SCAT Electronic news August 17 1998
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- Category: Archive 1998
- Hits: 2007
SCAT Electronic news August 17 1998
Table of Contents
Correspondence - Jan Somers
World Cup Leaders - Ian Kaynes/FAI Web Site
Attachment - Alan Edwards Contra Rotating props - again!
Correspondence - Jan Somers
Author : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Dear Roger, august 11, 1998
RE: Performance of models and timing them
On July 29, 1998 I sent you some thoughts about these items.
I did so because I think we are in serious trouble keeping our sport
attractive and fair.
As a person with a degree in Business economics and working for many years
now in (top)management of large international companies I am used to share
my views with professionals from many different disciplines. We discuss
views and suggestions in an open way evaluating the pros and cons of the
MATTER. Frequently lateral thinking techniques are used to avoid `sticking
to the old way' of doing things.
In a commercial enterprise you go for the best overall result, for the best
(set of) idea(s), regardless who or what discipline came up with the idea.
Apparently in a not for profit organisation this is totally different. Not
you or your company but the taxpayers pay for your inefficiencies etc. So
there is no need to discuss like in a commercial enterprise and you go for
the idea of the highest in rank.
Those things struck my mind when I read Anselmo Zeri's reaction in your
July 31, 1998 newsletter.
Of course, he has his degree in aerodynamics and knows much more about that
than I do.
But that does not mean he should react in the childish, unprofessional and
unpolite way as he did !
Making people of good will ridiculous has never solved any problem, nor
brought an applicable suitable solution !
Fortunately there are also good parts in his letter: he was able to make
the calculations that I could not do.
So adding weight really helps solving the problem.
As you might remember I suggested a combination of a number of ideas, and
adding weight was only one of them.
Anselmo's calculation shows that he puts the extra weight right in the
centre of gravity.
This looks ok, but is not.
If I were to put more weight to my models, I would never put it as a dead
weight to my model.
I would make use of it and reinforce the structure.
This would of course make the moments of inertia bigger and thus reduce
performance even more.
I know that this means change to the models, but every rule aimed at
reducing performance will change the model over time anyway.
Anselmo's (only ?) suggestion of reducing rubber weight, will decrease the
moments of inertia, thus resulting in a longer flying time than he
( I heard that the biggest increase in performance of F1B models was
achieved when rubber weight was reduced from 50 to 40 grams).
I know Anselmo kept his calculations as simple as possible to do a favour
to those who are not so clever but still are allowed to fly models (even
F1B), but some simple words about the effect of moments of inertia could
have been mentioned without stretching the intellectual level of the
readers too much.
So once again, let us try to make a set of rules that can be applied by us
human beings, physically limited as we are, in order to return just and
fair scores in every competition.
By the way: the Wright brothers did not succeed in flying with their craft
until they applied lateral thinking techniques ! (Read about it in Edward
de Bono `s books on management).
Kind regards,
Jan Somers
FAI World Cup Standings
FAI Free Flight World Cup 1998
Last update: 11 Aug 1998
FAI World Cup 1998 positions for class F1A
1 Viktor Stamov UKR 153 MM- 1 KC- 1 AU- 1 AC- 1 OM- 2 VH- 3 AN- 3 PZ-18
2 Rudolf Holzleitner AUT 136 PR- 1 PZ- 2 NC- 2
3 Per Findahl SWE 123 HL- 2 KC- 2 AU- 2 OM- 3 AC- 5 BC-10 VH-17
4 Jeno Voros HUN 111 NC- 1 SK- 2 PZ-10
5 Ferenc Kerner HUN 110 SK- 1 SW- 3 PZ- 4 PR- 7 NC-12
6 Gerhard Aringer AUT 101 HL- 1 PZ- 3 SU-12
FAI World Cup 1998 positions for class F1B
1 Oleg Kulakovsky UKR 159 PZ- 1 VH- 1 SW- 1 AN- 4 SU- 6
2 Bernd Silz GER 154 SU- 1 CM- 1 SC- 1 PR- 2 PZ- 3
3 Anselmo Zeri NED 153 AC- 1 KC- 1 OM- 1 VH- 5
4 Richard Blackam AUS 118 AU- 1 AC- 2 KC- 4 OM- 4
5 Yrjo Waltonen FIN 111 BC- 1 SC- 2 SU- 8 PZ-10 HL-10
6 Leigh Morgan AUS 102 AU- 2 AC- 3 KC- 3
FAI World Cup 1998 positions for class F1C
1 Eugeny Verbitsky UKR 156 PZ- 1 AU- 1 AC- 1 KC- 1 OM- 2 AN- 3 MM- 7 VH- 5
2 Marek Roman POL 152 SU- 1 SW- 1 NC- 1
3 Reinhardt Truppe AUT 124 HL- 1 PZ- 2 PR- 3 VH- 4
4 Jon Fletcher AUS 113 AC- 2 KC- 2 OM- 3
5 David Thomas AUS 96 AU- 2 KC- 3 AC- 4 OM- 4
6 Mario Rocca ITA 85 VH- 1 PZ- 3
Contests included in the 98 results No.flying F1A F1B F1C
MM - Max Men International USA 13 Feb 55 56 28
BC - Bear Cup FIN 21 Feb 26 13 2
HL - Holiday on Ice NOR 21 Mar 47 37 7
KC - Kotuku Cup NZL 30 Mar 23 16 9
OM - Omarama Cup NZL 3 Apr 23 16 8
AC - Australian FF Champs AUS 10 Apr 13 15 7
AU - Australia Nationals AUS 16 Apr 15 11 6
PR - Prekmurje SLO 9 May 40 22 5
SK - 3rd Srem Kup YUG 15 May 23 11 5
SU - Sezimovo Usti CZE 23 May 60 30 6
PZ - Puszta Cup HUN 29 May 92 46 21
NC - Novohrad Cup SVK 6 Jun 28 8 5
CM - Castilla La Mancha ESP 27 Jun 18 14 0
VH - Von Hafe Cup POR 10 Jul 64 45 11
SC - Scania Cup SWE 11 Jul 14 16 3
AN - Antonov Cup UKR 24 Jul 32 20 16
SW - Stalowa Wola POL 31 Jul 13 13 6
Contests still to count for 98
Voros Jeno Memorial HUN 18 Jul
Poitou FRA 6 Aug
Sibiu Cup ROM 21 Aug
Israel FF Champs ISR 28 Aug
7th Bodenland Cup GER 28 Aug
Ankara TUR 3 Sep
29th Eifel Pokal GER 4 Sep
Bilzen International BEL 12 Sep
1st Yugo Cup YUG 25 Sep
Stonehenge Cup GBR 26 Sep
Autumn Max SWE 2 Oct
Sierra Cup USA 16 Oct
FAI World Cup 1998 positions for class F1E
1 Rudolf Musil CZE 54 RA- 1
2 Frantisek Doupovec CZE 44 RA- 2
3 Ivan Treger SVK 33 RA- 3
4 Helmut Schuberth GER 28 RA- 4
5 Ivan Crha CZE 23 RA- 5
6 Vaclav Musil jun CZE 22 RA- 6
Contests included in the 98 results
RA - Rana CZE 2 May 42
Contests still to count for 98
Freundschaftscup AUT 18 Aug
Karneralm AUT 22 Aug
Capoca Cup ROM 5 Sep
Turda Cup ROM 6 Sep
Liptov Cup SVK 26 Sep
Muszyna POL 1 Oct
Oberkotzau GER 17 Oct
------------Publishers Statement-----------------------
This is the SCAT Electronic news. It object is to support Free Flight
Model Airplanes. It is e-mailed out on an irregular basis whenever
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Roger Morrell