Scat Electronic News 31 January 1999
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Scat Electronic News 31 January 1999
Table of Contents
For the ecology minded Free Flighter who needs help with pedalling ..
Sirius Charge 100
SW Regionals Correction
Session with the M&K Factory
America's Cup Details
methyl bromide
For the ecology minded Free Flighter who needs help with pedalling ..
From Martyn Cowley
Roger et all,
· FYI Possible interest for Free Flight retreieving ?
Check-out Charger Bicycles web page:
If want Charger Electric bicycles,
Monrovia Cyclery will be selling them discounted down to $899
in the "Comfort" model with rigid front forks, and $999 with mountain
bike "Rock Shox" front forks.
Monrovia Cyclery is located at 514 S. Myrtle, Monrovia Tel: (626) 357-0020
Sirius Charge 100
Further to a previous SEN, I have tried the Sirius Charge 100
battery charge with my electronic timers. This is rated for
batteries from 50 ma to 200, but it will also charge the
30 ma nicads I have. I had got these sometime back for F1B
but had abandoned the idea of using them because of the difficulty
of getting the charged properly. However this charger seems to
charge them properly and I was able to make a number of
sucessful flights last weekend. They are probably good
for over 12 flights before recharging. This is not as many as
the 160 MA Lithium batteries I have been using in my
electronic F1B but it may be cheaper in the long run.
Also the nicads will deliver higher current that
might be needed for future developments. It is interesting
to note the capacity to weight ration for the different battery
chemistries. The Nicads are 4.8 volts and 30 ma and the lithium is
6 volts at 160 ma and both weigh about 6 grams.
The Sirius web site is at and the
Charge 100 goes for %49.85
SW Regionals Correction
Herman Andresen
An adroit observation, Roger!
F1J listed in order of entry, should read:
1. Spence
2. Augustus
3. Parker
4. Happersett
John Nystedt really under the weather.
Also looks like you should tie for 12 in F1B.
It should have been noted more boldly that Evan Davis and Dallas Parker
were FAI Juniors.
Session with the M&K Factory
From Jim Parker
Please have anyone interested in getting instruction, trimming help or
model repair from M&K contact me < This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. >. If major repairs are
desired, they need to get the model to the Winter Classic, repairs will be
complete by the MaxMen. No charge for minor repairs (geninuine M&K items
only) and advice. Reasonable cost for major repairs and 1/2 hour trimming
sessions/ training.
Thanks-- JIM
America's Cup Changes
From Jim Parker
The answer from the NW Oregon folks are they do not wish to run the large
events-- Ron Mc being in Israel during this contest and their precieved added
complexity (flight line and rounds) are the reasons.
Please distribute that the NW Champs will NOT be AmCup for the Large events.
The mini-events will maintain AmCup status.
and Big Al's
From Chuck Markos
The date for Big Al's shootout is listed as May 22-24 in the SCAT
Website calendar. However, the Memorial Day weekend for 1999 on two
of my calendars is May 29-31 (Sat-Sun-Mon) which is the usual date for
this contest. Is a correction in order?
It is Memorial Day Weekend .. 29-30 May
The 50th annual inter-city meet
Bill Shailor
The 50th annual inter-city meet will be held June 26 and 27, 1999 in Muncie,
Indiana. It will be hosted by the Baltimore Aero Craftsmen.
Further details will be forthcoming. Bill
methyl bromide
From Bob Piserchio
Roger, methyl bromide is very bad for rubber. When they used to use it
there were many problems with the rubber gaskets on refrigerator doors,
dish washer doors, etc.
They have since switched to Vicane which is not nearly as harmfull to
rubber. If the rubber was in a sealed plastic bag, the methyl bromide from
a termite treatment would probably not cause any problems. I don't think
anyone uses methyl bromide anymore because of its negative effects on
rubber items.
Bob, they told me that Vicane is a methyl bromide derivative. This think
I need to store that rubber carefully.
Roger Morrell