SEN 2497 - 4 secs of Finals and AMA classes in FabFeb
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- Category: Archive 2018
- Hits: 1858
Table of Contents – SEN 2497
4 secs of Finals and AMA classes in FabFeb
- 4 second observations
- Thanks from Oz
- Who’s on Your Team
- Fab Feb 2019 Update
4 second observations
From: Daryl Perkins
4 second engine run at the finals. As a timer and observer at the finals this year I found that with a future installation requirement of electronic timers and RDT required now, most of the flyers are already using electronics, there is a consistency of engine runs across the board. I did not hear of any over runs called out. The programs the flyers were using aloud for plenty of room in the sequence for there being no question of over run with repeatability at the touch of a button. Running the engines this short certainly adds a challenge to be sure. Congratulations to everyone involved in this year's finals, a job well done and congratulations to the F1 teams, great flying.
Editor’s Comments
1. Great to see you back on the field again Daryl, almost did not recognize you without the mustache
2. And for Gil I can add to Daryl’s comment that there were no Jury actions at the event involing F1C Timing
Thanks from Oz
From: Malcolm Campbell
Hi Roger
I loved the live feed! It was something to wake up to each morning in Australia and feel like I was there. Well done Roger and Lindy, it’s much appreciated by us inquisitive ones. And thanks for getting the results out on the Kotuku and Sierra Cups so quickly, when you were so involved during the whole week.
Malcolm Campbell
Who’s on Your Team
In a recent SEN we published the team to represent the USA in the upcoming World Free Flight Champs. We would like to know who is representing other countries, so your team has been selected please sent it to us for inclusion in an upcoming SEN
Fab Feb 2019 Update
From: Roger Morrell
General and Online Entry
The organizers of the 3 events are working getting organized. The sanctions are being submitted to the CIAM. The online entry for 2019 is not ready yet and you will be notified on SEN and the Free Flight Group on Facebook when it is ready for use. It should be used for all FAI events
A special word to the F1E community is that Peter Brocks will be coordinating the events on the “hill” as usual.
AMA Events
Traditionally the first event of the series , the Isaccson Winter Classic /Kiwi Cup had a slate of AMA events. These events were run by Norm Furutani while I ran the FAI events, which includes the non-World Cup mini events. As you know Norm has retired from running this event and I will continue to do so. The AMA events are popular and people want them but I need help to run them. I had hoped that a local club would be interested in running those events and I made inquiries. But no club was interested in doing so and it looked like we would have to remove the AMA events from the program. However recently two people have offered run these events, one of them will only be available on the Sunday. So it now looks like we can hold the AMA events after all but we still need 2 or 3 more to help these guys out. So if you are interested in lending a hand please let me know. Do this by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – with the words Winter Classic at the top of your email. In addition in recent years while the AMA events had good participation at about 40 people (the FAI events have close to 200) there were some events that had very poor participation. We know that P-30, the GollyWock or similar event and the small glider (HLG and CLG) are very popular, it is not so clear which are the best AMA Gas events. So I would like to know what AMA events you would like to see. As above give me your input by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and including the word Winter Classic at the top.