SEN 1018 - 23 Aug 2006
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- Category: Archive 2006
- Hits: 1988
SEN issue 1018 23 August 2006
Table of Contents
US F1B Team wins F1B team at Jr WC
1019 and 1018
Re: [freeflightml] CIAM Chopping the F1B Rubber Further
F engines?
John is back, Limiting FAI, the NATS, and other things...
ROW pix anyone?
30th Annual Sierra Cup FAI International Free Flight Contest
EuroChamps Stories
Bad Lunches
US F1B Team wins F1B team at Jr WC
Ken Bauer
Here is the latest news from Germany. George asked me if I would cover
this report for him.
It started off very cold and windy again this morning. The first round
was postponed until 10am because weather reports indicated conditions
would improve throughout the day. It was still blowing pretty good at
10 but the contest started anyway. Our F1B kids Taylor, Paul, and Evan
did very well. Conditions were tough, especially early when it was
cold, overcast, no sun and difficult to find lift. Taylor and Evan each
had small drops of less than 20 seconds and Paul remained maxed out the
whole day until the 7th round when he model came down near some trees
and he was clocked off at 2:29, although many other watches has him at
about 2:49. That dropped him out of the flyoff which had only two left,
a Polish flyer and a Brit. But Paul was still very happy to be part of
the winning US team. Plenty of drama for the US guys including a couple
crashes and attempts, but they kept cool and pulled it together. The
weather actually got much better as the day wore on. Wind slowed down
and we could finally remove our jackets. Predictions for tomorrow are
good weather and the rumor is that they may try to finish F1A tomorrow
as well as fly F1P.
More later, Ken
1019 and 1018
Looks like we got them backwards
Re: [freeflightml] CIAM Chopping the F1B Rubber Further
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I fully agree with you and add that if we were to change specs the change
should be to make the toys easier to make and handle lets go back a bit to
up the power entry you need to make the perceived model easier to build and appear cheaper etc
making things harder is OK for the few those at the very top but the
proposed changes will only reduce the already declining numbers just take
a look at the entries in wake at most events they are dropping I am sure
that this as been accelerated due to the rubber quality problems and the
fact a very few have a stock of the older better rubber
lets look at at euro and world champs the rubber been given out as is the
power fuel this would be a leveller .
Power as been for years on the declain and this is due to the fact to be
at the top you now need a geared folder welol beyond the ability of most people
OK yes we are talking about championships but we must remember its not
professional so my advice is look at the numbers as in the UK and if change
is needed lets make it more accessible and in ways easier we need
internationaly to build up numbers
John Carter
F engines?
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Does anyone know where one can obtain the F-engine? I've been trying to
contact Ildar the maker and get no response.
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The San Diego Orbiteers and the Fresno Gas Model Club are once again
conducting our club annuals as a combined contest called the Duel-Clubs Free Flight
Bonanza. The AMA [AA] sanctioned and National Cup points contest will be held
at Lost Hills,California on September 30th thru October 1st. The contest
will be category 2 and comprised of forty [40] events covering AMA, Nostalgia,
Old Time and FAI. Juniors will have four [4] events to compete. Orbiteers will
have their ice cream social at noon Saturday during a one hour scheduled
break in competition. The Fresno Club will have a lot of model merchandise for
their drawing. The Sloans Dining Hall will be on site for your dining pleasure.
For a copy of the flyer and directions to the Lost Hills famous flying site,
contact Bob Beecroft, San Diego Orbiteers Publicity Officer at
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D Bartick......Orbiteers
John is back, Limiting FAI, the NATS, and other things...
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Seems that I go thru cycles in writing to SCAT, so maybe the cycle is starting...
First, Congrats to Jim Juhl on a well run NATS...I actually flew this year (OK, maybe poorly,
but still flew) but did more talking than flying. Had a fun time...
Next, John (my kid) is safely back from Iraq. Thanks to all that signed the shirt at the
NATS for him. He really appreciated it and it is great that we have so many friends. John
stated that we are doing good things in Iraq and that if asked, he would go again. Hopefully
that won't happen. Has lots of stories about F-16s and other fast stuff.
Now, on limiting FAI.....What I see happening is that we have just plain old outperformed
both our fields and our eyes. The fields are a problem. Limited big space. But, the timer's
eyes have now become a major concern when we have long flyoffs. I think we all have been knocked
out of a max because the timer can't see the model, even when it has plenty of altitude.
Is this fair? I know that many folks will look for the kid with the perfect eyes verses the
old man with 20-200 and cadaraics. This just doesn't seem fair to penalise someone for not
getting the "right" timer. This needs to be addressed and addressed soon. Maybe we go back
to the "timer can now leave the flightline" deal like in the olden days. Then it will be
the aircraft's performance, not the timer's....
We have had big discussions on limiting rubber performance (Mulvihill as well as F1B) and
I have the way to do it....Just limit the size of the prop. Also, maybe get rid of the
variable pitch. When the prop circle gets smaller it can no longer handle all the torque
and will lose efficiency. Heck, maybe do the same thing in F1C. 8" props and no gears....I
know that Mulvihill has a big problem because it used to called "unlimited rubber". So now, i
t would be unlimited rubber but limited prop......
Finally, I was saddened to hear that Tim Banazak (sp) died. Tim had some pretty major
health problems in the last few years, but if there ever was a supporter of old timer,
it was him. I think that his blood was 60 wt and white gas. He kept his small club going
(Pelicans) and his loss was our loss....
Best of luck to the Juniors!!! Seems strange after the last 5 years to not be worrying
about going and flying. Now we just have to get our F1C program up and running!! Thanks
Roger M. for keeping this newsletter together.....
John Lorbiecki
ROW pix anyone?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ROW pix anyone? As an old former ROW flyer now just getting back into
FF, I'd love to see some photos of recent (and ancient) ROW flying.
Please send or e-mail any shots you may have of this event, in order to
light a fire under a CL Stunt addict who wants to again do some FF float
flying. Thanks!
Mike Keville
Tucson, AZ
30th Annual Sierra Cup FAI International Free Flight Contest
October 14 and 15, 2006
World and America's Cup Competition, Lost Hills, Ca
Schedule of Events:
Friday October 13 Final Registration
Saturday October 14 F1A, F1B, F1C, F1P and Provisionally F1Q
Sunday October 15 F1G, F1H and F1J
Saturday Evening- Banquet & Trophy Presentation-Wasco Rose Country Club
Saturday Events begin at 8AM, 7 one hour rounds/180 second max, flyoffs to follow.
Sunday Events begin at 10AM, 5 one hour rounds 120 second max flyoffs to follow.
Entry Form (please clip and send to Mike McKeever)
Name......................... . AMA #............. E-mail Address...................
Address.................................. State......... Country.....................
Do you wish a vegetarian meal at the banquet? ( )
Total number in your party for the banquet? ............
Entry schedule (includes banquet)
F1A ( ) F1B ( ) F1C ( ) $45.00 $...................
F1G ( ) F1H ( ) F1J ( ) $45.00 $...................
F1P ( ) F1Q ( ) 1st Place Only Awar$30.00 $...................
Combination of one Mini/one Maxi Event $60.00 $...................
F1P or F1Q and one additional event $50.00 $...................
Additional Banquet Tickets $20.00 $...................
AMA Membership (if required) $28.00 $...................
Total $...................
Make Checks Payable to: Sierra Eagles MAC
Please send entry to:
Mike McKeever
4252 Mockingbird St
Fair Oaks, Ca 95628
(916) 967-8475
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Please E-mail if any questions, I check nightly and will respond quickly.
Euro Champs Stories
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Does anyone happen to have any information regarding the recent European
Championships (conditions, opinions, impressions, stories etc)? I have had
some trouble finding write-ups anywhere, and the official website only has
the results. If anyone has any information they can share with us, it would
be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Chris Lenartowicz (F1A - Canada)
Bad Lunches
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Duke of SCAT,
Re: Pete Kings comments. I am lead to believe that in the past at least
one F1A flyer has in fact re-visited their lunch during the heat of competition.
I think a Biggles individual was involved but a more liquid material was the
cause. I am not in possession of all the facts so perhaps another SEN scribe could
confirm or otherwise these otherwise scullerous allegations ?
Roger Morrell