SEN 1022 - 27 Aug 2006
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- Category: Archive 2006
- Hits: 1301
SEN issue 1022 27 August 2006
Table of Contents
Junior World Champs - Personal Observations - Shailor
Woe Austin's off to College .... - Editorial
SEN Content
Limited Wing Span - Coleman
Wet Stuff
Source of Euro Champs Comments - Chaussebourg
To The Jr. World Champion Team -180 Ben
RE: Rumored rule changes and power reduction in F1B
Euro Champs Comments - Boutillier
Junior World Champs - Personal Observations
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
After ending the one and a half week long experience I am sure our family
will never forget, we want to personally thank and recognize the efforts of
George Batiuk, Bob and Connie Piserchio, all the parents and supporters and
particularly, our American Team members for the outstanding performance at
the Junior World Free Flight Championships.
This was our first time ever traveling abroad. We were a little
apprehensive being a long way from home and in a country where we knew
communication would be difficult. Upon our arrival in Frankfurt and an
eye-opening drive on the Autobahn, we arrived at Stassfurt to find the face
of a friendly American, Bob Piserchio, walking in the parking lot. He had
arrived earlier to make sure that our hotel arrangements were in order. The
folks at the hotel, in particular Annette who spoke a lot more English than
we imagined, were fantastic hosts. The hotel was clean, the staff extremely
courteous and the facilities gave team members and their families and
supporters plenty of things to do in the evenings.
The contest organization was also superb. The fact that we had to contend
with a perimeter fence only posed a minor obstacle in model retrieval.
Chase teams were organized and everyone was involved in bringing models back
to the field in time before the next round. We were one of the few teams
that did not need rounds extended due to model retrieval, particularly on
the first F1A day when corn, tall barley and a tree line were downwind.
Our Team, when faced with occasional "speed bumps" performed as well, or
better, than most senior flyers would have. They were a tight knit group,
got along as close friends and all worked together, with George's guidance
to pull off what is going to be a difficult feat to match.
At the closing ceremonies, our National Anthem was played a total of four
times which had just about all of our group teary-eyed. The award for best
overall team performance went to the United States for the first time and it
was great to see all of our red shirted team members on the top of the
After an equally eye-opening trip back to Frankfurt starting at 1:30 in the
morning, I have to say wherever we went individually or as a team, we were
met by helpful and gracious people from all nations and the host country can
and should hold its head high for a job well done.
Finally, on a personal note, I would like to thank my family, Michelle, Paul
and John, for making this one of the most thrilling and memorable
experiences I have ever had.
Thanks to all involved,
Woe Austin's off to College ....
and so are the Barron boys, the Avalones, Dallas and 180 Ben, Sara,
Phil, Amanda,.. so what will we do for our Junior team next year ! ..
not to bad eh ?
And it the same thing looking at the other countries too, France
seems to have an endless supply of Marquoises and the same with Germany
and the Seren family. Actually the good thing is it's not just the same
families, not just the sons or daughters of the top sportsman, like
Kulakovsky, Vivchar, Cuthbert, Findahl, .. but a diverse lot of young people.
I used to think it was tough of the US Juniors because they always had to
travel and could not take all their support equipment. But Cody did just
fine with without his bike. Reading Bill Shailor's note above reminded
me of a similar reaction a few years back when the Coussens team travelled
to Eastern Europe for a Junior World Champs for the first time, and
even bigger eye opener. I remember a few years Rocco being some
what skeptical about the FAI program, so what now Rocco ? a silver
medal for the family is not too bad, but as school teacher you
see the trip was a lot more than that.
So while I suspect that FAI politics make it unlikely that a Junior
World Champs would be held out side of Europe, it the European juniors
that suffer the most and those on the US team end up with a life
experience they will never forget, in addition to those medals.
Working with young people is always great, even better if not your
children. So all of this just does not happen, it hard work by many
I have to finish up with a Cody Secor story. Earlier this year
I teased him by saying the other F1P guys were starting to get good
times and catch up to him. Cody shook his head and replied
"that to win you have to be out there well before the start of the first
round with a trimmed model". I resisted replying that he sounded just
like his Dad!
SEN Content
SEN depends on the readers to contribute. You should e-mail what
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In recent issues we have much news about the Junior World Champs
from the pont of view of the US team. We welcome news from everyone,
and feel a little guilty because of we are placing a lot of emphasis
of the 'locals'.
But that's all up you the readers .. In this issue you will see
a contribution from Pierre Chaussebourg and Bernard Boutillier. In the
past Klaus Salzer, Verbitsky and Stamov have written, this is about
communication and sharing information, not about writing perfect English.
Limited Wing Span
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A reply to Steve Helmick's suggestion about limited wing span so FAI models
could be built from supplies available at the local hobby shops.
Here are some great reasons that this won't work:
The local hobby shop which is fast disappearing from every where here in the
USA began disappearing in the rest of the world long before they did here.
In Europe they turned to composites because they were more readily available
and were more consistent in weight. Composites structures do not lend
themselves to being built on the kitchen or dining room tables because they
are nearly impossible to cut with a razor or #11 blade. They are also toxic.
Unless your suggesting we build the models from craft paper? what readily
available materials are you suggesting we use. You must also remember that
the folks in Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, etc. must also be able to
find these materials and approve of such a change. A smaller airplane would
also dictate a different amount of rubber for F1B and F1C engines would need
to be reduced in size so the model was still visible after a five second
engine run. It ain't as simple as you might think.
Roger C.
Wet Stuff
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Mike Keville please let me refer you to my 2005 Somposium R.O.W. article
for my photos and info on other sources. Also I have some '30's R.O.W. pics
courtesy of our IMAC Album. I have a couple of dozen shots from this past
2006 Nats. Tell me what of these you would like. Anyone else is welcome too.
Bud Romak I have some shots of you and your remarkable airplane too. Ed Mate
Source of Euro Champs Comments
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For comments about Euro/Ch, I recommend to contact Ian Kaynes and see his
comments on Free Flight News: they were very accurate, particularly
concerning the flying field, the problems with car renting etc...
At the end of the Championships, there has been a debreiffing with team
managers and organiser to improve the situation for next year W/Ch.
Congratulations to the US Junior team: they fly on gold!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello Mike,
I heard that is possible use synthetic oil for F2D fuel ( new SIAM rule). It
is real ?
Best regards !
Aleksandr Kalmykov
pr.Dzerjinskogo 2-67
Novosibirsk 630112
Phone/fax : +7 383 279 37 71
Phone/fax : +7 383 217 32 78
To The Jr. World Champion Team
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
One of the last memories I have of the 2002 Jr. World Championships in
Slovakia was telling one of the very young Russians I saw. "We'll be
back". After seeing the scores and the stories of this years 2006 team,
I believe that was quite an understatement. I would like to just give
everyone a litte information about these kids as I have flown with all
of them and enjoyed conversations with them as well. First Tyler Secor.
Tyler started flying F1A in the beginning of 2003, but this kid had so
much determination, drive, and heart that he made his first Jr team
that went to France in 04. After flying at that champs he came back
more determined than ever, but this kid has so much on his plate. He's
a star baseball player and a star student. However that Didn't hinder
this kid from making the 06 team and showing everyone what USA
freeflight is all about. Well done Tyler, You have done everyone proud
back home. Next kid is Brian Bauer, who was frequently seen wearing a
sweatshirt on the field that said "slacker" This kid might like to
relax, but on the field he is an animal! Brian had to overcome so much
adversity in his first champs(not even being able to fly his own
models) and he came out with his head up. He came home kept flying and
then he contributed to an F1A gold team! How incredible is this? Next
is Kyle Jones. The first time I met Kyle was in Hungary. This kid has
one of the biggest hearts that I have ever seen. He keeps his cool
under pressure and he has many more teams to lead. To the F1B team...I
haven't had the pleasure of flying with a couple of you except for a
brief stint in Muncie, but you guys did incredibly well. to Paul and
Evan, you guys did so well, and on your first team, accomplished F1B
team Gold, truly you are champions at heart as well as on the score
card! Taylor Gunder...Don't walk down a dark ally without him by your
side. This kid puts off football for a few weeks and is the team
veteran this year. He continues to contribute to every team he is on.
He is an incredible flyer as well as an incredible human being.
F1P!...Cody Secor, Every flyer that has ever flown on the same field
will tell you that you have grown so much in the brief time that you
have been flying. You deserve every bit of the title of World Champion.
I haven't gotten to fly with Anthony but how about a silver medalist on
his first try! What this team did is simply amazing. They will go down
in history so far as the best US team Ever! The best team at the 2006
Jr. World Championship's! What a title that is. But lets not forget the
team manager who rallied his troops and kept them calm enough to put in
text book flights in the worst of weather. And last but not least the
parents. These kids are just mirror images of you. So when all this is
over, give yourself a pat on the back, cause without you, none of this
is possible. I just want to thank this team so much for bringing so
much Joy into my life, watching them fly and then watching them
represent the United States in a fashion that could only be described
as Heroic. Congratulations boys. You come home, as true Heroes.
Remember guys, this sport can put you on the highest of highs and take
you to the lowest of lows, but at all times just remember; Fly for the
love of the game!
Fly Max Win
Benjamin Pierce Coussens
RE: Rumored rule changes and power reduction in F1B
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi all,
Just wanted to add my support to those arguing against the proposed
reduction in rubber to 25g, and the corresponding reduction in power.
To echo some of what has already been said - what are all these changes
intended to achieve? If it is just a reduction in fly off times and fly off
participants, than there are easier ways of doing it. In addition to the
possibilities already mentioned (like reducing the flying windows a few
minutes, getting rid of the 20-second rule, etc) the organization of the
contest has a direct impact on flight times and results. A 5 minute max in
good conditions might be easy, but a 4 minute max in absolute morning calm
can still be a challenge - and the model only lands a few hundred metres
away from the start line! Holding demanding flights in low thermal
conditions would reduce fly off requirements considerably without changing
the fundamentals of the sport.
All this aside, essentially the point is that any changes proposed should
have a clear (and undisputed) benefit. If the intention is vague, and the
end result uncertain - as I think is the case here - we should certainly
think twice before implementing any changes. This is especially true of
things that may require technical changes to the models. As we all know
this will result in high costs to conform to the new standards, and even
higher costs to find higher performing materials and technology.
The aim of any proposed changes should be primarily to reduce cost and
increase participation. I don't think this can be done through routine
tinkering with the technical parameters.
Chris Lenartowicz
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(F1A Canada)
From: AB Boutillier
Victor Stamov and his team made a great job. Good accomodation, huge field
(but difficult for retrievers), very well run contest with variable breaks
between rounds to give enough time to retrieval teams. The contest elected
well known names: Per Findahl, Oleg Kulakovsky, Leonid Fuseyev.
Well done guys.
Roger Morrell