SEN 941 - 27 Mar 2005
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- Category: Archive 2005
- Hits: 1278
SCAT Electronic News 27 March 2005 issue 941
Table of Contents
Lost Hills Flash
photos from the SCAT banquet - Davis
Please post 2005 Texas Cup Rules - Simpson
2005 MM F1J AmCup scoring error - aka anti-alien conspiracy
About the BOM rule - Nikitenko
CIAM Flash
Mr Clemens - Response to your SEN msg... - Leaper
Beam me down Scottie - Edge of Beyond
Fun in the mud - Squatter II
There is no issue 939 or 940 - because there were 2 934s. and 2 931s.
Lost Hills Flash
For those concerned about up coming events. The field has dried out.
The surface is starting to crack, some grass is turning from green to
brown i.e. situation normal. Even the Rich Rorhke ceremonial furrows are dry
but they are so deep that they can maybe serve as an outhouse..
and this one won'y have to be towed into place. The grass is much longer
so make sure you have your tracker turned on. Either Hollway scraped the
entrance road or a bunch of big trucks drove in because the ruts are
all smoothed.
photos from the SCAT banquet
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Hi Roger,
I think I saw Lindy or you taking some photos of me and my mentor when
I was awarding him the trophy. I don't have any photos of it and if
Lindy did indeed take a picture or two can you send them to me? Digital
photos in an e-mail would be fine and the larger the file the better, I
have high speed internet. If you or Lindy did not take any pictures
would you put a line on the SEN asking for anyone who did take the pic
to send it to me?
We do not have any if any other readers do, please contact Jon
Please post 2005 Texas Cup Rules
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To all Free Flighters;
You are all invited to participate in one or more of our Central Texas
competitions this year and compete for the Texas Cup awards.
We fly the three major FAI events (F1A,B,C) and the three mini FAI
events (F1G,H,J ) at three of the contests. F1P will also be flown at
three of the contests.
We also fly a mix of AMA events at all four of the contests.
2005 Rules Update - March, 20054
This letter is to provide you with the 2005 rules for the Texas Cup
point championship competitions.
The only change to this years competitions is to add the NFFS 2005 One
design event model, the 1/2A Fubar, to the list of eligible models for
the NFFS event we fly. The list now includes the 1/2A Fubar, the Zero
and the Starduster-X. See section 7 of this letter for the rules and
information on the event.
The Starduster-X competition has proven to be so popular nationwide that
NFFS has decided to hold that event again this year at the Nats. We are
following suit since we also have seen the popularity of this event.
The purpose of the Texas Cup Competition is to foster the development of
flyers and models, and to experience the joy of friendly competition in
the 4 central Texas contests. This competition encourages flyers to
attend multiple contests each year in order to win. To this end the
following rules have been formulated.
1. Points are accumulated in these 4 Texas contests.
Spring Cup (Seguin) - April 2005
Tri-City Contest (Seguin) - June 2005
Cloud Climbers Contest (Ft Worth) June 2005
Autumn Cup (Seguin) - Nov 2005
2. Overall Point champions will be awarded in the following categories:
NFFS One design event (Starduster-X, Zero and Fubar)
Jr/Sr overall Points
The NFFS One Design and P30 events have been singled out as individual
event championships to encourage newcomers to build and compete in two
simple events. Kits are available for both events. The points
accumulated in these events will also be counted towards the Gas and
Rubber Championships awards.
3. Awards - High Point Championship Perpetual Plaques will be awarded at
April 2006 Spring Cup Banquet.
4. Gas Champion - Points can be accumulated by flying and placing in any
Gas powered event at any of the 4 contests in any of the following
AMA Gas (all 4 contests)
Nostalgia Gas (Tri-City and Cloud Climbers contests)
FAI Gas (all contests except Tri-City)
NFFS Design Starduster-X/Zero/Fubar (all 4 contests)
5. Glider champion - Points can be accumulated by flying and placing in
any Glider event at any of the 4 contests, in any of the following
FAI Glider (all 4 contests)
Hand Launch Glider (Tri-City and Cloud Climbers contests)
Catapult Glider (Tri-City and Cloud Climbers contests)
6. Rubber champion - Points can be accumulated by flying and placing in
any Rubber event at any of the 4 contests, in any of the following
FAI Rubber
F1B (All contests except Tri-City)
F1G (all 4 contests)
Unlimited Rubber (Cloud Climbers contest)
P30 (all 4 contests)
7. NFFS One design event Starduster-X/Zero/Fubar Champion
The NFFS One Design has been chosen as an individual Championship event,
due to the simplicity of the models, the design restriction as kitted
makes these models ideal beginners gas event.
Starduster-X will be flown with the established 2003 one-event rules.
Motor - Cox TD .049, or the Cox TD .051
Motor Run - 9 seconds for 1st 3 flights and then 6 seconds for all fly
off flights. (Note: Beginning Gas flyers can be given an additional 2
second motor run, at the discretion of the CD)
The Toshi Matsuda's Zero and the Fubar will be flown with the
established 2005 one event Nostalgia criteria rules including engine
Motor Run - 9 seconds for 1st 3 flights and then 6 seconds for all fly
off flights. (Note: Beginning Gas flyers can be given an additional 2
second motor run, at the discretion of the CD)
The Starduster-X Kit is still available, Contact:
Allen Heinrick, (760) 948-6334
Aerodyne Models
17244 Darwin, Bldg H
Hesperia, CA 92345
The Starduster _X tank mount (CM110), called for in the plans is still
available. Contact:
K. K. Fags (201) 664-2606
236 Thayers St.
River-Vale, NJ 07675
The Zero kit is available from BMJR for $37.65 plus $5 postage
BMJR Model, Products, PO Box 1210, Sharpes FL 32959-1210.
A short kit is also available for $25 plus $5 postage.
Zero plans are available from Jim O'Reilly for $7 plus $1 postage
Jim O'Reilly, 4760 N. Battin, Bel Aire KS 67220
8. Points - Points are awarded for placing 1st thru 5th place in each
event as follows:
1st Place 25 Points
2nd Place 20 Points
3rd Place 15 Points
4th Place 10 Points
5th Place 5 Points
9. Bonus Points - Bonus points are awarded to the 1st thru 5th place
finishers as follows. When more than 5 competitors are entered in an
event, 1 point will be awarded for each competitor over 5. For example,
if there were 7 competitors, each of the first 5 place finishers would
receive 2 bonus points. (Note: for bonus points to be awarded, a
contestant must make an official flight to be counted as an entry in
that event)
10. Ties - All ties in each event must be settled by the end of that
contest. Ties for the Overall Championships at the end of the
competition will be broken based on number of 1st places each contestant
has won in the competitions. And if necessary 2nd places, followed by
3rds, 4ths and 5ths until the tie is broken.
11. Scoring - Results of all events from each contest must be forwarded
to Reid Simpson showing all entries in each event and their placing. As
well as showing Junior and Senior entries.
12. Texas Cup Committee
Reid Simpson Faust Parker
115 Trailridge Dr. 103 Blue Willow
Athens, TX 75751 Houston, TX 77042
(903) 677-8525 Hm (713) 266-2961
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Wk (800) 448-1292 ext 114
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2005 MM F1J AmCup scoring error - aka anti-alien conspiracy
From: N89015
Roger, for SEN. Thanks, JIM
Below is the reply I made to Bob Gutai's email asking how the
SCAT broke the 12 way tie in F1J at the 2005 MM. I will
correct the error and submit the corrected results in a day or
so. Thermals, JIM
Bob-- I screwed up, I forgot about the tie- I did not see it
on the score sheets either. I just took the top 5 names. No
premeditated tie breaking. No conspiracy against the Alien.
Per the rules, all get the same points -- 5 points.
6) Contest ties must be settled, or else competitors receive
the lowest score possible. For example, if three tie for
first place and the ties are not settled, then each of the
three receives the third place score (15 points). If two tie
for fourth place and no settlement, each receives 5 points.
If five or more max out with no flyoffs, then each receives 5
points. Bonus points are added to the above scores.
Contest ties are to be broken in a sporting manner, in which
the event’s models are flown. A single “flyoff†flight
or the results of a future contest are the preferred methods
for tiebreakers. The sportsmen are responsible for arranging
a suitable tiebreaker. The results of the tiebreaker are to
be documented in writing, and agreed upon by the participants.
If attempts at breaking the tie are ultimately unsuccessful,
the America’s Cup Committee is responsible for adjudication.
Ties must be broken within 60 days of the contest or by
January 15 of the following year, whichever is sooner, or the
scores will remain as ties with the lower score recorded.
So now the issue lays with the flyers- if one of them can
coordinate an agreed to sportsman like method to break the tie
within 60 days, results provided to me, I'd make the
appropriate changes. With the large number tie and the
geographic dispersion, it would be difficult.
Sorry to raise your (and others) blood presure on this.
Thermals, JIM
About the BOM rule
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just a few words about the BOM rule, because, on my opinion, it is now
deeply too late to try to reverse the phenomenon.
To me, il seems the process has been this one :
1) With that rule, we wanted to "build everything", and that lead
us "to buy nothing", or very little.
2) So, no industry could live with our activity and there was "nothing
to sale to us" in ordinary model shops (the one "on the corner of the
3) So, no marketing, no advertisement for FF stuff in ordinary
magazines, (the one you can buy with your news paper, in ordinary
magazines shops).
4) Then, if no FF adverts, no more serious articles about Free Flight
in ordinary magazines.
5) Then, noboby could get anymore the information about the existence
of Free Flight,
6) Then, no newcomers. Or not enough.
7) By the same time, for remaining FF people, we created a kind
of "underground" network, with "underground" magazines (about 8
hundreds subscribers around the world), in which it was possible to get
underground addresses where to buy mysterious materials (special mylar,
carbon, timers,...) : we created all which was necessary for the birth
of our ghetto.
And there we are. To cancel the BOM rule now will not change the nature
of our situation.
But it will be possible, if we lack time, to buy and HAVE FUN
with "Ready To Fly" products coming from underground shops, located in
Ukraina or in Russia...
Frederic Nikitenko
ex-free flighter
CIAM Flash
Alphonse Penaud Diploma to the Wizard of Monrovia - Bob White
Super MAX - Out
F1Q - In
More power to the Jury
2007 champs to Odessa
Radio Dt powers up in A, B and C
Mr Clemens - Response to your SEN msg...
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello Mr Clemens,
I whole-heartedly agree with your note as presented.
While I have purchased and flown several F1 towlines,
I derive much pleasure designing, building and flying
my own HLG & CLG, and am building/restoring a glider
for the new Classic towline event.
Thnk you for a well-thought out and crafted comment
on the arcanity of the BOM rule.
It is woefully out of touch with this era.
Lee Hines
Beam me down Scottie
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Lord SCAT,
I think Frederic Aberlenc made some good points in SEN 938. I use radio DT for
trimming and find this a real advantage but in contests I suspect it will be
less so. However, the concern over in-flight trimming is a real one. I guess
the final sanction is with the timekeeper; if they think the rule(s) have been
broken they they call an attempt and the flyer then has the option to protest.
My experience of trying to miss objects by hitting the DT function has usually
resulted in impacts anyway. Fences, runways even Monitor Lizards have all
had one of my pups rain down on them so the idea they make flying much
safer remains to be proven for F1A/B. However, on a positive note maybe the
Skip Yogi concept will finally come to fruition, eh Biggles ?
Fun in the mud
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
So I basically have gone passive and have not kept up on any of the scat
articles up this point. The scat annual weekend was probably one of the most
eventful weekends I have ever had. Friday night(before Saturday's scheduled
8am first round) I went to Knotts Berry Farm and arrived home at about
3:15 am. One hour and forty-five minutes (or what seemed about 1 millisecond
of sleep)later I woke up to the most horrifying sound. My phone telling me to
get up 1:45 minutes after I went to bed. I consider myself a Greek god for
being able to roll off the living room couch and walk outside into what
could only be described as misery ...It was cold. I was not seeing colors...
My car had been tp' had been an evening. But since Mr. Parker was
driving I figured I would take a nice 2 hour nap until we pulled onto the
hollowed lost hills ground and then get out and make my 4 minute flight with
good ole M&K before I then took another 35 minute nap in between rounds and I
figured I would continue this routine the whole day.
but NO that would be far to easy...instead we got to the field and more
specifically the entry road and saw people cracking open a beer and pulling
out their Minnie TV with the knowledge that many went in but few actually
came out. Well because it was destined to be the longest weekend of my life,
we got stuck. And thus god introduced me to what it would be like to ride
through the Nile river on a Honda 70 with a model box across my lap. At this
point I was ready to simply start walking back towards Santa Clarita. But
since the throttle got stuck it was flying field or bust! Well when i arrived
water logged and shall we say "unhappy" I realized something. Even though I
had just been to through my own personal hell, that it was GORGEOUS
outside! The weather was incredible. It was calm, warm, just looked like a
wonderful day. So us band of brothers strode out with our manly towlines
strung across our shoulders, sun in our eyes, we were the few, the proud, the
incredibly wet. I will say though that after just one circle under my swift
winged hero (buntbone) all my worries and toils were removed. I felt
rejuvinated, almost awake, and ready to fly. As I began to pull my
my glorious craft down to begin my launch, I realized that I would drive
through the amazon again, push the car 50 feet in mud, and get 30 minutes of
sleep, just so i could see my nordic pitching up into the grey sky in its
perfect pitch. I sat there for a second wondering watching it fly and i just
thought to myself. How could i live without this sport. And the answer i
arrived at after 7 more of those launches and my academy award winning
grunts, was that I couldn't live without this sport. Moral of the the story
is, no matter what you go through to get onto the sacred ground of a
freeflight field, it will all be made better by the first second of your
first flight. Freeflight is the never failing medicine. Medicine that I
need to survive
To the Bogie and the recent anon donor to SEN
Roger Morrell