SCAT Electronic News May 11 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1220
SCAT Electronic News May 11 1999
Table of Contents
How much performance do you need ? -Editorial
Noise and Aeromodels - Herzog
Who's going Hungary ?
Palm Pilot Price Watch
San Valeers Annual - Thorkildsen
How much performance do you need ?
We have airplanes that exceed the the 'max' easily yet not everyone
maxes out ? Why is that ? The answer is simple - it takes alot more
win than just a good airplane. The genral quality of all components has
risen over the years with the use of composites, the availability of
more specialized componets and the removal of the BOM rule. But that
perfect score is still elusive. Flying free flight is a challenge - that's
why we do it ! The most important advise that I got when I got on the
team for Sazena was from Randy Archer who told me that "Every little
detail counts". Don Zink recounted to me that he had be talking with
Victor Stamov about how some of Victor's customers were doing in contests.
They had been in kind of a slump. Victor said the problem is the airplanes
are too good, the sportsmen rely too much on the airplane. He then
said that " before every contest I must remind my self that there are
other good flyers with good airplanes". So the answer is that you always
need more performance. But raw airplane performance alone is not enough,
preparation, trimming, undertsnding the rules, being organized,
air picking, gamesmanship all count too.
noise and aeromodels
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I received the information that some people complain about the proposal
that I introduced on the CIAM agenda last March about noise reduction
for all aeromodels, and the fact that I am member of the FAI
Environmental commission.
Indeed, I did NOT represent anybody else than the Belgian Aero-Club at
this committee, and certainly not CIAM as such.
In Belgium, there is a very significant pressure against noise
production by any device, and specially by leisure activities like
"green" motor biking, motor cross, many othet motofr sports, and all
motorised air sports.
Aeromodelers in particular are directly threathened in their activity,
as many fields have been closed, and on others, severe time slot
limitations have been imposed (like: no flying on sunday, flying of not
more than models at the same time on saturday only...!). All models have
to be submitted to noise control and produce reduced noise (as measured
by dB meter).
Sadly, the northern part of the country was not able to obtain similar
accomodations, and is facing very severe limitations of flying fields
(like 2 fields per province, shared will all kinds of motor sports, or
10 in total, where there were more than 50 a couple of years ago...)
We as an aeromodeling organisation reacted strongly against these
limitations and could obtain agreements to revert to more flexible time
schedules IF and only if we significantly reduce the noise emissions. We
went for the basic FAI blanket rule of 86 dBA at 7 meters (which is
equivalent to the present F3A noise limitation), and additional
limitations if houses are located at close distance from the flying
fields (600 meters is already a rather close distance!). Clubs have to
choose among: either fly few noisier models, or more less noisy models
at the same time, in order never to tresspass the noise impact at the
neiboring houses of 50 dBA overday, and 45 dBA during evenings and
I am convinced that similar pressure on aeromodeling is developing in
many populated countries, like Netherlands, Germany, England and others.
And therefore, I think that it is high time for aeromodeling to limit
its noise pollution. I reported these efforts and successes at the FAI
environmental committee, and introduced at the CIAM a proposal in the
same direction.
Now a certain Martin D. says that I am not entitled to enter proposals
about categories that are not flown in Belgium. He is wrong when he
claims that no Belgian are flying F2D (we had F2D teams in most F2
champs over the last twenty years. And F2C and F3D are very noisy
models, for which very few flying fields are left in Belgium (in act 1
for F2D and 2 for F3D are really used...). I repeat that I consider that
ALL aeromodeling categories should on a voluntary basis reduce their
noise emissions. Otherwise, we will all face, sooner or later, pressure
to close our flying fileds. And our sporting code contains a claim that
this is happening, but many noise producers preferred to ask for
derogations, rather that to contribute to the effort. They are
definitely wrong in my eyes!
So far for this.
And, Martin, I am indeed a "silent flyer", who long ago abandonned
combustion engines (CL and R/C) for soaring and some electro flying...
But my heart still resides in free flight, as you might remebe from my
participation in the Belgian FF team during the late 70's, and team
manager a few times more recently.
Robert Herzog
Who's going Hungary ?
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
I need to find someone who is going to Hungary for the Puszta Cup =
Contest. I have some rubber for Evgeney Gorban that I need delivered. =
Is there anyone out there who is going? Ltt me know as soon as posible.
Dick Myers
Palm Pilot Price Watch
Press Release
[The PalmPilot is used as a programming device from Electronic Timers
used in Free Flight airplanes]
3Com Reduces Prices of Industry-Leading Palm III? and PalmPilot?
Professional Connected Organizers
Santa Clara, Calif., May 6, 1999 - Palm Computing, Inc., a 3Com company
(Nasdaq: COMS), today announced a price reduction for two members of
its market-leading family of handheld connected organizers. The versatile
Palm III organizer is now available for a suggested retail price of U.S.
$249, reduced from $299. The PalmPilot Professional Edition organizer is now
listed at U.S. $149, down from $199.
The prices of the recently announced ultra-slim Palm V organizer and the
Palm IIIx organizer with expanded memory, remain at $449 and $369
This pricing action is consistent with Palm Computing's commitment to price
leadership and its dedication to growing the handheld computing market
by offering customers industry-leading products at the most accessible
price points.
"The hallmark of the Palm Computing product family is its tremendous value
-- practical, intuitive and extensible solutions at easily affordable prices,"
said Pat McVeigh, vice president of sales for Palm Computing. "As our sales
volumes continue to rise exponentially and volume purchases increase
in corporate environments, we are able to offer our world-leading products
at lower costs, making them even more attractive to a broader range of
consumers and enterprise customers alike."
With well over three million units shipped since 1996 (IDC), Palm Computing
products have won over 80 awards and has received broad industry
recognition for its ease of use, versatility, shirt pocket-size and
expandability. With the support of over 17,000 software developers and
hundreds of
companies creating hardware add-ons such as wireless modems, pager cards,
telephony products, voice recognition modules and global
positioning system (GPS) receivers, the Palm Computing=AE platform has become
the defacto standard in the handheld computing industry. Palm Computing
platform organizers represent a 72 percent share of the worldwide personal
companion market (IDC).
Note that this price has not been reflected in all the resellers yet but
PalmPilot Gear H.Q. have the PP pro at 149.
San Valeers Annual at Taft
Normally we do not always publish Non- FAI events - but
I had to do for a Pol[ish] person ! - see note at the end.
1/2A GAS (5) P-30 (4)
1stJohn Sparling AME049 Marval 472 Mike Keller 473
2ndMike Ryan TD .049 Maverick 471 Kevin Keller orginal 349
3rdTerry EllingtonTD.049 Tornado 436 Bob White twin fin 332
4thTom Carman TD.049 Starduster 342 William Gannaoriginal 252
5thBob DeShields HH.049 Frisco Kidd 186
Junior P-30
F1-J Jeffrey Gannon 201
1stLynn Pulley AME .06 Killer Bee
1/4A GAS(3)
B GAS (4) Bob DeShieldsTD.020 Y-Bar 537
1stBob Scully KB 3.5 Mod Satelli 1289 T. ThorkildseTD.020 Jupit 399
2ndTom Scully KB 3.5 Mod Satelli 1011 Del Adam TD.020 Zeek 326
3rdJohn Sparling KB 4.9 Pearl Expre 370
4thMike Thompson KB 3.5 Satellite 4 299 1/2A Nostalgia
Bob DeshieldsHH.049 FriscoKidde 828
SLOW GAS (11) Del Adams Wasp .049 Fubar 385
1stRobert EllingtoTorp40 Starduster 1307
2ndMike Ryan Torp 40 Starduster 1191 ABC Nostalgia (8)
3rdNorm Peterson Veco.35 Ramrod 750 1119 Bob DeShieldsOS15III Frisco Ki 900
4thTerry ThorkildsST.19 Jupiter 982 Norm PetersonVeco35 Ramrod750 720
5thGuy Mennano ST.23 Junk Yard Do 840 Del Adam Fox35C Ramrod750 661
6thTom Carmen Torp .40 Texan 505 Terry EllingtGH19 Ramrod 600 640
7thTerry Ellington ? 450 Mike ThompsonJohnson35C Ramrod 551
8thDel Adam Fox .35C Ramrod 414 Ralph Prey Veco.35 Lucky Lindy 540
9thLynn Pulley Torp .15 Shoccer B 290 Lynn Pulley OS.29 Stardu 540
10tSteve Moffat ST.15 Max Hog 180 Tom Carmen GH .19 Texan 486
11tWes Funk Fox .15 Scrambler 169
A GAS (10) Martin CowleyCowley 264
1stTerry ThorkildsKB 3.25 AstroStar 1260
2ndMike Ryan KB 3.25 Starduster 594 A-1 Straight Tow (2)
3rdWes Funk Cox .15 Scrambler 535 Martin CowleyAiglet 525
4thRobert EllingtoKB 3.25 Satellite 529 Mike ThompsonVee Tee Ho 337
5thNorm Peterson KB 3.25 Cat IV 512
6thGuy Mennano KB 3.25 JunkYard D 506 International Postal Coupe (3)
7thJeff Ellington KB 3.25 Lazer 483 Bob White Twin Fin 765
8thTerry EllingtonCox .15 Shocker 468 William Ganno Orginal 457
9thMike Thompson KB 3.25 Satellte 4 402 Larry Norvall 144
10tBob Scully KB 3.25 Mod Satell 131
Wakefield (4)
Catapult Glider (9) John Sessums 1296
1stMartin Cowley Cowley Special 401 Larry Norval 1284
2ndNorm Peterson Original 322 Tim Sesums 1178
3rdTerry ThorkildsDrifter 230 Al Hotard Original 945
4thGuy Mennano Shooting Star S3 227
5thMike Ryan Straight up 152 C/D GAS (6)
6thRobert EllingtoStraight up 143 Guy Mennano Rossi.61 Boo 1223
7thSteve Moffat Original 138 Mike ThompsonKB Sat799 1145
8thJeff Ellington Keller Original 71 Terry Kerger H40ArcherSat 1046
9thMike Keller Keller Original 55 Tom Carmen Torp40 Texan 714
Robert EllingSatellite 300
Charlie TastoSatellite 140
Junior Catapult Glider (4) Cannon Ball Run (7) Best two flights
1stJessica KolodziRick Keller Specia 87 T. Carmen Torp 40 Texa327 807
2ndCharles Mazurek ? 61 J. Ellington KB3.5 Lazer 725 207
3rdNick Ellington Keller Original 44 T. ThorkildseKB3.5AstroSt393 492
4thBriana Mazurek ? 24 M. Thompson KB6.5 Satell258 585
Guy Mennano Rossi 61 Boo332 300
Golden Annual Sweepstakes (9) Robert EllingKB 3.5Satell140 385
1stTerry Thorkilds 22 p Terry EllingtEllipse 121
2ndMike Ryan 21 points
3rdNorm Peterson 20 Bob Hunter Memorial Best Flight on 15 sec motor
4thRobert Ellingto 19 1st Hulan Matthies Nelson 41 Mod Satellite 11:19
5thGuy Mennano 15 2nd Mike Thompson K&B 6.5 Mod Satellite 799 10:42
6thWes Funk 7 3rd Terry Kerger HP60 Satellite 1300 10:27
7thTerry Ellington 6 4th Bob Scully K & B 3.5 Mod Satellite 8:09
8thTom Carmen 5 5th Guy Mennano Rossi 65 Booh 1050 5:39
9thJeff Ellington 4 6th Tom Carmen Torp 40 Texan 5:05
Lynn Pulley Donation
I would like to get Email on the scat newsletter that you send out.
Please add me to your list.
I am also going to send you the results of our recent San Valeers annual
that did have a few FAI events. I realize that most of our events are
AMA power and such so will not be insulted if you do not publish it.
Sincerely yours,
Terry Thorkildsen
P.S. I like his pole and have watched it and used it many a time when
flying AMA power events.
Roger Morrell