SEN 672 - 3 Feb 2002

SCAT Electronic News 3 February 02 issue 672

Table of Contents
Twin Props - Barker
Max Food Request - Van Nest
America Cup 2002???
MMM FAI Annual, Denver, Colorado - Etherington
DT etc - Stalick
2001 AmCup Scorekeeper Report - Parker
Nav help - Bennett
address and TIMERS manufact - Arambasic

Twin Props
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In response to Mr Savage, (sorry to be so formal but I do not know his
first name). If we are to adopt twin propellers, as he recommends, I
think we need a little more information.

The figures given in SEN 670 for improved Reynolds number on the
propellers of a twin due to higher rotational speed (revs/second) are
not correct because what matters is the preripheral speed. This, of
course, depends on the radius as well as the rotational speed. In fact
on the figures given the RN would be better on the single prop due to
the larger radius. (In this connexion, a lot of coupe flyers use 20
inch and larger diameters not the 18 inch suggested as normal.)

Without going deeply into propeller theory it would seem that a single
propeller with two blades and four blade ends would have smaller vortex
losses than a twin with four blades and eight blade ends. Like
comparing a monoplane with a biplane?

If the twin coupe is performing well, and Mr Savage suggests that it is,
then I feel that the machine must have factors affecting performance
other than the propellers. What are they?

A last thought. I always use twin fins on my rubber jobs and
timekeepers say that they are usually a help in identifying the right
aeroplane. Twin props must be even better for the timekeeper and that
should be worth a few seconds!

Best regards
John Barker, England20

[ was this the two props F1G fom Mike Segrave ?]

Max Food Request
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For the past two years members of the Scat group(mostly the women)have
brought refreshments for the MaxMen contest. If you would like to donate
again let me know.
Thank You

America Cup 2002???
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I belive corrections are for year 2001 not 2002!

With regards Kris This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

MMM FAI Annual, Denver, Colorado
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Just a heads-up for planning purposes: The 2002 FAI Annual will be held on Jul
6th & 7th. It will be an America's Cup contest and will include the mini
events. Details to follow as the contest draws closer.

Chuck Etherington (CD)

DT etc
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Recently, SEN carried a request from the Pearce's for information about
dethermalizers. In that request, they also requested information about
website locations for the purchase of a 1/2A free flight kit. I suggest they
contact Allen Heinrich at Aerodyne. His website list is a comprehensive one
covering kits and plans plus accessories for free flight of all sizes. See
Bob Stalick, NFFS

2001 AmCup Scorekeeper Report
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Two corrections and an explanation to the 2001 AmCup results necessitate th
is AmCup Scorekeeper report.

An error was pointed out in the F1G results. I had credited Dick Ivers with
three results from the Wayawanda field. The rules allow only two contests to be
counted from one field and the two remaining contests must be two other
different fields. With this correction, Dick moved down to eighth place and
Peter Brocks moved into fifth.

In F1C, as I was correcting the error I made crediting Dave Johannes'
Canadian Cup / Livotto score to his father, Bob Johannes , I forgot to add
back in Bob's fourth score. Adding in Bob's fourth score placed him into a
tie with Doug Joyce for fifth. As customary, both flyers will receive fifth
place certificates.

Two contests of second place F1C competitor, Andrei Kirilenko, required
additional attention to assure a correct result was determined. The first
was the Skyscraper Annual. The results I used from SEN listed two flyers.
The second flyer posted only scores in round 1 and 2. Andrei had scores
for rounds, 1,2, 3 and 4 and a zero listed for round 5. I contacted the CD
who informed me that he had listed the round 5 has zero to indicate that he
had opened the round and to his knowledge, no flight was made.

AmCup rules state that 5 rounds must be completed to be a valid contest and
so no points were rewarded for either F1C flyer for the Skyscraper Annual.
This score was questioned in Late December. I contacted the CD again. The
CD made a diligent effort, he reviewed the written records (the score card was
blank for round 5) and talked with many people at the contest. The final
determination is that there was not "Overwhelming evidence to overrule the
written record". Therefore the no scores in F1C for the Skyscraper
Annual stands.

The second contest was the Huron Cup in which Andrei tied for first. The
other flyer had a model in a tree and the wind was not subsiding at the end
of seven rounds. They mutually agreed to break the tie at a later date.
Both flyers and myself were at the NATs . The two flyers wanted to do a
single flight to the ground but felt that Muncie was not adequate. They
asked if they could break the tie at Lost Hills in October before the
World Champs. I said OK but that was a mistake. The rules are specific
that ties must be broken within 60 days or Jan 15, whichever one is sooner.
The October date was 84 days after the Huron Cup. In addition, no written
declaration of the tie-breaker was submitted as required by the rules. The
matter was discussed at the January 2002 SCAT club meeting. The club agreed
with my assessment that the written rules must take precedent over all
other issues. I offer my profound apologies for giving incorrect information.
The end result is that the Canadian Cub / Livotto F1C score will remain a
tie and so both flyers receive 20 points per AmCup rules. The final F1C score
stands as last published.

This has been quite a lesson for me and serves us all: Know the Rules,
Document the Results and Resolve Discrepancies Quickly.

The 2002 AMCup rules have been published in SEN and we are currently putting
the 2002 AmCup rules on the SCAT Web Pages.

Again I offer my apology to Andrei and everyone else I kept on pins and
needles through all of this.

Thermals, Jim Parker, AmCup Scorekeeper

Nav help
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

I'm having trouble navigating to recent issues of Scat News and Reports. I
find menus under "Go To" and under "Archives" but no 2002. Tried search, eg.
"issue 663 News and Reports." Said no hits.
Thank you,
Mark Bennett


I had not gottem around to creating the topic for 2002
it was there under 2001.

I have done it now ]

address and TIMERS manufact
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

would you be so kind to answer me if address and phone number of
seelig timers is same as mentioned in your
site.nobody answer on phone number that you put on your site

feb.01.2001 mr.ARAMBASIC

Roger Morrell