SEN 982 - 17 Nov 2005
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- Category: Archive 2005
- Hits: 1819
SCAT Electronic News issue 982 17 November 2005
Table of contents
Southwest FAI Challenge
1/2A engines available
New F1A towhook
French Team
looking for ?
Looking for VA mk 2
looking for wings!
F1A answers
Stressless Dihedral Joints
Blog scale-autogiro
Issacson and F1Q
Leeper's Log, 7-20-05 to 8-10-05
Looking for Arik Donde
Cyclon engines
AIRCOM sim Problem
Answers to F1A electronic bunt questions
Southwest FAI Challenge
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Hi Roger,
Here is the last update before departing for Las Vegas.
Rain is not in the forecast & the lakebed is substantially dry.
The flying schedule is the same as published for the original dates. F1A,
F1B & F1C will begin at 8:00 AM Saturday 11/19. (7) 1-Hour Rounds. First
round maxes will be 210 sec for F1A, 240 sec for F1B & F1C. Saturday P-30
runs 8:00 to 4:00, No Rounds, AMA Rules
Mini-Events will begin at 7:30 AM Sunday 11/20 with a 1/2 hour
glide-to-the-ground Champagne Flyoff. There is Champagne and glassware for
the winner in each event. The Champagne Flyoff scores will be used in lieu
of mid-day flyoffs (if needed). (5) "regular" 45-Minute rounds will follow,
starting at 8:00 AM. All maxes 120 Sec. Sunday P-30 (separate from
Saturday) runs 8:00 to 12:00, No Rounds, AMA Rules
We will be on the field Friday morning & I can be reached at (760) 889-3201
for anyone who wants the absolute latest field & weather conditions.
1/2A engines available
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Best regards !
Alexander Kalmykov
pr.Dzerjinskogo 2-67
Novosibirsk 630112
Phone/fax : +7 383 279 37 71
Phone/fax : +7 383 217 32 78
New F1A towhook
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Dear Mr. SCAT,
This is a quick note to say that I've put details of Allard van
Wallene's new towhook on my website,
A description of the hook and photos are in the Free Flight section
under Flexhook, or
if you'd rather just click something.
French Team
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French Team for Ukraina 2006 Eurochamps.
Saturday and Sunday we had our national contest to select the team for 2006.
Sunday was very wet with almost no wind (8flights), sunday dawned with
thick fog and 3-4 m/s wind.
As time passed by the wind increased to 6-7 m/s with only a slight
increase visibility. Finally at 11am the contest direction wisely
decided to cancel all the day, as we already had enough flights to
determine the team.
The result is:
F1A: Francois MOREAU, Bertrand POUZET, Frederic ABERLENC.
Reserve:Emmanuel RAGOT and Fabien POURIAS (tie to be solved later)
F1B: Sege TEDESCHI, Jean-Claude CHENEAU, Francois DUCASSOU. Reserve:
Pierre-Olivier TEMPLIER.
F1C: Alain ROUX, Bernard BOUTILLIER, Laurent POUYADOU. Reserve: Michel
Team Manager: Bernard BOUTILLIER. Assistant Team Manager: to be
appointed later after knowing the team member's preference.
Looking for ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Respected sirs,I was a pilot in the Indian Air Force - indeed a chopper flier.
are there any simulating realtime models am in Nicosia.
a rel flying model.
kindly help...
VA Mk. II wanted
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Greetings SEN readers,
I am in search of a VA Mk II .049 in new to very good running condition.
Please contact me at the address listed.
Autumn Thermals,
Don DeLoach
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P.S. The VA Mk. II is the one without the split crankcase.
looking for wings!
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I would like buy 104 and 107 inch achterberg wings.If anyone has them for sa
le please call me at this # 941-400-8256 I will send cash first inc shipping.I
am a buyer not a nit lets go! C. Stiles
F1A answers
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Here's some answers to Neil Murray's F1A questions. This is exactly the
kind of stuff I have spent lots of time thinking about and experimenting
with so I can't resist some comments.
1. If you have an electronic wing wiggler you should definitely use it
during tow! I've been doing this for years and it should not be any
strain on the battery, especially if you are using a LiPo cell as these
have extrodinary capacity for the weight. Even if you weren't moving
the wing during tow, the servo will still need energy anyway just to
keep the wing in the correct position. The settings are a matter of
taste. Some prefer the wings to be dead straight for straight tow and
of course washed in for circle tow. I prefer just a very slight amount
of wash during straight tow and then about a mm for circle tow. Kicking
in that extra wash for circle tow when the hook moves back really helps
the model to turn quick on the line.
2. It is much easier to launch straight, although most launches are a
curve or arc to a greater or lesser degree. It is possible to build up
lots of speed by setting the model to curve when unlatched such that the
acceleration starts when the model is actually pointing away or is
perpendicular to the direction of the running. The model then has to
make a turn during your run such it is pointing forward and is high on
the line at the moment of launch. I have done this but have found it to
be very tricky and hard to repeat is changing weather conditions. If
the conditions were always calm it would be good, but mix in wind and
the timing and settings need to change, but you don't need the extra
speed in wind anyway so better to stick with the more forgiving straight
setup. In reality I like just a slight amount of turn or arc such that
the acceleration can start just when the model is "turning the corner"
before the launch.
3. Stab incidence on tow question - there are lots of opinions on this
one! For circle tow kick up the stab above the glide setting until it
just starts to become stally while on the line. Being right on the edge
of the stall is good for making the model turn quick on the line, for
calm conditions a little less incidence might be good. I ususally use
the same position for straight tow, although in wind lowering the stab
during straight tow closer to the glide position can be good to lower
the pull and help the steerability. For maximum launch speed when the
model is unlatched and accelerating, there are some people that lowering
the stab is good to lower the drag and increase speed. However I
believe that it is the pull on the line that generates the speed and so
I put the stab where the model will pull the hardest which is usually
more up than glide position, or about the circle tow position. You can
try adding more and more incidence to generate more pull, but there is a
point of diminishing return where the model won't fly right anymore.
One trick tried by some super tech nordic guys like Allard V or Rene
Limberger, is to have the stab gradually increase in incidence during
the acceleration, the theory being that more incidence is needed just
before launch to counter act the loss of pull that happens when the
model gets overhead. Those guys can comment on that. I definitely
believe that it is good to have extra incidence in the stab before
launch to pitch the model up immediately and quickly, rather than trying
to blip the stab after launch.
4. Bunt settings for wind? I find that it is possible to find a single
set of bunt settings that work in all conditions.
5. Towline is a matter of personal taste. Can't beat the russian rod
for simplicity, and lots of guys use it and get very high launches which
don't seem to be bothered by extra drag. I like having a thick cord at
the bottom for easy handling and am currently using "pulse line" for
this, about 3mm stuff available in sailing shops, and then use spectra
on top.
Good luck,
Ken Bauer
Stressless Dihedral Joints
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Stressless Dihedral Joints
To those of us who still build their wings, there is
always a problem of creating accurate dihedral
joints. I'm not speaking about how to create the
correct angle, since there are many contraptions
that do a good job.
The problem, however, is the butting rib, spanning
between the D-box in the front and the trailing edge
at the back, is flexible even if capped. So once the
sander is removed, the rib bows back, and the two
panels don't fit exactly.
In a four panel wing the sanding can shave off 2-3 mm
from the rib's top, just behind the D-box, depending on
the wing's chord.
One solution is to widen the last rib, say to 6-7 mm.
The wider rib is more rigid, and the bowing is less
Another, and probably a new approach, is to buttress
the last rig before we start sanding in the dihedral
angle. What I do is to take a scrap piece of 1/8" balsa,
almost as wide as the gab between the last two ribs
and a touch longer that the rib itself. The buttress
is attached with Elmer's glue to the last rib, and epoxied
onto the trailing edge. (There is no need to glue it
to the D-box). The last rib becomes really stiff and
does not bow during the sanding.
The buttress is removed once the dihedral is ready.
It avoids any stresses in the dihedral joint while it
is being glued, preventing stress related warps in the
Blog scale-autogiro
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Please, lok at:
Best regards.
Jean Cousin
Issacson and F1Q
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Norm and Roger,
Great! I plan to attend the Issacson next year, and would like to fly
F1Q with the mini events. The format we have been using is five
rounds, with a 2:30 minute max. This will fit nicely with the minies
and will be a an opportunity to demonstrate the new event. A number
of fliers in the west expressed interest in F1Q, and adding a F1Q
event at the Issacson might be an incentive to complete their models
by then.
George Batiuk has agreed to add F1Q at the Maxmen for the same
reasons. Hopefully, you could do the same.
[We are planning to have F1Q at the Isaccson Winter Classic along with ..
The 6 Normal FAI events
Nos Wakefield
FAI Catapult glider - flown with the Minis - 90 sec max - full rules later
P 30
and F1P]
Leeper's Log, 7-20-05 to 8-10-05
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
[Roger...I know this is 'dated', but since I can't find any cogent report
of the Kibbie Dome affair, not withstanding Larry Norvall's fine blurb,
I send you this for your consideration re publishing my Big Trip story.
Hi again all,
6130 is the number...miles driven in my newish 2003 Honda Element on the TRIP.
I left 20 July for Moscow, ID and the Kibbie Dome Indoor event, on to Muncie fo
r the
Nats, then home, arriving 10 Aug without problems, carrying lots of great memor
of the people, events and sights I saw across this great and vast USA.
The Kibbie Dome site is wonderful for indoor flying of all types.
Many old and new friends were met, and lots of 'how ya beens' were shared.
The so called 'Battle near Seattle' which Bruce Kimball was so instrumental in
promoting, was excitingly attended and hotly fought for, with Big Jim Lewis pip
Jim Buxton. These guys can really throw well, and use big gliders of 22-27 in s
Fliers from many states and countries attended. Len Surtees[Australia]came fart
Mark Benns and Bob Bailey[UK], John Buskell, ex-pat brit, now living in B.C. Ca
got there to share the experience and get in some indoor flying.
Mark beat Jim B's F1N IHLG record, doing 84 secs with a big Discus launch glide
It has no moving surfaces...climbs left, glides right, from right handed throw.
He flew it as record attempts only, not in the contest per se, as it is over le
gal area.
We felt this might be the sea change for launching outdoor gliders soon...He th
tried all out and threw it apart, as I recall.
Still, it was quite spectacular to witness the record setting flight.
In Std[small]and Unltd[big] ICLG Stan Buddenbohm and Kurt Krempetz were the
respective victors, beating each other into 2nd places. I felt my two third pl
aces was
a good result, as they had the better gliders in each class.
It was great to be at a high quality indoor event again, as it still is an inte
exciting, yet highly enjoyable experience.
Thanks go out to Andy Tagliafico for his fine efforts to run such an event for
us all.
I left Moscow on the 26th of July, bound for Muncie via Montana, Wyoming, South
Dakota, Minn, Wisc, Illinois, then into Indiana on Saturday. This was after a n
stop in Chitown to have breakfast with my niece, Jennifer. I happened to drive
Wrigley Field, and snapped a couple shots of the stadium before continuing, as
I am a big baseball fan.
The Signature Inn was full of aeromodellers, the weather was calm, warm and goo
for FFers, which bode well for a fun-filled 6 days.
The Juniors had a good battle on Sunday and many were getting ready with lots
of test flying.
Monday was F1A glider and my starting rounds were in air that decayed below 100
feet altitude, so I was way down the list. I forgot I was entered in OT HLG un
Charley Sotich asked me why I had no scores recorded! By that time of day, I c
not have driven to my motel and returned by 4:30, flight closing time.
Not a good start for me, needless to say...but wait! Tuesday was worse!
My cantakerous F1H glider refused to allow towing in any form, so put it away a
still am not clear on a fix. So no flights, as I left my backup glider home.
But that evening was great, with calm air, so several of us flew some CLGs in a
bit of a challenge match. I got some good times[high 70s]to win and prompt
Fast Richard[yes, Dick Mathis was up from Snider's Swamp, which was great!]to
say I would need more time to beat him next year! Big Jim Lewis, Len Surtees a
the rest of us said this should be an annual special event.
Dinner that evening @ Texas Roadhouse with the Secors, Bill Chenault, Dave Roun
saville and Fast Richard was a joyful hoot to live in our memories always.
Wednesday was CLG and things went very well for me and my Swee'Cat 18-6, as I
scored 5x120+50 to win for third year running.
Ken Bauer was a close second, with 5 sec less that 5 maxes, also flying a
Swee'Cat built from a Stan B kit.
Needless to say, I was very pleased with the days proceedings.
A small front advanced in the PM, dropping some rain overnight. This caused som
trouble Thursday, with turbulence over the trees in SW corner, for us in the OH
pen. It could have been located to a better site.
But it did not stop Big Jim Lewis from taking his second straight Nats chuck
glider victory. I came 6th despite 3 bad launches[more practice needed?].
It was great to see the youngsters out there, striving to achieve in such a
demanding category.
The Lorbiekis, Silky Sullivan and the rest of the great volunteers deserve
another BIG THX for the jobs they did in running another fine Nats.
[now if only the corn could go away...]
I left Muncie on Friday, drove to St Louis on Sat, saw the Arch, clicked a coup
le of pix,
took in the Cards-Braves game at Busch Stadium[being imploded after season to
allow completion of new Busch next door], had dinner with Chris Matsuno and Bob
Drove to K.C. Sun AM, had the immense pleasure of spending over 3 hrs going thr
the Negro Baseball Leagues Museum AND the American Jazz Museum, all in the
same building, learning more about two of my favorite things. Great stuff, tha
After a KC BBQ @ Zarda's rib joint [a gettogether arranged by Tem Johnson and
Mike Basta], I drove into the Route 66[aka I-40] sunset across KS, OK, TX panha
NM, AZ [THX to the Brocks for the swim, etc] to arrive in Costa Mesa about 4PM
Aug 10th.
None the worse for wear and 6130 miles on the clock...I may do it again next ye
Looking for Arik Donde
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Looking for Arik Donde
Can any one provide me an e-mail or home address for Arik Donde? I need
to contact him regarding our storage shed at Lost Hills.
Paul Crowley
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Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Looking for a rapid response thermistor; equivalent to BetaTHERM 2K7MCD1
or similar hypodermic size thermistor. The BetaTHERM part is hard to get
because of a 500 pc minimum order. The usual electronics suppliers
(Digikey,Mouser,etc) all have thermistors, but not the very small size,
rapid response type.
Engines for Free Flight and FAI Combat
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Hello dear friends airmodellers !
I am happy infom you about our powerfull engines for airmoidels.
We have meny engines on the stock and in production. Please to see in
web site.
Best regards !
Alexander Kalmykov
pr.Dzerjinskogo 2-67
Novosibirsk 630112
Phone/fax : +7 383 279 37 71
Phone/fax : +7 383 217 32 78
AIRCOM sim Problem
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AIRCOM sim Problem
(Peter King)
I have noticed a problem with the CD Rom version of my AIRCOM spread sheet.
When I tried to use the version that is available with the 2005 Sympo Report,
I realized it has many links to other older defuct versions, which prevents
proper use of the VSink Factor in the program. I apologize profusely for this
and will be happy to send, via email, a corrected version to anyone that needs
it. I have given the new version to SEN and hopefully that can be passed
onto the Sympo people so they can revise it in the CD rom version.
My apologies if this has caused any inconvenience.
Peter King
Answers to F1A electronic bunt questions
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Hi Roger,
A few comments for Neil Murray.......
1.. Is it worth taking out inner wing wash-in during straight tow?
It is very important to remove the large amount of "conventional warp" for
the straight part of the tow. The large amount of warp helps keep the circle
tight and flat but is a considerable problem as soon as tension is applied.
At low speed (i.e. in the circle) the higher incidence inboard produces drag
but when the model is speeded up the increased incidence acts as aileron and
turns the model away from the circle. The huge advantage of a wing wiggler
is that you can have lots of differential for the circle and everything
straight for the straight tow - wings level and rudder straight. This makes
the straight tow independent of speed - and hence very comfortable to tow
and launch because it always goes straight.
2.. Is it better to launch straight or to try to bank & turn during the bunt?
A little turn is good if it is windy and thermally but you must not have too
much. A bunt is less critical of launch attitude than a zoom but if the
model is turning too much it will roll level and bunt down.
3.. Should one keep the circle tow stab incidence during the pre
launch acceleration phase for extra line tension or should one lower the
stab for extra speed?
Depends on the wind. M&K models have the option of changing the tail
incidence when the hook is fully extended (OLA). If it is calm this can be
used to increase incidence to maintain tension. If it is windy you can
reduce tension in order to get more speed without excessive tension.
You do need considerably more than glide incidence for circle and straight
One of the big advantages of the electronic bunter is the ability to reduce
incidence for the "cruise". To get the best height the model should pitch up
quickly to vertical (pitch up incidence is about a degree or so more than
tow incidence and tow incidence is about 2 deg more than glide). As soon as
the model is vertical incidence is reduced to a degree less than glide to
prevent the model looping over onto its back. With a mechanical model the
climb has to be done at the tow/pitch up setting and hence the model will go
past vertical.
4.. What changes if the day is windy?
You have to test. It is easier for the tower in wind because the launch is
all done in the wind frame of reference. I don't think you need much change
of settings. (???)
5.. Final question - towlines.
A snapped line is not a lost model but it is a bad flight - especially in
round 6 of a big competition^&*)*(*&(*&^*&^%$%$#%$#@#@!@$%$^&&*(.
Russian rod is nice and non-stretchy but a pain on a rough field. Russian
rod is about 1 mm dia. Kevlar or spectra at the top end (~30 m) with softer
monofilament below is certainly good good for F1H and ok for F1A (and I
think it is now legal to have a joined line).
Finally. Zooming gliders all used to have conventional warps whereas, as you
noted Wakefields used "reverse warps" to aid thermal seeking (a hige topic
in itself). Now that differential is not required to control the zoom,
gliders can be set up with minimal (or even a touch of reverse if lower
aspect ratio). Models that are marginally spirally stable in the glide (R-L
rubber models, HLGs, F1Bs with reverse warps) do seem to thermal better.
Hope this is of some use.
Vin Morgan
Thanks to Vasily Beschasny and Gil Morris for thier donatins in support of SEN
Roger Morrell