximum fee. Take advantage of
ADVANCE ENTRY!!! $25 for unlimited events.
Name____________________________ Address______________________________
Circle events entered: FAI (F1A, F1B, F1C, F1E, F1G, F1H, F1J, F1K, F1P,
F1Q); Glider (HLG, CLG, Classic Towline); Rubber (P-30, OT Rubber Combo,
Nostalgia Rubber/Wake Combo, Mulvihill, Moffett); Gas (1/2A, AB, CD, 1/2A
Classic, AB Classic, CD Classic, 1/4A Nostalgia, Early 1/2A Nostalgia, 1/2A
Nostalgia, Nostalgia A, Nostalgia B, Nostalgia C, MMM Slow Open Power).
Chuck Etherington - CD
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Looking for a tach
From: typeshoppe [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Tachometer: trying to purchase a used tachometer originally sold by
Doug Galbreath. It provides both visual and sound engine RPM readings.
Will pay top dollar:
contact Joe Wagner, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell