SEN 710 - 25 Jun 2002
- Details
- Category: Archive 2002
- Hits: 1426
SCAT Electronic News 25 June 2002 issue 710
Table of Contents
Joe Maxwell Jigs - Thomas
Carbon Foam - Omrecn
World cup " Brand cup " Prilep - Macedonia
Wants Beeper Ciruit - Ross
Mylar Tape - Ryan
Sky Surfer Para-Plane
STING Hlgs - Arm Soar
Special HLG/CAT Shootout at Denver's FAI extravaganza, July 6/7th - SkyCzar
Re: SCAT Electronic News - Bryant
Beepers Jeepers Creepers! - Worsely
SCAT Mid Summer Madness - SweepteeLee
a little mistake the wrong or rather right SLO
Way over the top - Lyne
For Sale - Brush
Joe Maxwell Jigs
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
As a very satisfied user of Joe Maxwell products, notably his wing jigs
and D-box moulds, I was sorry to see him retiring, particularly as I was
just about to send him a new order. However this prompted me to do what
I had been thinking about doing for some time, and that was make them
myself. I use a similar, but not identical process to the one Joe used
and detailed in his book (The Secrets of Aids for Advanced
Aeromodelling, well worth a read even if you don't plan to make your
own: it shows how much can be achieved with skill & ingenuity). I use
different machinery to mill the jigs, but the final results are, and it
may sound immodest, indistinguishable from Joe's, at least the ones I
have compared them with. If anyone would like me to supply wing jigs or
D-box moulds (that is all I am making at the moment) please email me at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and I will give you more details. Mike Thomas.
Carbon foam ???
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There has been some talking about Ultramet carbon foam in the past here at
SEN,but ever since then I couldn`t find it anywhere to buy it.
Does someone knows how to,and where to buy it?
Mario Omrcen
" BRAND CUP " Macedonia
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
World cup " Brand cup " Prilep - Macedonia
F1A: ( 17 )
1.Damjan Zulic SLO
2.Jovo Zagorac YUG
3.Dragan Lakic YUG
F1B: ( 5 )
1.Damjan Zulic SLO
2.Nikola Mitrevski MKD
3.Ivan Kolic YUG
F1C: ( 3 )
1.Risto Barbulovski MKD
2.Kosta Stojanovski MKD
3.Aleksandar Trajkovski MKD
Milos Raletic
Wants Beeper Ciruit
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To John Worsley, I would be very interested in the beeper circuit. My address
is: Don Ross, 38 Churchill Road, Cresskill, NJ 07626 USA
Mylar tape
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Any professional photography supply store should sell Mylar (chrome) tape for m
asking 35mm slides for presentations. I think that the stuff that I've been us
ing over the years is made by 3M. It is available in different widths too (fro
m 0.125" to 0.375"). You should check locally. Look in the yellow pages for p
hotographic supply and call around. If that dosen't work, check the city near
est you or even the web.
Eric Ryan
Sky Surfer Para-Plane
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This looks like a lot of fun, but a bit expensive.
Does anyone have any experience with it?
I have about 8 hours in the real thing, and it is a blast. It would be a
nice club project to get one, use it for fun, lost model searching, etc..
Ed Toner
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Len Surtees - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. a great friend of mine in Australia
who also flies hlgs as I do is now producing a kit of his STING 18/21/24
inch designs. I have currently his 4 x nats winning 24 inch model at home
that have reviewed for what is now believed to be the only newsletter
available in the world dedicated to the pursuit and enjoyment of flying hlgs
and clgs that I produce. I have completed a write up of the model and this
is available to you all either on this or direct as a word document. Len
has also passed on the prices of the kits that are seriously good.
Excellent contest garde balsa as well as plans etc and due to this - he has
managed to change my choice of model for 14 straight years to his design and
that takes some doing for anyone - specially me.
The quality of the kits is stunning and has so far given me 60 secs flights
in deadish air which for me is unheard of in the UK. I will be bringing my
models to comps here in the UK so if you see me - come say hello - after
that beware as am in a serious mood for some serious air times and its this
model for me.
Let me know direct if you would like a copy of the review or his prices or
can post direct through SCAT if you would like - let you all see it - its
Best wishes
Kevin Moseley
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Ed of Arm Soar - the newsletter for hlg and clg fliers
Special HLG/CAT Shootout at Denver's FAI extravaganza, July 6/7th
Hi, Roger, would you kindly run this late news-breaking item just in case
some of our coming combatents have a wee glider or two that can fit in their
Wakefield box?
No stinkin' rules but here is a statement of purpose for the stupendous Lee
Hines Glider Challenge:
Following the conclusion of Saturday's official flying there will be an MMM
style progressive "Shootout."
Flyers assemble at the direction of the Grand
Launch Marshall and at the end of his countdown contestants simultaneously
either shoot or hurl his or her AMA legal CAT or HLG gliders. (For HLG
virtually anything freeflight goes. On the on the other hand CAT is limited
to under 40 grams weight, and (groan) beyond the optional DT, no other bells
or whistles are allowed. The rubber power will be -- as common sense and
current local practice dictates -- equivalent to less than a nine inch loop
in length having a total cross sectional equivalency of quarter inch wide
Wakefield style rubber...that means, for example, that four strands of 1/8"
is okay. The rubber will be affixed to one end of a 6" long 'dowel' of
unspecified material or circumference.)
The "progressive" element of the shootout means that after a given
simultaneous launch the first flyer "down" is eliminated. The contest
proceeds in similar format until only one flyer remains still standing to be
then declared Grand Champion of the Lee Hines Challenge.
Be the first kid on your block to get rich! Each contestant puts a dollar
in the pot to enter. ( The organizer is sweetening this by head starting
the pot at $25.00.)
Dictated by the repetitive nature of the contest's structure short retrieval
times are essential. Many cheerful volunteers are on hand to help chase them
down... BUT, since only a few short minutes pass until a quorum of flyers
reassemble for the next round, It should be obvious that contestants either
use dethermalizers or take the chance of shooting themselves in the foot
with an unfortunate counter productive flyaway.
This is a simple fun event. No timing involved, but there is a need for
observers, along with contestants to declare -- with loud shrieks of pain or
pleasure -- who is first down... Too often it is overly obvious... like,
Twang -- Zip -- HEADS UP!! --Bang! When the numbers shrink through
attrition it gets more manageable, and then eyes narrow and things get
Looking forward to a great weekend of superb flying fun!
Billious G. a.k.a. skyczar
Re: SCAT Electronic News
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
I haven't received an e-new for a week and a half - is
everything OK out there?
Graham Bryant
[Everything is fine ..]
Beepers Jeepers Creepers!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have just returned from holiday and read my e mails! Wow! There were
about 30 from modellers about my beeper message on SCAT. Just before I went
away I started to produce an article about them which I will finish ASAP and
publish on SCAT as an attachment if that is acceptable to the newsletter
John Worsley
[Of course it is OK. We would like to
see it]
SCAT Mid Summer Madness
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
I hope you survived the European Air Traffic controllers strike mess.
The weather was great at Lost Hills for the SCAT
Mid Summer Madness FAI Contest held last Sat PM
and Sunday AM. Temps never exceeded 85 degrees
(according to Rene's BMWtemp readout)and the breezes
were light and variable, but without big trashmovers.
The Mini events began at 5PM Sat with Bob White off
chasing a test flight which DTed but went OOS. Never
found after much searching, unfortunately.
Jack Emery continued his recent top placings and won the Coupe(F1G) FO
from Bill Gannon.
Norm Smith maxed out to win F1H glider, as did Fred Ginder in winning
The first three rounds of the Maxi events started
at 530PM with a couple of surprising misses from
Brian Van Nest and Jim Parker.
Sunday morning the Champagne Fly-off/tiebreaker was
held beginning at 630AM in virtually dead calm air.
Alex Andriukov scored 447sec, landing only a small
walk away for top F1B time. Top glider flight was
267sec by Lee Hines.
The scores were used to determine the F1A & B winners.
Round 4 began at 730AM with extended maxes and the
thermals began midround. It remained a close fight
until a few mistakes were made in the last couple
of rounds.
After the 7th round ended at 1030 AM, and awards given to the
winners,the weather was still so nice people kept flying and the HLGs
and CLGs filled the air too.
I had a new Vee 17 CLG which trimmed out nicely and
really looked like a good one.
But the 12" Vartanian CLG really flies good and makes everyone laugh in
amazement when they watch it
On Sat evening the Diez-hosted SCAT Pool Party was
held at Motel 6. Many fine foods were available,
courtesy of the ever thoughtful kindness of Susanna
Diez, for the most part.
President Parker declared this a Non-Meeting, which was moved and
seconded! Which makes this blurb,
the minutes of the Non-Meeting, I suppose!
Thanks go to all you folks making it all worthwhile by attending and
supporting this event, which will
have the profits donated to the FF team fund.
RESULTS of the Comp:
F1G, 4 fliers
1. Jack Emery 831sec
2. William Gannon 804
3 Bob White 91
F1H, 5 fliers
1. Norm Smith 600
2. Bob Norton 528
3. Brian Van Nest 505
F1J, 2 fliers
1. Fred Ginder
F1A, 11 fliers
1. Lee Hines 1320+267FO=1587s
2. Dallas Parker 1320+226FO=1546
3. Hector Diez 1320+205FO=1525
F1B, 9 fliers
1. Alex Andriukov 1320+447FO=1767s
2. Rich Rohrke 1320+305FO=1625
3. Walt Ghio 1306
F1C, 2 fliers
1. Matt Gewain 1184s
2. Doug Joyce 770
Respectfully submitted by
Yr fthfl srvt,
Lee Hines, SCAT Scribe
a little mistake the wrong or rather right SLO
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am very pleased with the photo of me and the comentar about my flying at
Maxmen 2002 in the NFFS Free Flight magazin. I woud like to warn you that I
from Slovenia (a lovely green country between Alps and Adriatic sea) and
not from Slovakia as is written probably nonintentionally. SLO is the
international abbreviation for Slovenia and for Slovakia is SVK.
Your sincerelly,
Damjan Zulic
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Way Over The Top
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I've been getting SEN news from you for 2 1/2 years, find it very
interesting, but have not the expertise in the FAI events to offer much
input. However I see that you are recently carrying humorous articles.
This is up my ally! I write this stuff for newsletters etc. I firmly
believe we all need a good laugh frequently. Please use the below chuckle
in SCAT newsletter.
I'd like to stay anonymous and keep people guessing who it is with the
"warped" mind.
"Way Over The Top"
by Free Flight Maniac
""Space", not the final frontier, but what you need more of""
Sooner or later(later is more like "now" for us older geezers) you are
gonna find that your faithful '59 Ford Wagon just doesn't hold enough
models for all the events you're gonna crash models in. This could have
something to do with all your special support equipment that you find
indespensible at this time in your life. e.g. Oxygen bottles, walker,
chaise-lounge, Coleman cooler for medications etc. So here's a handy-dandy
idea for a model box that comes ready-made and won't cost you a cent. In
fact it'll even score you some points on the home front!
Now, if your wife's like mine, she's probably always after you to throw
stuff out. So you go down to your basement, or into that long-sealed-off
part of the house, and you look around for one of those old upright wooden
clothes-storage wardrobes, the type that grandma used to have 60 years
ago. These things are BIG and solid, with lots of room for model storage.
They are a tad heavy, but they do offer first class protection for models,
and your old Ford wagon is still pretty solid, eh?
So, the evening before you're off to the contest, round up half a dozen
neighbours, or even better, your neighbours' teenage sons. You know, the
big muscle-beach type that are used to lifting big beer cases. This is
relatively easy for the first time. But for the second and subsequent
times, you'll have to get a little inventive to get them to come over. I
find if you open up your kitchen windows and let off a smoke device,
you'll get lots of help there in a hurry! So you get them to heft the
wardrobe onto the roof of your wagon, with the swing door facing up. Now
all you've got to do is tie it on. Rope is good, but the handyman's secret
weapon "Duct Tape" is quicker and less work. Besides, it'll match those
little squares of tape you've been putting over the rust holes in the
body the last few years. And Bingo! You've doubled or tripled your model
hauling capacity. So, if the women don't find ya handsome, they should at
least find ya handy!
Keep yer stick on the ice. I'm pulling for ya. We're all in this
Mel Lyne
For Sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, would you please add this to your SCAT news for me.
Thanks Roger.
Two Honda 50 model airplane retrieval motor bikes.
Auto transmission, big 18" dia. Wheels, very low mileage,
almost new look, excellent mechanical condition.
$500 each.
Motor Bike trailer by Zieman. Near new tires and new
spare tire mounting bracket. Extremely stable tow.
Carries two motorbikes. $500.
Motor Bike Custom made carrying rack. You will not
find a better engineered carrying system. Cost over
$500 new. Will sell for $200.
Save over 50% on new CST/Pro-Plus vacuum system,
Including new gast vacuum pump, free unopened West
Epoxy and misc. accessories. Price for quick sale $150, firm.
None of the above items will be crated for shipping,
except the CST/pump. All prices are firm.
Allen Brush 909 301-9975 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell