SEN 2475- The Juniors and Klaus
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- Category: Archive 2018
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Table of Contnets – SEN 2475
The Juniors and Klaus
- Correction
- Junior World Championships Report #4
- Jr. World Champs Report #5
- Jnr World Results
- Managing flyoffs
In the last SEN we reported the Junior F1B results incorrectly it should have been
Unofficial F1B results after 2 fly off rounds – all podium places made the 6 minutes.
1. Karl Mannik EST
2. Kyle Gerspatcher USA
3. Yuval Sarig ISR
Junior World Championships Report #4
Today, Wednesday, was F1B day in Bulgaria, and it was a doozy. First, however, I’d like to wrap up the loose ends on yesterday with the official scores from the US F1A team.
First place was a Finnish competitor, Korpella, with a score of1680
Second place went to an Estonian with a score of 1605.
Or team scores were
Ninth place; Joel Yori with a score of 1266.
Twentieth, Adelaide Ulm with a score of 1201
Thirty second, Roman Stalick with a score of 1105
There were 46 entrants and the USA team finished in 7th place.
F1B Day
Our team consisted of only 2 fliers, Kyle Gerspacher and Joel Yori. Joel was doing double duty as he had flown in the F1A competition. Kyle was coming off a convincing win from the past weekend. We knew that we didn’t have a shot at the team trophy because we were a teammate short, but we were hopeful for an individual trophy or two.
Twelve teams were entered with a total of 29 contestants.
The competition began at 8 am and immediately it was apparent that the flight line was not set up to take advantage of the large field, as models were drifting into the crops nearly from the first flight. However, the management decided to wait out this round, which was for a four minute max, and move before Round 2. Kyle was first on the line, but just as was preparing his model, his loaded motor broke, so Joel actually put in Team USA’s first flight - a nice 4 minute max. Kyle went next and recorded his max easily. Both our competitors were flying Andruikov models--Joel’s was a model #121 and Kyle’s a model #180.
As noted above, the flight line was moved between rounds about 200 yards upwind, delaying the competition by 30 minutes, but giving the flies a better chance of staying on the field. In my estimation, the flight line could have been moved upwind another 200 yards, but that’s not my call.
Round two began with Kyle putting his model higher than anyone on the field for an excellent max. Joel followed up with another 180.
Round 3 saw Kyle launch into less than perfect air and, for the first time, the USA team supporters took off under the model flapping away. He made the max. Joel flew second and got his 180 again.
Round 4 began with Kyle launching his model and watching it drift into the corn downwind, A max, but a difficult chase. Kyle launched and when the model dethermalized, it was over the parked cars, David Ehrgott (Hayden Ashworth’s dad), was on the chase crew and just happened to be in the right spot to catch the model before it was damaged.
Lunch break followed the fourth round, and the food service folks showed up just in time with another lunch for the hungry crowd.
Round five got underway, but a broken d.t. line would put Kyle on the sidelines to prepare his reserve model. That meant Joel was up. He was up to the task with another max. By now, Kyle had model #2 prepped and ready, but the timers had not watched him wind his model as required by the rules, and he was forced to unwind it, then rewind with a timer observing. This seemed to be a rule that was sometimes enforced but other times not, leading to some sharp words. Soon, all was hashed out, and Kyle put in a max flight in a huge thermal.
Round 6 was much calmer, as both Kyle and Joel easily maxed.
Round 7 - the final round was a difficult one for air picking. Joel was wound an ready to go, but the wait on the line was seemingly forever. Some suggested that he should replace the motor, and steps were underway to do just that when some decent air was detected, and Joel elected to launch. The result was a disappointing 99 seconds. All the flapping in the world didn’t seem to help as the air just wasn’t there.
Kyle was back to flying his number one model with the repaired d.t. line, and he maxed it well into the cornfield.
The Flyoffs were to begin at 7:15 and were for 6 minute flights. Five contestants were in the queue: two Russians, an Israeli, an Estonian and Kyle representing the USA. Our downwind crews were deployed and when the seven minute window opened, Kyle was the first to go. All five fliers got off in time. Kyle made the six minute flight as did the Estonian and the Israeli. Both Russians dropped out. Kyle’s model drifted off the field heading West into the tobacco crops.
The second flyoff round was for an 8 minute max and was to begin at 8:15 pm. The sun was setting and the sunset was spectacular. Kyle was first to launch, followed a couple of minutes later by the Estonian. The Israelis were ready near the end of the seven minute launch window, and it was getting pretty dark by now. As they launched, it became apparent that they had attached a light flasher to their model, as the blinking light made the model easy to spot in the twilight; however, a short while into the flight, the model dethermalized, and came down in less than 3 minutes--landing on the flat roof of the old hangar downwind.
Kyle’s model, meantime was drifting behind the hangar at some distance, The timers lost sight of it at 4:19, but unofficial observers were certain it was still airborne at 7 minutes. The Estonian won first place , Kyle came in second and the Israeli third. The entire US team cheered and congratulated Kyle for his amazing flying. Photos and selfies were flashing in what was now darkness. He did all of us proud.
As we were leaving the field after a long, hot day, we saw the Israeli team jury-rigging ladders to retrieve their model from the top of the hangar. I understand they were successful.
Jr. World Champs Report #5
From: Bob Stalick
Junior World Champs Report #5 - F1P Day
For excitement, this day ranks near the top. The final result is important, of course, but the way it unwound is the real story. So, here are the winners: Nulk of Estonia - First; Ashworth of USA - Second, and Lipore of Russia - Third.
A few comments to begin. Nearly all 16 contestants flew the same model design. It’s a very low pylon model with raked wing tips and forward fin. It’s all carbon construction and covered with a mylar-like film, and except for color combinations, telling one from the other is not possible. The models are all from a single source in Ukraine and available by internet. Finally, all were powered by Cyclon or Fora engines s best I could tell. Quality of performance then, becomes a matter of model trim and pilot ability--plus two other factors: thermal picking and luck! The USA had a secret weapon in the thermal picking department, as Assistant Manager Sevak Malkasyan had his computerized heat sensor in operation thoughout the competition.
This day at the field would start off just like the previous two days but since only 6 countries had teams, the flightline was much more compact.
The first round began promptly at 8 am, and Hayden put his ship in the air first. Since there was nearly no drift, the model was picked up after it’s 3 minute max just a couple hundred yards downwind. Other fliers followed suit and at the end of the round, 11 of the 16 had perfect scores.
Round two saw a slight breeze come up, and after some time passed, Hayden launched, but the air soon turned cool and although the model got plenty of altitude, it seemed to be losing it fast. Fortunately, he squeaked out a max, dethermalizing about 50 feet off the ground - A close call. By the end of the round, only 9 contestants had perfect scores.
Round three saw a wind shift toward the dreaded corn on the south end of the field. However, Hayden got really high in some lift, and decided to d.t at 3:50 to avoid the corn patch. As of the end of this round, only seven had perfect scores.
Round four was a repeat, and another max. Only five were left with perfect scores: USA, Russia, Estonia, Romania, and Poland.
Time for the one hour lunch break. Our food once again was delivered to the field.
Round five began promptly at 1 pm, and Hayden put in another max. One more flier dropped out of the running, which left four remaining with perfect scores.
Round six would prove to be almost too exciting. On Hayden’s first attempt, the model got launched a bit to the left and off pattern. The resulting poor transition put the model into a swooping dive, which, thanks to Sevak’s quick thinking, he told Hayden to hit the quick DT just as the model was pulling out of its dive--too near the ground. The d.t. kicked in, and the ship settled to the ground in 19 seconds, recording an attempt. Time to calm nerves and assess the situation. And take a deep breath! Second attempt was a perfect flight and another max. Now there are 3 fliers remaining with perfect t scores: USA, Russia and Estonia.
Round seven brings another max. Flyoffs are next. The three in the flyoff are Hayden, Nulk of Estonia, and Lipore of Russia.
The first flyoff round was set to begin at 6:15. It was to be a five minute max. As the sun was getting lower in the sky, the winds were blowing almost due east, 5 minutes would test the limits of the field, but our chase crew was out there waiting. As with the other flyoffs, this one has a seven minute launch window. This time, the Estonian launched first, and he went off pattern to the left for a mediocre height. However, his drift carried him over the tobacco field, where he was able to pick up some lift and earn his max. Hayden was waiting for good air, and the Russian was waiting for Hayden. It was obvious he had been told to launch when Hayden did. With less than a minute to go, Hayden got his engine started, and although it didn’t sound quite on peak, he launched and got plenty of altitude and a decent transition to glide. Immediately, the Russian get his model started, and within 15 seconds had it airborne in what turned out to be less than good air. Hayden maxed and the Russian didn’t.
The chase team located the model on the field, and soon it was back ready for the next flyoff round, set to begin at 7:15. Now only two had perfect scores.
A bit of intrigue now occurred, as the Estonians were having trouble retrieving Nulk’s model, and they asked the jury if the next round could be delayed so they could get it back. After a consultation, it was decided that a delay should be granted. The Estonian model came back, and the time for the next flyoff was set for 7:20 pm.
The second flyoff round began on time, and the Estonian launched first into some good air and was drifting downwind. Hayden launched, but the model climbed verticallly, and when the engine cut, it was pointed straight up. The transition was poor and very likely cost 100 feet in altitude before it finally settled down into a glide. After it came down, the Estonian dethermalized his model, and the contest was over.
As people were milling about congratulating the fliers, the Estonian came over to Hayden and said a few words. Handshakes between the two youngsters exhibited good sportsmanship by both. It was a fitting end to some excellent flying.
Hayden had a great contest, and since he turned 16 during these World Champs week, he will be back in two years to fly again.
Tomorrow, is final ceremony day and the end of competition dinner with T shirt swap. Always a fun event. I’ll do that report in a day or so.
Jnr World Results?
From: Terry Kerger
Is there a link to the junior champs that has any current information?
Terry Kerger
Editor – Terry we have not seen one yet. Will publish it as soon as we know.
Managing flyoffs
From: Klaus Salzer
The discussion at the moment limits itself to finding a way to time VERY long flights. Certainly it is not easy for timekeepers and maybe not fair for competitors to have to rely on the eyesight of (mostly unpaid!) helpers. And on the problems using and certifying altimeters.
I think, we should concentrate more on AVOIDING these long flights. Lets postulate a rule which limits the towline, resp. the rubber or the motor run for the flyoff. If it were a fixed rule people could have a trim setup prepared for this - tested before, set in their timers (even with mechanical timers possible, but certainly easy with electronics), and thus stay in a reasonable landing distanca - observable by mere humans.
This may lead to the development of special "flyoff" planes - so what? The hardest would probably be to find a run time for power - but I remeber times, when the regular run was 15s and was reduced for flyoffs down to 5s ... a third of the regular run (and often won by the perfect transition, not perfect climb/glide!).
Of course, it must be a RULE, not an ad-hoc decision by a contest director.
Klaus Salzer
former F1A / F1B / F1Q flyer, active in and past WCh in F1E