SCAT Electronic News 31 Aug 1999
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SCAT Electronic News 31 Aug 1999
Table of Contents
F1C Results
info ? - Achterberg
Hoosier Cup Questions Answered - Markos
Bodeland - van Wallene
Sal + Bror - Andresen
World Champs info craving .. - ?
F1C Results
We have not published the results because we have not
got them [yet]. Hopefully they are on the way. ...
any info welcome
Comments on the World Champs
We [i.e. all our readers .. of whch there are about 500] would
appreciate any first hand comments aand remarks.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
How does China end up ahead of the U.S. in the team standings in F1B?? =
What is the system used to determine the final standings?? Thanks!
Michael Achterberg
[ You add together the the non fly off times of the 3 team members.
Higher number is better.
To break a tie you add together the places of the members -
lower number is better]
Hoosier Cup Questions Answered
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Hoosier Cup is indeed on the America's Cup calendar. As was mentioned
in the first note, the CD is Mark Wood. The Central IN Aeromodelers is the
sponsoring club. Chuck
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Roger,
I saw your request for comp. reports, so here is one of them:
Weather at Bodeland was outstanding. A bit of wind at F1B-C day (about 4-6
m/s). Partly cloudy, temp. around 22 deg. centigrade (cold compared to
Israelian standards).
1. Andre Seifert
2. Jyrio Waltonen
3. Jaromir Orel
4. Mike Antor
5. Herbert Hauptmann
1. Gert Aringer
2. Sigurd Seydel (1 second less in fly off!)
3. Uwe Gliessmann
4. Pjotr Plachepka
5. Stefan Reinwalt.
Glider day was even more pleasant, with less wind (2-4 m/s) and lots of
(24 degr.).
13 Maxed out. Last fly-off (9 minutes) was completely overcast and allmost
no wind. Only Allard made the 9 minutes:
F1A (39 competitors):
1. Allard van Wallene
2. Uwe Rusch
3. Jorg Melder
4. Raimund Brinker
5. Ulf Edlund
Regards, Allard This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
[Thanks Allard .. We went to the Bodeland in '97 and had an
enjoyable contest, very friendly people.]
Sal + Bror
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Finally got Sal & Ann's Address:
Sal & Ann Fruciano
1917 E Calle de Arcos
Tempe AZ 85284
[Sal spent some time in hospital a couple of weeks back
and Hermann supplied his new address fro those who
would like to write - we do not know if his old
e-mail address works or if that has gone to FAI Modelsupply]
Cezar Banks, as I recall was on 8 F1D WC teams, with 6 silver medals. Think
he had highest single flite 3 times.
Was not so bad when Bror was 100 sec behind in '93, but 1 second this year.
How many other times was he 2nd?
[I think he has been second twice - I think
his next best place in the Champs is 6th.]
World Champs info craving ..
What well known F1A flyer, many time team member called me late last
Thursday and said "Roger I just calculated the time and those guys will be
stringing out their lines for the first round. Why am I not there ?
[Because your photo is int U-Control combat section of the AMA Mag!?]
Or the multiple F1C team member and team manager who retired as a computer
person from the military and swore he would never touch a computer again in
his life .. was on the SCAT web Site looking for Champs info and now has
his own e-mail address ..
Roger Morrell