SEN issue 1166 - 24 December 2007
- Details
- Category: Archive 2007
- Hits: 2005
Table of Contents - SEN 1166 24 December 2007
F1E California Cup
The 3rd F1E USA World Cup Contest
Holloway Hill near Bissonette Mirage Field, Lost Hills, California
DATE: Feb. 12, 2008 (Tuesday between the Isaacson Winter Classic and the MaxMen F1ABC World Cup)
7:45 Meet at Holloway Hill 11:30 Lunch Break
1st round 8:30- 9:15 5th round 12:30-13:15
2nd round 9:15-10:00 6th round 13:15-14:00
3rd round 10:00-10:45 7th round 14:00-14:45
4th round 10:45-11:30 8th round 14:45-15:30
Fly-off to be announced
RESERVE DAY: Feb. 13, 2008
AWARDS: Perpetual Trophy to high time winner.1st through 3rd place award Open, 1st Place award Junior.
Awards at SCAT Banquet Feb. 16, 2008.
Use MaxMen Entry Form to order SCAT Banquet tickets.
Current FAI Sporting Code will apply. WARM-UP CONTEST: Isaacson Winter Classic F1E on Feb. 11, 2008 (Monday) at 12:00 noon.CONTACT: Jim Parker 9524 Ruffner Ave Telephone: 818-892-4110 North Hills, CA 91343 E-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. USA
- F1E California Cup 2008NAME: _________________________________ADDRESS: _________________________________
CITY, STATE & ZIP: ___________________________
COUNTRY: _________________________________
F.A.I. LICENSE NO.: ___________________________
PLEASE ENTER ME IN: Open ($25.00) _____________ Junior ($10.00) _____________
MAKE CHECKS OUT TO: SCAT LATE ENTRY FEE IS DOUBLE REGULAR FEE. ENTRIES ARE CONSIDERED LATE IF RECEIVED AFTER FEB. 1, 2008. A VALID F.A.I. SPORTING LICENSE IS MANDATORY SEND ENTRIES TO: Jim Parker 9524 Ruffner Ave< , CA 91343-2616< - U. S. competitors can copy entry form and mail in with fees (e-mail entries from U.S. fliers will not be accepted).- Non-U.S. competitors may e-mail entry form and pay upon arrival.- All non-AMA fliers must pay an additional $28.00 AMA affiliation fee.
Holloway Hill is man made and was created when excavating gypsum. It is the lowest at the North Slope where the height is about 15m/50ft. From the top at the East Face the vertical distance into the pit is probably 35m/115ft. The top is flat and one can fly in all directions. Some surfaces are soft but retrieval by foot or motorcycle is fairly easy.
Lost Hills: Motel 6 - phone 661-797-2346
New Lithium Technology
From: Matt Gewain
Getting a Charge Out of Nanowires - from Dr Dobbs , a computer geek magazine...
The good news on my recent 14-hour flight to Beijing was that my laptop's battery lasted only 2 hours. So I could kick back with a crossword puzzle, paperback novel, and blissfully relax. However, the bad news was that my laptop's battery lasted only 2 hours. Sigh. I had a lot of work to do that didn't get done--as the boss was quick to point out.
But 2-hour battery charges may be a thing of the past if Yi Cui, an assistant professor at Stanford University, has his way. What Cui and his team--Candace Chan, Halin Peng, Robert A. Huggins, Gao Liu, Kevin McIlwrath, and Xiao Feng Zhang--have come up with is a way of using nanotechnology to produce 10 times the amount of electricity of existing lithium-ion batteries. That means that laptops like yours and mine could operate for up to 20 hours.
With Cui's battery, lithium is stored in a forest of tiny silicon nanowires, each with a diameter 1/1000 the thickness of a sheet of paper. The nanowires inflate to four times their normal size as they soak up lithium but, unlike the silicon in the current generation of lithium-ion batteries, they do not fracture. For their experiments, Chan grew the nanowires on a stainless steel substrate, providing an excellent electrical connection.
And no one is happier about it than the boss.
Jonathan Erickson
2008 Western States Regional FF Contest Schedule
2008 Western States Regional FF Contest Schedule
MONTH? « Date Location / Contest
JAN 5th TAFT - SCAT Desert Challenge Bob Norton 661-395-0261
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5th - 6th COLORADO - MMM Indoor Meet,Colorado Springs City Auditorium
Jerry Murphy 719-685-3766
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11th - 13th ONTARIO, CA - AMA Convention at Convention Center AMA Web Site
? « 19th - 21st ARIZONA - Southwest Regionals, Eloy - National Cup Exempt
Al Lidberg 480-839-8154
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20th GRASSY KNOLLS - FAC 69 - Golden Age Civil/Thompson Trophy
Ron Boots 805-495-5449
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20th SAN DIEGO - Orbiteers Record Trials Otay Mesa Sid Hobbs 949-443-4143
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FEB ? « 9th -11th LOST HILLS - SCAT ISAACSON Winter Classic
Norm Furutani 310-323-1943
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10th PERRIS - SCAMPS Haggart Bowden Allen Heinrich 760-956-2949
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10th GRASSY KNOLLS - FAC 69 Dime & Neo Dime Scale Embryo
Ron Boots 805-495-5449
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12th -13th LOST HILLS - FAI World Cup F1E Lee Hines 949-645-4850
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? 15th -18th LOST HILLS - Max Men Bob White Memorial George Batiuk 805-546-8231
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17th SAN DIEGO - Orbiteers Record Trials Otay Mesa Sid Hobbs 949-443-4143
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« 24th ARIZONA - FF Contest President's Cup Vic Lichtenberge 520-574-4298
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MAR 9th SACRAMENTO - Spring Bash Waegell Field Walt Ghio 209-478-8225
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9th PERRIS - SCAMPS Taibi Annual Kevin Sherman 951-737-7943
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9th SAN DIEGO - FAC Squadron 41's Otay Mesa ohn Hutchison 619-303-0785
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? « 15th - 16th LOST HILLS - SCAT Annual Lee Hines 949-645-4850
sweepettelee@sbcglobal. net
« 15th ARIZONA - FF Contest Spring Break Elmer Nelson 480-460-1366
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16th GRASSY KNOLLS - FAC 69 Rubber Scale/Greve TrophyRon Boots 805-495-5449
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16th SAN DIEGO - Orbiteers Record Trials Otay Mesa Sid Hobbs 949-443-4143
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22nd COLORADO - MMM Indoor Meet, Colorado Springs City Auditorium
Jerry Murphy 719-685-3766
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« 5th SACRAMENTO - Sierra Champs, Waegell Field Chris Borland 916-457-4469
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APR 6th GRASSY KNOLLS - FAC 69 Jimmy Allen Ron Boots 805-495-5449
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6th GRASSY KNOLLS, Fun Fly Rob Cobb 818-896-2211
« 12th -13th LOST HILLS - San Valeers Annual AMA & FAI 7 Rounder
John Patwell 661-298-9372
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12th -13th LOST HILLS - SCIF Kickoff/SCAMPS Texaco Daniel Heinrich 909-593-5789
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« 20th ARIZONA - FF Contest I-10 Challenge Peter Brocks 480-614-6183
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20th SAN DIEGO - Orbiteers Record Trials, Otay Mesa Sid Hobbs 949-443-4143
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« 20th COLORADO - MMM Outdoor Monthly FF Denver erry Murphy 719-685-3766
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? « 26th - 27th SACRAMENTO - Nor Cal FF Champs, Waegell Field
Bill Vanderbeek 650-326-9966
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« 26th - 27th SAN DIEGO - Orbiteers Semi-Annual, Otay Mesa Sid Hobbs 949-443-4143
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MAY 3rd - 4th LOST HILLS - BFT Annual Mike Keller 818-402-4748
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« 17th ARIZONA - FF Contest Hot Stuff Elmer Nelson 480-460-1366
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18th SAN DIEGO - Orbiteers Record Trials Otay Mesa Sid Hobbs 949-443-4143
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« 18th COLORADO - MMM Outdoor Monthly FF Denver Jerry Murphy 719-685-3766
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? 23rd -25th LOST HILLS - Big Al's Shoot-Out Walt Ghio 209-478-8225
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« 24th - 26th LOST HILLS - US FF Champs Ted Firster 951-776-4971
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24th - 26th LOST HILLS - Hatrak Flying Wing Rob Cobb 818-896-2211
26th LOST HILLS - FAC 69 Ron Boots 805-495-5449
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JUN 1st GRASSY KNOLLS - SCIF Fun Fly Rob Cobb 818-896-2211
1st GRASSY KNOLLS - FAC 69 Dime & Neo Dime Scale Embryo
Ron Boots 805-495-5449
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« 7th SACRAMENTO - Western States Champs, Waegell Field
Mike Mckeever 916-967-8475
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« 8th COLORADO - MMM Outdoor Monthly FF Denver Jerry Murphy 719-685-3766
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14th - 15th TAFT - Rick & Lynn's Slow Gas Event Lynn Pulley 661-296-0629
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15th SAN DIEGO - Orbiteers Record Trials Otay Mesa Sid Hobbs 949-443-4143
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22nd PERRIS - SCAMPS Lotto/Twin Pusher Hal Cover 909-591-3717
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28th SACRAMENTO - Team Contest 7 a.m.- noon, Waegell Field
Doug Galbreath 530-757-6058
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29th SAN DIEGO - FAC Squadron 41's Otay Mesa John Hutchison 619-303-0785
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? « 4th - 6th COLORADO - MMM FAI Annual, AMA, SAM Denver
Jerry Murphy 719-685-3766
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JUL 13th GRASSY KNOLLS - FAC 69 Thompson Trophy - WWII
Ron Boots 805-495-5449
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13th SAN DIEGO - Orbiteers Record Trials Otay Mesa
Sid Hobbs 949-443-4143
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« 20th COLORADO - MMM Outdoor Monthly FF Denver
Jerry Murphy 719-685-3766
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AUG 2nd GRASSY KNOLLS - SCIF Fun Fly, Cloud Tramp
Rob Cobb 818-896-2211
3rd GRASSY KNOLLS - FAC 69 Jimmy Allen Ron Boots 805-495-5449
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? « 4th - 8th INDIANA - AMA Nationals, Muncie AMA Web Site
« 10th COLORADO - MMM Outdoor Monthly FF Denver erry Murphy 719-685-3766
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17th SAN DIEGO - Orbiteers Record Trials Otay Mesa Sid Hobbs 949-443-4143
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? 22nd - 23rd OREGON - FAI Tangent Classic Mike Roberts 206-937-2740
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« 23rd - 24th OREGON - NW FF Champs, Willamette MC Parker Field, Tangent
Bruce Grell 541-367-7273
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? 23rd - 24th OREGON - Pierre's FAI Challenge Parker Field Pierre Brun 818-388-2478
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? « 30th -1st COLORADO- MMM Rocky Mt Champs Dynasty Cup - National Cup Exem
Jerry Murphy 719-685-3766
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SEP 8th - 12th INDIANA - SAM Champs, Muncie Jim Coffin 703-965-3937
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13th - 14th OREGON - Silents Please & OT Champs Tangent George Gilbert 541-905-5534
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« 14th ARIZONA - FF Contest Fall Kick Off Bob Loeffler 480-345-1154
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14th GRASSY KNOLLS - FAC 69 Golden Age Civil Ron Boots 805-495-5449
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« 14th SACRAMENTO - SGMA Combo, Waegell Field Bill Davis 916-421-8901
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« 21st COLORADO - MMM Outdoor Monthly FF Denve Jerry Murphy 719-685-3766
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21st SAN DIEGO - Orbiteers Record Trials, Otay Mesa Sid Hobbs 949-443-4143
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« 27th - 28th LOST HILLS - Dual Clubs FF Bonanza San Diego Orbiteers and
Fresno Don Bartick 760-789-3773
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William Booth Sr. 559-227-7217
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OCT ? « 4th - 5th LOST HILLS - CA FAI Invitational Juan Livotto 310-391-5986
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4th - 5th OREGON - Fall Annual Bob Stalick 541-928-8101
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5th GRASSY KNOLLS - FAC 69 Dime and Neo Dime Scale Embryo
Ron Boots 805-495-5449
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? 7th - 9th LOST HILLS - Sierra Cup Mike Mckeever 916-967-8475
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11th - 13th LOST HILLS - FAI Finals George Batiuk 805-546-8231
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19th SAN DIEGO - Orbiteers Record Trials Otay Mesa Sid Hobbs 949-443-4143
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« 19th COLORADO - MMM Outdoor Monthly FF Denver
Jerry Murphy 719-685-3766
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« 25th ARIZONA - FF Contest Ghost Riders Dick Nelson 520-572-0394
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? 25th - 26th NEVADA - SW FAI Champs, Boulder City Bill Booth JR. 559-227-7217
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26th SAN DIEGO - FAC Squadron 41's Otay Mesa John Hutchison 619-303-0785
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NOV 1st - 2nd LOST HILLS - SCAMPS/ SCIF/FAC69 Annual
Rob Cobb 818-896-2211
Ron Boots 805-495-5449
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« 1st - 2nd LOST HILLS - San Valeers Nostalgia Annual Terry Thorkildsen 805-495-6135
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« 2nd SACRAMENTO - SGMA Fall Contest, Waegell Field Dick Myers 209-834-1767
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« 2nd COLORADO - MMM Outdoor Monthly FF DenverJerry Murphy 719-685-3766
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9th SAN DIEGO - Orbiteers Record Trials Otay Mesa Sid Hobbs 949-443-4143
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9th COLORADO - MMM Indoor Meet,Colorado Springs City Auditorium
Jerry Murphy 719-685-3766
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? 15th - 16th LOST HILLS - Patterson FAI Hector Diez 661-834-1063
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« 16th ARIZONA - FF Contest Turkey Shoot Jean Andrews 520-887-5952
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16th GRASSY KNOLLS - FAC 69 FAC Rubber Scale - WWIIRon Boots 805-495-5449
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DEC ? « 6th - 7th ARIZONA - FF Championships (co-CD Randy Burros 480-836-
Elmer Nelson 480-460-1366
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7th GRASSY KNOLLS - FAC 69 Jimmy Allen Ron Boots 805-495-5449
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7th GRASSY KNOLLS - SCIF Fun Fly Rob Cobb 818-896-2211
14th SAN DIEGO - Orbiteers Record Trials Otay Mesa Sid Hobbs 949-443-4143
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Monthly EIndoor Flying at Grove Community Church, Riverside, 2nd Wed each month, 12 Ted Firster
951-776-4971 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
? Indicates Americas Cup Contest « Indicates National Cup Contest
Roger morrell