SEN issue 1129 - 29 August 2007
- Details
- Category: Archive 2007
- Hits: 1488
- Livotto - CA FAI Invitational
- NFFS and Timer Politics
- Wind and just a simple matter of programming
- KiltWars
- 47th FAI Invitational, August 24-25, 2007 Muncie, Indiana
33nd. California F.A.I. Invitational
OCTOBER 6th. And 7th. 2007
SATURDAY OCT. 6th. F1-A, F1-B and F1-C
SUNDAY OCT. 7th. F1-G, F1-H and F1-J
F1-A, Saturday October 6th. 2007 ** First Flight 210 Seconds
F1-B & F1-C, Saturday October 6th. 2007 ** First Flight 240 Seconds
- -7 - One hour rounds commencing at 08:00 hours
Saturday: F1-A = 4:30 to 4:40 ** F1-B = 4:45 to 4:55 ** F1-C = 5:00 to 5:10
“ = 5:15 to 5:25 ** “ 5:30 to 5:40 ** “ 5:45 to 5:55
= 6:00 to 6:10 ** “ 6:15 to 6:25 ** “ 6:30 to 6:40
F1-G, F1-H & F1-J Sunday October 7th. 2007
First Flight for the 3 events will be 180 Seconds
-5- One-hour rounds commencing at 08:00 hours
Fly-Offs will start shortly after the 5th. Round with the 5, 7, 9 etc. min. increments
***There will be NO timers provided, Please find someone to fly and time with you***
Perpetual Trophies to winners
Medals 1st. through 3rd. place for all events
Entry Fee US$ 20:00 for F1A, F1-B & F1-C
$10:00 for F1-G, F1-H & F1-J
Phone (310) 391-5986…….e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
from NFFS Forum -was - straight tow F1A , Timer Politics..
POst by Ché
Maybe you wouldn't want to release this info but it would perhaps help us all (the users) if you could publish a list of probable and possible BMT/RMT functional changes. That way you might not get so much duplication of e-mail (as the development plan is visible) and it might kick off yet better ideas. Same goes for bug fixes - er, not that they're any bugs in your software of course.
Can I suggest as a first off those user-defined beep tones we've been talking about for many years ? I'd like the theme tune to 'Emmerdale' (a infamous UK soap opera) as that way my dear wife may have some affinity with my models for once ..............
PS Who is EoB ?
Post by Magic
EoB or rather CHE
I created the Magic Timers mailing list to better communicate with my customers and those other so far misguided people who wished to subscribe.
I'm reluctant to announce futures until I'm pretty certain that I have a ship date. On that email list I address common problems that users might have.
Looking at the up coming features they include:
1. A voltage regulator that will also regulate the voltage to servos.
2. The Lee Hines time out - a feature that will turn the timer off if you leave it on by mistake.
3. New physical format to permit better wiring.
4. Complete powerdown at D/T
5. Electronic rather than mechancal power on switch [like your mobile phone!]
I have looked at better ring tones as this seems to be a revenue opportunity with the younger sportsman. But this is lower on the priority list than Dave's up and at'em feature.
Ps who is CHE or Ché
My wind experience - or it's just a simple matter of programming
From Martin Gregorie
I flew the same short electronic M&K in all rounds at the 2003 WC. The
model had been trimmed in calm and was not tweaked in any way before or
during the contest. Conditions ranged from 4 m/s and drizzle during the
first round, through two rainy 3 m/s rounds and then steadily rising
wind, ending with mild turbulence and 7.5 m/s wind during the 7th round.
The model handled well throughout the event, circling easily in the
conditions through rounds 1 to 5: the latter had a wind speed of 6 m/s.
I changed tactics during the last two rounds, launching during a lull
and straight towing for lift. In round 6 my launch lull contained strong
lift that opened the latch against 9 kg during the initial climb out, so
it was a pure up and off, which the M&K handled perfectly. In round 7 I
walked the dog. Yes, the model sat overhead, but then my own designs do
that too in 8+ m/s. Eventually the M&K hung back and wove in the edge
turbulence before accelerating forward into the approaching thermal -
just as a traditional straight tow model used to do. I merely did a
short sprint to help it on its way and released. Good bump. Max. No
The main reason for my change of tactics was that there was a
good-looking cloud street over the far end of the flight line and I
wanted to sample the small thermals feeding it. My thought was that
walking the dog upwind would let me check a bigger air volume and that
circling before launch was simply not necessary.
IOW I don't think that any timer system modifications for wind are
needed: the M&K performed just as well in wind as my own zoom models
would. The major difference is that I would not circle mine in more than
5.5 m/s while a model around the size of the short M&K with VIT and
wiggler will circle so tight on the line that it should be possible to
circle it in almost any conditions up to the FAI limit.
Following on from Jim's comment: I built and tested a prototype timer
using a Parallax BS2 STAMP and was intending to use another STAMP as the
basis of a control box, but got involved in other forms of aviation
before the prototype made it from breadboard to flyable hardware. Given
reasonable programming skills and a smattering of electronics this is
not difficult to do and is a lot of fun.
Martin Gregorie
Kilt Wars
From EoB
Commisioner SCAT,
Thanks to all who have replied to my questions about Li-Poly batteries and associated systems; I would still welcome comments from other users to gain a full picture if possible.
It seems I have two options, either a single big capacity Li-Poly or a twin cell approach with regulator. I will try the former first and see if everything works and probably try the latter to see if there is any obvious difference and report back. I certainly would like the simplicity of a single cell if my timer and servos work. I also like the idea of a BMT with in-built regulator for the sevos as well as this is an obvious omission (I think the Alerlinc or Wallene timers have this). I would also suggest a simple charger be made available as well, small enough to fit into my sporan.
In this time of concerns over climate change I note the comment about macho F1A flyers and their need for every increasing levels of power. As a concerned citizen I therefore plan to develop a clean, green charging system for my timer battery; this will be powered by a windmill on the towline. When circling or towing upwind out of the herd the blades will open and charge the massive Li-ploy on the model. When the hook is unlatched the blades will fold and/or feather to reduce drag - a modified AA hub unit will be employed for this purpose. The only problem I see is if you pull in too much line for a circle you make take you fingertips off - it could all get very messy.
47th FAI Invitational, August 24-25, 2007 Muncie, Indiana
The Mini events were held on Friday, Aug 24 with rounds starting at 2 pm to give travelers an opportunity to arrive in time. Those who signed up to fly F1G had a good contest, but only one entry was present for both F1H and F1J, Jean Pailet. The early morning was very pleasant for test flying, but winds picked up to about 10 mph from the southwest by about 10 am. By the second round (3 -4:30 pm) winds were 10 – 20 mph from the SW and some strong thermals were present. Ed Konfes’ model was in the air for 8 minutes and landed off the AMA property in a bean field. The contest was put on hold until 5 pm and restarted. Contestants were given until 7:30 pm to finish three flights, but one of those flights had to be in the 5 – 6 pm window. The breezy and turbulent conditions made picking air difficult and flights were upset even at good altitude. By 7 pm, the wind had died down as a major storm was approaching…the proverbial “calm before the storm.” At that time, a 2-minute flight traveled only about 100 meters. The rain and lighting storm arrived about 9 pm, but was preceded by strong winds from about 7:30 pm. The accompanying cold front brought a welcome reduction of temperature from the 95 degrees on Thurs and Friday to a high in the low 80s on Saturday.
The major events were held on Saturday, Aug 25 starting at 8 am with a bit of rain and a persistent SW wind of less than 10 mph. The first two rounds flew with a 3-minute max. But as the wind picked up a bit, it was evident that any flights in the air for more than 3 minutes would be either off the field or in the cemetery trees. Maxes were reduced to 2 minutes for the final 5 rounds as the wind gradually shifted to the west and then NW by the 7th round without diminishing in velocity. Even with shortened maxes, both F1B and F1C had dramatic changes in placement in the 7th round. The F1A contest was both unusual and gratifying because of the 7 flyers, 5 were kids, with 4 of them vying for places on the Jr World Championship team. The winner was another “kid” Peter Barron who is actually an open-age flyer, but just barely.
F1A 180 180 120 120 120 120 120 960
1 Barron, Peter 153 180 120 120 120 120 109 922
2 Barron, Andrew 157 180 61 120 120 120 120 878
3 Barron, Timothy (Jr) 151 180 120 120 120 50 120 861
4 Jones, Kyle (Jr) 156 122 102 106 120 120 120 846
5 Cai, Oliver (Jr) 180 125 55 120 36 120 120 756
6 Johnson, Miles (Jr) 123 58 44 120 120 120 120 705
7 Markos, Chuck 77 89 120 120 120 120 646
1 Simon, Greg 180 180 79 93 120 120 120 892
2 Crowley, Paul 180 164 86 120 120 120 69 859
3 Lacey, Dave 53 81 100 95 82 63 120 594
4 Shailor, John (Jr) 104 121 120 87 432
5 Shailor, Bill 103 70 114 287
6 Simon, Evan (Jr) 180 180
7 Blom, Fred 70 47 54 171
1 Servaites, Bucky 180 180 83 70 120 120 110 863
2 Morris, Gil 156 180 120 120 120 120 28 844
3 Poti, Norman 180 122 120 120 120 120 782
F1G 120 120 120 120 120 600
1 Jones, Charlie 120 102 113 120 120 575
2 Konefes, Ed 71 120 120 120 120 551
3 Sechrist, Dave 107 107 105 120 96 535
4 Markos, Chuck 65 69 89 120 343
5 Blom, Fred 41 54 27 59 120 301
6 Crowley, Paul 120 73 193
7 Lacey, Dave 66 107 173
8 Simon, Evan 120 120
9 Shailor, John 120 120
1 Jean Pailet 46 61 44 37 65 253
1 Jean Pailet 120 82 9 80 95 386
Roger Morrell