SEN 707 - 8 Jun 2002
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- Category: Archive 2002
- Hits: 1425
SCAT Electronic News 8 June 2002 issue 707
Table of Contents
British Free Flight Nats - Woodhouse
Thermal Grapher - Erguner
About the scoring - Beschasny
Looking for Maxwell - Rozenkrants
Updated NFFS website + Western States Champs - Terzian
Looking for SAM
Strobe Light - Cuthbert
F1J at Big Al - Dukie
NFFS News - Rozelle
Tweeking the 061 - Dukie
Finders Bleepers? - Bryant
F1A and F1B for Sale - Van Nest
MMM FAI Annual, Denver, CO - Etherington
Glider at USIC - Jim Buxton <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>
America Cup results - with individual placings - 4 June 2002
British Free Flight Nats
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British Free Flight Nationals
Just a brief note before all the official reports come out. From what was
said to me during and since the event it was a resounding success, even the
weather was reasonable! Despite a number of the regulars being missing due
to their planning substitute activities the entries held up well. Our ad
hoc registration system and manual scoring process worked well. Finally at
the end of the day it's looks as if we may have made a small profit! So
thanks to all who were involved.
Mike Woodhouse
Chairman FFTC
Thermal Grapher
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Dear Roger:
I hope all is well. I was looking forward to seeing you again in Maryland
this year. The weather was horrible, so I don't think you missed much.
Having great experience with the Palm Pilot and integrating it with other
circuity I was wondering if you think it is possible to graph temperature and
pressure on the Palm Pilot with the proper software and a circuitry to be
connected to the Palm. If so, do you think it would be a cost efficient way
of building a thermal finder or starting from scratch is better and cheaper?
Thanking you in advance,
It is possoble to buy a commerical analog input board
for a PalmPilot. Jim Bradley gave me the address sometime back.
This could be connected to both a temperature and a wind sensor.
Another alternatve would be to connect a device , like the one
I use and John Clapp sold. This measures both wind speed and
temperature and has a serial output. .... as they say SMOP -
simply a matter of programming ! The alternative is building
a devive like the Wood Meter from Dick Word. Dick does sell
his device but at a price high enough to discorage all but the
most serious. This reflects time that Dick spent developing
it as well as the cost of the equipment. I do not think
any of the approaches are all that difficult but they
do take significant time ... that's why I have not done it.]
About the scoring
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[Vasily's note is in reply or part of a converstion ins
Russina he had with Igor Yabonovsky. I assumed that Vaisly
wanted this published to indicate his neagtive opinion of the
Super Max /..]
Hi, Igor
I have to apologize with you for some picking on you at Lugansk f. field abou
t the scoring. You did correctly due to the rules . Plus, you flew great at th
is day!
However, I'm really disappointed with current rules! It looks like CIAM s
et up this issue with no discuss with modelers.Everybody understands that extra
1 min or 2 minutes has been added to 1st round max to cut down the big number
fliers at the fly off at WCh or Eur Ch. And it is absolutely OK for such big
event with lot of entries.
But, what the hell is going on with smaller event exactly like we had at
Lugansk!? There are only 2 fliers in flyoff of F1B and 1 flyer maxed out i
n F1A and the same picture for F1C.
At the same time,first place gives 25 points to the rating for team selecti
on score, 2nd---20 and 3rd----15. Further down --much less points to the score
till 15 th ---gives you no points.
So, it makes very important second or third place because of rating, when the
contest has low number of fiers in the fly off. You know, Slava (F1C) dropped
just 3 sec in regular round and got LOWER place and LESS rating points than V
ladimir (F1C) who dropped around 20 seconds in round ONE. They both are my goo
d friends and here is no any personal troubles but Vladimir is not happy of th
is kind of winning. It is just one example! You do know better who else got r
idiculous places.
You do say that we must go follow the rules! That's true! I've heard something
similar during my being in Soviet Army----- you do not have to think or discus
s your order, you have to do it. Are we brainless?
I 'll tell you what, guys. I flew terribly at that day and I'm very happy
being down the list. If thing will happened and I will drop 55 sec in FOUR mi
nutes flight r-d 1 st and no dropping the rest and I will take SECOND OR THIRD
place but someone else will drop just 2--5 sec in regular round with max in
first round and he will get 5th or 6th--------- I WILL GIVE AWAY TO HIM th
e trophy and points.
I cannot imagine myself that I can loose more seconds in flight, means drop mo
re , means to perform worse and I can get higher (!!!) place and more points
this way! And everything is due to the rules .. How about sportsmanshi
I'm honest man and I will not play any games with rules to take or to get an
y advantage of another guys. I do know what does mean EQUIL RIGHTS and I do no
t know any of another ways to use.
Hope, you do understand that my point of view on to current rules. Hope, i
t will be cancelled soon or adjusted due to real life. We suppose to count abso
lute total result!!
About my voting against some features of team selection system, Igor, you do un
derstand now why I do think this way. EQUIL RIGHTS means just this, nothing els
e. No games, no cheating , no wrong timekeeping ---just high sportsmanship w
ith no taking advantage of another flyers.
The victory must be clear, like yours!
With respect to all of you!
Igor Yablonovsky wrote: Privet, Vasiliy!
Iz vnutrennih sorevnovaniy poka izvestni tolko eti:
Kubok Verbickogo 6-7 iyulya Kharkov, Blagodatnoe
Kubok Antonova 13-14 iyulya Kiev, Buzovaya.
Ostalnie sroki budut izvestni posle Federacii (orientirovochno
v Fevrale).
Kelendar po mezdunarodnim sorevnovaniyam:
Seycas nachali poyavlyatsa pervie zayavki na buduyuschiy god,
polnogo kalendarya escho net.
Poka. Igor.
Looking for Maxwell
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Hi all,
I'd like to order jigs from Maxwell.
Can any one give me an e-mail or any other way to contact him.
Best regards
Leon Rozenkrants
Updated NFFS website + Western States Champs
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I just happened to check out the NFFS website and have been inspired by a
wonderful change! At the hands of Alan Petersen (an NFFS member), the site
has undergone a major change. I would recommend all SEN readers to take a
look at:
Everyone of course should become a member. It's our free flight voice, with
hundreds of volunteers to get out the free flight word.
The Western States Champs takes place this coming Sunday at Waegell Field
near Sacramento. The following is a list of the events that can be flown:
California Gold Cup Series--F1G, F1H, and F1J (first round begins at 9 a.m.)
California Silver Cup Series-HLG, Catapult Glider, P-30, and 1/2A Gas (both
Junior and Open events)
Additional Free Flight Events-Mulvihill, Nostalgia Rubber/Wakefield
Combined, Moffett Rubber, A, B, C, D Gas, 1/2A Nostalgia, A-B-C Nostalgia,
and Classic Power (AMA rules)
Entry Fee: $5.00 per event. Juniors $1.00 per event. $5.00 Field Rental fee
Directions to Waegell: From Highway 50 east out of Sacramento, exit at
Sunrise Blvd heading south past Douglas and Kiefer Roads. Approximately 1/2
mile past Kiefer, look for a gate on the left (east) side near an open sided
barn (sheep shed). If you get to Jackson Road (highway), you've gone too
Looking for SAM
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strobe light.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
Last year at the World Champs someone was flying a F1A late =
in the evening equiped with a miniture strobe light.Do you know who this =
guy is , and where I could purchase this equipment.
The person was Victor Pisanny aka the Wingman from the Ukraine. ]
F1J at Big Al
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I am the guy who screwed up on the F1J scoring for Big Al's F1J. DAvid was
really 2nd and Guy was third. They were one above the other in the score
sheet, and ol' weak eyes dukie transposed them. Sorry 'bout that guys.
Thanks for the forgiveness.
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Check out the new Web site of the National Free
Flight Society (NFFS) at
The new site is the product of many contributors, but
was crafted by Flagstaff AZ's Alan Petersen.
NFFS also invites you to comment on improvements
the society can make to the site that would benefit
the global free-flight community.
Walt Rozelle
Tweeking the 061
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John Lorbiecki is correct in his assessment and the cure of the .061. The
problem lies in piston growth when the engine is heated up to running temp.
Not all engines do it, but some have for sure.
I would caution users who have no real knowledge of piston fit, and methods
of obtaining it, about using various means of achieving the correct fit.
First, you should know the fit that is desirable, relative to the point where
the piston sticks, dry, in the cylinder. This number is .065 inch. This is
the number that seems to always work in F1J. Keep in mind that this number is
attined by gently pushing the piston into the line, clean and dry, with only
about 8 oz. of pressure.
To attain this fit, the piston can be lapped in the cylinder with Bon Ami and
oil or Ultra brite toothpaste and water. Bon Ami is faster than Ultra Brite,
but ultimately more dangerous. Go slowly, clean and check often, and don't
get greedy.
I do not recommend sandpaper.
If you do use sandpaper, I have new pistons and liners in stock.
Measure the distance from the top of the cylinder head to the piston at TDC.
Subtract .394 (10mm) and the resultant # is the head clearance. The engines
come with 6 .0018 shims installed which makes the clearance approximately
.018. Most engines that are properly broken in run with somewhere between
.015 and .018. Fuel Nitro level plays an important role in the head
clearance. If you have the engine propely set up for 25%, it probably will
not like 50%, and vice versa. The user must experiment to optimize the set up.
The piston growth thing does not happen to all engines, so don't assume that
yours has done that. Breaking in the engine usually makes things fit, if you
run it enough.
Then, there's always the telephone or the e-mail if you are having problems.
[Great to see some real technical information being exchanged instead
of all politics ... even if it is about an engine and Junior one
at that.]
Finders Bleepers?
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Dear Roger,
Re: the note from John Worsley concerning audio bleepers - would he care to
disclose where these can be obtained in the UK? Yesterday at the British
Nats models were coming down in high barley and even with a tracker were
hard to locate until they were almost stepped on. I didn't enter - I helped
out with the organisation.
Graham Bryant
F1A and F1B for Sale
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FOR SALE: Igor Vichar simple F1B model, about 35 flights, flys great
Make offer
Also New Stamov entry level F1A with wing wigler (new) $700
Brian Van Nest
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MMM FAI Annual, Denver, CO
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The dates for the 23rd Annual MMM FAI (America's Cup) Contest are Saturday and
Sunday, July 6th and 7th. F1A, B, C will fly 7 rounds each day (total 14), and
F1G, H, J will fly the first three rounds of each day (total 6). The first
three rounds each day will be 1:30 duration and the remainder are 1:00 each.
There will be perpetual trophies and glassware for F1A, B, C and plaques and
glassware for F1G, H, J. Saturday night will be a "banquet" at a local
restaurant. We have a beautiful field (37.5 square miles) of gently rolling
hills with very few obstructions and great weather. Try our "Bed & Breakfast."
We can arrange to put you up in the home of a local flyer at no cost. Please
contact Chuck Etherington at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to get an info
packet e-mailed to you.
On a side note; over the years I have talked to a number of F1C flyers who have
been advised not to fly in Denver. The thin air (6100' elev.) causes models to
not get as high (less drag but also less power and prop efficiency), have a
higher sink rate in the glide, a faster DT descent rate, and makes it more
difficult to pick thermals. In fact, of the hundreds of sportsmen that have
flown in our FAI Annual over the past 22 years, only two have maxed out; Jim
Bradley (F1A) and George Batiuk (F1B). If you are looking for a field to set a
new world record, don't waste your time and money. Although there are periods
of easy thermal picking, they seldom last all day and never two days. If,
however, you are interested in becoming a better flyer and in particular, a
better air picker, come on up and fly 14 rounds with us! The field will punish
you for marginal air picks so you quickly learn to focus more and look for
thermal clues that you don't normally use. Three-time US team member, Ken Phai
(arguably among the best air pickers in the world), honed his skills up here at
6100'. It is somewhat analogous to training at high altitude for the Olympics;
when you return to sea level, you have a better understanding of what the air i
doing. I submit that this contest is an excellent warm-up for the 14 rounds of
the Finals and I would like to invite you for a very enjoyable weekend.
- Chuck Etherington
Glider at USIC - Jim Buxton
Johnson City Tennessee, USIC 2002 is history. I built two
new wings with an interchangeable fuselage for USIC. I also
built a couple new catapult gliders for once (since the
weather has been so bad and I could not get out to
practice). I built one of Stan Buddenbohm's 'Lil Sweeps'
for standard, and a 19" unlimited. I packed the truck and
off to Tennessee it was without a single test session under
my belt.
So I decided, no harm in testing down there, after all
contests are just for FUN, right? I shifted my 'let's just
fly for fun and see how the new gliders work' strategy as
soon as I walked into the dome. The first thing I saw was
Len Surtees standing with Bernie Boehm. You may recall Len
came over from Australia in 1998 and surprised the glider
guys with some 75-second flights to edge a win from Bernie.
He returned in 2000 with less success, as Bernie and I were
able to keep him in third place.
Anyway for Len to make the trip again I figured he must
have found a few more seconds somewhere. I grabbed my
trusty NXT2 out of the box, for the third year in a row. I
had put some new wing tips on to replace the damaged ones,
pointier and a bit longer. At this point the best thing to
do was try to put some 80's up early, and let the chase
begin. You never know what those Aussies might be up to:).
Well I warmed up and went official with an 81.3 around
9:00AM, and backed it up with an 80.0 on my third. I
decided to let that be the target early on and leave 6
flights in the bank, as we had around 4 hours of glider
flying yet to do. I went to the catapults and kept an eye
on everyone.
I got the standard catapult (12") going after some tweaking
and chasing, and Stan's design did not disappoint. I did an
82.2 and 81.9 launching vertically all the way up to about
110" then flipping into a pretty glide right under the
louvers. I checked the times, as that would have been
enough to win the past couple years, however Karl Von
Bueren put up an 86.4 and 84.8! I believe that is a site
record for standard (and Karl got his picture on the front
page of the Johnson City Press to boot).
The standard catapult guys squared off again in catapult
mass launch, which I have sponsored for the past four years
(and never won). It has been dubbed the "pot luck chuck".
It is a mass launch event on a 3-2-1 count, and everyone
who enters surrenders a one-dollar bill to the eventual
winner. Anyway I had a great launch, about as high if not
higher than Karl. I really thought this was my year, I
rolled out ABOVE him I think, and we were the highest two
in a dead heat about half way down. However Karl out-
glided me to win by about less than two seconds! My glider
has Stan's upsweep, his had NO upsweep at all. I weighed
5.6 grams. He weighed 5.7. It is a fun event for sure,
especially that 12 inch glider up in the rafters 116 feet
Back to the main event. Bernie was jokingly complaining
about the air, as he is ONLY throwing 65 seconds. How many
people in the HLG world are throwing in the 65-second range
as they approach the 70 years old? DARN FEW I can tell you
that, Cal Ripken has nothing on Bernie. I kept an eye on
Len for a while. He was throwing a pretty stock Super-
Sweep 24 with a 2-piece fuselage (carbon boom, wood from
the nose to the wing T.E.). He seemed unhappy with the
Super-Sweep’s upswept airfoil, saying it kills the
transition. He started trying other gliders; I was timing
him at 56-58 seconds. His altitude and Bernie's both seemed
down a tad from previous years.
A glider that appeared to be a copy of my NXT that was in
the NFFS Digest next intrigued me. Jim Lewis returned this
year with some of his gliders form last year, and some new
ones. It weighed 23 grams and he could launch the hell out
of it. He looked to be out throwing me. He was throwing an
outdoor pattern, flat, sort of a 3/4 spiral up. I remember
him saying he won HLG and towline at the NATS years ago.
We discussed launch patterns, and he went off to re-trim
for a more efficient vertical pattern, a dangerous
objective to do indoors. His first attempt never quite got
over the top and did a hammerhead into the seats, but
survived. He played with the transition for a while after
that, but never quite got the 'pop'. He finally ended up
somewhere between my launch and his. He posted a 68.4 and a
67.4 with a full flight card. That put him in second at the
time being. I look for Jim to be a real force next year,
as I'm sure he will get that transition ironed out soon.
Bernie finally admitted he was done, managing a 67.2 and a
66.6 best. He was in third. Len had three flights on the
board, only one was near 60, in fact it was 60 even. Surely
he did not fly here from Australia to do 60 seconds? I know
that he pulled out the win in the final seconds the year I
was not there, was he up to his old tricks? All I could do
was wait.
I grabbed my 19" catapult and shot it around. The incidence
was wrong, and it did fantastic barnstormer loops. I
removed and reglued the stab, and it looked better. Mental
note that catapults need adjustable wing incidence. In
fact I believe this to be the single most important thing
with all gliders, the launch and transition pattern are
dependent upon incidence alone. I decided at Johnson City
this year that all new gliders will be built with a means
to adjust incidence easily.
I had a bad launch on the 19" catapult glider, and it
arrowed into the seats. The wing and stab were fine,
fuselage...terminal. That was no major loss though, as
Kurt Krempetz did a 93 and a 91 to win that event again.
He was flying a 19" glider as well in the 12-gram range I
believe. He also had a means of adjusting the incidence on
his wing. Jim Lewis was a few tics behind Kurt for second
place. He flew a very interesting glider. It appeared to
be at least 26 inches in span, build up and covered with
yellow tissue. The tail surfaces were of the "V"-tail
configuration with a small sub rudder. I am not sure what
Ken Krempetz flew to third place. Bill Schlarb was flying
a Buddenbohm-ish looking Sweep 24, and it looked really
good until a launching incident caused its demise. I think
Karl Von Bueren flew his standard catapult in unlimited, as
I did. Those times would have placed right up there in
unlimited a few years ago, but as people get the bigger
gliders figured out, the times in unlimited keep climbing.
With only fifteen minutes remaining Surtees was throwing
like a mad man. He was getting more altitude, but still had
the standard energy inefficient Super- Sweep pattern. He
finally ran out of throws and managed only a 64 and a 61.8
for a (disappointing to Len I'm sure) 4th place. With that
it was all over, no drama, no plot twists, just another
year of indoor hand launched glider in the books. As
tradition, the event was capped off with the glider nuts
standing in a circle passing around each others gliders
comparing weights, feeling finishes, probing airfoils, and
brainstorming where the next vital seconds will come from.
This may be the most enjoyable part of the day, the warring
gladiators sharing secrets. A few opinions, *loosely*
Len Surtees: "Upsweep is the devil"
Karl Von Bueren "I have no upsweep in my catapult glider"
Jim Lewis: "Adjustable incidence is key" (he took some
pictures of my HLG removable/adjustable wing setup, perhaps
I will write it up for publication).
Kurt Krempetz: "I have adjustable incidence"
Jim Buxton: "I need to hire some kids to fly HLG" (not one
jr/sr flew in any of the glider events).
Bernie Boehm "Let's all meet up again at the age of 70 and
see who wins then!"
HLG (5 flew)
1) buxton 81.3+80.0=161.3
2) lewis 68.4+67.4=135.8
3) boehm 67.2+66.6=133.8
4) surtees 64.0+61.8=125.8
5) romash 62.1+60.2=122.4
Std CLG (13 flew)
1) von bueren 86.4+84.8=171.7 *
2) buxton 82.2+81.9=164.1
3) schlarb, w 80.6+80.4=161
4) schlarb, r 80.9+79.9=160.8
5) romash, 80.9+79.9=160.8
Unl CLG (12 flew)
1) krempetz, kurt 93.0+91.2=184.2
2) lewis 88.6+88.1=176.7
3) krempetz, ken 87.4+86.5=173.9
4) schlarb, w 84.8+83.6=168.4
5) von bueren, k 84.9+82.6=167.5
2002 Pot Luck Chuck Winner
past winners:
1999-rob romash
2000-stan buddenbohm
2001-kurt krempetz
America Cup results - with individual placings - 4 June 2002
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 16 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 32 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 19 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF 6 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 6 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 9 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF -x- NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA -x- FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 0 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 16 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
1 Spence, Steve 56 MM-1 SCT-1
2 Brun, Pierre 44 SCA-3 BAl-2
3 Terzian, Fred 42 SCA-1 NCA-4
4 Parker, Dallas (Jr) 34 SWR-4 MM-3
5 McKever, Mike 32 MM-4 NCA-3
5 Limberger, Rene* 32 MM-5 NCA-2
7 VanNest, Brian 29 SWR-1
7 Clark, Dean* 29 BAl-1
9 Smith,Norm 27 NCA-1
10 Hines, Lee 26 NCA-5 BAl-3
10 Barron, Andrew 26 EFF-1
12 Allnutt, Peter 25 MM-2
12 Zink, Don 25 SCA-2
14 Coussens, Tom 24 SWR-2
15 Diez, Hector 23 SWR-5 BAl-4
16 Sheffer, Jackie 21 SCT-2
16 Tzvetkov,Tzvetan 21 EFF-2
18 Parker, Jim 19 SWR-3
19 Erguner, Omer 16 EFF-3
19 Fedor, Mike 16 SCT-3
21 Kozlyuk, Dimitro 15 SCA-4
22 Fradkin, Igor* 11 EFF-4
22 Schelp, Jon(Jr) 11 SCT-4
24 Coussens, Ben(Jr) 10 SCA-5
25 Brocks, K Peter 9 BAl-5
26 Revkin, Josh(Jr) 6 EFF-5
26 Shepherd, Jesse* 6 SCT-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 15 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 40 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 9 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF 7 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 2 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 4 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF 5 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA -x- FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 0 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 14 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
1 Sessums, John 61 SWR-3 MM-2 SCA-3
2 Wood, Dick 60 SCA-4 SCT-1 BAl-2
3 Crowley, Paul 42 SWR-2 BAl-3
4 Morrell, Roger 37 SCA-2 NCA-3
5 Ghio, Walt 33 NCA-1 BAl-4
6 Luken, Jim 30 MM-1
7 Batiuk, George 29 SWR-1
8 Jensen, Dane 28 BAl-1
9 Fitch, Jerry 27 SCA-1
10 Wang, Lee (Jr) 26 EFF-1
11 Jensen, Blake 25 NWF-1
12 Rohrke, Rich 24 SWR-5 MM-4
13 Piserchio, Bob 21 SWR-4 SCA-5
13 Clapp, John 21 EFF-2
15 Booth, Bill 20 MM-3
15 Jensen, Gene 20 NWF-2
15 Ryan, Eric 20 NCA-1
15 Pearce, Fred 20 SCT-2
19 McGlashan, Jerry 16 EFF-3
20 Tracy, Dan 15 NWF-3
21 Biedron, Bob* 11 EFF-4
22 Davis, Evan 10 MM-5
22 Cooney, Ralph 10 NWF-4
22 Davis, Mike 10 NCA-4
25 Pratt, John 8 BAl-5
26 Ladislan, Horak 6 EFF-5
27 McGlukin, Devek* 5 NWF-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 10 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 22 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 7 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF -x- Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 3 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 2 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF 1 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA -x- FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 0 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 13 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
1 Joyce, Doug 73 SWR-5 MM-2 SCA-2 NCA-2 BAl-4*
2 Parker, Faust 55 MM-1 SCT-1
3 Simpson, Roger 53 MM-3 NCA-1 BAl-5
4 Archer, Randy 45 SWR-3 BAl-1
5 Spence, Henry 30 MM-5 SCT-2
6 Poti, Norm 27 SWR-1
7 Happersett, Ken 26 SCA-1
8 Roberts, Mike 25 NWF-1
9 Mc Burnett, Ron 23 BAl-2
10 Warren, John 22 SWR-2
11 Johannes, Dave 18 BAl-3
12 Carroll, Ed 16 SCA-3
13 Perkins, Daryl 15 MM-4
14 Keck, Ed 12 SWR-4
15 Morris, Gil 11 SCA-4
16 Gewin, Matt 6 SCA-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 19 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 25 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 7 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF -x- Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 2 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 3 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF 3 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA 3 FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 0 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 15 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
1 Wood, Dick 90 SWR-1 MM-4 SCA-5* SCT-1 FFA-2 BAl-5*
2 Emery, Jack 66 MM-3 SCA-2 NCA-1
3 Cooney, Ralph 55 MM-1 NWF-1
3 Sessums, John 55 SCA-1 BAl-1
5 Davis, Bill 44 MM-2 BAl-3
6 Brocks, Peter 31 SWR-3 SCA-4
6 Critchlow, Bob 31 SCA-3 NCA-3
8 Crowley, Paul 25 SWR-2
8 Markos, Chuck 25 FFA-1
10 Mulligam, M 24 BAl-2
11 Jensen, Blake 20 NWF-2
11 Scheiman, Philip(Jr) 20 NCA-2
11 O Dwyer, John 20 SCT-2
14 White, Bob 15 SWR-4
14 Jones, Charlie 15 FFA-3
14 Jensen, Gene 15 NWF-3
17 Norvall, Larry 14 BAl-4
18 Davis, Mike 10 MM-5
18 O Reilly, Jim 10 SWR-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 8 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 15 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 11 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF 6 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 4 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 9 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF -x- NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA 4 FFAMS, Muncie. IN
BAl 8 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
1 Cowley,Martyn 76 SWR-2 MM-1 NCA-1
2 McKever, Mike 66 MM-2* SCA-1 NCA-4 BAl-1
3 Busnelli, Ernesto 60 SWR-3 SCA-2 NCA-2
4 VanNest, Brian 50 SWR-1 SCA-3 BAl-5
5 Smith, Norm 38 SWR-5 MM-5 SCA-5 NCA-3
6 Pailet, Jean 36 EFF-2 FFA-3
7 Parker, Dallas (Jr) 33 SWR-4 BAl-2
8 Sifleet, Bob 30 MM-3 BAl-4
9 Brun, Pierre 29 SCA-4 BAl-3
10 Pelatowski, Ed 26 EFF-1
11 Markos, Chuck 25 FFA-1
11 Fedor, Mike 25 SCT-1
13 Schlarb, Bill 20 FFA-2
13 Reeve, Mike 20 SCT-2
15 Nippert, Vic 16 EFF-3
16 Sheffer, Jackie 15 SCT-3
17 Zink, Don 13 MM-4
18 Pelatowski, Larry 11 EFF-4
19 Kluiber, Rudy* 10 FFA-4
19 Spence, Steve 10 SCT-4
21 Hines,Lee 7 NCA-5
22 Wagner, Joe* 6 EFF-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 7 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 18 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 3 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF -x- Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 6 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 6 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF 1 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA 3 FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 0 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 8 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
1 Carroll, Ed 58 SWR-3 SCA-3 BAl-1
2 Mennano, Guy 48 SWR-1 BAl-2
3 Poti, Norm 36 SWR-4 MM-2
3 Keck, Ed 36 SWR-2 MM-4
3 Parker, Faust 36 MM-5 SCT-1
6 Gutai, Bob 30 MM-1
7 Robertson, Tony 26 SCA-2 NCA-5
7 Lynch, Bill 26 NCA-1
9 Laird, Tom 25 SCA-1
9 Marsh, Jack 25 FFA-1
9 Roberts, Mike 25 NWF-1
12 Parsons, Dave 21 NCA-2
12 Sheffer, Jackie 21 SCT-2
14 Warren, Ed 20 MM-3
14 Pailet, Jean 20 FFA-2
16 Johannes, David 17 BAl-3
17 Haught, Jim 16 NCA-3
17 Mace, Marvin 16 SCT-3
19 Campbell, Lee 15 FFA-3
20 Ginder, Fred III 12 BAl-4
21 Simpson, Reid 11 NCA-4
21 Snyder, Russ 11 SCT-4
23 Kruse, Matt* 7 BAl-5
24 Menanno, Frank 6 SWR-5
24 Schelp, Jon(Jr) 6 SCT-5
Thanks to Juan Livotto for his donation in support of SEN.
Roger Morrell