SEN 2945 - Kiwi Cup F1E, Icarex at Fab Feb, Fab Feb pre-entries Please Sign Up Soon! Lost Hills Weather
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- Category: Archive 2022
- Hits: 774
SEN 2945
1. Kiwi Cup F1E
2. Icarex at Fab Feb
3. Fab Feb pre-entries
4. Please Sign Up Soon!
5. Lost Hills Weather
Icarex at Fab Feb
From Eitan Habba- Israel
Hi Roger,
Hopefully I will participate in Feb-Feb W.C.
Please publish that I will bring with me Japanese icarex.
Available colors are:
Dark blue
Light blue
(Eitan sent a picture but we could not include it)
Please Order by email:
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The term Japanese Icarex was not fammilar to some so I asked Eitan for some more info
It is 32 g/m2
Lots of flyers use it… the shape is triangle.
Most of f1b, f1a use it.
Fab Feb pre-entries
So far there have been about 80 entries. Of these 2 people that pre-entered have indicated that they can’t come, on broken arm and one family and travel coordination issue.
We discovered an error in the schedule and estimated bill that we mailed to some people so we are sending that out again to each person that pre-entered. The new one says it is revised. Most have been sent out but thee are still a few left to go out.
A part of the pre-entry process the FAI IS, AMA and Lost Hills info is checked and people wit issues are notified by email. This is done by Lindy Murrell. We have a special message from her …..
Please Sign Up Soon!
Janna and Brian Van Nest have generously agreed to take over the administrative duties for Fab Feb since we are unable to be there. I am doing as much as I can in advance. This means that all of the entries should be in BY THE END OF JANUARY so that I can send the invoices to Janna to have during the entry process.
So I am asking you please, please, please. If there is even a chance that you will be attending Fab Feb and you have not yet entered, please enter now. This will allow me to do all of the preliminary work for Janna and make life easier for her and for you!
The link again …
Lost Hills Weather
This is a good link for Lost Hills weather.