SEN 881 - 15 Jul 2004
- Details
- Category: Archive 2004
- Hits: 1476
SCAT Electronic News 15 July 2004 issue 881
Table of Contents
Nordic Cup
GlideTEK at the Nats
Sezimovo Usti Jury report - Van Wallene
Romania - Norton
Free Flight Quarterly's issue #12 - Montes
Free Flight stuff for sale - Perkins
F1A and parts from Moscow for sale.
Huron Cup - World and America's Cup
F1B models for sale - Joyner
Nordic Cup Results
Place Country Name (J) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Result1. fly-off
1 DEN Bo Nyhegn 240 180 180 180 180 180 1140 300
2 NED Pieter de Boer 240 180 180 180 180 180 1140 281
3 SWE Daniel Findahl (J) 240 180 178 180 180 180 1138
4 RUS Yuriy Y Evdomikov 237 180 180 180 180 180 1137
5 GER Dirk Halbmeier 240 180 180 180 180 169 1129
6 NED Maarten van Dijk 228 180 180 180 180 180 1128
7 GER Thomas Weimer 240 161 180 180 180 180 1121
8 RUS Sergey Makarov 233 180 180 158 180 180 1111
9 DEN Jes Nyhegn 205 180 180 180 180 180 1105
10 GBR Alan Jack 240 180 152 180 180 168 1100
11 FIN Pekka Ronkanen 240 180 180 134 180 178 1092
12 FIN Juhani Kuningas 237 180 131 180 180 180 1088
13 GER Patrick Witkowski 240 180 180 180 143 158 1081
14 RUS Mikhail Kochkarev 240 180 108 180 180 180 1068
15 SWE Michael Holmbom 210 180 175 180 140 180 1065
16 SWE Per Findahl 209 180 180 180 134 180 1063
17 GBR William Colledge 225 159 179 131 180 180 1054
18 NED Ivo Kreetz 190 180 180 121 180 180 1031
19 GBR John Carter 226 172 180 180 112 153 1023
20 DEN Steffen Hjort Jensen 209 180 180 90 180 171 1010
21 GER Mathias Färber 186 161 156 180 180 131 994
22 EST Urmas Kokk 163 147 180 180 178 131 979
23 SWE John Pettersson 130 180 126 180 180 180 976
24 SWE Thomas Stålhandske (J) 76 180 180 180 180 180 976
25 EST Ardu Pärna 147 142 180 180 180 143 972
26 SWE Anders Persson 240 136 112 171 127 180 966
27 LAT Janis Zarins (J) 240 180 112 112 141 180 965
28 SWE Gustav Bolmbom (J) 135 176 101 180 180 180 952
29 GER Ron Assmuss 195 118 96 180 180 180 949
30 DEN Thomas Røjgaard 107 133 180 172 180 170 942
31 FIN Timu Pajunen 227 180 180 97 165 93 942
32 FIN Matti Lihtamo 150 69 180 180 180 180 939
33 DEN Lars Buch-Jensen 166 137 94 180 180 180 937
34 GBR Richard Jack (J) 152 179 153 111 180 154 929
35 NED Martijn Gielen 87 180 153 180 148 180 928
36 NED Ron Kreetz 239 180 180 88 180 49 916
37 RUS Mikhail Kosonoskin 206 149 180 180 180 0 895
38 NED Bart Rotteveel 185 180 169 92 83 180 889
39 SWE Ulf Edlund 218 180 180 139 163 0 880
40 EST Mihkel Joal (J) 99 105 180 115 180 177 856
41 SWE Sven Landevik 155 121 180 180 68 130 834
42 USA Lee Hines 216 180 126 108 180 0 810
43 EST Eldar Ahmetov (J) 130 127 97 158 180 104 796
44 NED Antoon van Eldik 226 105 166 65 180 0 742
45 DEN Karsten Kongstad 187 147 0 167 111 0 612
46 NOR Atle Klungrehaug 97 180 50 180 0 0 507
47 SWE Poul Sjöblom 207 107 102 30 45 0 491
48 NED Allard van Wallene 193 180 0 0 0 0 373
1 RUS Radik Khuziev 300 180 180 180 180 180 1200 300 242
2 GER Bernd Silz 300 180 180 180 180 180 1200 300 198
3 SWE Gunnar Wivardsson 300 180 180 180 180 180 1200 288
4 GER Andreas Gey 300 180 180 180 180 180 1200 283
5 GER Hagen Stendal 300 180 180 180 180 180 1200 260
6 GBR B Russel Peers 300 180 180 180 180 180 1200 258
7 SWE Michael Dahlin 300 180 180 180 180 180 1200 207
8 GER Peter Windisch 300 180 180 180 180 180 1200 194
9 RUS Yury V Evdokimov 300 180 180 180 140 180 1160
10 LAT Viktors Rosonoks 300 180 180 180 137 180 1157
11 SUI Hans Schoder 261 180 180 174 180 180 1155
12 LAT Vadims Racko 207 180 180 180 180 180 1107
13 SWE David Thorsen 285 180 142 180 125 180 1092
14 DEN Jens B. Kristensen 183 180 180 180 180 171 1074
15 SWE Magnus Söderling 183 180 180 180 165 180 1068
16 SUI Rudolf Trumpf 188 180 180 173 172 153 1046
17 NED Pim Ruyter 300 180 180 180 128 0 968
18 LTU Laurynas Gircys (J) 243 180 180 180 166 0 949
19 LTU Rolandas Mackus 300 180 180 144 132 0 936
20 NED Wim Feÿth 206 180 180 174 162 0 902
21 NOR Jan Wold 248 180 140 150 180 0 898
22 NED Henk van Hoorn 179 180 180 180 159 0 878
23 GER Peter Mönninghoff 225 135 180 180 90 0 810
24 NED Roel Lucassen 146 176 129 160 131 0 742
25 FIN Ossi Kilpelainen 224 180 115 30 60 97 706
26 NED Anselmo Zeri 251 180 0 0 0 0 431
Place Country Name (J) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Result
1 EST Juri Roots 240 180 180 180 180 180 1140
2 AUT Reinhard Truppe 240 180 180 167 180 180 1127
3 GER Helmar Clement 226 180 180 180 180 180 1126
4 GER Claus Gretter 240 180 180 180 102 180 1062
5 SWE Gunnar Ågren 101 180 180 180 180 121 942
6 GER Andreas Lindner 240 180 180 180 97 0 877
GlideTEK at the Nats
If you have a void in your model fleet, I can deliver competition FAI
models to the 2004 Nationals.
The following "ready to fly" models will be available as early as Saturday,
July 31 in Muncie:
F1A, a Buntbone, and a Lil Al classic, both tested and ready for
F1B, Burdov starter model
F1J, Vasi’s big 2003 floater, never flown, install bladder and fuel line
and fire it up.
F1H, one of Vasi’s personal competition models.
F1G, several tested contest models, Bukin and Burdov.
I also have folding props for 1/2A or F1J.
Check my website at
Or give me a call at 612-220-5239
Please reserve one of the above models to assure that it will be available.
You can also reach me at the NATS at the above phone number.
I am looking forward to meeting you at the 2004 Nationals.
Dave Edmonson
Sezimovo Usti Jury report
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi all,
following up on my previous report on the Sezimovo Usiti competition, I
was surprised to finally see a jury report
which can be found at:
some observations:
the report reads:
Flight line, changes of position: 3
In reality the flight line has not been changed at all, even after many
models landed in the nearby village
Deviation from Sporting Code:
Why is the 5 minute fly off working time for F1A and F1B not reported?? A
clear deviation of FAI Sporting Code!
regards, Allard
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Could you please inquire on SEN to see if anyone is going to =
Romania at the end of this month or next month for FF contests. If such =
a person exists, I would like to contact him/her.
bob norton
Free Flight Quarterly's issue #12
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The twelfth issue of FFQ has just appeared, and it contains interesting
articles on a broad range of Free Flight topics. There are articles on
F1A gliders by Juha Heikkinen and Ronald Borg; Klaus Salzer describes
Leissner's novel winding system for F1B models, while magnet steering
enthusiasts can delight on the intricacies of Rudi Trumpf's Swiss model.
Model aerodynamics, always well represented in FFQ, has also several
articles, by Jean Wantzenriether on Stability calculations a la Zaic,
Peter King's second part of the analysis of Open Rubber models, as well
as the second part of Bill Gieskieng's history of F1C flapper
development. For the scale enthusiasts there is Bill Henn's article on
the "Goon " racer, an excellent flyer of 16" span, modelling Art
Chester's racer of the Golden Years of Pylon Racing. Rene Jossien's
famous essay on the construction of propellers for Vintage models has
its first part in this issue.... and really much more, including an
essay on the Benedek airfoils, in memoriam the recent death of Dr
Georges Benedek.
For those who would want further details on the magazine, its website is
at :
or just write to my address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Sergio Montes
Free Flight stuff for sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Free flight engines for sale: NIB and Like New K & B 3.25, 3.5, 4.9, 5.8,
and 6.5. CS 049 Johannes-reworked. Nova Rossi 21. Nostalgia and OT
engines. One NIB KSB DT timer and two Andriukov F1B 4-5 f/dt timers. Call
614-451-3558 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for lists.
Bob Perkins
F1A and parts from Moscow for sale.
Author : Pugachenko Aleksandr This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1)The pupil of Sergey Pankov (,
Sergey Kozyrev from Moscow sells complete model F1A from carbon ready to fly.
Wing span 2150 mm, profile of Viktor Stamov, covered by ikarex.
Stabilizer area 4.18 dm2; arm 680 mm; mechanical timer 4 functions.
With 2-positions wing wiggler.
The price of model 700 EUR.
2)Complete longeron ( 4 elements + 2 pins) from Japanese carbon roving of norma
density made by mould.
Longerons are intended for manufacturing of wings with wing span 2330 - 2580mm,
profile M&K.
The price of the complete set 105 $.
3)Servo holder with wheels + Bunt mechanism for e-model of M&K.
The price of the complete set 50 $.
4)Accumulators onboard GP for e-model
6 volt 120 mA hour.
The price of the complete set 18 $.
5)Accumulators onboard GP for e-model
6 volt 160 mA hour.
The price of the complete set 20 $.
We shall bring the model and parts to European Aeromodelling Championships
in Buzau (Romania).
Aleksey Riazantsev
Yury Titov
Huron Cup - World and America's Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
World Cup and America's Cup at Base Borden CANADA.
Events: F1A-F1B-F1C-F1G-F1H and F1J
Entry Fee: Mini events CAD $20.00 =20
F1A-F1B-F1C CAD $30.00 (saturday lunch included)
Saturday July 17. F1G-F1H-F1J starting at 8AM to 6PM
Lunch and thermal break from 12PM to 4PM
Fly-offs Sunday morning
Saturday July 17. F1A-F1B-F1C One hour rounds starting at 6PM. Third =
Sunday July 18th. Fourth round: 8AM-9AM EXTENDED MAX (weather =
Registrations to be received by July 14, 2004.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Tel: (519( 875-2734 or late entry charges =
will apply. (plus, won't get B.B.Q)
Entry fees will be collected on the field
Jerry McGlashan
Toronto Free Flight Group
F1B models for sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Too many models and no place to fly. I have three F1B's for sale. All three
use AA components including VP front ends. These are competative models
competativly priced. Delivery available at Muncie NATS or I will ship for
modest fee. For detailed list of models and prices, please e-mal
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Louis Joyner
Roger Morrell