SCAT Electronic News 28 March 1999
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- Hits: 1140
SCAT Electronic News 28 March 1999
Table of Comtents
Upcoming Events
Word from Starline
Other Pole perspectives .. looking for dem catfish
Upcoming Events
This weekend, March 5 and 6 the SCAT Annual at Lost Hills.
America's Cup. F1A, B and C, on Saturday 6 first Round 8am
F1A 8:00 to 8:15 - F1B times - 3:30 max
F1C 8:15 to 8:30 - F1B Times - 4:00 max
F1B 8:40 to 8:55 - F1A and F1C times - 3:30 max
Special morning high time award to the ground
Remaining rounds are one hour starting on the hour.
F1H, G and J. Plus Mulvihill and P-30 on Sunday Starting at 8am
Special awards for Juniors
CD is Tom Coussens 805 222 7137
Pot Luck Cook out on the filed saturday evening. Tables
supplied by SCAT - bring food and share with you neighbour.
All invited.
Then at the end of March - 27 / 28 March Lucky Pierre's FAI Banco
Word from Starline
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
At the recent lost hills 14 rounder, I ordered 25 of each of the new
Vivchar beginners wake, with deliveries to start in mid March.
Vivchar has done a great job in bringing this beginners model to
marketplace. It is simple.high quality and priced right.
'Ultra simple f1b model ready to fly, with 2 f timer', also known as PRIMA
RTF, price 199.00
'Ultra simple f1b model' make myself' kit with timer, also known as PRIMA
KIT, price 122.00
All parts for PRIMA wakefields will be available in stock in Scottsdale,
along with parts as they become available. complete Vivchar price list
Sal Fruciano 2/28
Perspecties on the Pole
[I know that I said this correspondence was closed but
thes two ad arrived in the mean time and
presented a different persopective]
The Pole's fine, its the streamer ..
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
My problem with Rich's pole was not with the how far the pole was from the
flight line, but with the fact that the streamer would extend almost to or
over the flight line.
What would happen is that I would find myself automatically changing my
preferred launch direction to avoid the streamer thus resulting in a "hitch"
in my launch. On one occasion, my model hit the streamer and wound it up on
the prop shaft. After gyrating around a bit, the streamer broke and my model
fortunately went off in a thermal with the streamer piece on the prop. After
I got the model back, I unwound the piece of the streamer and dutifully
returned it to Rich.
George X.
The Pole .. or Polecat or Catfish
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our hobby is safe, the debate over the "pole", has gone from
confrontational to comical, and that is the spirit that keeps us flying
together. We don't go out and fight duals with pistols because of
disagreements at a contest.
Down heah in da south, most of us chillin have a pole. We use um to pull
dat moss outa dem trees durin da week. on satday we use um to get folks
is airplanes outa trees. Some feller name a Bat tick used one a ouwa
poles lass yeah. It were a big pole. On sundays, we use um fo catfish
Rex Hinson
[Rex, I'm going to try and make it to Pensacola this year ..
so please remember to bring the F1Bfish pole]
Roger Morrell