SCAT Electronic News 12 July 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1257
SCAT Electronic News 12 July 1999
Table of Contents
Baby Bee event - Hinson
fair play - Abad
Sympos at AMA HQ - Ramrod250
black magic timer trade - Norval
Bogart on Bowlines
Spinning A/2
SCAT Electronic news
Baby Bee event
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
I also would like to throw in my support for Ross Jahnke's proposed baby
bee event. I don't see how we could screw it up. Might even get some new
flyers into freeflight. Engines out of the plastic u/c models might also
be a possibility.
Thanks Ross, its nice to see someone thinking instead of complaining.
Rex Hinson
[It sounds to me that this is something the NNFS would be interested
in .. maybe Joe Mekina should promote
it on the new NFFS web site ? ]
fair play
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello Roger,
As you could see in the Puszta Cup results, Stefan Rumpp did not score
at the seven minutes flyoff. I expected him to get a high placing with
his long models, so e-mailed him asking what happened and here is his
"At the Puszta Cup the timekeeper gives me a max in the first flyoff,
but it was not a perfect start and only about 4:30min. So I decide to
stop and not to fly the second flyoff. There is such a lot of discussion
about fair play, also in our sport and so it was important for me not
only to talk about it without consequences."
That is the spirit of free flight.
Javier Abad
Sympos at AMA HQ
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hardy's request for Sympos for the AMA library in inacccurate, and has
nothing to do with "free flight, you know." There is, in fact, a set of
Sympos at Headquarters (I believe they were donated by Frank Zaic). I have
used same several times for magazine research and general reading. They may
not be on the shelves at this time, as the library is being reorganized, but
they are available for the asking (contact Rich LaGrange, Librarian). There
is also a computer in the library that is hooked into the library database so
that searches for these or other documents may be conducted.
There have been some problems with theft at the library/museum, but I don't
believe anyone could get out of there with a full set of Sympos.
Jim Haught
black magic timer trade
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
roger, i have one of your timer steups along with a ht50 servo and palm
pilot professional. also all the other hardware to operate it. im
looking for a trade ,30 mm andrikov variable pitch f/e new. ive decide
to biuld new a new model with tradiional timer set up..if you know of
anyone interested send them my way..i suppose the money would be
acceptable, but i prefer the f/e. thanks larry norvall
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[ Big mistake larry :-)]
Bogart on Bowlines
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
With regard to your frustration of 28 and 30 strands being too short or too
long, the solution is to go for 29 strands. Perfect solution. IN order to
do this, you must learn to tie a bowline knot on each end. This knot will
not slip and the loop can be made to your order.
Dick Gildersleeve and I used to go to contests together and I tried to
describe by words (I was driving) how to tie the knot. Well, we got to
laughing so much that I had a hard time seeing because the eyes were filled
with tears and the project was abandoned.
Suggest you go to the library and find a Boy Scout handbook. It will
describe the knot.
Bill Bogart
[Bill I can tie a bowline - and have tried odd stranded motors
but the knot breaks more often and they're more trouble to
get into the airplane.]
spinning A/2
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear people, I built a Spotter A2 By Joe Bilgri, just put in the first
flight today. The problem Iam having is plane want s to spin while D. T ing
what can I do to slove the Problem? Do I raise or lower the D. T. angle? The
angle is placed as it is shown on the plans. Thanks, hope to hear from you
[Joe, I think all Nordics spin when they d/t - but maybe some
F1A worthy like Mr Hines would like to comment ?]
SCAT Electronic news
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Roger Morrell