SCAT Electronic News 10 December 1999
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- Category: Archive 1999
- Hits: 1985
SCAT Electronic News 10 December 1999
In reply : Mail No :008726 Dec 9 05:49:15 1999 From inet:TKerger@aslce.c>> on 2000 Calendar "SCAT - 40 Years of FAI Free Flight Competition"
Table of Contents
FAI competitions - Kaynes
XMAS Greetings and News
Back to BOM on F1-mini - Parsons
Flexible-Rigid Extended-Maxes - Schlosberg
jetex now called jet-x subject
Looking for Zero - Ackery
Zero - Shailor
Triple Zero or More - O'Reilly
2002 - Morris
Just go fly - Woodhouse
FAI competitions
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I expect that you know now, but the FAI calendar for 2000 is now available
on the FAI web site. I had been going to send you a copy earlier in the
week but a quick trip to Atlanta intervened.
XMAS Greetings and News
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Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hello everyone:
Here is your cyber Xmas card, pick up your card at:
If that link did not work with your browser, then access :
Hope you like it and enjoy ...
Best wishes from:
Ernesto & Maryvonne
Back to BOM on F1-mini
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Thank you Mr. Augustus, for even mentioning the mini-events. As the orphan
children of the F1 arena, the mini-events rarely get much attention in this
elite forum.
Yes, I also support restoring the BOM to the mini-events (like when modeling
was more hobby and less business).
While I'm here; I have a fresh set of Zero plans I could loan to those
interested in kitting Tosh's model.
Dave Parsons
Flexible-Rigid Extended-Maxes
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Rigid-Flexible Extendable-Maxes
The Danes proposed making the maxes in every round flexible, subject to a
jury decision. Pim Ruyter noted that the first and last round can be no-
brainer, justifying a flexible extended max. Hermann Andersen notes that
a 7*3 are a weak way to weed out some misfortunate contestants on the way
to a flyoff. A few 5 minute early morning flights would be more effecti-
ve in his opinion.
Changing the max on the fly, as the Danes proposed, will shave the flyoff
size. The max, depending on visibility and retrievablity, could be anyt-
hing between 3:00 and say 5:00 minutes. But flexible maxes have two side
effects: First, the need to communicating the specific max effectively
to all the fliers every round. There are bound to be fliers with incorre-
ctly over or under set their timer setting, which would apply to RDT as w-
ell. Second, at least some electronic timers might require re-programmin-
g for a new max, entailing more equipment on the flight line, as well as
the need to reprogram a last minute backup model.
A variant that comes to mind is setting the maxes at 3:20 minute for the
second to seventh rounds (skipping the issue of the extended first round)
. I think each of us has squeakers from time to time and knows how poten-
tially devastating one can be. My most recent one was at the Nationals,
were Louis Joiner clocked one of my flight at 3:00:02. Raising the bar a
bit will trap such squeakers. Effectively, errors are magnified.
Chasing for another 20 seconds during the calm rounds is not a considerab-
le hardship. The increased max could be curtailed to 3:00 as soon as the
wind starts pushing the field's boundaries. Indeed, even small fields wi-
ll typically allow two or three such rounds before the wind picks up.
A 3:20 max might curtail the flyoff field significantly. If raising the m-
ax by 20 seconds increases the probability of failure each flight by 5%,
then three and six such rounds will drop the flyoff size by 14.3 % and 26
.5% respectively. A failure rate of 7.5% will reduce the flyoff size by
20% and 37% respectively. The actual effect can be estimated in contests
where flight count until 3:00, but are measured to 3:20.
The 3:20 is of course arbitrary, though 200 is a nice rounded number for
addition. The 3:20 idea might well be worth testing and implementing as
a local rule.
Aram Schlosberg
jetex now called jet-x subject
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davis diesel has all jet-x supplies in stock . that for the 35 atom 50 and
the 150 regular fuel and contest fuel . just released an improved high
temperture gasket fort he 50 thats realy bullit proof. davis is packaging
fuel with indicating dryer packs to keep fuel dry for best performance. that
tell me they have some 50year aniversarry sets left in 35,50,150 give them a
call 203-877-1670
Re: Looking for Zero
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I have a Zero plan which I can lend if you cannot find one in the USA.
I bought the plan at a shop at the 93 WC at Lost Hills, a cool looking HTL
1/2A ship with a style that is just a bit different. And the instructions
are neat too,,,
" Fly modern......... fly Zero. Your new Zero is the latest thing in model
aeroplanes, streamlined as the atomic age, etc etc "
They spend of plenty paragraphs telling you how neat it is, but very little
on how to make it fly, anyway that is my excuse why I never really got it
to go real good.
Does anyone know the date of the design ?, I would guess sometime in the
50s ??.
David Ackery
New Zealand
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I have a set of the "Zero" plans. Just E-mail me your address, and I'll send
them. - Bill
Triple Zero or more
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Would you believe that I already have about 3 or 4 replies to my "Zero"
query? (I haven't read them yet only because I read SCAT first.
As to the BOM for mini-FAI event, heck yes! I'm one of those reactionary
souls that would like to go back to the BOM for all, but especially for the
And as to the F1B flyoff controversy, it appears that we in free flight (at
least the FAI variety) are split three ways: First is the BOM1 crowd (where
the "B" stands for "Buyer"; Then the BOM2 crowd (like me); Then the BOR
crowd where the "R" stands for "Rules." I would love to see us get back to
building and flying at least until the 2001 rules get a thorough airing
instead of all this convoluted discussion on how to solve a problem that may
no longer exist!
Jim O'Reilly
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It is my understanding that the F1b 200 gr airframe and 30 gr rubber rule
change goes into effect 1 Jan 2002, not 2001 as everyone seems to be
talking of. Gil Morris
Just go fly
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Well done that man. Lets get on with the job and stop all these silly ideas
thet certainly do not encourage participation.
Mike Woodhouse
Roger Morrell