SEN 986 - 13 Dec 2005
- Details
- Category: Archive 2005
- Hits: 1858
SCAT Electronic News 13 Dec 2005 issue 986
Table of Contents
NFFS One Design - Simpson
about Euro Champs - Stamov
NFFS One Design - Stalick
Zit EEM modules - Linkosalo
SCAT and other Calfornia news
F1C Rules _ Biggles
My first encounter with Bob White - Schroedter
NFFS One Design
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Ed,
In response to your question as to the NFFS One Design event flown a the
Autumn Cup in Sequin. We have flown this event as part of the Texas Cup
Points Competition since 2003. The designs allowed are the NFFS One
design for the year that Bill Vanderbeek sponsors. In 2003 it was the
Starduster-X with the Tee-Dee 049/.051. In 2004 it was the 1/2A Zero
with a nostalgia motor and in 2005 it was the 1/2A Fubar with a
nostalgia motor. All three models are now eligible to be flow in the
NFFS event for 2006 as well as the model Bill Vanderbeek selects for
that year.
Bill, what is the model for 2006? We have heard it is the 1/2A Mini
Pearl with the Tee-Dee .049/.051. Would you verify this please.
Reid Simpson
Autumn Cup CD and Texas Cup Administrator
about Euro Champs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Could you, please, publish in the nearest SEN the main information about
European Free Flight Championships 2006 (Bulletin 1 will be send by mail to
all European NACs, or possible download it from web site next week). After
CIAM Bureau Meeting last Saturday Bulletin 1 is official now. Unfortunately,
Championship will be open only for Europeans.
Thank you.
DATE AND PLACE: July, 16-23, 2006, Odesa, Ukraine
Sunday, July, 16 Arrival, registration, model processing, practice. Opening
Monday, July, 17 Arrival, registration, practice, model processing
Tuesday, July, 18 F1A
Wednesday, July, 19 F1B
Thursday,July, 20 Early morning 10 min fly off for F1A, F1B, reserve day
Friday, July, 21 F1C
Saturday, July, 22 Early morning 10 min fly off for F1C, reserve day. Tour,
Awards, Banquet
Sunday, July, 23 Departure
1st round 6:30 - 7:25
2nd round 7:30 - 8:25
3rd round 8:30 - 9:25
4th round 9:30 - 10:25
5th round 10:30 - 11:25
6th round 11:30 - 12:25
7th round 12:30 - 13:25
Lunch 14:00 - 16:00
5 min fly off 18:30 - 18:40
7 min fly off 19:30 - 19:40
225 EUR - Competitor;
150 EUR - Team Manager, Team Manager Assistant;
30 EUR - Supporter, Helper
WEB SITE: (will be open next week)
Antonov Cup (World Cup) - July, 7-9, Kyiv;
Black Sea Cup/Belarus (World Cup) - July, 13-16, Odesa (more information at also from next week).
Simirenko str., 34, Apt. 127,
03134 Kyiv,
Tel. home: 380 44 402 79 32
Mobile: +380 97 987 42 80 or +380 67 751 16 63
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
NFFS One Design
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Regarding the question from Ed Mate (What is the NFFS One Design Airplane):
The One Design model for 2005 is the 1/2A Fubar as presented in the Midwest
kit. It is to be flown to the same requirements at Early Nostalgia.
The One Design model for 2006 is the Mini Pearl by Bill Chennault. The model
will be flown to Nostalgia Rules but it may be powered by any T.D. 049-051
plus any Nostalgia engine.
I hope that clears up the question. If not, please let me know at <
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Bob Stalick, NFFS Publications Services
Zit EEM modules
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bob Van Nest wrote:
> I want to purchase Zit Electronic eem module. These modules where
> imported and sold by Kevin Kuczek ( also looking for e-mail
> address for Jan Zitman, maker of Zit Electronic timers and eem modules.
About two years ago I was working on my electronic timer and installed Zit
EEM to release wing wiggler and autorudder, while the servo adjusted tail
incidence and DT. At that time I got to contact mr. Zitnan by e-mail and
agreed that I would order a couple of the actuators from his next
manufacture patch. By the time he was supposed to make tham I failed to
contact him any more, and have not been since. I have no idea of his
whereabout or why he does not reply to his e-mails any more.
I have a couple of the units, one in use in F1B. Unfortunately the unit
does not seem to work as well as I hoped it would. It does not handle the
load form wiggler really well, but is quite sensitive to get stuck under
too much load. Of course I could re-build the mechanics to reduce the load
on the actuator. But anyway, as those units do not seem to be available
any more, I plan to use a servo instead of the actuator in my future timer
projects. with current miniature servos weightin less than 4 grams the
weigh difference is not much anyway.
[Bob's interest - and mine is that I make a special single function D/T timer for
simple models - "Simple Magic". This timer, that does not require
an external programming device can be used with a variety of actuators. It looked
on paper that the EEM device would be suitable. But maybe not if the availability is
limited ?
are there other alternatives ? ]
SCAT and other Calfornia news
The plans for the upcoming F1E World Cup in Feb are going well.
Volunteers able to be on site for the contest days, 14-15 Feb, are needed!
Please let Lee or Jim know if you would like to assist.
Lost Hills field situation report by George Batiuk: at some time in next two
years Holloway will be gypsum mining in the land north of our field. This may require
moving or at least could limit our usage.
He also had an answer from the CIAM on the question of opening up the Euro Cup
to non-European nations. NO GO!
Solid 'no votes' by those countries, which hold controlling majority.
Ah well...there are still 2 open World Cups at the Odessa venue, straddling the
Euro Cup dates, for those interested in going.
The Americas Cup for 2006 will see some venue changes.
A motion was made after discussion, to award an Am Cup sanction to the Winter
Classic, as it has been such a vital, well attended contest for several years,
attracting entrants from far and wide. The motion was strongly approved.
As a result, the USFFC will no longer be Am Cup sanctioned.
Pierre Brun negotiated an agreement to move the Sierra Champs sanction to
Tangent, Oregon in August. This will create the opportunity to fly in two Am Cup events
over a four day period, with only one travel trip needed.
We hope this will enhance both meetings.
In the East, the EFFC meet moves from Higgs Farm to Wawayanda, NY, due to field
availability issues. Coordinated through Andrew Barron and the Skyscrapers.
Possibly this will be only for 2006 season.
There are no significant rules changes, only a clarification re notifying the FF
public in the event of cancellation or rescheduling of any Am Cup contest.
The Scatter Conservation Project has been slowed due to Jim's new work
assignment, he was sorry to report. [On the postive side it indicates the Prez
is a young man as he has not retired !]
The Prez proposed the idea to sponsor an F1A Flyoff, exclusively for World
Champions, to be held Friday morn of the MaxMen FAI.
George B said, ' OK with him'. There will be $333.33 awarded to the winner.
We challenged the MaxMen and Sierra Eagles to do likewise for F1B and C
respectively. Geo B agreed, and Mike McK will be asked soon.
Details to follow ... will Matt Gewain, dust off those F1As in the attic ?
Geo B also announced that the MaxMen FAI International will be renamed in
Bob White's memory in 2007.
The Scribe
F1C Rules
Now that I read in Aero Modeller (AMI) Jan 2006, page 51, that Pieter
De Boer has forsaken Glider for another FAI event, someone should
politely inform him that in F1C you are not allowed to use a pipe !
- Biggles
My first encounter with Bob White.
George Schroedter
In the late 30s and early 40s, the dominant model airplane club
in Southern California was the Los Angeles Gas Model Airplane
Association (LAGMAA). They held contests at Western & Rosecrans
the first Sundays of June and December. At the time I was living
in the westernmost part of La Canada. (We were right on the
border with Montrose, so the school bus ride I had to take each
weekday to attend Eliot Junior High School in Altadena took
almost an hour.)
While the Los Angeles Club was too far for me to join, I did
receive their monthly newsletter that reported on all of the
free flight activity in Southern California. Once in a while the
Pasadena Barnstormers club wound be mentioned. So it was not
long before I decided that the Barnstormer Club was the club for
me. But whom should I contact? Bob White was a Barnstormer that
was sometimes mentioned, and in one issue his address was given.
He lived on California Ave. in Pasadena. I think the number was
690 East California Blvd. So one Saturday morning in the spring
of 1941 I hitchhiked over to his house only to find no one home.
Shucks! I didn't try again until late July.
My parents were divorced. I spent most of that summer living
with my mother in east Pasadena. That morning when I rang the
White's doorbell Bob himself opened the door. Standing before me
was a rather dark skinned fellow with black, bushy eyebrow,
horn-rimmed glasses and a pleasant smile. I told him that I
wanted to join the Pasadena Barnstormers. "How old are you?" he
asked. "Fourteen", I replied. "Tell them you are 16. The club
has this rule. I don't agree with it."
Bob then took me upstairs to his room where we spent the next
two hours examining his models. He showed me a red Comet
Sailplane that had a Super Cyke up front. Then he pulled out a
blue Class C Pacer that had a Bunch Tiger 45. He said that one
day at Vail Field this model had made a 4-hour flight. The last
gas model he showed me was an original that he had recently
finished. It looked something like a stretched Comet
Interceptor. The shape of the pylon was different, but it had
the same triangular rear fuselage. He said it flew great.
Then he showed me the rubber model that he was building to fly
at a contest that was going to be held at W&R in two weeks. It
was a diamond stick body with a balsa pylon. What was striking
was the sparless wing. The wing's leading edge was made from 3/8
square and the trailing edge from 1/8 X 1/2. The wing tips were
bamboo. The span looked to be about 48 inches. Yes, it had twin
fins. I asked him if I could ride with him to that contest. He
said I could provided I would be willing to ride in the rumble
seat of his Model A Ford coupe. He said that his modeling friend
Bob Swain would be going with him.
True to his word, Bob picked me up at my house the morning of
the contest. It was early August. I brought along my original
"Dopey II" class C stick model. I saw that his big stick model
was finished and that he had also "acquired" a Berkeley Sinbad
the Sailor towline glider. I don't remember Bob Swain bringing a
In those days there were gas model contests and rubber model
contests, and never the twain shall meet. The contest that day
was considered a major one. There were three events: Stick,
Cabin and Towline Glider. I was very green back then and knew
nothing about "picking air". I think I was allowed two flights.
On neither did I catch lift. But that was not the case with Bob
White. Shades of things to come! After the awards were
presented, Bob had three trophies. First in Stick, first in
towline glider and the Sweepstakes trophy. He had lost the
glider, but it was later found to have come down on the Hawthorn
During the next year I lived with my mother and did as much
building as I could. Money was always in short supply. I did
join the Barnstormers, but it deactivated shortly after the war
started. Sill, I made a number of wonderful modeling friends.
Many times I went to Bob's house where he always had time to
help me with some "problem". Interestingly, the only other
person I ever saw in his house was his cousin Roy. I never saw
his parents. In the fall of 1942 Bob was drafted into the
military where he served as a weather observer out in the
Pacific. We did not correspond, so I lost track of him.
By the early 60s I was married, had two children, and was living
in Duarte. I had quit working and was attending college. One day
I arrived home and Mary said to me, "Bob White called." "What?"
"He looked up our phone number in the telephone book." I
immediately phoned him and scheduled a time to go see him. He
had married, had two children and was living in Baldwin Park.
I know little of his military service other than he was a
weather observer. He wound up in a hospital in Washington DC
after the war where he met and later married a red-haired
Italian girl named Toni. They had married and lived in
Albuquerque, NM. He had only recently decided to return to
Southern California. When I asked him if he was flying models,
he replied, "Yes". Bob said that he had taken up flying U-
controls and had competed in a few stunt competitions. It so
happened that I was than also flying U-control models, though
never in competition.
During the next couple of years we had lots of fun flying
together. Our families did things together which included
spending a week one summer on the beach at Oceanside. In
addition to flying models, I went on several fishing trips with
Bob. Our two families were quite close. When I received my
Bachelor's degree in June of 1965, Mary and I celebrated that
night with Toni and Bob.
Bob was good at U-control. Near the end, he was getting good at
a new event called "Rat Race." He knew how to rework engines. He
liked the Fox 36.
Many times he would tell me how glad he was that he was not
flying free flight models. "Too far to go to fly". "Too easy to
loose.". But I never sensed that he really meant what he was
I eventually got bored building and eventually crashing models.
In the spring of 1964 Bob had surgery for a hernia. When Mary
and I went to visit him, I told him that I had decided quit U-
control and go back to flying free flight. He responded to this
with a strange far-away look in his eyes. I knew immediately
that Bob was ready to turn his great talents to the most
challenging part of the hobby of flying model airplanes.
You all know the rest of this story.
Roger Morrell