SCAT Electronic News 9 January issue 531
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 1244
SCAT Electronic News 9 January issue 531
Table of Contents
Dolby Desert Challenge 2001 - Bogie
F1A sale correction - Makarov
Shareware palm backup - Erguner
pre WW2 Wakefield models - Arnold
FW: SUCCESS!!!!!! - Markos
FF in Las Vegas - Berry
The attachments we sent out were not correctly formatted
so we will look at redoing them.
Dolby Desert Challenge 2001
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The 32nd Dolby Desert Challenge was held at the Taft site, mainly
because there is a real need for a bonfire for warmth during and after
the banquet in the dark. Fortunately SCAT has a mole, Peter Allnutt
wintering in Taft, who rounds up great piles of large pieces of wood no
one else can possibly lift.
The contest is a team challenge made up at sign-in time or relayed to
the CD. This year we used two man teams. All six FAI events are
offered and no one entered F1J for the first time in years.
Flying starts at about 1 PM on Saturday, getting in three rounds before
the sun sets, after which the models were put away and preparations
were made for cooking the meat on grills and starting the bonfire for
the on-field banquet. A great fire is a real pleasure and a necessity
as the temperature drops down to freezing during the night at this time
of the year. The day quickly warmed up after sunrise.
The weather was shirtsleeve with wind up to 5 mph by 10 AM both days.
Flying Sunday started about 8 AM with hourly rounds for the senior
events and none specified for the junior events.
Kozlyuk, D 180 180 180 113 53 180 131 1017
Joyce, Kate 180 172 180 180 180 138 128 1158 2175
Robbins, H 57 79 130 180 446
Diez, H 180 180 180 146 180 180 180 1226 1672
Allnutt, P 180 180 180 180 173 180 175 1248
Van Nest, B 180 180 180 180 180 180 148 1228 2476
Hartill, B 179 87 151 110 122 649
Wogulis, E 86 180 180 131 103 95 180 955 1604
Shailor, E 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260
Morrell, R 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260 2520
Andriukov, A 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260
A Nother 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260 2520
Andriukov flew off with Shailor with DT set at 5 minutes. Flight to be
timed to the ground. Alex DTd 50 feet up. Shailor had a bad launch
and did less than 1 min. Alex landed 100 yards to the west. Perfect
weather. We used two man teams and whenever there is an odd number of
contestants, A Nother is added and scores from other contestants
in the event are used to make up the team score. Simple convenience.
Joyce, D 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 1260 1260
White, B 120 120 120 120 120 600
Funk, W 105 120 120 120 120 585 1185
Smith, N 120 102 120 77 120 539
Norton, B 120 120 96 60 90 486 1025
Team Bob (N) 120 120 96 60 90 486
Team Bob (V) 60 120 105 90 102 477 963
Robbins, H 120 79 45 82 326
Nother, A 120 120 96 90 120 546 872
Next year, when you find the snow or ice abounding, think of the
Dolby Desert Challenge.
Bill Bogart, CD
F1A sale correction
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger.
I see in SCAT Electronic News 7 January the information from
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
about "new M&K Long built by Vasily Beschasny with a great set of
wings" for sale.
I would like to say, that Vasily Beschasny can not build the M&K
technics, we don't work together, he has not our technology and
information. Especially, it is important about the wing. The heart of
the modern wing for F1A is a longeron. As I know, Vasily can not build
the 5 generation longeron from the stiff carbon roving.
So, in this case, it is correctly to say about "model M&K design, built
by Vasily " only. Materially, it is not real M&K model, with another
Sincerely, Sergei Makarov.
Shareware palm backup
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The web site for the Palm backup program is below:
Try also
this is a standard alone backup that creates a bootable disk
with a Linux subset that can backup a PalmPilot.
pre WW2 Wakefield models
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am interested in obtaining the plans or information on a pre 1939
Wakefield model by Joe Kenworthy. I believe it won the contest in 1936? Joe
was a mentor to me when free flight rubber and glider was all one could fly
in wartime England.
my email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Allan Arnold
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I thought that the SEN readers would like to see how rewarding a
relationship with the Science Olympiad program can be. I got started with
Ryan and Geoff via their letter to SEN last year looking for help. They are
both exceptional kids who just needed someone to provide reasoned boundaries
to some of the many ideas they have for their models. Note the comment
about the model becoming "addicting." In a later note, he mentioned that he
was up all night thinking about ideas to improve the model's
performance.......sounds familiar??? They are HS seniors and are torn
between going to the USIC in Tennessee and going to their graduation
I'm forwarding this with permission.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Prince [mailto:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 11:09 PM
Subject: SUCCESS!!!!!!
Well, it may not have been the prettiest flight ever, but we had our
first flight of 3 minutes tonight. Well, ok it was 2:59:20, but with
experimental error we are calling it 3 min flat. The new tail I made was
way too weak, but that was the one I made just after our last Racine trip.
We haven't done anything with those last tail-booms I cut, so they may be
strong enough for our needs. We ended up using the tail that broke multiple
times last trip, but even that was too weak. I put a lot of cya on it so
that it would be strong enough for testing purposes. It worked well, and we
obviously achieved our goal. The prop re-pitching seemed to work fine,
although I think it could possibly withstand a little more (before I
re-pitched it, it had a max p/d of about 1.1 and an average of .9). I don't
know what the prop pitch is after I manipulated it yet. A couple other
things we noticed is that we were still banging that ceiling pretty hard,
but our descent was really nice (we lowered the incidence A LOT to avoid
hitting the ceiling). We were using .084" rubber, but we are kind of
thinking that we could go a little smaller, maybe .078" or .080" If
anything, we think this may allow us to still get 2:30+ times in 25-30 foot
ceilings. Other than that, on our last flight of about 2:51, I calculated
the rpm, and noticed it was around 700, which is much less than the
1000-1200 that we had before, so we are definately improving. I'm not even
sure how much we want to fool with the prop anymore, because why change
something that is doing very well. But I guess there is always room for
experimentation, especially considering that our last competition
(hopefully) will be in May. I figure we improved about 20 seconds on
average from our last trip, and should be able to do the same by about
March, and consistantly get flights of 3:15. Our next true goal is to break
3:30, though, but that may take quite a while.
Thanks again for all your help. I'll keep in touch about our next
testing plans, although we really ned to focus on other events for our next
competition considering it is only four months away. We have to tear
ourselves away from the plane before it becomes too addicting! =) I'll talk
to you soon.
Thanks to Geoff Kent, Omer Erguner, Bob Norton and Bill Bogart for
their donations in support of SEN.
FF in Las Vegas
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I will be moving to Las Vegas shortly and I need to find the FF fliers
there. Can anybody out there let me know me know names, E-mails, phone
Dan Berry
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Roger Morrell