SEN 795- April 27 2003
- Details
- Category: Archive 2003
- Hits: 1381
News and Reports 2003
SCAT Electronic News 27 April 2003 issue 795
Table of Contents
Inter-City - Muncie 2003
Hoosier Cup - Markos
Gyro control - Salzer
Heave Ho hlg and clg event - Mosely
Isaacson Model For Sale, Number 14 - Erguner
Target drone replica - Mariotti
More on GPS - Van Wallene
GPS properties - Salzer
RE: Autostabs? or F6A,B,C - Soderling
Who ?? - Ackery
Thedo Andre - Dilly
Inter-City - Muncie 2003
host the
JUNE 21 & 22, 2003
(JSO Combined) F1B
*7 – 1 ½ hour rounds, ½ hr. overlap
starting at 8:00 a.m., 3 min. max.
weather permitting.
(JSO Combined) F1H
*5 – 1 ½ hour rounds, ½ hr. overlap
starting at 8:00 a.m., 2 min. max
weather permitting.
(JSO Combined) 1/2A Nostalgia
A, B, and C Gas (Not Combined)
Nostalgia Unlimited
(J) (S-O Comb.) P-30
Catapult Glider
*2 min. max., starting at 9:00 a.m.
(JSO Combined) Nostalgia Wakefield
A, B, and C Nos. (Not Combined)
(J) (S-O Comb.) ½ A Gas
*2 min. max., starting at 8:00 a.m.
- $20.00 for Large FAI events, $10.00 for Small, $10.00 for each
additional FAI event.
- $10.00 for AMA and Nostalgia, includes first event. Additional
events at $3.00
each. Junior flat entry fee of $3.00 includes one or all events.
- $30.00 max covers all events.
- Valid AMA License required.
- Trophies awarded to Third Place in all events, except A, B and C AMA
Gas and all Nos events. Glassware for first, Certificates for
second and third place. Scored as all separate events for National Cup
- All flights must be made by 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, and 4:00 p.m. on
- Flyoffs will start as soon as practicable after 5:00 p.m. Saturday
and 4:00 p.m.
Sunday. All persons in the flyoff MUST provide timers for pool in
order to fly.
- Scores must be posted after each flight. Flights not posted will be
- F1C flyers are to provide their own fuel.
- FAI Events run per American’s Cup Rules, including launching from
assigned poles.
- Supermax will not be flown.
- Teams of two in F1A, B & C will receive additional team awards.
Teams must be identified
before the start of the first round. Those not registering will be
randomly assigned
- On Friday, the 20th, we will hold a qualifying FAI Meet. F1A, B and
C combined. No awards, no rounds.
Contest Director: Bob Bienenstein, 9821 Colwell, Allen Park, MI 48101
(313) 382-8180
Assistant C.D.: Paul Crowley, 32604 Tecla, Warren, MI 48093
(586) 294-1236
FAI Inter-City Advance Entry
Address: __________________________ City: ________________________
State ________ Zip: __________
Phone: (______) ____________________ D/O/B: _________________
AMA No: _______________________
Junior _______ Senior ________ Open __________
Circle the events you wish to enter:
F1A F1G 1/2A Nos. Moffet A Nos. HLG
F1B F1H A Gas P30 B Nos. Nos. Unlimited
F1C F1J B Gas Catapult C Nos. Mulvihill
C Gas Nos. Wakefield 1/2A Gas
Fees: FAI
Large: __________ x $20.00 = ___________
Additional: __________ x $10.00 = ___________
Small: __________ x $10.00 = ___________
Additional: __________ x $10.00 = ___________
First Event……………………………………$10.00
Additional - ___________ x $3.00 = ____________
TOTAL: ____________
-OR- $30.00 Max covers all Senior and Open events.
$3.00 Flat Junior Fee, includes all events.
Please make checks payable to the Detroit Balsa Bugs, Inc. Return entry
fee and this form to Bill Shailor, 2317 Clawson, Royal Oak, MI 48073.
All persons entering in advance will be entered in a raffle with the
prize being awarded on Saturday.
Hoosier Cup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Hoosier Cup is back! This is an approved America's Cup contest for
F1A-B-C as well as F1G-H-J. The dates are May 17-18, 2003 and the location
is in the Free Flight capital of the Hoosier state, namely Muncie. In
brief, the ABC events will be flown on Saturday, May 17: seven rounds
starting at 9 am. The GHJ events will be on Sunday, May 18: 5 rounds also
starting at 9 am. As is our custom, their will be a 1-1/2 hour period for
each round with a half-hour overlap with the next round. Contest bulletins
can be found on the NFFS website,, under the heading of the
"Spring Opener" on May 17-18 in the contest calendar. The Spring Opener
will be a variety of non-FAI events with several National Cup points
available. Both contests will be held simultaneously.
The surrounding croplands will be planted, but only seedlings will be
visible. Contestants who retrieve their models from private property are
obliged to first obtain permission from the owner. Under no circumstances
will motor vehicles be allowed on the croplands. Come prepared for some
puddles on the AMA field if spring rains follow the normal pattern.
Chuck Markos
Gyro control
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Since tailless is no current class in the FAI rulesbook you probably
could ...
in the regular FAI (A,B,C) classes it would fall under the "no
feedback" rule und thus not allowed.
F1E again would allow it, since it only specifies "automatic steering"
and _not_ "magnetic steering".
It might, however, still be doubtful whether a hookup with the
elevator would be allowed ...
A sort of "experimental" class with (up to) full 3-axis automatic self
steering might be interesting!
Klaus W. Salzer
Heave Ho hlg and clg event
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Heres the details of the latest event for the heave ho trophy.
Annual Heave Ho postal event for Hand launch and Catapult Launch Glider.
1. Best 5 from 9
2. 10 second attempt rule - if it's straight up and in - have another go!
3. Hlg and Clg classes - same rules, unlimited size.
4. No entry fee, a photo emailed to me or posted would be nice and will scan
and include in a future issue of Arm Soar.
5. Max = 1 Minute - if achieve 5 from 9, go in 30 second increments until
you or the model drops!!! Ie 90, 120, 150, etc
6. Fly as many times as possible. Multiple entries very welcome.
7. Flights making up each entry to be made in one day.
8. The trophy holder to post on the trophy to the next winning recipient at
the end of the year and in good condition - remember it's great to have on
the mantelpiece.
9. Flights to be made between 1 March and December 31.
Results to be with me at the latest end of January 2004, if possible by
email for speed but for those not conversant with the computer, then it¡¦s
just as nice to hear from you by snail mail.
I Will ensure that everyone gets a copy of the results.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Kevin Moseley
6 Kelmscott Avenue
LS15 8HQ
Great Britain
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Isaacson Model For Sale, Number 14
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Would you please post the below message in the next issue of SEN.
All original Bob Isaacson-built/flown F1A is for sale for $350
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all that inquired about
number 17 of Bob Isaacson back in March. The person that inquired about
it minutes after it was published on SEN, is its new keeper.
Model number 14 is the only remaining model of Bob Isaacson that I have.
I originally had two. I believe this is the original version of the
model F1A now known as the Buntbone. I was told that this one was called
the Wishbone. It has a span of 84.5inches (voucher says 89.5) with Bob
Isaacson FAI vouchers on all parts signed October 1992. It also has the
1992 U.S. finals decal. Model has a Kevlar (I think) D-box, carbon
trailing edges and a composite tail boom. The model uses aluminum plate
circle tow hook with Koster single function electronic timer with
rechargeable battery and comes with the Koster battery charger(I am not
sure where the charger is, I may not be able to find it but a simple
Ni-cad charger should work.) Model has had some minor repairs, but is in
excellent flying condition. Pictures can be forwarded by e-mail upon
request. Up until about 3 years ago, I used to fly this model regularly.
It has been in storage since then. It has been in my possession for
about 6+ years. I intend to take this model to the Maryland and/or
Wawayanda contests in May to have it available to see if it is not sold
by then. Please direct inquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Omer Erguner
Target drone replica
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Sir,
I am collecting data for a replica project. The task is to rebuilt a
flying replica (1:1 scale) of the OQ-2a target drone built by Radioplane
in WW2. I am looking for any kind of info about it end generally about
drone aircraft of WW2 era. I am olso looking for parts of the OQ-2a to
incorporate in the replica airframe. If you can help me directly or by
spreading around my request you will give an invaluble help in
recovering a piece of forgotten history. If you want to know something
more go to:
Best Regards and thank you for you help.
Luca Mariotti
Pisa Italy
More on GPS
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
in response to Mike's 'ad' on suitable GPS units, I would like to mention
that this particular unit does not show the so called 'cross track error'
which tells you how many meters you are off track (shortest local distance
from you to the calculated track; a straight line from launch waypoint to
model waypoint) according to the manual I downloaded from the Garmin site.
As far as I know only the Etrex Summit, Garmin GPS-II and GPS-III units
additionally provide for this feature next to the other 'FF essentials'.
ciao, Allard
GPS properties
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello Mike,
I do agree with you on the use of GPS and have done a "how to" article
for the "Thermiksense" some time ago.
A property missing in the new Garmin, however, is the option to attach
an external antenna which becomes helpful when chasing by car. That is
why I bought a Garmin Pilot III instead of my first handhold. I just
add an extension cable using BNC connectors instead of buying an
(expensive) external antenna.
Klaus W. Salzer
Jason Magill Address
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Do you have an e-mail address for Jason Magill please ? I need to
send him a Forum Report he ordered last year, but have two different mail
addresses. Confusion reigns ...
RE: Autostabs?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It is against the rules to use a closed loop control system.
excerpt from section 4 paragraph 1.3.1.
"Closed loop control systems with active sensors and operating
aerodynamic flight controls are not allowed, except for steering in F1E."
However if one is interested in inventing a new class F1E+ this might
be an intersesting idea. In the mean time I suggest triming your models
carefully not to stall.
Magnus Soderling
[Actually if you are looking for another class, maybe there should be
a F1A+, F1B+ and F1C+ or seeing we are running out of letters
in the F1 Class maybe it should be F6A, F6B and F6C.
While there was sufficent pure Luddite power to include the
some what vague closed loop rule, there was also a significant
dissenting set, some of whom abandoned their F1 path so
maybe we should be looking at this other class. eseentially
a free flight task where direct radio input from the sportsman
is forbidden but other forms of automatic surfaces - either
mechanical [pendulaum rudders or George X's torque activated
elevator] or electronic, including GPS input are permitted.
In our world of diminshing flying fields some device that keeps
the model on the field yet does not diminsh performance
might be attractive.
With respect to the current rules, I assume the only reason why
a variable pitch hub for F1B is OK is because the prop is not
a control surface ? Same thing for a pressure regulator
like Doug Joyce uses on his F1C engine?
Who ??
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hardy wrote
"Much of your mail is signed by the sender with his email address.
We do not always know who is talking, by that code.
How to fix it ?
Sign your name, guys."
I have to agree with Hardy.
Can people please give their name, so we know who is speaking.
(Roger maybe this could be a policy for SEN, that people have to give their
Personally I am not too keen on people who wish to remain anonymous.
Have you say, but be prepared to stand by it, dont hide.
David Ackery
New Zealand
Thedo Andre
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Could you possibly run the following in SEN please.
Thedo Andre - Where Are You ?
Thedo Andre e-mailed me to order a 2003 BMFA Free Flight Forum Report but
when I replied to the same address it bounced. It appears that there may
a spam-stopper operating on his address, so if you see this, Thedo, could
you please contact me again via a system that doesn't prevent me from
replying !
There, that was a convoluted way to get another mention of the Forum
Report, wasn't it ... ?
Martin Dilly
Roger Morrell