SCAT Electronic News 7 Novemeber issue 640
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- Category: Archive 2001
- Hits: 2067
SCAT Electronic News 7 Novemeber issue 640
Table of Contents
Microlite Covering - FAI Model Supply
When can you wind ? - Schlosberg
Patterson Contest Details - Bogie
World Cup Standings
C.G. Location, location, location - O'Dwyer
F1C Turbs - Dilly
F1B = THE 30 GM FUTURE - Warren
Tasmanian Fugoids - Blackan
Microlite Covering
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
FAI MODEL SUPPLY is now handling Microlite Covering.
It is available in two thicknesses:
3 micron ( .00012") .023 oz/sq ft 7 gm/sq mtr
5 micron ( .0002") .035 oz/sq ft 10gm/sq mtr
5 micron is recommended for F1B stabs and small models, it is available
in the following colors:
Light Red, Medium Red, Orange, Light Yellow, and Cub Yellow
$14.50/ 24" x 48" sheet plus $ .50 S/H for up to 2 sheets.
3 micron is recommended for small indoor models and is available in
these colors: Light Red, Light Yellow, Orange, Medium Blue, and
$ 8.50/ 24" x 24" sheet plus $ .50 S/H for up to 4 sheets.
Microlite is a iron on heat-shrinkable mylar material that is easy to
attach and easy to repair or remove.
Other colors available as demand dictates.
When can you wind ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In fairness to the non-team selection readers as well as
to the overseas readers,
I am including the the proposal I sent to the AMA:
"Rule 3.2.8.c Replace "must wind their rubber motors and" by "can", to
read "The organizer will establish a ten minute period in which all flyoff
competitors can launch their model."
"Rational: Currently, Wakefield fliers are required to wind their motors
DURING the ten minute flyoff. Winding the motors is done under tremendous
stress, particularly if a motor blows or if any mechanical problems
surface, deducting the preparation time from the flying window."
"In regular rounds, Wakefield fliers can wind their motors before the
beginning of each round. The requirement to wind during a round dates
back to the time when motors were impounded, to assure that only a
pre-processed motor were used. We have,
however, switched to random and post-wining processing, making this
requirement redundant."
"The other events - F1A and F1B, in contrast,get the full 10 minutes to fly
in a flyoff round."
The proposal relieves Wakefield fliers from the onerous requirement to wing
their motors during the ten minute flyoff, allowing competitors to launch the
instance the flyoff begins, just like F1A and C. As it stands todays - the
early fliers are the fastest winders, provided they have not blown a motor! In other words, the better fliers probably believe it is to their advantage.
Maybe it took a person timing the Wakefield fliers at the world champs
to realize that the tremendous pressure fliers are under
is just a self imposed
administrative requirement, The best thing that can be said about the
winding requirement is that it makes a good spectator's sport
The event I happen to fly (Nordic) is irrelevant to the public discussion.
For example, Ian Keynes, who heads the FAI technical committee, has had a
significant influence on the evolution of the FAI rules over time. What
events he flies, if any, are completely irrelevant.
If we could redesign the Wakefield flyoff rules from scratch, it would be highly
unlikely that winding would have placed within the flyoff window.
Aram Schlosberg
Patterson Contest Details
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Sponsored by SCAT
Site is at Lost Hills November 17-18, 2001
This is an America's Cup event
Sunrise is 6:38 am Sunset is 4:52 pm PST
One hour rounds starting at 8am
First round maxes: F1A 210, F1B 240, F1C 240
180 second maxes round 2 - 7
Flyoff 3pm
10 minute launch period if all are ready
Max time progression 300, 420, and 540 seconds
if daylight allows.
SUNDAY: F1G, F1H, and F1J
Carryover flyoffs will start at 7AM
10 minute max with 10 minute launch period
F1G, F1H, F1J
10 minute flyoff will be run first at 7:30 am
Rounds will start at 8:30 am, 1 hour long
maxes are 120 seconds
AWARDS: Engraved glassware in all classes
and high time flyer. Trophies presented
at completion of flying.
Don Leath, Contest Director
High Country Road
Palmdale, CA 93550-4415
(661) 273-8668
or contact Bill Bogart
14837 Los Robles Avenue
Hacienda Heights, CA 91745-2615
email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
World Cup Standings
Below are the Free Flight World Cup standings as published
on the FAI web site by Ian Iaynes.. The are complete except for one event
in Boznia, which probably will not affect the podium positions.
What is most encouraging ids the total number of sportsmen that have
scored points. For that reason we have left the number unchnaged.
FAI Free Flight World Cup 2001 Class F1C
Last update: 5 Nov 2001
1 John Cuthbert GBR 155 BN- 1 UP- 1 SH- 1 VH- 1 CM- 1 PT- 5
BD- 6 CC-11 MM-16
2 Eugene Verbitsky UKR 148 PZ- 1 CC- 2 MM- 2 AN- 2 RN- 3
3 Peter Watson GBR 148 SR- 1 PT- 1 SH- 2 MM- 8
4 Artem Babenko UKR 116 VB- 1 SR- 3 PZ- 4 CC-22 AN- 1
5 Andreas Lindner GER 115 HL- 1 SC- 1 PZ-12
6 Alexander Molchanov UKR 114 EF- 1 VB- 2 PZ- 9 BD- 3 AN- 4
7 Gabor Zsengeller HUN 112 KC- 1 PZ- 3 BN- 4 NC- 4
8 Claus Peter Wachtler GER 105 BD- 1 VS- 3 BN- 6 PZ-12
9 Zbigniew Szablewszki POL 102 VJ- 1 SW- 1
10 David Thomas AUS 100 AC- 1 SN- 1
11 Marek Roman POL 97 VS- 1 PZ- 5 BD- 5
12 Bob Gutai USA 96 SR- 2 HC- 3 CC-10 MM- 9
13 Viacheslav Alexandrov UKR 93 PZ- 2 VB- 3 CC-15 AN- 8
14 Stafford Screen GBR 84 PT- 2 SH- 4 MM-13 SR-12
15 Ed Keck USA 83 HC- 1 MM- 5 CC-17
16 Randy Archer USA 81 CC- 1 SR- 6
17 Piotr Plachetka POL 81 SW- 2 PZ- 6 CC-13
18 Kaarle Kuukka FIN 81 BC- 1 HL- 3
19 Gerhard Aringer AUT 80 HL- 2 EF- 5 PZ-10 CC-20 BD- 7
20 Oszkar Maczko HUN 77 NC- 1 VJ- 4
21 Claus Gretter GER 76 BN- 3 NC- 4 SH- 5 BD- 9
22 Reinhard Truppe AUT 75 VJ- 3 SR- 5 BN- 6 PZ-11
23 Revaz Torgomadze RUS 73 RN- 1 VB- 8
24 A Kirilenko USA 70 HC- 1 CC- 7
25 Timo Niiranen FIN 70 SC- 2 BC- 3 UP- 3
26 Sigurd Seydel GER 69 BN- 2 BD- 4
27 Juri Roots EST 65 BC- 2 HL- 4
28 Manfred Nogga GER 63 BD- 2 VS- 5
29 Kenny Happersett USA 62 MM- 1 CC-23
30 Vladimir Tregubenko UKR 62 PZ- 7 SR- 7 AN- 7
31 Mauricio Zito ARG 58 EM- 2 CC-13
32 Alexandre Mikhajlenko RUS 55 RN- 2 CC-19
33 Janos Szecsenyi HUN 52 NC- 3 PZ- 8 VJ- 5
34 Phil Ball GBR 51 SH- 3 PT- 7
35 Daniel Iele ARG 51 EM- 1
36 Kosta Stojanovski MKD 50 PC- 1
37 Mircea Radu ROM 50 SB- 1
37 Ziva Kovacki YUG 50 SV- 1
37 Uri Zilbershtein ISR 50 IS- 1
40 Doug Joyce USA 46 CC- 6 SR- 9
41 Ken Oliver USA 42 MM- 7 SR- 8
42 Peter Maurer SUI 42 EF- 2
43 Alain Roux FRA 41 PT- 6 EF- 6
44 Laszlo Patocs HUN 41 VJ- 2
45 Vaclav Patek CZE 41 VS- 2
46 Robert Szabo HUN 41 NC- 2
47 Gunnar Agren SWE 41 UP- 2 SC- 3
48 Stan Hinds AUS 40 AC- 2
48 Peter Scott AUS 40 SN- 2
48 Janez Brejc SLO 40 KC- 2
51 Reid Simpson USA 39 CC- 9 MM-12
52 D Johannes USA 38 CC- 3
53 Kurt Kuhl GER 37 EF- 7 BN- 8
54 Ron Mcburnett USA 35 MM- 3
55 T Kerger USA 33 CC- 4
56 Tom Oxager DEN 33 PT- 3
57 Igor Andrushenko UKR 32 AN- 3
58 Tassilo Schwend GER 32 EF- 3
59 Gil Morris USA 30 MM- 4
60 Norm Poti USA 30 SR-10 MM-15
61 Fernando Zito ARG 30 EM- 3
62 Edward Burek POL 30 SW- 3
63 Anatoly Kislovsky RUS 29 RN- 4
64 Bob Johannes USA 29 SR- 4
65 T Chosei JPN 28 CC- 5
66 Kenneth Faux GBR 27 PT- 4
67 Oleg Grishkov UKR 27 VB- 4
68 Stefan Reinwald GER 26 EF- 4
69 Josef Svrcek CZE 26 VS- 4
70 Tommy Eriksson SWE 25 UP- 4
71 S Kazumasa JPN 24 CC- 8
72 Henry Spence USA 24 MM- 6
73 Nikolay Rjokhin RUS 24 RN- 5
74 Andrey Toloknov RUS 23 RN- 6
75 Sergey Vorvikhvost UKR 22 VB- 5
76 Dittmar Meissnest GER 22 BN- 5
77 Iaroslav Vasiliev BLR 22 AN- 5
78 Sergey Korban RUS 21 RN- 7
78 Vladimir Makhovikh RUS 21 RN- 7
80 Yury Mogilny UKR 21 VB- 6 AN- 6
81 Alexander Edamov UKR 20 VB- 7
82 Gyorgy Napkori HUN 20 VJ- 6
83 D Perkins USA 19 CC-12
84 John Warren USA 19 MM-10
85 Roy Summersby AUS 19 RN- 9
86 Hans Raabe GER 19 BD- 8
86 Bernard Boutillier FRA 19 PT- 8
88 Guy Meanno USA 18 MM-11
89 Igor Kobozev RUS 18 RN-10
90 Maxim Aminov RUS 17 RN-11
91 Gauthier Briere FRA 17 PT- 9
92 Alexander Koba UKR 17 VB- 9
93 David Johannes USA 16 SR-11
94 L Ruzeyen RUS 15 CC-16
95 Leonid Chuchukalov RUS 15 RN-12
95 Sergey Savuhin RUS 15 RN-12
97 Ed Carroll USA 14 MM-14
98 Kenan Jusufbasic BIH 14 PZ-12
98 Edin Sahinovic BIH 14 PZ-12
98 Pinjo Nedzad BIH 14 PZ-12
101 F Parker USA 12 CC-18
102 Mike Roberts USA 12 MM-16
103 G Menano USA 9 CC-21
This page produced by Ian Kaynes
FAI Free Flight World Cup 2001 Class F1B
Last update: 5 Nov 2001
1 Bernd Silz GER 158 BD- 1 BN- 1 SC- 1 VJ- 2 VS- 2 PT- 3
PZ- 9
2 Ivan Kolic YUG 156 SR- 1 VJ- 1 VH- 1 PC- 1 CM- 2 BN- 4
VS- 4 BC- 7 BD-15 EF-23 PZ-10
3 Oleg Kulakovsky UKR 150 EF- 1 VB- 1 RN- 2 SW- 3 PZ- 4 NC- 7
BN-17 SR-20 MM-24 AN- 2
4 Alex Andriukov USA 149 CC- 1 MM- 2 SR- 2 HL- 5 BN-11
5 Yrjo Waltonen FIN 121 CM- 1 EF- 2 UP- 4 BC- 4 VJ- 9 VS-10
SR-14 HL-16 BN-16 PZ-22
6 Viktor Rosonoks LAT 112 PZ- 1 HL- 3 EF- 5 SW- 6 BC- 8 CC-22
7 Ari Kutvonen FIN 112 BC- 1 UP- 2 BD- 9 EF-17
8 Stephan Stefanchuck UKR 111 AN- 1 EF- 3 PZ- 5 SW- 5 HL-17 SR-21
9 Anselmo Zeri NED 110 PT- 1 SN- 3 AC- 4 EF- 9
10 Walt Ghio USA 103 MM- 1 HC- 3 HL-10 BN-13 CC-21
11 Igor Zilberg GER 101 CC- 2 BD- 4 PZ- 7 BN- 5 NC- 6 EF- 8
12 Pim Ruyter NED 101 HL- 2 SH- 3 MM- 5
13 Harald Meusburger AUT 100 HL- 1 SH- 4 VJ- 6 KC- 5 PT-15 EF-20
14 Damjan Zulic SLO 100 SV- 1 KC- 1
15 Richard Blackam AUS 99 AC- 2 SN- 2 MM-11 SR-15
16 Alexei Bukin UKR 95 SW- 1 VB- 5 EF- 7 CC-12 HL- 9 AN- 5
17 Russell Peers GBR 94 SH- 2 HL- 4 MM- 6 CC-20 PT-18
18 Michael Woodhouse GBR 89 UP- 1 VH- 4 EF-16 MM-23
19 Artur Chik UKR 88 NC- 1 AN- 6 PZ-12
20 Jozsef Krasznai HUN 86 PZ- 2 NC- 2 VJ- 5
21 Serge Tedeschi FRA 85 CM- 3 VH- 3 PT- 5 NC- 5 VS- 9 SR-12
BD-16 BN-15 PZ-20
22 Terry Bond AUS 84 SN- 1 CC- 9 SR-17
23 Mario Lovato ITA 82 VS- 1 BN- 9 PZ-18
24 Peter Monninghoff GER 76 VS- 3 CC-11 BN- 6 PZ-11 EF-15 BD-23
25 Markus Rolands LTU 75 UP- 3 BC- 3 HL-15
26 Igor Vivchar UKR 73 BD- 3 PT- 9 SH- 7 VB- 9 EF-14
27 Michael Seifert GER 73 AC- 1 SR- 5
28 Hans Schoder SUI 72 BN- 2 PT- 7 BD-20
29 Jerry Fitch USA 70 MM- 3 SR- 3
30 Andrey Burdov RUS 70 MM- 4 SR- 7 RN-10
31 Oleg Krysko UKR 69 CC- 5 SW- 4 VB-11
32 Anatoly Rybchenkov RUS 66 RN- 3 SR- 8 VB-14
33 Eran Shternlib (J) ISR 65 SB- 1 IS-12
34 Itzik Ben Itzhak ISR 64 IS- 1 MM-17
35 David Greaves GBR 63 PT- 2 SH- 8
36 Teppo Sarpila FIN 62 BN- 3 EF-12 VS-13
37 Yury Blazhevich UKR 61 VB- 2 SR- 9 AN- 3
38 Gunnar Wivardsson SWE 61 SC- 2 HL- 8 UP-13
39 Evgeny Gorban UKR 57 MM- 8 CC-14 VB-10 PZ-17
40 Rolf Seifert GER 57 BD- 2 PZ-16 EF-13
41 Alexander Shagun UKR 56 EF- 4 VB- 4
42 Sergey Ilin RUS 54 RN- 1
43 Klaus Salzer AUT 54 KC- 2 HL-18 PZ-23
44 Andrey Khrebtov RUS 53 SR- 4 RN- 5
45 Michael Woolner GBR 52 SH- 1
46 Bernard Aslett GBR 51 BN- 8 PT-13 SH-11 CC-23
47 Blake Jensen USA 51 CC- 8 SR-11 MM-20
48 Hector Azzara ARG 51 EM- 1
49 J Pratt USA 50 HC- 1
50 Mihaly Varadi HUN 49 VJ- 3 EF-10 BD-18 PZ- 6
51 Andreas Gey GER 44 BD- 6 VS- 6
52 Henk van Hoorn NED 43 BD-10 PT-12 CC-24 EF-21
53 Jorgen Korsgard DEN 43 EF- 6 SC- 5
54 Don Blackam AUS 42 SN- 4 CC-15
55 Ran Herzberg ISR 42 IS- 2
56 Andre Seifert GER 42 SC- 4 BD-11
57 Ole Torgersen NOR 41 BC- 2
58 Remo Bovio ARG 41 EM- 2
58 Virginus Ivanczikas LTU 41 SW- 2
60 Didier Marquois (J) FRA 40 SB- 2
61 J Clapp USA 40 HC- 2
62 Jorge Gustavo POR 40 VH- 2
62 Pera Kolic YUG 40 PC- 2
64 Svetozar Gostojic YUG 40 SV- 2
65 Y Kitrebto RUS 39 CC- 3
66 Horst Wagner AUT 39 BD- 7 VJ- 9 EF-11
67 Bror Eimar SWE 39 HL- 6 UP- 9
68 Marcus Seifert GER 38 PT- 8 BN-10
69 Hakan Broberg SWE 37 UP- 7 HL-10
70 Robert Piserchio USA 36 CC- 6 PT-19
71 George Schroedter USA 36 CC-13 MM-14
72 Viktor Starostenko UKR 36 VB- 7 PZ-12
73 Janne Forsman SWE 36 HL- 7 UP-11
74 Tapio Linkosalo FIN 36 BC- 5 HL-12
75 Didier Barberis FRA 35 CC-19 MM-18 SR-16 PT-22
76 Mirsad Kapetanovic BIH 35 PZ- 3
77 Geoff Kent GBR 35 PT-10 AN-10
78 Sheledon RUS 34 CC- 4
79 Janne Isotalo FIN 34 SR-10 BC- 9
80 Geoffrey Stringer GBR 33 SH- 5 PT-16
81 Sergey Molchanov UKR 32 AN- 8 PZ-15
82 Giora Herzberg ISR 32 IS- 3
83 Anatoly Zastavenko UKR 32 VB- 3
84 Vladimir Romanenko UKR 32 SB- 6 VB-13
85 Ziv Berger (J) ISR 32 SB- 5 IS-14
86 Helfried Herbsthofer AUS 31 NC- 3
87 Horacio Ortiz ARG 31 EM- 3
88 Thor Bortne NOR 31 SC- 3
89 Guy Buisson FRA 30 PT- 4
90 Dick Wood USA 30 HC- 5 MM-19
91 Constantin Popa ROM 30 SB- 3
92 Peter Sikora AUS 30 AC- 3
93 Nenad Banjac CRO 30 KC- 3
94 Nikola Mitreski MKD 30 PC- 3
95 Bosko Lacimic YUG 30 SV- 3
96 Thedo Andre NED 29 PT-10 EF-18
97 Valery Afanasev RUS 29 RN- 4
98 Alexander Chelepov RUS 29 SR-13 RN-19 HL-20
99 Adam Krowiec POL 27 SW- 7 PZ-19
100 Gil Hagai ISR 27 IS- 4
101 Nikolay Kovalenko UKR 27 AN- 4 VB- 6
102 Burdov UKR 26 CC- 7
103 Thomas Wiesiolek GER 26 BN-12 BD-17
104 Gerry Pink GBR 26 UP-11 PT-17
105 Helfried Herbsthofer AUT 26 VJ- 4
106 Vladimir Vivchar AUS 26 NC- 4
107 Rudecindo Marquez ARG 26 EM- 4
108 Benjamin Marquois (J) FRA 25 SB- 4
109 L Horak CAN 25 HC- 4
109 Vinko Tomljanovic CRO 25 KC- 4
111 Ilija Panov MKD 25 PC- 4
111 Ramon Durendez ESP 25 CM- 4
113 Dirk Drelse GER 24 BD- 5
114 Bernhard Schwendemann GER 24 VJ- 7 BD-22
115 J Kosciarz POL 23 CC-10
116 Larry Norvall USA 23 MM- 7
117 Istvan Kocsis HUN 23 PZ- 7
118 Aurelien Pineau FRA 23 PT- 6
119 Jens B Kristensen DEN 23 SC- 6 PT-24
120 Sergey Chinilov RUS 22 RN- 6
121 George Batiuk USA 22 SR- 6
122 Maxim Solodov RUS 22 HL-12 RN-20
123 Jiri Mezera CZE 22 VS- 5
124 Shay Faibish (J) ISR 22 IS- 5
124 Nils Eril Hollander SWE 22 UP- 5
126 Roger Morrell USA 21 MM- 9
127 Grigory Gorbach RUS 21 RN- 7
128 Viktor Rosonoks LTU 21 BN- 7
129 Ilan Melamed ISR 21 IS- 6
129 Johan Akerman SWE 21 UP- 6
131 Doug Rowsell USA 20 MM-10
132 Manfred Hoffmann GER 20 BD- 8
133 Vladimir Mironenko RUS 20 RN- 8
134 Vladislav Urban (J) CZE 20 VS- 7
135 Asaf Aharoni ISR 20 IS- 7
136 Pavel Bogach (J) UKR 20 AN- 7
137 K E Chamberlain GBR 20 SH- 6
138 Juhani Isotalo FIN 20 BC- 6
139 Ruben Clemenceau ARG 20 EM- 5
140 Leigh Morgan AUS 20 AC- 5
141 Paul Crowley USA 19 MM-11
142 Julay Mustafin RUS 19 RN- 9
143 Heiko Helmbrecht GER 19 VS-11 PZ-24
144 Pavel Dvorak CZE 19 VS- 8
145 Ivan Taylor GBR 19 UP- 8
145 Gilad Varmaz (J) ISR 19 IS- 8
147 Jose Galvan ARG 19 EM- 6
147 Carlos Rodriguez ARG 19 EM- 6
149 Grigory Andriovich UKR 18 VB- 8
150 Radoje Blagojevic YUG 18 VJ- 8
151 Albrecht Oschatz GER 18 NC- 8
152 Hagen Stendal GER 18 SC- 7
153 Jim Lueken USA 17 MM-13
154 Dmitry Idlov RUS 17 RN-11
155 Riku Posa FIN 17 UP- 9
155 Shmuel Kuflik ISR 17 IS- 9
157 Victor Kholyavkin UKR 17 AN- 9
158 Glynn Turnbull GBR 17 SH- 9
159 Jun Jozef Petras SVK 17 NC- 9
160 John Billam GBR 16 CC-16
160 B Bijelic YUG 16 CC-16
162 Antonio Sanavio ITA 16 PZ-12
163 Detlef Schulz GER 16 BD-12
164 Dmitry Idlov RUS 16 RN-12
165 Gilad Mark ISR 16 IS-10
166 B L Halford GBR 16 SH-10
167 Waldemar Giesbrecht GER 16 NC-10
168 Dane Jensen USA 15 MM-15
169 Peter Martin GBR 15 PT-14
170 Mike Amthor GER 15 BD-13
171 Viktor Smirnov RUS 15 RN-13
172 Inbar Shani (J) ISR 15 IS-11
173 Igor Avchinnikov BLR 15 AN-11
174 Joe Flynn GBR 15 SH-11
175 Ivan Treger SVK 15 VJ-11
176 M Klenovsek SLO 14 CC-18
177 Thomas Seren (J) GER 14 BD-14
178 Igor Kurovtsev RUS 14 RN-14
179 Martin Mezihorak (J) CZE 14 VS-12
180 Vladimir Vivchar UKR 14 VB-12 AN-12
181 Mitsuo Kibori JPN 13 MM-16
182 Alexey Naumov RUS 13 RN-15
183 Per Th Skjulstad NOR 13 HL-14
183 Rainer Wiesiolek GER 13 BN-14
185 Vladimir Kubes CZE 13 VS-13
186 Abraham Baruch ISR 13 IS-13
187 Alexander Gontar UKR 13 AN-13
188 Anders Broberg SWE 12 UP-14
189 Alexander Jun Pelipenko UKR 12 AN-14
190 Igor Bondarenko RUS 11 RN-16
190 Vasily Rogov RUS 11 RN-16
192 Walter Liberatore ITA 11 VS-15
193 Mikhail Belov RUS 9 RN-18
194 Radik Khuziev RUS 9 SR-18
195 Dieter Siebenmann SUI 9 BN-18
196 Al Ulm USA 8 MM-21
197 Jean Claude Cheneau FRA 8 PT-20
198 Albert Koppitz FRA 8 PT-23 EF-24
199 Laurynas Gircys LAT 8 EF-19
200 Ossi Kilpelainen FIN 8 BD-19
201 John Malkin NZL 8 SR-19
202 Arne Losness NOR 8 HL-19
202 Gircys Laurynas (J) LTU 8 BN-19
204 Bob Tymchek USA 7 MM-22
205 Grygorij Andrijowych UKR 7 PZ-21
206 Francois Ducassou FRA 7 PT-21
207 Hans-Jurgen Reicke GER 6 BD-21
208 Alexandre K Novikov RUS 6 RN-21
209 Roel Lucassen NED 6 BN-20
210 Rlandas Mackus LAT 5 EF-22
211 Alexandre V Novikov RUS 5 RN-22
212 Michael Davis USA 5 SR-22
213 Vadim Kolobjanin RUS 4 RN-23
214 Herbert Hauptmann GER 3 BD-24
FAI Free Flight World Cup 2001 Class F1A
Last update: 5 Nov 2001
1 Pieter de Boer NED 159 PT- 1 BD- 1 SR- 1 HL-14
2 Stefan Rumpp GER 155 HL- 1 VJ- 1 SC- 1 EF- 4 PT-22 BD- 6
UP- 3
3 Jari Valo FIN 140 BC- 1 PZ- 2 BN- 2 HL- 3 SR- 5 CC- 9
4 Victor Stamov UKR 140 MM- 1 VB- 1 PZ- 3 SH- 4 SR- 7 AN-12
5 Per Findahl SWE 131 SW- 1 SH- 1 CC- 4 HL- 4 UP- 6 VJ-20
6 Mikael Holmbom SWE 113 UP- 1 HL- 2 BC- 6
7 Gerhard Aringer AUT 112 PZ- 1 BN- 3 PT- 5 BD-11 CC-18 HL-15
8 Philippe Drapeau (J) FRA 101 CM- 1 EF- 3 SB- 8 PT-14
9 Oleg Stoev UKR 100 SB- 1 SR- 4 PZ- 8 NC-18
10 Vincent Crougenec FRA 97 PT- 2 SB- 3 EF- 6 CM- 6
11 Ferenc Kerner HUN 96 EF- 1 SV- 4 VJ- 8 NC-20
12 Attila Notaros HUN 93 SV- 1 PZ- 6 NC- 8
13 Jim Parker USA 92 HC- 1 MM- 2
14 Ivan Bezak SVK 90 VS- 1 NC- 4 PZ-20
15 Brian van Nest USA 88 VB- 2 MM- 4 HL- 7 SR-17 AN- 9
16 Kimmo Kulmakko FIN 87 CM- 3 VH- 3 VJ- 4 HL-11 BC-12 MM-19
SR-22 PZ-18
17 Anton van Eldik NED 86 EF- 2 BN- 5 PZ- 9
18 Phil Mitchell AUS 86 AC- 2 SN- 2 SR-20
19 Frederic Aberlenc FRA 84 CM- 2 NC- 3 MM-14 BN-18 SR-19 CC-22
20 Igor Yablonovsky UKR 81 NC- 2 AN- 5 CC-11 EF-12 VB- 7
21 Vin Morgan AUS 80 AC- 1 SN- 3
22 Peter Summersby AUS 80 SN- 1 AC- 3
23 Thomas Weimer GER 76 PZ- 4 BD- 4 SC- 7
24 Eyal Galor ISR 73 IS- 4 CC- 6 SR- 6
25 David Oldfield GBR 73 VH- 2 UP- 8 MM-11
26 Christoph Bachmann SUI 70 SR- 3 PT-10 BN- 8 NC-10
27 Javier Abad ESP 70 VH- 1 HL- 6
28 Jeno Voros HUN 69 SV- 3 PZ- 5 CC-15 NC-15 VJ- 5
29 Ivan Treger SVK 69 NC- 1 PZ-13
30 Sergei Makarov RUS 68 VB- 3 RN- 5 HL-12 PZ-17
31 John Cooper GBR 68 CC- 2 PT- 6
32 Andreas Rink GER 68 BN- 1 BD-12
33 Deniz Varhos SWE 66 SC- 2 NC- 7 HL-20
34 Matti Lihtamo FIN 65 BC- 2 SR-12 HL-17
35 Rolf Walliser GER 63 BD- 2 BN- 7
36 Mihail Koszonozskin RUS 63 SB- 4 SR- 8 PZ-12
37 Rudolf Holzleitner AUT 63 VJ- 2 CC-16 EF-19
38 Krisztian Kubasch HUN 63 SV- 2 NC- 5
39 Ivo Kreetz NED 61 VS- 6 PT- 7 SC- 8 BN-10 EF-18
40 Paul Seren GER 59 PT- 3 VS-11 BD-20 BN-21
41 Wolfgang Gerlach GER 58 EF- 5 VS-10 VJ- 9 BN-16 BD-21
42 Andrew Barron USA 57 HC- 4 MM- 5 SR-16
43 Maarten van Dijk NED 56 VS- 3 SC- 5 BN-24
44 Yaroslav Artemenko UKR 56 SW- 2 VB-11 AN-14
45 Mikhail Kochkarev RUS 55 HL- 5 VB- 6 PT-16 RN-20
46 B Ryz CZE 55 CC- 1
47 Mati Moskovich ISR 55 IS- 1
48 Ron Kreetz NED 55 VS- 2 EF-15
49 Valeri Poliayev RUS 53 BC- 7 HL- 8 RN-11
50 Ben Coussens USA 52 CC- 3 MM- 9
51 Peter Allnutt CAN 52 CC-10 AN- 8 MM-11
52 Pavel Russky RUS 52 RN- 1
53 Frank Adametz GER 51 BD- 3 BN- 9
54 Oleg Pshenychny UKR 51 BD- 8 NC- 9 VB-12 AN-13
55 Donald Zink USA 51 AN- 1
56 Matej Nardin SLO 51 KC- 1
57 Ondrej Krucky CZE 50 BD- 7 VJ- 7 VS-17 PZ-24
58 Manfred Grueneis AUT 50 VS- 5 NC- 5 CC-24
59 John Williams GBR 50 AN- 4 CC- 5
60 Jorge Alberto CostabellaARG 50 EM- 1
61 Luc Picard FRA 50 VH- 4 CM- 5 VS-22
62 Zoran Velkoski MKD 50 PC- 1
63 Pekka Ronkanen FIN 49 BC- 4 UP-13 HL-16
64 Roman Fedishyn UKR 49 SW- 3 VB- 8
65 Ulf Edlund SWE 46 SC- 4 EF- 8 BD-24 UP- 5
66 Vegar Nereng NOR 46 SC- 3 BC-11
67 Ran Herzberg ISR 45 IS- 2
68 Felix Hofmann GER 44 BN- 4 BD-16 PT-23
69 Lee Hines USA 42 MM- 6 CC- 8
70 Vjacheslav Teriokhin RUS 42 RN- 2
71 Herbert Schmidt GER 42 SR- 2
72 Helmut Fuss AUT 41 VS- 7 VJ-14 NC-18 BD-21 BN-20
73 Dusan Fric CZE 41 CC-13 VS-14 PZ-19
74 Jes Nyhegn DEN 41 UP- 2
75 Vladislav Lasarevitch UKR 41 AN- 2
75 Marian Popescu ROM 41 SB- 2
77 Rene Antonucci ARG 41 EM- 3 SR-15
78 Robert Lesko CRO 41 KC- 2
79 Carlos Wilhem ARG 40 EM- 2
80 Chris Edge GBR 40 SH- 2
81 C Markos USA 40 HC- 2
82 Zivko Nikolovski MKD 40 PC- 2
83 Alexander Zavodszky AUT 39 VJ- 3 VS-20
84 Igor Zavgorodny UKR 37 SR- 9 VB-16 CC-19 PZ-22 NC-23
85 Nimrod Nachmias ISR 35 IS- 3
86 Anders Persson SWE 35 SC- 6 HL-10
87 Sergei Pankov RUS 34 RN- 9 PZ-14
88 Vyacheslav Bolgov UKR 34 KC- 4 VB-18
89 Vittorio Brussolo ITA 33 PZ-11 BN-13
90 Bo Nyhegn DEN 33 EF- 9 UP-16 HL-20
91 Cigut Andrej (J) SLO 33 KC- 7 SB-11
92 Alexey Riazantsev RUS 32 RN- 3
93 Cenny Breeman BEL 32 MM- 3
94 Kari Tuisku FIN 32 BC- 3
95 Z C Lenartowicz CAN 32 HC- 3 MM-24
96 Bagari Bostjan (J) SLO 31 CC-13 SB-10
97 Vitaly Kapitsa UKR 31 AN- 3 VB-22
98 Danijel Terlep SLO 31 KC- 3
99 Andrew Crisp GBR 30 SH- 3
100 Ilija Panov MKD 30 PC- 3
101 Bertrand Pouzet FRA 29 PT- 4
102 Valery Gorynin UKR 29 AN- 9 BD-15
103 Peter Nosko SVK 29 VJ- 6 NC-17
104 Hans Schoder SUI 28 PT-17 NC-16 VS-21 EF-22
105 Csaba Nagy HUN 28 PZ-16 NC-12 VJ-18
106 Bohuslav Ryz CZE 28 VS- 4
107 Ansgar Nuttgens GER 28 AN- 6 CC-21 VB-15
108 Yuri Donchenko UKR 27 PZ-15 VB-14
109 Yuri Titov RUS 27 RN- 4
110 Heikki Salminen FIN 27 BC- 5 CC-23
111 Yury Grushkovsky UKR 27 VB- 4
112 Anti Kordemets EST 27 UP- 9 BC-16
113 Tommi Isotalo FIN 27 UP- 7 BC-18
114 Ingolf Steffensen NOR 27 SC-11 HL-13
115 Robert Hellgren SWE 26 UP- 4
116 Win Bellen NED 25 EF-13 PT-19 BD-19
117 Jan Kurgan POL 25 SW- 4
118 Walter Palmieri ARG 25 EM- 4
119 Jeremy Woolley AUS 25 AC- 4
119 Jose Baptista Periera POR 25 CM- 4
119 Nikola Mitrevski MKD 25 PC- 4
122 Mike Thomas AUS 25 SN- 4
123 Yaron Kraus ISR 24 IS- 5
123 Abraham Baruch ISR 24 IS- 5
125 Lars Larsson SWE 24 UP-10 HL-18
126 Laszlo Meszaros HUN 23 PZ- 7 VJ-23
127 Peter Kuttler GER 23 BD- 5
128 E Ragot FRA 22 CC- 7
129 Lior Livne (J) ISR 22 IS- 7
130 Tom Coussens USA 22 CC-12 MM-21
131 Attila Szekelyhidi HUN 22 EF-16 BN-19 VJ-22
132 Victor Isaenko UKR 22 SR-10 VB-20
132 Anatoly Lisovik UKR 22 VB- 5
134 Lars Hafner SWE 22 SC-12 BC-17
135 Gal Shochat ISR 21 IS- 8
136 Douglas Bartle GBR 21 PT- 8
137 Allard van Wallene NED 21 EF- 7
138 Alexey Zhuravlev RUS 21 RN- 6
138 Erich Zuger SUI 21 BN- 6
140 Bojan Gjerek SLO 21 KC-13 VJ-17
141 Furman Michael ISR 21 SB- 5
142 Igor Bombek CRO 21 KC- 5
143 Stefano Pagnini ITA 20 PZ-10
144 Yossi Shtein (J) ISR 20 IS- 9
144 Sagie Shrayber ISR 20 IS- 9
146 Peter Aanen NED 20 PT- 9
147 Martyn Cowley USA 20 CC-17 SR-18
148 Milan Valastiak SVK 20 VS- 8
149 Dmitry Egorov RUS 20 RN- 7
150 Michael Avollone USA 20 MM- 7
151 Daniel Crintescu ROM 20 SB- 6
152 Toni Necemar SLO 20 KC- 6
153 Dimce Velkovski MKD 20 SV- 5
153 Oleg Pszenicznyj UKR 20 SW- 5
155 Miguel Angel Roggero ARG 20 EM- 5
156 A D Chamberlain GBR 20 SH- 5
157 L Farkas CAN 20 HC- 5
158 Nikolce Janeski MKD 20 PC- 5
158 Martin Williams AUS 20 AC- 5
160 Martin Vollbrecht GER 19 BD- 9
161 Ivan Crha CZE 19 VS- 9
162 Tassilo Schwend GER 19 EF- 9
163 Alexey Alexejev RUS 19 RN- 8
164 Ari Kutvonen FIN 19 BC-13 EF-21
165 Dimitry Grigoriev UKR 19 VB- 9 RN-24 AN-11
166 Mathias Farber GER 19 HL- 9 NC-24
167 Chaussebourg Pierre FRA 19 SB- 7
167 Vasily Beschasny UKR 19 AN- 7
169 Diego Bovari ARG 19 EM- 8 SR-24
170 Roman Golubowski POL 19 SW- 6
170 Zoran Naracic YUG 19 SV- 6
172 Mario Busnellli ARG 19 EM- 6
173 S Darmon GBR 19 SH- 6
174 A Schlosberg USA 19 HC- 6
175 Gligorco Cejkov MKD 19 PC- 6
175 Richard Blackam AUS 19 AC- 6
177 Baruch Lerrer ISR 18 IS-11
178 Michel Caillaud FRA 18 PT-11
179 Lennart Bajorat (J) GER 18 BD-10
180 Mike Mckeever USA 18 SR-11 MM-23
181 Steve Spence USA 18 MM- 8
182 Sofia Wiardsson SWE 18 BC- 8
183 Brazenasromas LTU 18 SW- 7
183 Istvan Szentpeteri (J) HUN 18 SV- 7
185 Oscar Martinelli ARG 18 EM- 7
186 Peter Williams GBR 18 SH- 7
187 T Boiadjiev CAN 18 HC- 7
188 Shmulik Faraji ISR 17 IS-12
189 William Colledge GBR 17 PT-12
190 Jorg Rabes GER 17 EF-11
191 Alexey Durnev RUS 17 RN-10
192 Pekka Rahkala FIN 17 BC- 9
193 Walter Ehrlich AUT 17 KC- 8
194 Stanislaw Kubit POL 17 SW- 8
194 Jovo Zagorac YUG 17 SV- 8
196 A Cameron GBR 17 SH- 8
197 Gilad Mark ISR 16 IS-13
198 Jurgen Maassen NED 16 PT-13
199 David Kamrla (J) CZE 16 VS-12
200 Sylvain Chabot FRA 16 BN-11
201 Victor Besarab UKR 16 VB-10
202 Craig Cusick USA 16 MM-10
203 Mihaly Notaros HUN 16 VJ-10 PZ-23
204 Jori Laaksonen FIN 16 BC-10
205 Serghei Volodicev RUS 16 SB- 9
206 Damjan Zulic SLO 16 KC- 9
207 Jukka Siligren FIN 16 SC- 9
208 Goce Josipvski MKD 16 SV- 9
208 Wladimir Wolkov UKR 16 SW- 9
208 Czeslaw Ziober POL 16 SW- 9
211 Rudecindo Bonetto ARG 16 EM- 9
212 Anthony Ball GBR 16 SH- 9
213 Offer Ben Noon (J) ISR 15 IS-14
214 Dietrich Sauter GER 15 BD-13
215 Lubos Slavicek CZE 15 VS-13
216 Kirill Arepyev RUS 15 RN-12
216 Andreas Maurer SUI 15 BN-12
218 Milos Hudcovic SVK 15 NC-11
219 Szabolcs Redling Jun HUN 15 VJ-11
220 Per Johansson SWE 15 UP-11
221 Dario Jermol CRO 15 KC-10
222 Juhani Kuningas FIN 15 SC-10
223 Zoran Zivkovic YUG 15 SV-10
224 Felipe Hernandez ARG 15 EM-10
225 Roni Harel (J) ISR 14 IS-15
226 Mike Cook GBR 14 PT-15
227 Siegfried Limberger LUX 14 BD-14
228 Konstantin Pinemasov RUS 14 RN-13
229 Julius Valastiak SVK 14 VJ-12
230 Laura Leino FIN 14 BC-19 HL-19
231 John Petterson SWE 14 UP-12
232 Brane Rozman SLO 14 KC-11
233 Borut Zulic SLO 14 SV-11
233 Krzysztof Tarka POL 14 SW-11
235 Mikhail Kozonzhkin RUS 13 IS-16
236 Jean Pierre Challine FRA 13 EF-14
237 Sergey Korshunov RUS 13 RN-14
237 Jean Godinho FRA 13 BN-14
237 Daniel Trumpf SUI 13 BN-14
240 Valery Lazarevich UKR 13 VB-13
240 Avi Romi ISR 13 SR-13
242 Janos Bodo HUN 13 NC-13
242 Ken Bauer USA 13 MM-13
244 Radoje Blagojevic YUG 13 VJ-13
245 Victor Tchop UKR 13 BC-15 VB-24
246 Viorel Ciucu ROM 13 SB-12
246 Arad Daniel (J) ISR 13 SB-12
248 Mario Omrcen CRO 13 KC-12
249 Shlomi Rozentzveig ISR 12 IS-17
250 Michal Dvorak (J) CZE 12 VS-15
251 Evgeny Tsoj RUS 12 RN-15
251 Alexey Krejsik RUS 12 RN-15
253 Shachar Limor ISR 12 SR-14
254 Balazs Mihaly HUN 12 NC-14
255 Timo Pajunen FIN 12 BC-14
256 Eran Vish ISR 11 IS-18
256 Shmulik Kuflik ISR 11 IS-18
258 Thierry Marilier FRA 11 PT-18
259 Helmut Schmidt GER 11 BD-17
260 Gottfried Rabes GER 11 VS-16
261 Bernard Trachez FRA 11 MM-15
262 Roman Ceresnik SVK 11 VJ-19 NC-22
263 Miroslav Bucko SVK 11 VJ-15
264 Henrik Hellgren SWE 11 UP-14
265 Victor Paireli ROM 11 SB-14
266 Nenad Markovic CRO 11 KC-14
267 Siegfried Puttner GER 10 BD-18
268 Reimund Brinker GER 10 EF-17
269 Mikhail Pylnov RUS 10 RN-17
269 Josef Machler SUI 10 BN-17
271 Pierre Brun USA 10 MM-16
272 Stefan Hubert SVK 10 VJ-16
273 Herbert Hartman SWE 10 UP-15
274 Linas Pakalnis LTU 9 PZ-21
275 D Kozlyuk USA 9 CC-20
276 Itai Levy ISR 9 IS-20
277 Francois Moreau FRA 9 PT-20
278 Volker Lustig GER 9 VS-18
279 Sergey Kozirev RUS 9 RN-18
280 Evgeny Kontipaylo UKR 9 VB-17
281 Henning Nyhegn DEN 9 MM-20 SR-23
282 Dallas Parker USA 9 MM-17
283 Goran Trogen SWE 9 UP-16
284 Adi Froind ISR 8 IS-21
285 Dirk Halbmeier GER 8 VS-19
286 Vezonika Vivchar (J) UKR 8 EF-19
287 Jim Bradley USA 8 MM-18
288 Shmulik Haim ISR 7 IS-22
289 Laurent Thevenon FRA 7 PT-21
290 Alexandre Neustrojev RUS 7 RN-19
291 Artem Babenko UKR 7 VB-19
292 Karin Cahanov ISR 6 IS-23
293 Aleksei Kaskin RUS 6 BC-20
294 Leonid Anohin RUS 5 RN-21
294 Mikhail Shchagin RUS 5 RN-21
296 Valery Polyaev RUS 5 VB-21
296 Martin Gregorie GBR 5 SR-21
298 Laszlo Kery HUN 5 NC-21
299 Ladislav Sedlacek SVK 5 VJ-21
300 Juha Heikkinen FIN 5 BC-21
301 Timo Heikkonen FIN 5 HL-20
302 Tom Mor (J) ISR 4 IS-24
303 Tom Oxager DEN 4 PT-24
304 Mario Wachtler (J) GER 4 BD-23
305 Tomas Marsalek CZE 4 VS-23
306 Sigitas Jakutis LTU 4 EF-23
307 Steffen Reuss GER 4 BN-22
308 Roman Lavrinov UKR 4 VB-22
309 John Carter GBR 4 MM-22
310 Kim Henrikson FIN 4 BC-22
311 Andreas Geisler GER 3 BD-24
312 Libor Starek CZE 3 VS-24
313 Uli Schmelter GER 3 EF-24
314 Igor Marzojev RUS 3 RN-23
314 Varuskivi Vesa FIN 3 BN-23
C.G. Location, location, location
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
As the real estate people say, " It is all in the location, location"
C. H. Grant called decalage, longitudinal dihedral. Don't leave home
without it! No matter how big your stab is or how long your tail boom
might be. Experience and history shows that stabs with under cambered
airfoils or inverted airfoils are to be avoided.
The only aircraft that does not come under this rule is the helicopter,
if you consider it an aircraft. The thrust line only passes through the
C.G. when it is standing still. In forward flight there is a huge nose
down pitching moment, which must be controlled by a horizontal tail. The
next time you are near one of those popular Bell Jet Rangers, notice
that it has an inverted, under cambered Goldberg G8 airfoil. Honest! Non
Free Flighters at Bell thought I developed the coordinates myself but
actually they were copied right out of "Model Builder".
John O'Dwyer
F1C Turbs
Sender : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In case SEN gets low on incoming material, which seems unlikely in
view of the on-going discussion on CG positions, here's a thought that has
often occured to me as one who hasn't flown F1C for about 30 years.
I don't recall ever having seen anyone using turbulators on an F1C model or
anything in print about their ineffectiveness. I can't believe they've not
been tried. Have they? What hapened? Are the higher Reynolds numbers a
reason that nobody uses them? Seeing all those smooth aluminium wing
surfaces around makes me wonder what the effect would be of sticking a few
lengths of that printed circuit masking tape on top.
On that topic, has anyone a current source of that tape? Here in the UK
it's disappeared from the catalogue of one of our major electronics supply
houses, and Radio Shack don't carry it in the USA.
Martin Dilly
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
>From Michael Warren, Free Flight News, England
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I'm hoping to prepare an article for FFn on reaction to, and experience so
far with, 30 gm motors. So, for example, what are Wakefield flyers thinking
of doing about motor length/number of strands. (What are you doing now, what
might you do in future, and why any change?) Similarly, what about the
length of motor tubes and, maybe, about model design? The rubber weight
available to us has gone down by 25% in a very few years, and logically
(surely?) there must be implications for F1B design, for rubber preparation
and use, for props, and for hubs.
I know that many are already experimenting with the new weight, so their
your thoughts would be particularly welcome.
All ideas and contributions gratefully received, from anywhere in the world
(including the UK in case I miss anyone!). Please DON'T send the material to
SCAT but to me at
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I'm hoping to pull all the material together, looking for themes,
disagreements etc, in the fairly near future, so that I can get the article
ready for the January 2002 FFn. If I could have responses in the next
three-four weeks, I'd be grateful. Maybe this can be a sort of addendum to
my FFn articles on rubber in February-May '99.
Best wishes to all at this difficult time...
Tasmanian Fugoids
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thanks to Sergio Montes, Jean Wantzenreither and Sean O'Connor for
describing in quite eloquent terms the reasons for trimming modern
freeflight models the way we do. I had found Mr Simons' comments quite
offensive to many free flight modellers of past and present who have
spent countless millions of hours theorizing, calculating, designing,
building, trimming, testing and starting over in the pursuit of
performance. Fashion indeed!
In particular, Sean O'Connor describes very beautifully (to me) the
problems of a model which refuses to settle from a stall in a reasonable
time with his analogy of a 'relaxation oscillator'. It took me some time
and many trials and errors to arrive at this understanding, but it is the
key reason I moved the CG's on many of my models further back as on
Spirit 22. Unfortunately I did not trust my own figures and judgement
when I assembled Spirit 25 with a CG of 65% and paid the price in the
final round of the World Champs.
Many people are highly confused and think that a model which refuses to
damp a stall is unstable...
Richard Blackam
Roger Morrell