SCAT Electronic News 4 January 2001 issue 526
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1345
SCAT Electronic News 4 January 2001 issue 526
Table of Contents
typo - Brokenspar
Hardwood or softwood? - Biggles
Bob White (the fall from grace !!) - King
MM Int dates ? - Halliday
Luddites - Hinsonm
Anyone need rubber bands? - Markos
Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics - Bowman
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I see you have repeated my typo -call call - in the notes on decalage.
I now realize my confusion, decalage v decolletage, where decalage
has to do with the difference in angle of attack between the
wing and stabilizer ( put simply ): decolletage*, in dressmaking,
is 'exposure of neck and shoulders, by low cut neck of dress' ( Concise
Oxford Dictionary ).
My mind, trained in puns and extended and multiple meanings
( excessive reading in the Joyce Canon), is surely the source of my error.
Bunch, 'gather into close folds' ( again, Concise Oxford Dictionary ) is a
reach from "..when the center of gravity shifts forward.....bunches up"
You see how my typo, ' call call ' ( a pair ) anticipates my vision of '
bunching up '.
my compliments to the ladys
*Decollate (f) is: Behead. My god !!
Hardwood or softwood?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Happy New Year - Regarding SCAT EL 525 01/01/01 ""
item - did it say whether or not these items are considered to be
Computer Hardwood or Softwood ?
Bob White (the fall from grace !!)
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Bob has been exhibiting further
deviant behaviour - following the purchase of a GPS he has been
seen flying a model with a carbon tube wing spar.
Oh,'tis a terrible thing when one, whom one has held in such high estime,
sinks to such depths of depravity !!!! Such underhanded behaviour is so
unfair on the rest of us !! Next thing he will be using VIT, VIW and DPR,
then I fear we may as well all give up. ....... He'll be totally unbeatable
!!!!!! ;-))))))))))))
To Bob with love and affection !!!!!!
Peter King
MM Int dates ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please post the dates and class schedules for the Maxmen once again. I
deleted the sen with this info by mistake.
Thanks, David Halliday
The dates are Fri 16 Feb for the Mini Events 17 and 18 for The Contest
and 19 as a reserve day. The flyer will be here real soon now]
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Just a thought for the Luddites, before cobblestone streets, we did not =
need horse shoes.
Rex Hinson
Anyone need rubber bands?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I have 10,000 orthodontic bands and would like to sell most of them off.
They were purchased for strapping the wings together across the fuselage of
F1A models. Andrew Barron lent me a couple to try at the recent Team Finals
because I couldn't get #8s to work. The orthodontic bands are gum rubber,
strong and have a thin cross-section so they are easy to insert into small
places. They are packaged in zip-seal plastic bags each containing 100. See
me at the Eloy contest in Jan or at Lost Hills in Feb. Price is 2 bags for
Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I was told I might be able to get some help here. Here is my question.
During the last year I have started a research program studying the
aerodynamics of wings at low Reynolds numbers (less than 100,000). I
have found that this is the Reynolds number range of many free flight
aircraft. Also, I have run across a few referances to tests conducted
in the past to try to determine optimum airfoil shape for free fight
aircraft. One such work was that done by Max Hacklinger during the 50's
and 60's (my guess at the date).
At this time, the information I have is pretty sketchy. I am looking
for help locating information about wing performance of small wings at
low velocities. Any leads anyone might have for me would be greatly
W. Jerry Bowman
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah
(801) 378-4316
Roger Morrell