SEN 792- April 16 2003
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- Category: Archive 2003
- Hits: 1404
News and Reports 2003
SCAT Electronic News 16 April 2002 issue 792
Table of Contents
index - Brocks
I-10 Challenge in Eloy, AZ
contest dates - Brooks
San Val Report - SweepetteLee
NFFS Sympo Archive - Salzer
..Straight, No Chaser - Brokenspar
UK Free Flight Nationals - Woodhouse
F1J / F1P engine summary - Gregorie
Modeler's Tax Shelter - AAL
Taibi's SPACER
BMFA Free Flight Forum Report - Dilly
old galloping ghost contolaire
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rene Jossien from France has over the years developed an excellent formula
for determining the Center of Gravity of freeflight models. Chris
Stoddard has made a good program (1.5 MB) for this formula which can be
downloaded from his web site:
I-10 Challenge in Eloy, AZ
Hi Roger,
On April 26 and 27 we have the I-10 Challenge in Eloy, AZ on Webster Field
(take I-10 exit 203, go 5.3 miles S on Toltec Road). It is a Category II,
National Cup and FAI FF 2005 team trials qualifier contest. We have a
full slate of AMA, Nostalgia and OT events.
F1G/F1H/F1J Combo (5 flights, no rounds) is flown on Saturday,
F1A/F1B/F1C/F1P Combo (7 flights, no rounds) on Sunday.
You can camp on the field. Saturday evening we will have a fire pit where
you can burn your hot dog. Come one, come all!
Thermals, Peter Brocks This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
contest dates
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'm confused. Does the NFFS contest info disagree with the Digest info in
current issue. I thought the Skyscraper contest was May 24/25 , but the
Digest has it on 17/18.
I thought the Intercities was June 21/22, but the Digest says 14/15.
What' up with that.
Jim Brooks
San Val Report
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I just got home from the SV Annual..
The comp was always under the threat of weather: wind and turbulence early
Sat[similar to Pierre's Comp;the wind was even to the north green field].
No one flew F1A...Don, Pierre, Peter, Dean, Norm S, Tyler and I were there,
But after some delay, most opted out.
In any case, I was intent on CLG, which was competitive with Norm[winning
with a Sweepette 16!],Tim, Stan, and I having a good time on a wild,
trashy air day.
The rain did not arrive til about 5AM Sunday, but the day was flyable, with
the same north drift direction again.
HLG was competitive like CLG, with Norm winning again, then Tim and I came
Lift was very hard to pick, with little evidence at ground level. Plus the
little showers that started rolling thru kept everyone guessing.
It was a bit exciting all round, and I was happy to see Norm do well...he
deserved the wins.
Surprisingly there were only a few light showers until around 1PM...which
was the end of the comp...then BAM, the first squall hit from the west!
Of course, that meant the awards had to be given in the muddy beginning of
the real storm arrival. But the hardy folk remaining coped and I left behind
the Smiths and Emerys before the stuff got very slippery.
See you at the NorCal!
NFFS Sympo Archive
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I just received the NFFS Sympo Archive CD's - a real great job and
well worth the money!
You even get more than is immediately recognizable: The CD's do
contain the 2001 and 2002 Sympos, even if the program does not show
them. Either open the pages manually (they are in folders marked with
the year), or - if you have Microsoft Access on your computer - do the
1) open the file Sympo.mdb, which is among the programm files of the
sympo viewer
2) select "tables" from the object list
3) rename the table "ArticleList" to something else (like
4) rename the table "ArticleListFull" to "ArticleList"
5) exit Access
Start the Sympo Viewer and you will find the 2001 and 2002 articles
listet in the search window for Articles/Authors.
I have not yet managed to get the info into the Sympo search list,
neither will the contents appear there ...
Going through Access you could also create a Keyword search routine, a
thing I do miss in the standard Sympo Viewer, and you could append the
ArticleList table by including specific articles which have not been
indexed as yet - technical reports included in the WC plans books,
specific model drawings from the "ten models of the year", etc. The
biggest bother will be to find the correct picture file name.
(sorry Tim if I should have revealed your trade secret!)
Have fun!
Klaus W. Salzer
..Straight, No Chaser
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
According to ' The New Yorker ' March 24..
Clint Eastwood produced a film by that name,
How do we get to see this... hip friends ?
UK Free Flight Nationals
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just a quick note to say. The use of RAF Barkston Heath for the Nats is
still AOK. However due to problems associated with the runway work, the
backlog of flight training and preparations for the Battle of Briatin flight
there will be no access to the airfield or campsite until after 17:30 on
Friday at the earliest. We have been asked not to park on the roads leading
to the airfield so please do not turn up prior to 17:30.
Thanks in anticipation for your cooperation.
Mike Woodhouse
Chairman FFTC
F1J / F1P engine summary
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I've recently put up a set of web pages summarizing what I've been
able to glean about engines suitable for the F1J and F1P classes, but
it has a few gaps. If anybody has e-mailable photos of the following
engines I'd be most grateful for copies:
- AD-06
- Strukov-06
I'd also appreciate any information at all about the Strukov engine
as well as photos, text and performance figures for engines I haven't
covered at all. Oh, yeah: corrections and additional details for the
engines I have covered are welcome as well. You can find my
freeflight stuff at:
or via the Free Flight web ring
The F1J / F1P summary is in the 'Designs and Articles' section.
Modeler's Tax Shelter
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Through the years, we've all heard about tax shelters.
They are supposed to be a very important thing to have if you are a celebrity
or a high roller. Modelers are, from what I've observed, usually folks of
quite moderate means, but it seems to me that we could use something like
this, too. Well, here' s one you can easily put together, by yourself,
without laying out lots of money for high-priced legal or financial advisor
Please take a look at:
You can see other hopefully useful/humorous items at the 'freestuff' page at
my website, listed below.
A. A. Lidberg model plan service
Taibi's SPACER
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'm looking for a kit or semi-kit for the AB and or CD size of the
Spacer. Can you direct me? Got your address from Bob Mattes.
Thanks, Dan NFFS
BMFA Free Flight Forum Report
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
Could you find space for the following in SEN please; the
clamouring thousands await ...
Best wishes,
The 2003 BMFA Free Flight Forum Report is finally ready, after a few
hiccups. It again covers a wide range of our activities, as the following=
contents list shows. =
John Barker Introducing Data Into Spreadsheets
Mike Fantham Compass, Map and GPS, - The Tools of the Retriever
Martin Dilly Laminated Sliced Ribs
Dave Clarkson Flat-Bottomed Sections for Power Models
John Barker Some Aspects of Drag
Bernie Hunt A New Method of Rubber Testing
Chris Edge Get Jiggy With It (Cutting Jigs for Composite Structures)
Mike Fantham Sanding Dihedral Joints in Composite Wing Structures
Joe Flynn A Christmas Torque (F1B and F1G Torque Meters)
Prices are as follows:
UK - Pounds 8.00 including postage
Airmail to Europe - Pounds 9.00 " "
Airmail elsewhere - Pounds 10.00 " "
Cheques should be payable to 'BMFA F/F Team Support Fund', in pounds
sterling only, and drawn on a bank with a branch in the UK; you may also
order by credit card.
Copies are available from : Martin Dilly
20, Links Road,
West Wickham,
or by phone or fax to: +44 (0)20-8777-5533, or by e-mail to
All proceeds go towards the funding of Britain's teams for indoor and
outdoor F/F World and European Championships.
Martin Dilly
old galloping ghost contolaire
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have a plane complete with the original galloping ghost radio and gear.
This plane was built possibly early 60's from the info passed on. The
plane was never flown and is not damaged. I am trying to find out some
history if possible.
Thanks Doug
Thanks to Bob and Critclow for their donation in support of SEN.
The Critches, more than any one else I know showed that this thsi
'serious' F1B stuff can be fun.
Roger Morrell