SEN 97-37 - 12 Dec 1997
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News and Reports - 1997 Issue 97-37
Scat Electronic News 12 December 1997
US Team Selection and CIAM News
In reply to the inquiry from Mike Roberts and for additional Team
Selection information, I offer the following recent developments:
1. Roger Simpson resigned as Chairman of the FF Team Selection
Committee, but retains his District 10 position. As Co-Chairman, I have
assumed the position as Chairman.
2. It looks like the Finals will be in Palm Bay, Florida. Bradley and crew
are spending a good deal of time and money preparing the field not only
for the Finals, but for the King Orange and other contests they have.
Bradley states that the field will be in far superior condition from the last
Finals there. There are 5 Team Selection Committee members going to the
King Orange and I will have a report from them the first week of January.
Expect an official announcement by January, 15, 1998 to all Program
3. A fax today from Ian Kaynes states that the 5 second engine run for all
rounds for F1C will go into effect January 1, 1998. There is no change
from the vote taken by the Plenary body. Also, he indicates that "there was
no special request to consider changing the WC site from Israel and the
Bureau had no jurisdiction to contemplate a change at the Bureau meeting,
since the award was a Plenary decision". If these terms confuse anyone,
please refer to the FAI Sporting Code for clarification.
4. We currently have 90 participants entered into the current TS Program.
We are budgeted for 120. I strongly encourage those not entered to do so.
Further developments will be shared with you as they develop.
Bob Waterman
1998 Calendar
We have the first go around of the 1998 FAI FF Calendar on the SCAT
Web site. We are trying to have information for all SCAT Events
[naturally], America's Cup and World Cup Events as well as other Free
Flight Contests that have FAI FF classes. Send information to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will post 'flyers' for contests as well as entry
in the summary list, provided they are in a suitable format. While on the
subject of contests we will [would like to !] publish results in tabular form
as well as written reports. The results can be sent to us as a printable file,
an HTML file or as an Excel or Lotus spread sheet file.
In the Press
I just got my issue 120 of Vol Libre, still as great as ever. SCAT members,
Pierre Brun, Randy Weiler, Brian Van Nest and George Batiuk appear in
the Sazena article photos with Randy Archer and Alexander Andruikov
[who was not a SCAT member at that time].. Andre Schandel comments on
the US Team Shorts. For those who have not seen them 'the shorts' were an
optional item for the team uniform, they were chosen by Martyn Cowley.
Fortunately Martyn found them in a very USA red, white and blue, not his
usual neon. Must be the fashion influence of FF Team uniform designer
Weiler. Joking aside, they looked good on the field and were of great help
to the chase crew particularily in the F1A event. This was because we
could easily spot our team when they were towing, no matter where they
went and be ready to get right after the model when it was launched.
Schandel commented on the increase in cost of Tan 2 and the varing
quaility of the July batch. This batch was certainly great but it did take
time to figure out how to use it. Any body buying it at Sazena whould have
had to be busy testing not to have an excess of motor breakage on the flight
Feed Back .
Comment on Dec 8 edition from Jim Haught, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Interesting comment on Andiukov's "best ever" status. But I think due
consideration should be given Thomas Koster when all-time great outdoor
fliers are considered. After all, he's the only guy to have done the "FAI hat
trick"--winning world championships in F1A, F1B, and F1C.
From Bob Stalick, NFFS President.
The dates for the USOC -- free flight Nationals are:
July 27 through July 31 inclusive.
The entry forms will be ready for distribution within the month.
Thanks for asking,
Bob Stalick
Roger Morrell