SEN issue 1101 - 13 June 2007
- Details
- Category: Archive 2007
- Hits: 1409
- F1Cs for Sale
- Andrew Barron's Report in SEN 1100
- Thoughts on the America's Cup 60 day rule.
F1Cs for Sale
From This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For sale: Four Verbitsky geared F1C's and two Nelson Hummer geared F1C's plus ancillary equipment. Please contact JOHN CUTHBERT at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for details and prices
RE: Andrew Barron's Report in SEN issue 1100 - 11 June 2007
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you Andrew Barron for giving the names after the F1 classifications. It cleared up what was hapening for a old timer and nostalgia flier like me. Thank you very much. Ed Mate
Ed, this time but others too
You may notice that we converted your text from ALL UPPERCASE to normal sentence text. As a policy we do not normally print ALL UPPER CASE which is considered SHOUTING. While I accept some editorial responsbility for reformatting and making text prettier, my somewhat selfish thoughts are that most people have as much time as I do to present their material in an easy to use fashion. ... which by the way was the main reason we did not print your e-mails a little while back about fixing how the Zippers were labeled. No disrespect to Mr Goldberg or lack of desire to have history recorded properly.
Thoughts on Am Cup 60 day Rule.
From: Peter Brocks" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Jim and all Scatters,
Jim's question if we should maintain the present 60 day rule to break Am Cup ties reminded me of what happened at the SWR here in Eloy in January. Ed Carroll and Terry Kerger were tied in F1J and did not want to fly more. They decided to fly off at the Isaacson/MaxMen. No fly-off there. They decided to fly off at the SCAT Annual. At the SCAT Annual on 3/18 it was "too windy".
On 4/8 Jim Parker wrote me:
Peter, re: the SWR F1J. I spoke to Ed C. He wanted another extension. I told him to email me with his request and the club will decide. Applies to AmCup standing only. To date I have not gotten a request from Ed or Terry. JIM
There has not been a fly-off or a sportsmanlike tiebreaker for 1st and 2nd place in F1J of the SWR. There is a nice perpetual SWR F1J "Bear" trophy. We here in Phoenix have no idea who won it. However the present Am Cup results have Ed Carroll as the F1J winner. How come?
When we have a tie at an Am Cup contest it should we should always try to fly off right there even if the weather is not cooperating. I remember flying off in F1G in Denver a couple of years ago in a 20+ mph wind. I "had to" put up 3 long flights in that gale force wind not because "I wanted to". Ask a sportsman from Europe what they do at a contest if it rains or if the wind howls. We should not drag out the decision for longer than 60 days. If a sportsmanlike tiebreaker is not possible then flipping coins or drawing straws should be ok as not to drag out the result of a contest for more than 60 days.
And while I am at it. Why not mix in some "seriousness" into our fun Am Cup contests by enforcing the rules by having scales available to at times do some weighing of rubber or models, or having a 50 m distance measured out to check a towline or two, or making sure that the license no. is on the wings, etc.? I believe this would be an enhancement to our contests.
Now I wish all the ones soon leaving for Odessa a safe trip and much success and fun.
Thanks for listening,
Peter, SCAT member in AZ
Roger Morrell