SEN issue 1143 - 15 October 2007
- Details
- Category: Archive 2007
- Hits: 1357
Table of Contents - SEN 1143
- Techno Tip
- Taft Lives
- Sierra Cup -Old guys rule followed by the Babes
- FFQ #25 is on the way
Techno Tip
from Veronika Vivchar , [had to be someone under 21]. You can back up your Super magic Palm program on to some mobile phones. being under 21 you have to have the latest phone - with IR and Blue tooth. More details in the Magic Timers mailing
Taft lives
A repeat comment from the squire of taft., ASllnutt. he does fly there every day, the renta cop is gone, go problems. You can still call him to chat or whatever but stop worrying.
Sierra Cup - Old Guys Rule ! and the babes were next
F1A - Peter Allnutt
F1B - Elmer Nelson
F1C - Evgeny Verbitsky
Great Weather lead to age an cunning beating youth and vigor.
Also on the podium were Aimee Schrodter #2 in F1B and Tifffenay O'Dell #3 in F1G
No applogies for the non-PC language. Most notable was Verbitsky's flapper, yes Gil you were right all along. It did not get as high, the poeer run was conservative, But did it Glide !
Free Flight Quarterly #25 has appeared
Dear Friends,
Our magazine has reached its 25th issue, and appropriately looks back
to a glamorous period in the history of the Wakefield Cup competition:
the short era of the Geared Wakefields. In 1949 Aarne Ellila from
Finland won a truly unexpected victory with a geared model that
the history of the contest for the coming five years, probably for
longer if a rule change had not been implemented in 1954, cutting the
weight of the motor to 80 gr. A number of articles on this topic give a
general idea of the reasons why gearing was adopted, describe some
models of that generation and end with an interview with the winner of
the 1951 contest, Sune Stark, who until recently was very active in
Vintage modelling in Sweden.
This issue contains as well a report on the Odessa 2007 FF Champs,
another installment on the series on airfoils by Martin Simons,
concerning the NACA developments of the 1930's. Ramon Alban explains
techniques for efficiently winding rubber models and discourses on the
art of model retrieval with compass, GPS and trackers. A perennial
favourite of builders: the Jedelsky all sheet construction is
by Peter Lang, who talks about his method of wing construction that has
proved competitive even against carbon and Mylar machines.
As always, the cover and contents of this issue (and previous ones) can
be seen in our website:
Sergio Montes
Roger Morrell