SEN-426 June 7 2000
- Details
- Category: Archive 2000
- Hits: 1612
News and Reports 2000 - First half
SCAT Electronic news 7 June 2000 issue 426
Table of Contents
New Site in Wawayanda, NY - Barron
Putza Cup
F1A Stabs redux - Hines
Fw: Mile Sq. Deadline Extended! - Hines and McSwain
Otay Mesa - Jacky
Fw:Brit Trials Update -Hines and Fanthams
New Site in Wawayanda, NY
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We did indeed have a great time at the inaugural gathering in Wawayanda,
New York, on Saturday, June 3, with 29 participants, some (such as Tom
Kerr and Joe Wagner) coming from as far away as Maryland. Closing on the
acquisition is now set for June 20th. I'll forward more information on
the site and upcoming contests after the purchase becomes official. Let's
hold off on further celebration until after it goes through.
Also, strong efforts to reobtain access to the Galeville site continue
under the fine leadership of Bob Langelius. Let's continue to fully
support that effort as well.
Andrew Barron
Putza Cup
Pl. No N a m e Country
--- --- --------------------------- --- =
1 36 Voros Jena HUN 1290+ 300+ 288
2 53 Krucky Ondrej CZE 1290+ 300+ 258
3 101 Stefan Rumpp GER 1290+ 300+ 252
4 57 Zavodsky Alexander AUT 1290+ 300+ 194
5 93 Ceresnik Roman SVK 1290+ 300+ 180
6 54 Kalandra Roman CZE 1290+ 300+ 172
7 78 Karpati Laszlo HUN 1290+ 293
8 33 Notaros Attila HUN 1290+ 285
9 70 Brussolo Vittorio ITA 1290+ 283
10 56 Holzleitner Rudolf AUT 1290+ 266
11 95 Nosko Peter jun SVK 1290+ 253
12 28 Kimmo Kulmakko FIN 1290+ 248
13 74 Budai Peter HUN 1290+ 242
14 49 Indrisionis Rimas LIT 1290+ 235
15 14 Wolfgang Gerlach GER 1290+ 233
16 16 Yablonovskyy Igor UKR 1290+ 230
17 68 Igor Bombek CRO 1290+ 227
18 108 Jari Valo FIN 1290+ 219
19 64 Fuss Helmut AUT 1290+ 218
20 117 Bolenko Artyom UKR 1290+ 205
21 6 Danijel Terlep SLO 1290+ 204
81 Meszaros Laszlo HUN 1290+ 204
23 65 Hopfler Markus AUT 1290+ 202
24 89 Bezak Ivan SVK 1290+ 193
25 34 Guti Jozsef HUN 1290+ 187
26 25 Victor Stamov UKR 1290+ 183
42 Limo Sabrija BIH 1290+ 183
28 62 Notaros Mihaly HUN 1290+ 180
29 85 Stefan Hubert SVK 1290+ 178
30 12 Slavko Moze SLO 1290+ 170
31 2 Kery Laszlo HUN 1290+ 148
32 75 Hollo Tamas HUN 1290+ 142
33 61 Kocsis Istvan HUN 1290+ 140
34 98 Hudeonic Milos SVK 1290+ 137
35 30 Redling Szabolcs HUN 1290
36 41 Omrcen Mario CRO 180 180 180 176 180 180 210 1286
37 26 Christoph Bachmann SUI 180 172 180 180 180 180 210 1282
38 20 Marco Stranieri ITA 180 180 156 180 180 180 210 1266
39 15 Deniz Varhos SWE 180 180 151 180 180 180 210 1261
40 71 Pagnini Stefano ITA 180 180 180 147 180 180 210 1257
41 35 Kertes Istvan HUN 180 180 180 180 141 180 210 1251
42 19 Nikolai Sadcikov UKR 180 180 180 180 180 136 210 1246
F1A Individual
Final results
Pl. No N a m e Country
--- --- --------------------------- --- =
43 1 Schmelter Uli GER 180 180 180 180 130 180 210 1240
44 58 Grueneis Manfred AUT 180 163 180 180 180 137 210 1230
67 Robert Lesko CRO 180 180 180 180 120 180 210 1230
46 69 Gobbo Massimili ITA 114 180 180 180 180 180 210 1224
90 Treger Ivan SVK 180 180 150 180 176 148 210 1224
48 82 Sarussi Kiss Balazs HUN 180 180 180 180 180 100 210 1210
49 111 Honig Bernd GER 180 180 180 180 180 99 210 1209
50 22 Pieter de Boer NED 180 180 152 180 124 180 210 1206
51 24 Mutic Stevan YUG 180 144 180 180 180 118 210 1192
52 83 Sarussi Kiss Bela HUN 154 180 180 180 107 180 210 1191
53 32 Vasas Gyorgy HUN 104 180 180 180 180 154 210 1188
54 8 Borut Zulic SLO 69 180 180 180 180 180 210 1179
55 116 Kozirenko Anatolij UKR 101 180 180 180 180 180 177 1178
56 102 Gerhard Aringer AUT 147 180 180 144 140 176 210 1177
57 88 Busko Miroslav SVK 180 180 180 180 64 180 210 1174
58 43 Volker Lustig GER 180 180 180 180 180 180 86 1166
59 80 Kubasch Krisztian HUN 180 180 180 180 180 54 210 1164
109 Tarka Krysztof POL 97 180 180 180 180 137 210 1164
61 23 Vujkov Svetozar YUG 180 180 87 180 180 180 173 1160
62 60 Buzas Andras HUN 180 180 180 153 88 180 185 1146
63 63 Hans Schoder SUI 180 180 180 80 135 180 210 1145
64 99 Klaus W. Salzer AUT 121 180 180 180 180 88 210 1139
65 10 Psenicnij Oleg UKR 180 180 180 180 22 180 210 1132
119 Csikar Imre HUN 180 180 101 180 180 101 210 1132
67 27 Gottfried Bachmann SUI 180 180 180 83 168 130 204 1125
68 114 Kolobovic Jurica BIH 180 180 180 180 6 180 210 1116
69 94 Nosko Peter sen SVK 112 180 180 180 180 71 210 1113
70 29 Kerner Ferenc HUN 108 180 180 180 180 93 190 1111
71 37 Takacs Tibor HUN 0 180 180 180 180 180 210 1110
100 Andreas Rink GER 180 180 180 180 180 0 210 1110
73 21 Zavgorodni Igor UKR 152 8 180 180 180 180 210 1090
74 118 Stoev Oleg UKR 180 134 180 180 97 102 210 1083
75 84 Somogyi Otto HUN 180 180 180 180 180 36 140 1076
76 44 Hulshof Willem NED 180 180 62 180 180 72 210 1064
77 66 Darijo Jermol CRO 122 180 171 180 180 0 210 1043
78 115 Sobo Soniboi BIH 180 156 180 7 113 180 210 1026
79 38 Santha Jozsef HUN 55 180 180 39 180 180 210 1024
80 59 Wutzl Franz AUT 93 180 180 180 180 0 210 1023
87 Meggyes Gabor HUN 180 180 180 0 180 93 210 1023
82 48 Saolius Briedis LIT 81 180 113 118 180 138 210 1020
83 40 Imamagic Samir BIH 125 93 180 180 180 83 162 1003
84 91 Nutgens Antojar GER 180 103 79 180 159 113 187 1001
F1A Individual
Final results
Pl. No N a m e Country
--- --- --------------------------- --- =
85 18 Cemik Olera UKR 0 127 180 180 180 86 210 963
86 120 Molgov Viaceslav HUN 180 0 180 180 80 97 170 887
87 113 Bertoloni Benito ITA 180 180 0 180 180 0 118 838
88 11 Stas Stankovic SLO 94 134 68 141 180 180 0 797
89 103 Toth Janos HUN 180 180 180 116 0 0 0 656
90 76 Jancso Andras HUN 82 180 180 180 0 0 0 622
91 7 Damjan Zulic SLO 180 94 180 79 0 0 0 533
92 112 Wilhelmdesinger Karl GER 180 29 34 19 0 119 110 491
93 92 Ibrahimspahic Elmir BIH 42 9 34 180 85 71 48 469
94 9 Bojan Moze SLO 59 180 180 14 0 0 0 433
95 97 Ladislav Sedacek SVK 73 148 180 0 0 0 0 401
96 79 Kubasch Klaus HUN 180 180 0 0 0 0 0 360
105 Toth Tibor HUN 180 180 0 0 0 0 0 360
98 104 Barta Bela HUN 40 0 128 180 0 0 0 348
99 31 Bodo Janos HUN 51 0 0 0 0 0 0 51
F1B Individual
Final results
Pl. No N a m e Country
--- --- --------------------------- --- -----------------------------------
1 282 Kolakovszky Oleg UKR 1290+ 300+ 420+ 432
2 211 Gorban Evgeni UKR 1290+ 300+ 420+ 428
3 212 Buchin Alexej UKR 1290+ 300+ 392
4 268 Cabaravdic Malik BIH 1290+ 300+ 390
5 218 Yrjo Waltonen FIN 1290+ 300+ 361
6 259 Krasznai Jozsef HUN 1290+ 300+ 357
7 267 Peter Magdolen SVK 1290+ 300+ 355
8 274 Lovato Mario ITA 1290+ 300+ 351
9 273 Wiesiolek Rainer GER 1290+ 300+ 331
10 260 Dario D'Atti ITA 1290+ 300+ 328
11 207 Asim Jusufbasic BIH 1290+ 300+ 303
12 239 Mackus Rolandas LIT 1290+ 300+ 192
13 201 Monninghof Peter GER 1290+ 293
14 244 Marjanovic Aleksanda YUG 1290+ 290
275 Teppo Sarpila FIN 1290+ 290
16 284 Andreas Grey GER 1290+ 261
17 238 Brazenas Romas LIT 1290+ 188
18 208 Damjan Zulic SLO 1290+ 0
19 261 Walter Liberator ITA 175 180 180 180 180 180 210 1285
20 233 Zilberg Igor GER 180 180 174 180 180 180 210 1284
21 234 Sokolic Danko CRO 180 180 180 173 180 180 210 1283
22 278 Drelse Dirk GER 180 180 180 156 180 180 210 1266
23 216 Heiko Helmbrech GER 180 180 180 180 180 155 210 1265
24 229 Marcus Seifert GER 180 180 153 180 180 180 210 1263
25 222 Hagen Stendal GER 180 174 180 180 157 180 210 1261
26 217 Viktor Starosten UKR 180 180 180 146 180 180 210 1256
27 269 Ivan Treger SVK 180 180 180 143 180 180 210 1253
28 203 Schulz Detlef GER 180 180 138 180 180 180 210 1248
29 272 Klaus W. Salzer AUT 180 180 180 180 133 180 210 1243
30 266 Jozef Petras ju SVK 180 180 148 180 180 160 210 1238
31 215 Ismet Yurtseven TUR 180 180 180 120 180 180 210 1230
249 Toth Karoly HUN 180 180 163 180 180 142 205 1230
250 Hans Schoder SUI 180 180 120 180 180 180 210 1230
34 241 Kolic Ivan YUG 180 180 180 116 180 180 210 1226
35 258 Varadi Mihaly HUN 180 180 112 180 180 180 210 1222
36 280 Seifert Rolf GER 180 180 180 180 180 180 140 1220
37 242 Radosavljevic Nikola YUG 180 180 105 180 180 180 210 1215
38 245 Bijelic Branko YUG 180 180 180 110 180 172 210 1212
39 202 Silz Bernd GER 180 180 180 180 180 180 130 1210
40 210 Kapetanovic Mirsad BIH 180 180 180 180 98 180 210 1208
41 264 Somogyi Otto HUN 180 180 180 180 95 180 210 1205
42 247 Pumpler Ingeborg AUT 180 180 165 150 180 180 134 1169
F1B Individual
Final results
Pl. No N a m e Country
--- --- --------------------------- --- =
43 240 Malachatka Leonidas LIT 180 180 123 180 180 167 142 1152
44 277 Desinger Wilhelm GER 180 180 180 180 73 171 184 1148
45 206 Dragan Stankovi SLO 180 102 179 180 180 147 134 1102
46 246 Wagner Horst AUT 180 180 39 180 127 180 210 1096
47 230 Stepan Stefanchu UKR 180 180 177 180 180 180 0 1077
48 221 Michael Jaeckel GER 180 50 113 180 141 180 188 1032
281 Aidrijevic Grigorij UKR 180 0 117 180 180 180 195 1032
50 248 Kocsis Istvan HUN 121 180 180 172 168 0 0 821
51 209 Hajdarevic Emir BIH 5 119 115 180 107 113 162 801
52 235 Tomljanovic Vinko CRO 180 150 98 180 46 0 0 654
53 263 Merkel Geza HUN 180 180 180 104 0 0 0 644
54 276 Kochanczyk Viktor POL 80 180 180 180 0 0 0 620
55 279 Vico Dado BIH 98 180 153 180 0 0 0 611
56 283 Romancenko Valdimir UKR 180 130 180 0 0 0 0 490
57 228 Michael Seifert GER 160 0 0 - - - - 160
F1C Individual
Final results
Pl. No N a m e Country
--- --- --------------------------- --- =
1 303 Babenko Artyom UKR 1320+ 300+ 410
2 329 Clauspeter Waechtler GER 1320+ 300+ 343
3 321 Szablewski Zbigniew POL 1320+ 300+ 326
4 326 Verbitsky Eugeny UKR 1320+ 300+ 143
5 301 Molchanov Alexander UKR 1320+ 176
6 314 Maczko Oszkar HUN 1320+ 143
7 307 Vyacheslav Alexandro UKR 1320+ 0
8 308 Sigurd Seydel GER 167 180 180 180 180 180 240 1307
9 317 Sahinovill Edin BIH 180 180 180 164 180 176 240 1300
10 324 Roman Marek POL 180 180 180 180 157 180 240 1297
11 323 Plachetka Pjotr POL 180 180 180 180 180 180 213 1293
12 302 Zsengeller Gabor HUN 159 180 180 180 166 180 240 1285
13 316 Venuti Giorgio ITA 180 180 180 180 180 180 202 1282
14 330 Truppe Reinhard AUT 180 180 128 180 177 180 240 1265
15 320 Szecsenyi Janos HUN 180 161 127 180 180 180 240 1248
16 304 Katyba Sergey UKR 180 180 130 180 127 180 240 1217
17 315 Szabo Robert HUN 180 180 164 180 180 180 106 1170
18 322 Gerhard Aringer AUT 180 36 180 180 161 180 240 1157
19 328 Usufbasic Kenan BIH 180 180 180 0 180 180 240 1140
20 327 Tregubenko Vladimir UKR 161 118 156 139 180 162 188 1104
21 312 Banfalvi Gyorgy HUN 180 180 78 161 146 115 0 860
22 318 Tassilo Schwend GER 180 180 112 0 0 0 0 472
23 319 Patocs Laszlo HUN 95 100 0 0 0 0 0 195
325 Strukov Valerij UKR 180 15 0 0 0 0 0 195
Zsengellér Gábor
EastCom 2000 Kft.
F1A Stabs redux
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Firstly, upon re-reading my blurb in issue 424, I noticed an error/omission.
Please enter this correction to the 3rd paragraph, 1st sentence which should
read: "---first stab was terrible(6% thin flatbot), so I put on u/c stab
Ultimax, which gave loopy zooms, then I tried the RSG 29---it worked".
OK, that may(or may not!) help things along, but is now historically correct,
which always helps ME feel better!
Secondly, I must say that I feel u/c(undercambered) stab have their place,
at least on bunting Nordics, with highly cambered wing airfoils. I know there
are two schools of thought on the subject, but I have found that my launch
recovery timing to be less critical and the glide "softer" (i.e., more bouyant)
using u/c stabs.
My feeling is that the combining of a u/c stab with the highly u/c wing allows
the stab to keep "working" as the bird slows down thru the bunt cycle, hence
softening the recovery and soothing out the inevitable launch imperfections
we all make.
Conversely, the semi-symmetrical stab sections used by many seem to quit
"driving" during bunt recovery, causing sometimes heavy stalling and altitude
I feel the u/c stab keeps flying at the low bunt recovery speed, where the other
type is going too slow to remain effective.
Regarding the glide, possibly the most important reason to use a u/c
stab is that
it requires a decalage increase, where one may find the wing is now
operating at a more efficient and performance-enhancing setting!
The prior commentary in SEN issue 424 was related to zoom gliders as you
recall, while the above is my take on current bunter designs and should be
correlated to the Jossien CG Method in each case.
Fw: Mile Sq. Deadline Extended!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, FYI, Upon checking re the June 5 date, I just received
this answer, so everyone who has been to the Mile Sq Triangle
for flying or other recreation activity can still LOG ON!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 6:20 PM
Subject: Deadline Extended!
> Good News!
> SMSPC, Inc. legal council Vincent Goodwin has arranged an EXTENSION to the
deadline of the Mile Square Park Displaced User Registry. The new deadline
is June 26th, 2000 and coincides with the tentative start of the trial.
> Once again, Bob Richards and I want to thank everyone for their tremendous
response and hard work. This registration mission was important and you all
have proved how capable and resourceful you are. The count is now at 1,460!
> Please keep at it.
> I'm convinced that we should be able to register at least 10,000
individuals who were users of the Mile Square Triangle Area by the 26th.
How do we accomplish this?
> Specifically, I think we should focus on two main tasks:
> 1. Getting Public Service Announcements read on some of the local radio
stations. Who has media contacts?
> 2. Keep up our call and flyer campaign on the OC Boy Scouts. They did
loose the best model rocketry and Scout-o-Rama site in California.
> Bob and I are open to your ideas too! Send'em in!
> Once again, GREAT JOB!
> Bob Richards This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
> Alan McSwain This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Otay Mesa
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Where can I get a map to the Otay Mesa contest site ?
Thanks, Norm Jacky
Fw:Brit Trials Update
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Results from the Fanthams.....
We use the best two points results from three contests. Below, the
> F1A results are sorted on the May scores the others on the best two
> so far. We use the same points system as the World Cup -
> to half way down the entry unless the entry is low. Chris Edge is in the
> overall lead with 68 in F1A - he won at Easter.
> In May we flew 3:30 both mornings in F1A and F1B - 4:00 in F1C. Other 5
> were 3:00. Fly-offs went straight to 7:00. A and C were won with the
> 7:00 maxes. Russ did 6:49 in F1B.
> I have finished my building work on the house and am getting ready to
> my first F1A since 1995!
> I see your name in the results of contests quite often so I know you are
> flying well.
> Good thermals
> Mike and Lauren
> No F1A Easter May Oct Best 2 Best May Score
> 1 M Fantham 14 50 0 64 50 1740
> 2 A Jack 0 40 0 40 40 1722
> 3 A Ball 30 30 0 60 30 1567
> 4 J Bailey 17 25 0 42 25
> 1541
> 5 D Bartle 25 20 0 45 25
> 1482
> 6 J Carter 0 19 0 19 19
> 1317
> 7 C Edge 50 18 0 68 50 1310
> 8 P Chamberlain 20 17 0 37 20 1303
> 9 J Cooper 0 16 0 16 16
> 1302
> 10 P Tribe 0 15 0 15 15 1294
> 11 M Gregorie 0 0 0 0 0 1284
> 12 CP Williams 13 0 0 13 13 1274
> 13 J Williams 40 0 0 40 40
> 1273
> 14 M Dilly 0 0 0 0 0 1252
> 15 T Nicholson 15 0 0 15 15 1230
> 16 G LeVey 0 0 0 0 0 1214
> 17 M Cook 18 0 0 18 18 1072
> 18 B Nicholson 0 0 0 0 0 1069
> 19 R Heap 0 0 0 0 0 1054
> 20 D Oldfield 0 0 0 0 0
> 1029
> 21 A Cameron 19 0 0 19 19 0
> 22 B Lavis 16 0 0 16 16 0
> 23 A Crisp 0 0 0 0 0 0
> 24 A Gibbs 0 0 0 0 0 0
> 25 J Flynn 0 0 0 0 0 0
> 26 S Darmon 0 0 0 0 0 0
> 27 M Gibbs 0 0 0 0 0 0
> F1B Easter May Oct Best 2 Best May Score
> 1 J Billam 50 30 0 80 50
> 1621
> 2 BR Peers 20 50 0 70 50
> 1729
> 3 M Woolner 17 25 0 42 25 1570
> 4 W Beales 40 0 0 40 40 0
> 5 M Woodhouse 0 40 0 40 40 1682
> 6 D Greaves 18 19 0 37 19 1307
> 7 B Aslett 30 0 0 30 30
> 1061
> 8 G Pink 25 0 0 25 25 1195
> 9 G Kent 0 20 0 20 20 1309
> 10 K Chamberlain 19 0 0 19 19 1272
> 11 G Stringer 0 18 0 18 18
> 1295
> 12 B Horsley 0 0 0 0 0 0
> 13 M Howick 0 0 0 0 0
> 1252
> 14 P Uden 0 0 0 0 0 0
> 15 I Taylor 0 0 0 0 0
> 1275
> 16 S Dixon 0 0 0 0 0 0
> 17 M Evatt 0 0 0 0 0 1063
> F1C Easter May Oct Best 2 Best May Score
> 1 S Screen 40 50 0 90 50
> 1860
> 2 P Watson 50 30 0 80 50
> 1706
> 3 J Cuthbert 30 25 0 55 30
> 1620
> 4 K Faux 25 20 0 45 25 1376
> 5 P Ball 0 40 0 40 40 1770
> 6 J Thompson 20 0 0 20 20 0
> 7 P Harris 0 0 0 0 0
> 1123
> 8 R Baggott 0 0 0 0 0
> 1319
> 9 P Chapman 0 0 0 0 0 1341
Thanks to Craig Cucisk, SCAT Member, draftsman extraorinaire, now banished
to Northern Cal for his donation.
Roger Morrell