SCAT Electronic News August 3 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1304
SCAT Electronic News August 3 1999
Table of Contents
CIAM Rule Changes - Tracy
Rubber News
Sal Retires - again
NFFS Sympo
Stray Questions
CIAM Rule Changes
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger, here is a tidbit for the digestion of all. daniel
There is a process to effect FAI free flight rule
changes/adjustments. This process conforms to a rigid
schedule implying a definite set of responsibilities. There
is no implied guarantee of successful results though. At
the free flight deliberation segment of the CIAM meeting in
Lusanne, Switzerland in February there is less than 10
minutes for each subject to be described and debated. You
cannot expect Xenakis and Tracy or any countries' delegates
to achieve/effect/acquire a rule change in that time. So
the process goes like this:
1) The rule adjustment must be defined. This simpler
and more direct the rule change the better. Long
fractured, verbose rules will have less likelihood
of adaptation - directly proportional to length.
2) A rule adjustment must have INTERNATIONAL support.
Just because a few Yanks don't like something
doesn't mean too much to the voting world. The
tendered recommendation must procure, provide and
promote grass roots enthusiasm. This means
contacting counterparts on the other side of the
ocean and convincing them to convince their CIAM
delegates that the intended adjustment is good,
just, right, makes sense, desirable and morally
acceptable for the entire world. This work is done
long before the voting process.
3) The intended rule must be written up (and down) and,
for the United States, sent to Teresa McKee before 1
October so that it can be distributed to the Free
Flight TSC for approval and screening at their
annual "in person" meeting in early November.
4) The accepted recommendation(s) from the TSC goes
directly to the AMA who will officially contact the
CIAM in Switzerland with proposed rules adjustments.
All this to happens no later than 15 November.
Do not think changing rules is an easy process. There are
enthusiasts who make it their second "hobby". It an
enormous undertaking. Americans do not have the corner on
politics - and that's precisely what this is all about. My
advice is to not just sit on the Internet and bitch at poor
Roger. Follow the above process and get something done.
There is an ideal opportunity at the up-coming World
Championships in Israel to garner international support for
rule revisions - a lot of the notable fliers and free
flight movers and shakers will be there.
Rubber News
John Clapp told me that he was about to get new shipment
of rubber. He said that he was not going to be able to ship right
away a> because he did not have it and b> because he
had to do some 'field testing'... that means going to the Nats.
The factory told John that this rubber had the same energy return
as the May 99, perhaps with a higher initail burst.
Sal Retires - again
I was talking to Sal Fruciano the other day. Sal confirmed
that the had sold his Starline business to John Clapp
at FAI Model Supply. Sal is to be thanked for his efforts
in selling quality East European modelling components
in the USA. Sal made it easy for us to obtain the
latest hi-tech components with the minumum effort.
John has difficult footsteps to follow.
Sal says that he has traded the larger house for a smaller
one. Let's hope that now he is fully retired he can do some
more flying .. Bob White does need some more competition
in the Coupe category ! Hopefully you kept one of those
Sweet Gs !
NFFS Sympo
Just got my '99 NFFS Sympo. One thing I always look forward
to with the Sympo is see what approach this year's editor took.
This one was edited by Dr Bob Perkins and is up to the high
traditions of his predecessors.
The NFFS Publications address is
NFFS Publications
Bob McLinden
3903 W Temple Pl
Denver CO 80236-3529
e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The cost is $25 plus $4 for shipping .. but then you
die hard FF readers did not need to know that since you
ordered you copy in advance ! :-) !
SCAT is represented with Bob Isaccson getting elected into the
the NFFS Hall of Fame. Bob Piserchio talks about rubber testing
Herm Andresen on microfilm , Bill Bogart on electronic philosophy
and Ken Bauer on Electronic Timers. Good article by SEN contributor
Peter King on F1B trimming. .. and other great stuff.
For more details, buy your own !
Looking for ..
To : scat
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject :Fox FAI .049 engine
I spoke with Dale Kirn a few weeks ago and he mentioned that the Fox .049 FAI
engine was being reproduced. Do you know who is reproducing it? Thanks,
Author : craigw85
Subject :Jetex in Colorado
I am new to this, and modeling in general, and currently, I have only
flown rubber planes, and I was wondering if anyone could help set me up
with Jetex (ie: tell me where I can buy Jet-X stuff in Colorado).
Well, thanks!
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject :Parts for old COX Engines
I used to do a lot of 1/2A control line and 1/4A freee flight back in the
'60s with Cox .020 and .049 glow engines. I recently went back to my
mother's house and retrieved some of these engines, but some parts have been
damaged, or are mising. Do you know of a source where I can get crankshafts,
propeller drive plates, tank backs and needle valves? I would prefer new
parts if they are available, but will settle for used parts in good
condition. I know they are making new engines, but I haven't figured out how
to contact the factory.
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Subject :Sparrowhawk P-30 design Article.
I plan to build a couple of Sparrowhawk P-30s and look for the design
Article which has been published in the Model Aviation.
It's not readable on the plans but it must be somewhere in Nov. 86,88
or 89 Issues.
I'll be thankful if someone can supply me with this Article or tell me
where can I get a copy.
Best regards,
Hamid Reihani.
AMA 525660, NFFS Foreign- Open
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Roger Morrell