SEN issue 1137 - 30 September 2007
- Details
- Category: Archive 2007
- Hits: 1413
- One Pound Box of FAI Tan Rubber for sale
- Sierra Cup Update
- What's Classic
- Thanks
One Pound Box of FAI Tan Rubber for sale
From: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A friend has 1# tan 2 stored in org box in a/c closet.if any one is interested i can get the marking off the box.
I asked Ben - what were the markings and he replied ..finally got the info on the rubber.Box has been opened,markings are i2,7-92,fai rubber,contest quality,white rubber,tan 2 i/8,Stored in original box in a/c closet.
Sierra Cup Update
From: Mike McKeever This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Plans for Sierra Cup are being finalized. Looks like a good turnout this year but I would ask anyone who has not sent in an entry and plans to attend to drop me an E-mail so I can get you entered and the poles set up. If you know of someone coming from over seas, let me know as well. We have obtained on field catering from our favorite folks, the Sloans. Their job is no easy task given the variable weather and the good food they provide. I would ask those attending Sierra Cup to please consider eating breakfast, lunch or dinner under their hospitailty tent. It's a great place to talk about "old times" and support their effort on behalf of the free flight community as well. Hope to see you soon, our Endless October is getting close!
What's Classic
From: EDWARD MATE [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Hey Bob what is Classic Sympo? You mean back issue? Ed Mate
{- No Ed, after commisioning help from the well known management consulting company McK****** and Co [name 'redacted' to protect the innocent] the NFFS leadership have determined that there is an increasing luddite influence amongst the membership - so the name Classic will appeal to this retrograde set, thus increasing the dollar inflow. Clearly a marketing masterstroke.}
Along these Lines what for the up coming Black Magic Classic Electronic timer and the all new Retro Magic - from Magic Timers, not the NFFS!
To Rod Mogle who chased up with the JUNO.COM people as to why they were blocking SEN and got it unblocked.
Roger Morrell