SEN Feb. 3 2000
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- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1593
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic News 3 Feb 2000
"SCAT - 40 Years of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
America's Cup dates
Cult of the Chase Bikes - Davis
Bike available
More Tough Tests and Other Things - Bogie
Mini-event round schedule - Markos
MM - Wiley
Braided wire - Abad
Vought Aviation - King
America's Cup dates
America's Cup event Contest Directors,
Please make sure that you have sent your event dates to Jim Parker
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Tom Coussens This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and
to SCAT Electronic news at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We want to publish this year's calendar - people will not come
to your event if they do not know when it is !
Cult of the Chase Bikes
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hear ye, hear ye,
Rumor has it that there is a secretive cult of FAI flyers who keep old
vintage dirt bikes in some kind of skanky storage shed near the lost
hills flying site? Not being one to fall for rumors like this I would
like to ask if anyone knows of the cult or the cult leader, i.e. the
keeper of the keys? Being of a cultish persuasion myself I was hoping to
flash the secret sign and shake the secret hand shake and see if there
is room for one more micro honda in the secret shed? As I've said before
the airlines are getting picky and won't let me tuck my mini-honda 50 in
the overhead compartment anymore so I need an alternative. Lost Hills
has it's charms but running through the briar and brambles all day is
not my idea of a good time so I'm leaning towards the joining the cult
of old fogey's. From what I hear having one of those old stinky mini
cycles is part of the initiation so take me, I'm ready. Anyone who can
pass the secret code to me will be a friend forever and better yet, if
anyone knows of any of those honda micro-machines that are in good
condition and for sale please pass the info to me. I'll trade you you
three of my "no-breakum rubber motors" cards for one of your
"no-tangle-tow" cards as part of the deal. I would love to be in the
club by the time of the Max Men. The clock is ticking! Anxiously
awaiting your reply!
Mac the Bigot
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Bike available
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello Roger,
I intend to be at both the Isaacson and the Max Men contests, but I will
not yet have a model to enter. It just occurred to me that there may be
an entrant or two from out side our area that could use my new mountain
bike to chase his models. I am not sure how to make this offer known.
Perhaps you may have a suggestion or can post this.
George Schroedter
(626) 963-9865
More Tough Tests and Other Things
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Things I have experienced---
Straining an F1C through a wire fence with wire vertical separators.
Launching an F1B through an automobile whip antenna.
Being at the bottom of an F1C loop being hit in the back.
Eight decades of free flight
Making It Look Pretty.
Roger has enough on his plate. Learn to provide the content so it appears
in SEN like you want. Try sending a copy to yourself. By the time you get
to the incoming mail list, it will be there. The binary list above has 78
characters and tells me where to hit the ENTER.
For several Ludditte friends, I reformat Roger's offering into one, two or
three columns as content permits.
If you use 250 feet of 1x7 wire, you probably cannot get the glider to full
height. Suggest 50 meters.
SCAT 40th Reunion.
A real pleasure to look at old pictures of thin people with hair, ancient
models and cars, and to see them all again still standing, by and large.
Bill Bogart
Mini-event round schedule
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The current practice for the mini-FAI events is five 45-minute rounds, at
least for the California contests that I fly in. As participation in the
mini events has increased, due largely to their America's Cup status in many
contests, another change seems to have crept in; now the practice is to
devote one day exclusively to the mini events and a separate day or days to
the ABC F1 events rather than try to combine both sets of events on the same
day as I have observed a few year's past. I'm not sure if the round time
maximum is specified in the FAI rules for the mini events, but the 45-minute
standard may not have merit. If the round time were increased to one hour,
then those who fly only the mini events may be more disposed to participate
or even fly more than one event. It may also be that the mini event flyers
are not so well equipped with chase equipment as the ABC F1 group. In bad
chase conditions, the extra time would be put to good use. An interesting
observation at the 1999 Sierra Cup was that the wind conditions for the ABC
F1 events imposed a 2-minute max, yet the round times were kept at 60
minutes, while the mini events had the same wind, the same max and only
45-minute rounds. So, if it's only the inertia of changing the contest
bulletins that's keeping the round time at 45 minutes, maybe it's time to
change. As last I read, the America's Cup allows the mini events to be
flown either with or without rounds.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger:
I would love to hear from any sportsman who would like to share a car
rental from LAX to the MM contest. I arrive 17 February at LAX (noon) and
leave 21 February. I would also be interested in sharing a chase bike and
would be happy to pay for the privilege (or renting one without sharing).
Ed Wiley
Braided wire
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I am also interested on the braided solderable steel wire (F1A bunt lines). All
you can find here is steinless (coated or uncoated) and it does not
take solder, I have
seen the right stuff from people of the eastern european countries.
If someone will get it to Lee, I will also be at the Max Men and
will be glad to buy some.
(Lee if you buy it, save a few yards for me!)
Javier Abad
Vought Aviation
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger
Someone sent me a web address which may be of some interest to any Scale
freeflight or other guys. It is all about Vought Aviation and has a load of
photos of planes like the Corsair, spanning the whole history of the company.
The address is
Peter King
Roger Morrell