SCAT Electronic News 18 January 1999
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SCAT Electronic News 18 January 1999
Table of Contents
Max Men Update
South West Regionals - Eloy F1A,B and C
World Champs 2001 - a view from Europe - Ian Kaynes
World Champs 2003 - Down under ?
F1B Rules
F1B Rules a counter opinion
Web Sites
Mike Woodhouse
Starline - Sal Fruciano
ABC Jos Melis
Max Men Update
An update from George Batiuk and Bob White ..
they are not happy about the AMA's requirement for visitors
to pay $28 to join the AMA. They feel that this is not the way
to demonstrate hospitality and have some questions about the
AMA benefits the visitors would get. They as the contest organizers
have decided to completely subsidise
the visitors [i.e. those not from USA or Canada] AMA fee.
South West Regionals - Eloy F1A,B and C
The first America's Cup Contest of the season was held
this past weekend ath the new site on Toltec Road, Eloy AZ.
The weather was good, although a little more windy that earlier in
the year. The ditches were some what of a problem when retriving
and it was more than a little dusty.... you can tell from the slightly
negative comments I did not win ! Pau; Crowley though it was a great
contest, beatin George Batiuk by 2 seconds.
Full results will be published when they arrive but all 3 events went
to the 7 min fly off round and in that round all models disappeared
in the desert sunset oos.
Jim Parker
Mike Mc Keever
Martyn Cowley
Steve Spence
Peter Allnutt
Brian Van Nest
... etc
Paul Crowley
George Batiuk
John Sessums
Al Brush
Jerry Fitch
Bob Piserchio
Rich Rohrke
John Pratt
Ralph Cooney
Walt Ghio
Herb Sessums
... etc
Ed Keck
John Warren
Randy Archer
Doug Joyce
Terry Kerger
Henry Spence
Faust Parker
Kenny Happersett
also a big turnout in the mini events that were still going on
when I left .. so how about those results too, Herm ?!?
World Champs 2001 - a comment from Europe
From: Ian Kaynes
I disagree that a champs in USA would not be popular with Europeans.
Certainly from western Europe the USA is in many ways a preferable
destination to the other end of Europe or Israel. There has been a
dominance of central or eastern European countries holding the champs in
the 1990s (either direct benefit from the income or indirect benefit of
short travel distances to neighbouring countries), and it is fair to share
it around more widely.
However, the standard FAI process is to decide championship venues 2 years
in advance and that means that the 2001 venue will be finally selected at
the CIAM meeting in 2 months time (March 18). There are currently no bids
in place but if one or more bid is one the table in Lausanne then the
choice will be made in March.
World Champs 2003
From: "Bill East"
Thankyou for the information. Australia is submitting a bid
for the 2003 World Champs venues at this stage are Dubbo and
At this stage understandably details are sketchy but a web
page will be built soon to provide information for those
interested, I will provide the web address as soon as it's
loaded. Anyone who wishes to discuss ideas etc can contact
me on my email at this stage.
Bill East
F1B rules
From: "Marcel Lavoie"
..........where angels fear to tread. It is with special interest that I
took note of the discussion of the weight of rubber motors for F1B. I am
the lone free-flighter in my part of Canada. About 10 years ago I began in
F1B under the influence of the late Dave Andrew of Montreal. The flying
I have access to is very, very small, not at all suitable for any kind of
competition flying. I got to be pretty good at climbing trees! In
frustration with this and the models ending up in residential areas,I made a
decision to halve the weight of my motors to 20 grams. I kept the same
number of strands and ballasted the models to replace the 20 g's. I was
pleasantly surprised at the results
which seems to have been the experience of Finnish modellers in ur Jan.7
letter. Doing this halves the power/weight ratio, which is much more of a
penalty than a 35 g motor for example. The resulting reduced performance
could mean an increase in the number of flying areas available, and
hopefully, an increase in the number of flyers. Even though I cannot be
actively involved in F1B
I feel that the extremely high performance of these models is its own worst
enemy. Another
"enemy" of free flight is the fact that we have to remove ourselves to
distant fields to fly and in doing so remove ourselves from public view.
Fields suitable for 7 and 9 minute flights are less and less accessible and
far from one another in general. Was it Vladi Andruikov who some 8-10
years ago who said to a young fellow," look at me, because you may be
seeing the last generation of F1B flyers" ? . This is not an exact
quotation, but it is close enough to make the point. Making it possible for
more people to fly F1B "in smaller fields via 20 Gram motors" may in fact
assure the survival of F1B, and the future of Tan rubber! If there are more
flying sites possible there is a chance that more people, modelers and
non-modelers will be exposed to F1B, not only F1B, but also rubber flying in
Marcel Lavoie, 111 Victoria St., Campbellton, N. B., Canada, E3N-1J6
. ..and the opposite opinon on F1B
Good to see SCAT back on line. It went away just as I got on the www! The
comments re changing or rather not chaging F1B specifications are 101 percent
spot on. We need to retain the existing participants changes like rubber
reduction will prompt retirement. We should look to a flexible structure to
the running of the event, see my paper in the NFFS Sympo a couple of years
ago. The Holiday on Ice this year will be run to a more flexible format, this
is the way to go.
Mike Woodhouse
Mike Woodhouse Web Site
Mike's new Web site is at
Mike Woodhouse is a longtime supplier of FF parts in the UK.
Has to be a great guy because he flys F1B
Starline's new Web site
Looks like Sal Fruscian has move his web site too;
His email is now This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ABC Free flight supplies
.. not to be out done by Sal and Mike .. our man in
Belgium is on line too.
From: "Jos Melis"
Dear Roger,
Good to have you back "in the air".
I would appreciate if you could put my website (a link) on yours.
As you probably know ABC started about 5 years ago and it's still
growing... Most of my suppliers are big names in the Free Flight World..
(Andriukov, Stamov, M&K just to name a few.)
Just have a look at my site ( Constructed by my friend Cenny Breeman!). One
of the forth comming days Cenny will update everything..
Thanks again for all the interesting things you've on your site.
Roger Morrell