SEN 2486 - Archive and FAI October @ LH
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- Category: Archive 2018
- Hits: 1898
Table of Contents – SEN 2486
Archive and FAI October @ LH
- SEN online archive
- FAI October at Lost Hills
SEN online archive
There is a SEN online archive on our Web Sites at This has copies on SEN going back to 1997. Relatively recently we introduced a search capability to search the entire archive.
The archive was offline recently because our service provider alerted us of significantly increased usage possibly caused by a security problem. We installed some additional security software.
This software showed that more than ‘person’ was downloading all the issues of SEN ! and that there were a small number possible hacking attempts coming from Western and Eastern European countries.
While wishful thinking might say the large number of downloads are to do with a vastly increased interest FAI Free Flight, it was probably caused by an out of control or mis-guided search engine bot. Part of the new measures are aimed at directing search engine bots to do more productive indexing.
FAI October at Lost Hills
We got a request for a summary of the Sierra and Kotuku Cup events at Lost Hills. So unofficially here it is. Those competing in the USA Team Selection Event should have the details of that event. We also note that the Kotuku Cup is a New Zealand World Cup and the Kotuku is a rare bird, in English the White Heron. It is considered to bring good fortune, so maybe will help World Champs aspiring USA sportsmen. Being a Maori word it is pronounced with equal emphasis on all syllables ko-tu-ku.
5 Oct Kotuku F1E World Cup
6 Oct Kotuku F1ABCPQ World Cup
6 Oct Evening Sierra Cup Pot Luck banquet on the field.
7 Oct Sierra F1ABCQ World Cup
8 Oct Kotuku and Sierra F1HGJPS
9 Oct Sierra F1E World Cup
10-14 Oct USA Team Selection Event
Detailed Info and CD contact numbers for the Kotuku and Sierra Cups is on the Lost Hills Web Site at
My understanding is that there will be F1C fuel for out of town and out of country F1C sportsmen.
Note that this is the last World Cup events in Summer/Fall conditions at Lost Hills before the World Champs there in October 2019. Typically the October conditions have bigger and trickier thermals than those experienced during the Fab Feb events. By October it has cooled down from the midday 38C/ 100F that can be experienced in August/early September.