SEN 731 - 28 Aug 2002
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- Category: Archive 2002
- Hits: 1216
SCAT Electronic News 28 August 2002 issue 731
Table of Contents
Looking for - The Book That Flies - Dilly
Measuring speed? - Moseley
Church Fenton - 26.08.02 - mini day - Moesely
Supermax at Eurochamps / New FAI rules - SAlzer
25th Poitou 2002 - Salzer
Re: Calculating Area of Curved Wingtips - Gregorie
America Cup results - with individual placings
covering. - Wilkinson
f1j teady to fly models _ Wilkinson
Looking for - The Book That Flies
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Book That Flies
Does anybody have a spare copy of The Book That Flies, published by Ebury
Press, that Bob Bass and I wrote in around 1992 ? If so, I just had a
letter from Jean Pailet, 30, Emerson Road, Brookville, NY 11545 (phone
(516) 626-2845) who would be interested in buying it.
It seemed to be quite well received but has been out of print here in the
UK for some time. There was once a suggestion that the NFFS would produce a
new edition, which would need some revision regarding contacts and
producers of F/F items, but I don't know what became of that.
Martin Dilly
Measuring speed?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Is there a way of being able to measure the speed that a hlg is thrown at
for the first number of feet?
I have a habit of breaking the main inner panels well away from the joints
and breaking them against the grain of the wood. I am told that I throw too
hard but would be interested to find out just how fast each launch is to
then be able to measure the force that I put on an airplane the first
seconds after it leaves my hand?
Anyone know how to do it please?
still trying to get the biggest collection of hlg plans !!!!!
Church Fenton - 26.08.02 - mini day
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The day started well enough here in sunny?? Yorkshire and when someone
finally got the courage out to sneak from beneath the warm shelter of the
car - they were greeted by a reasonable wind.
The glider fliers flying A1's seemed to be having a good time towing off the
runway and a lot of the time, straight into lift - however the effects of
the trees on the edge of the drome caused a lot of turbulence and those that
were in it, were dropped out of the bits of warm air that there was.
There was a great contest going on in mini vintage as well as the even
smaller stuff and the variety and colors of the likes of the FA Moth / Tubby
etc were in abundance and floating through the sky. They also became
victims of the afore mentioned turbulance and those that were caught were
thrown around easily.
Seemed to be a better day for the P30 fliers as they battled with the A1's
and were getting some great heights and away in some incredible thermals.
For me - a day full of intent - armed with two new STING24 hlgs and a P30, I
went ready for action.
I left the P30 in the car and decided to have a go with the hlgs. Trimming
took an age as the weather dictated a different launch to the wednesday
previous as it was flat calm then. Now the wind was strong- however, I
walked out and threw steadily checking qnd rechecking the streamers and trim
ready for action.
Third flight was an easy max as was the 4th, however, a dropped one at 58
secs and a few that were victims of the turbulence gave me a first place and
beautiful trophy at the end of the day. Flying ceased at 17.00 with fly
offs in the power category at 17.45. The winner of the SLOP event was in
excess of 10 mins which was incredible. Unfortunately for me, my fourth
migraine in 7 days meant I missed all the fly offs as was laid out in the
car for them and dare not move for nigh on three hours. Thankfully Church
Fenton is 20 mins away from home and I just made it home crawling into bed.
I have shattered a wing on one of the hlgs which cracked along the main
panel left hand side as I launched but it was worth it for sure. Guess that
the model had a final STING in its tail again for me, but all in - with over
50 cars present and wives abound to chat and enjoy the atmosphere - what a
day - very English and at times very cold!
Kevin Moseley
Re: Calculating Area of Curved Wingtips
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There's an old lab. trick for measuring the areas of arbitrary shaped
objects that I'm surprised nobody has mentioned yet. So, here goes.
1 Trace the outline of the tip panel onto good quality paper.
2 Cut the tip shape out of the paper and weigh it.
3 Cut a square of known area from the same paper and weigh it.
4 Calculate the tip area from the two weights.
For this to work you need to use paper sheets that are big enough to
allow the complete tip to be traced on a single sheet. 'Good quality'
paper means anything that does not vary in weight from sheet to
sheet. We used to use chart recorder paper in the lab (measuring the
area of peaks output by a gas chromatograph), but typing or ink-jet
paper should be fine. The known area should be similar in weight to
the tip tracing.
You do need a decent scale for this to work, but anything that weighs
to 1 - 10 mg should be good enough if the pieces of paper weigh more
than a gram or two (10 mg accuracy is +/- 1% of a 10g piece of
Supermax at Eurochamps / New FAI rules
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Effect of the "super max"
The European championships at Hungary are a good field test to
evaluate the effect of the new FAI rule (vulgo the "super max").
I did a 3-way comparison:
1) The results as they are
2) The results according to the previous rule
3) The results if the long first flight would have counted
in full.
Of course, all "would have been" analyses are a bit dubious as you
cannot include the psychological aspects. People having dropped their
super max might have not put in their full effort afterwards. And how
those not in the flyoff would have done had they had the chance is
also a big unknown. That, however, is the only numerical uncertainty
in this evaluation. Those having reached the flyoff would have done so
in any case. Just - some of them might have dropped some places in the
flyoff, as more would have reached it under the old rule. No change
there, of course, for case 3).
Look at this table for the 3 classes:
Case No. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Number in flyoff 31 34 31 31 43 31 9 11 9
Placement improved 27 31 18 24 15 14
Maximum improvement 4 6 3 12 6 9
No place change*) 12 4 12 2 12 10
Placement worse 9 12 5 22 10 14
Maximum places lost 11 17 9 18 12 13
*) not counting the people in the flyoff
*) not counting the people in the flyoff
The largest change to the flyoff would have been in F1B. Whether 3
people in F1A, or 2 in F1C would have changed the outcome - but 12
more in F1B might have been significant . if only for the organization
al problem they would have presented!
Looking at the details, the most radical changes to the placing would
occur to those having done the first max. According to the old rules
or in case 3 they would have earned a large bonus as compared to those
having missed that flight. The new rules tend to lessen that effect.
My personal opinion: the new rule is better than the old one, and it
certainly is better than having a very long flight counted in full,
which would allow a single lucky flight offset a couple of sub-maxes.
We fly seven rounds to make consistency count - we should not throw
this consistency idea overboard by counting single long flights in
The details can be found in the Excel file (EM2002.xls) in the annex.
25th Poitou 2002
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
After some years of missing the Poitou I was able to participate again
this year on the 25th jubilee of this event.
And again I was - not surprised, but impressed about the professional
and smooth way these people run one of the biggest contests worldwide.
Of course, having done it for 25 times helps ironing the bugs out ...
but it has been one of the best organized contests as long as I have
known it.
I do believe the organizers (I will not name any persons, as there
certainly are as many behind the scene as are visible) should be
awarded with some official recognition and I hereby ask everybody who
is in a position to forward any such recognition to lend his efforts
to this goal.
For myself, I can only say: thank you - I will come again as often as
I will be able to!
Klaus Salzer, Austria
America Cup results - with individual placings
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 16 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 32 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 19 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF 6 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 6 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 9 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF -x- NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA -x- FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 10 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 16 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
TCC 5 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
McL 5 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 6 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 7 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
HC 8 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 25 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
1 Spence, Steve 91 MM-1 SCT-1 TCC-1 McL-4
2 Tzvetkov,Tzvetan 79 EFF-2 Sky-3 IFA-2 HC-3* USO-3
3 Barron, Andrew 69 EFF-1 Sky-1 IFA-3
4 Sifleet, Bob 57 IFA-1 HC-2 USO-5
5 VanNest, Brian 55 SWR-1 MMM-1
5 Zink, Don 55 SCA-2 USO-1
7 Brun, Pierre 44 SCA-3 BAl-2
8 Terzian, Fred 42 SCA-1 NCA-4
8 Hines, Lee 42 NCA-5 BAl-3 MMM-3
10 Parker, Dallas (Jr) 34 SWR-4 MM-3
11 McKever, Mike 32 MM-4 NCA-3
11 Limberger, Rene* 32 MM-5 NCA-2
13 Fedor, Mike 31 SCT-3 USO-4
14 Clark, Dean* 29 BAl-1
15 Erguner, Omer 28 EFF-3 Sky-4
15 Schlosberg, Aram 28 Sky-2 IFA-5
17 Smith,Norm 27 NCA-1
18 Lenartowicz, C 26 HC-1
18 Schelp, Jon(Jr) 26 SCT-4 McL-3
20 Allnutt, Peter 25 MM-2
20 Bradley, Jim 25 McL-1
20 Jones, Tom 25 USO-2
23 Coussens, Tom 24 SWR-2
24 Diez, Hector 23 SWR-5 BAl-4
25 Sheffer, Jackie 21 SCT-2
25 Davis, Jon 21 MMM-2
27 Shepard, Jesse jr 20 TCC-2
27 Leath, Don 20 McL-2
29 Parker, Jim 19 SWR-3
30 Kozlyuk, Dimitro 15 SCA-4
30 Butt, Jeff 15 TCC-3
30 Brocks, K Peter 15 BAl-5 MMM-5
33 Fradkin, Igor* 11 EFF-4
33 Boiadjien, Todor 11 HC-4
33 Thornbery, Jim 11 IFA-4
33 McQuade, Pete 11 MMM-4
37 Coussens, Ben(Jr) 10 SCA-5
37 Shepard, Jackie 10 TCC-4
39 Barron,John (Jr) 7 Sky-5
40 Revkin, Josh(Jr) 6 EFF-5
40 Shepherd, Jesse* 6 SCT-5
40 Farkas, Leslie 6 HC-5
43 Reeve, Mike 5 TCC-5
43 Avollone, Michael(Jr) 5 McL-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 15 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 40 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 9 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF 7 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 2 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 4 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF 5 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA -x- FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 10 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 14 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
TCC 4 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
McL 5 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 15 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 6 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
HC 8 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 25 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
1 Wood, Dick 94 SCA-4* SCT-1 BAl-2 TCC-3* McL-1 MMM-2 HC-5* USO-4*
2 Sessums, John 87 SWR-3 MM-2 SCA-3 MMM-1
3 Ghio, Walt 74 NCA-1 BAl-4 TCC-1 MMM-3
4 Crowley, Paul 72 SWR-2 BAl-3 IFA-3 HC-4
5 Clapp, John 69 EFF-2 Sky-2 HC-1
6 Biedron, Bob* 52 EFF-4 Sky-4 IFA-1
7 Pearce, Fred 40 SCT-2 TCC-2
8 Morrell, Roger 37 SCA-2 NCA-3
9 Wang, Lee (Jr) 33 EFF-1 Sky-5
10 Luken, Jim 30 MM-1
10 McGlashan, Jerry 30 EFF-3 IFA-4
12 Batiuk, George 29 SWR-1
13 Jensen, Dane 28 BAl-1
14 Fitch, Jerry 27 SCA-1
14 Ellis, Dave 27 Sky-1
16 Jensen, Blake 25 NWF-1
16 Shailor, Bill 25 USO-1
16 Ioerger, Tom 25 USO-1
19 Rohrke, Rich 24 SWR-5 MM-4
19 Guinder, Taylor(Jr) 24 IFA-2
21 Piserchio, Bob 21 SWR-4 SCA-5
21 Mathews, Tony 21 HC-2
23 Booth, Bill 20 MM-3
23 Jensen, Gene 20 NWF-2
23 Ryan, Eric 20 NCA-1
23 Seymour,John 20 USO-3
23 Avollone,Anthony 20 McL-2
28 Jones, Charles 17 Sky-3
29 Horak, Ladi 16 HC-3
30 Tracy, Dan 15 NWF-3
30 Avollone,Eddie(Jr) 15 McL-3
32 OReilly, Jim 11 MMM-4
33 Davis, Evan 10 MM-5
33 Cooney, Ralph 10 NWF-4
33 Davis, Mike 10 NCA-4
33 Wiley, Ed 10 TCC-4
33 Hinson, Rex 10 McL-4
33 Nelso, Elmer 10 USO-5
39 Brooks, Jim 9 IFA-5
40 Pratt, John 8 BAl-5
41 Ladislan, Horak 6 EFF-5
41 Davis, Evan 6 MMM-5
43 McGlukin, Devek* 5 NWF-5
43 Bradley, Jim 5 McL-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 10 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 22 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 7 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF -x- Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 3 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 2 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF 1 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA -x- FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 3 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 13 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
TCC 4 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
McL 2 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 10 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 1 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
HC 4 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 10 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
1 Parker, Faust 95 MM-1 SCT-1 TCC-2 McL-2 USO-3*
2 Spence, Henry 92 MM-5* SCT-2 TCC-1 McL-1 USO-2
3 Gutai, Bob 79 Sky-1 IFA-2 HC-2 USO-4
4 Joyce, Doug 73 SWR-5 MM-2 SCA-2 NCA-2 BAl-4*
5 Kirilenko, Andrei 64 Sky-2 IFA-3 HC-1
6 Simpson, Roger 53 MM-3 NCA-1 BAl-5
7 Poti, Norm 46 SWR-1 IFA-4 USO-5
8 Archer, Randy 45 SWR-3 BAl-1
9 Etherington, Chuck 40 TCC-3 MMM-1
10 Keck, Ed 39 SWR-4 IFA-1
11 Johannes, Bob 27 USO-1
12 Happersett, Ken 26 SCA-1
13 Roberts, Mike 25 NWF-1
14 Mc Burnett, Ron 23 BAl-2
15 Warren, John 22 SWR-2
16 Johannes, Dave 18 BAl-3
17 Gunder, Craig 17 Sky-3
18 Carroll, Ed 16 SCA-3
19 Perkins, Daryl 15 MM-4
19 Arambasic, Srdjan 15 HC-3
21 Morris, Gil 11 SCA-4
22 Schlachta, Frank 10 HC-4
22 Simpson, Reid 10 TCC-4
24 Chesson, Don 7 IFA-5
25 Gewin, Matt 6 SCA-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 19 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 25 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 7 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF -x- Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 2 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 3 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF 3 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA 3 FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 10 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 15 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
TCC 4 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
McL 5 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 11 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 7 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
HC 5 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 46 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
1 Wood, Dick 100 SWR-1 MM-4* SCA-5* SCT-1 FFA-2* BAl-5* TCC-2 McL-1 IFA-4* MMM-3* HC-4*
2 Ioeger, Tom 80 Sky-1 IFA-1 HC-1
3 Emery, Jack 77 MM-3 SCA-2 NCA-1 MMM-4
4 Sessums, John 61 SCA-1 BAl-1 MMM-5
5 Clapp, John 57 Sky-3 HC-3 USO-2
6 Cooney, Ralph 55 MM-1 NWF-1
7 Brocks, Peter 52 SWR-3 SCA-4 MMM-2
8 Jones, Charlie 45 FFA-3 Sky-2 IFA-5
9 Davis, Bill 44 MM-2 BAl-3
10 Critchlow, Bob 31 SCA-3 NCA-3
11 O Dwyer, John 30 SCT-2 McL-4
11 Ringlien,Warren 30 USO-1
13 Burrow, Taylor(Jr) 28 TCC-4 IFA-3
14 DeLoach, Don 26 MMM-1
15 Crowley, Paul 25 SWR-2
15 Markos, Chuck 25 FFA-1
15 LeLoch, Don * 25 TCC-1
18 Mulligam, M 24 BAl-2
19 Wilson, Dale 23 IFA-2
20 Jensen, Blake 20 NWF-2
20 Scheiman, Philip(Jr) 20 NCA-2
20 Sayer, Leo 20 HC-2
20 Simon, Gregory 20 USO-3
24 White, Bob 15 SWR-4
24 Jensen, Gene 15 NWF-3
24 Wiley, Ed 15 TCC-3
24 Avallone, Eddie 15 McL-2
24 Hepler, Tom 15 McL-2
24 Pivitt, James 15 USO-4
30 Norvall, Larry 14 BAl-4
31 Hatschek, Bob 12 Sky-4
32 Davis, Mike 10 MM-5
32 O Reilly, Jim 10 SWR-5
32 Vargo, Edward 10 USO-5
35 Simon, G 8 IFA-5
36 Buss, Bill 7 Sky-5
37 Ross, John 5 McL-5
37 Brooks, Jim 5 HC-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 8 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 15 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 11 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF 6 Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 4 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 9 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF -x- NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA 4 FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 9 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 8 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
TCC 0 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
McL -x- McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 6 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM 4 MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
HC 1 Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 18 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
1 Sifleet, Bob 91 MM-3 Sky-2 BAl-4* IFA-1 HC-1 USO-4*
2 Cowley,Martyn 76 SWR-2 MM-1 NCA-1
3 VanNest, Brian 75 SWR-1 SCA-3 BAl-5 MMM-1
4 McKever, Mike 66 MM-2* SCA-1 NCA-4 BAl-1
5 Busnelli, Ernesto 60 SWR-3 SCA-2 NCA-2
6 Markos, Chuck 58 FFA-1 Sky-1 IFA-5
6 Smith, Norm 58 SWR-5 MM-5 SCA-5 NCA-3 MMM-2
6 Nippert, Vic 58 EFF-3 Sky-4 USO-1
9 Zink, Don 38 MM-4 USO-2
10 Pailet, Jean 36 EFF-2 FFA-3
10 Schlarb, Bill 36 FFA-2 IFA-3
12 Parker, Dallas (Jr) 33 SWR-4 BAl-2
13 Brun, Pierre 29 SCA-4 BAl-3
14 Jones, Tom 28 Sky-5 IFA-2
15 Pelatowski, Ed 26 EFF-1
16 Fedor, Mike 25 SCT-1
17 Hines,Lee 22 NCA-5 MMM-3
18 Reeve, Mike 20 SCT-2
18 Mekina, Joe 20 USO-3
20 Ivers, Rich 17 Sky-3
21 Sheffer, Jackie 15 SCT-3
22 Pelatowski, Larry 11 EFF-4
22 Kluiber, Rudy 11 IFA-4
24 Kluiber, Rudy* 10 FFA-4
24 Spence, Steve 10 SCT-4
24 Smitz, Willard 10 MMM-4
24 Basta, Michael 10 USO-5
28 Wagner, Joe* 6 EFF-5
Key to competition abbreviations and number of sportsmen:
SWR 7 Southwest Regionals- Eloy ,AZ
MM 18 MaxMen 14 Rounder- Lost Hills, CA
SCA 3 SCAT Annual- Lost Hills, CA
EFF -x- Eastern FF Champs, Ingleside, MD
SCT 6 Spring Cup- Seguin TX
NCA 6 NorCal FF Champs- Sacramento, CA
NWF 1 NW FF Champs, Tanget, OR
FFA 3 FFAMS, Muncie. IN
Sky 3 Skyscrapers FAI Challenge, Wawayanda NY
BAl 8 Big Al, Lost Hills, CA
TCC 3 Texas Cloud Climbers, Allen TX
McL 2 McLaughlan Fiesta 5 Flags - Pensacola, FL
IFA 10 Intercity FAI Muncie, IN
MMM -x- MMM 14 Rounder-Denver, CO
HC -x- Huron Cup- CFB Borden, Ontario Canada
USO 19 US Outdoor Champs (NFFS)- Muncie, IN
1 Poti, Norm 88 SWR-4 MM-2 IFA-2 USO-1
2 Carroll, Ed 83 SWR-3 SCA-3 BAl-1 USO-2
3 Parker, Faust 71 MM-5 SCT-1 TCC-3 McL-2
4 Keck, Ed 68 SWR-2 MM-4 IFA-3 USO-4
5 Gutai, Bob 55 MM-1 Sky-3 USO-5
5 Pailet, Jean 55 FFA-2 Sky-2 McL-3
7 Gunder, Austin (Jr) 52 Sky-1 IFA-1
8 Mennano, Guy 43 SWR-1 BAl-3
9 Marsh, Jack 32 FFA-1 IFA-5
10 Robertson, Tony 26 SCA-2 NCA-5
10 Lynch, Bill 26 NCA-1
12 Laird, Tom 25 SCA-1
12 Roberts, Mike 25 NWF-1
12 Brown, Gerald* 25 TCC-1
12 Conton, Charles 25 McL-1
16 Johannes, David 22 BAl-2
17 Parsons, Dave 21 NCA-2
17 Sheffer, Jackie 21 SCT-2
19 Warren, Ed 20 MM-3
19 Carstens, Fred* 20 TCC-2
19 Servaites, Bucky 20 USO-3
22 Haught, Jim 16 NCA-3
22 Mace, Marvin 16 SCT-3
24 Campbell, Lee 15 FFA-3
25 Ginder, Fred III 12 BAl-4
25 Fulmer, Keith 12 IFA-4
27 Simpson, Reid 11 NCA-4
27 Snyder, Russ 11 SCT-4
29 Kruse, Matt* 7 BAl-5
30 Menanno, Frank 6 SWR-5
30 Schelp, Jon(Jr) 6 SCT-5
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
can you tell me what has to be used to attach poley
span to the carbon fiber composite wings?
would dope work?
i have used dope on several balas wings and it
attached the poly span just fine.
thx don.
f1j teady to fly models
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
could you tell me who sells ready to fly f1j models
besides oleg stoev?
i sent oleg e mails asking about his large three piece
wing f1j but never geet any reply.
perhaps someone else could build this for me.
thx don.
Roger Morrell