SCAT Electronic News May 19 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1181
SCAT Electronic News May 19 1999
Table of Contents
I was ripped off ..
Read My Lips
'99 World Champs URL
F1B Performance - King
Ukraine News - Stamov
Ed Turner's F1Bs
Torquing about Closed Loop
Rules Horse Trading
I was ripped off !
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger
America Cup Results are listed for a contest held at Muncie. The contest was
not listed in the proposed schedule. I would have liked to have attended the
contest since my son lives only 85 miles away. What is the authoritive
source for America's Cup Contests. Do the results count for any old contest?
If not, which ones count?
[Firstly I appologise for not having the contest on the calendar.
I assume that the contest replaces the ones that I was told to remove
from the Calenadr because Wright Patterson is no longer available.
The authorative source for the contests are SCAT's America's Cup Coordinators
Jim Parker and Tom Coussens. The contests that qualify are reviewed by
SCAT every year in December. It is the responsibity of the
organizer to give SCAT the date and time. The do not do that
in a relaible fashion, in fact if you look at the list you will see
that your son is down as an organizer and has not submitted details
of his club's contest. Now it may be the case that he is no longer
the organiser, .. but the current organizer should submit the information.
Note that by comparison with the World Cup where the information all
has to be in at the beginning of the year we are a little more
flexible with the America's Cup - but there is a penalty for doing that.]
Read My Lips
I made a comment under the Upcomomg events in a recent issue but
in the light of Dick Wood's note I may not have been clear enough.
SCAT administers the
America's Cup. The organizer's have the responsibilty of publizing their
contest. The list we have here is the most read, a number of organizer's
have sent me corrections but obviously not all.
We will publish on the web site contest flyers if they are sent to us in
'web ready' form. If you remind us we will include your event in
our forcoming event column. If you have some news item related to your
event before or after we will publish it - you just have to send it.
We want to publish the results or a contest report, people
like to read that information.
SCAT Electronic News is not run by the America's Cup Administrators,
they give me news items from time to time but they are not the sole
source of information.
It is the Contest Organizer's responsibility to promote his contest,
well will help by making the information available on the web site
and e-mailing it Free Flighters world wide.
All that above applies not only to America's Cup events but to all
FAI Free Flight contests world wide.
World Champs URL
The URL for the '99 Champs in Israel is
F1B Performance
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I enjoyed Tapio Linkosalo's piece on the perfprmance of modern FAI models and
would like to add to rhe discussion with a few quick points.
It seems the largest increase is in F1B. As Tapio explains, this is much ro
do with the powerful rubber used now but I would suggest the other
improvement have come from modern trimming methods. These are due in
part to the use of IPR/DPR, which enables the full torque curve to be used,
of course and to make use of this, gadjets have played a very big part.
However this is only part of the story. There has also been an
improvement in the climb path from better understanding of the use of forward
CG and the models now keep their nose up better in the cruise. This is not
just due to superior rubber. Further more, glides have improved due to maybe
wider circles and better use of higher aspect ratio. As the AR goes up it
is more critical to use the best planform, wing twist and distribution of
camber. VIW has also contributed to improved glide.
So, the improvements have come from a whole range of modern techniques. F1A
and F1C have also benefited from highrt AR etc. F1C from slightly better
motors and F1A from bunt launch, but the increase in performance is
considerably less than in F1B. The least improvement has been in F1C and
the 5 sec run has been more effective in reducing times than any of the
changes in the other classes.
It is nice to see, again, an interesting discussion building. Keep up thr
good work Roger and let's have more info on this type of thing!!
Peter King
[Peter - I have a question about the forward CG. I know from
personal experience and watching friends that this is true. But
why is that so ? Is it because with a more forward CG you have greater
decalage ? or wing incidence ?]
Ukraine News
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger,
Just yesterday I've returned back home from contests - Donbass Cup. It have
been at the East part of Ukraine, 10 hours non-stop drive from Kiev. I drove
together with two Igors, Vivchar and Yablonovsky .
We had a lot of luck during the flying days. Day befeore, day after
and every night - rain, wind and cold, but Friday, Saturday and Sunday a very
good weather. Friday evening we had a Champagn fly off and I won it with a
nice flight 5:44. Saturday I flew a new F1H #5 and won contest in fly off too
with 3:44. I like this event more and more.
Next day we had 10 people in F1A fly off and I finished 4th with
3:40. The first two places are local flyers and their time 4:53 and 4:02
[Sounds like a strong 'home field' advantage 8-) .. editor].
Artem BABENKO (F1C) has bought from me EL with 3 pos. w/w and
did very well: 5 maxes (including 3:30) , 161 + 131. He will fly World Cup in
Hungary too. So, May 26 I will go for a weekend to Hungary.
Igor VIVCHAR also won Champagn fly off and finished 3rd in F1B
(4 in fly off: 1. KULAKOVSKY, 2. BUKIN, 3. VIVCHAR, 4. GORBAN).
It was next to last selection for Israel. End of June we will have
Ukraine Championship where National team will be defined complete.
Simirenko Str., 34, Apt. 127,
252134, Kiev, UKRAINE
tel/fax: 380-44/4727932
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ED TURNERS F1B Models for sale
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger:
Just a note to let everyone know that Shirley Turner has decided to sell all
of Eds F1B models. I will have a couple of them at Big Al's Shootout.
There are five complete models, three are pure Gorban and two are hybrid,
mostly Gorban with wings and stabs built by Ed. All are ready for
competition and are in excellent condition. All are going for $500.00 ea.
At this price a person can get a giant head start or add to his fleet with a
Dick Myers
Torquing about Closed Loop
In reference to torque actuated devices, please note that the F1E class,
which uses a torque (magnetically) Actuated rudder is explicitly allowed
under the "no closed loop electronics" rule. Thus, I believe that all torque
actuated devices are allowable. The form of the rule that I had proposed
made that clear.
George X.
Rules Horse Trading
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You will have to make a deal with the glider guys on the length of their
line. Just remember, we all get to mix it up on timing too! Come to think
about it, I have a street rod, and I have some great ideas for NASCAR, F-1
and CART. They definitely need my help in formulating their rules, don't you
Doug G.
Roger Morrell