Kiwi Cup 2023
- Details
- Category: Fab Feb 2023
- Hits: 1603
Kiwi Cup and Ike Winter Classic
Lost Hills, California, USA 11-13 February 2023
Kiwi Cup FAI events
World Cup
America’s Cup
Kiwi - F1A, B, C, P & Q New Zealand World Cup
7 round Schedule: Saturday 11 Feb, Reserve days 12,13 February 2023
1 8:00am–9:00am
2 9:00am–10:00am
3 - 7 on the hour, to 3pm; Round One Max: 240 seconds, all others 180.
Fly-Off Schedule:
First fly-off - 6 minute max.
F1A 3:30pm–3:40pm F1C/P/Q 4:00pm–4:10pm
F1B 3:45pm–3:55pm Additional rounds to be announced
No official time keepers provided - fliers help. Official flight line by class, no poles assigned.
Jean Batten Awards
For highest placing lady flier in each of F1ABCPQ and F1GHJS
Grand Master Award
For best performance in F1ABC or Q by a sportsman over 75
Kiwi F1G, H, J* & S – Sunday 12 February 2023
*F1J - contingent on pre-entries (4 minimum)
Round one, 8:00 AM ‘Champagne Flyoff’ Time to the ground. Round Schedule:
Rounds 1-5, two minute max.
1 8:00am–8:45am
2 9:00am–9:45am
3 9:45am–10:30am
4 10:30am–11:15am
5 11:15am–12:00pm
Fly-Offs will begin at 12:15 noon and finish by 3:00.
At 3:00, any remaining ties will be broken by using Champagne Flight Times
Kiwi World Cup F1E - Monday 13 February 2023
10am-3pm. Five one hour rounds. On Holloway Hill. Peter Brocks, Event Director
Pre-Entry for FAI events at
Pay and document verification at Lost Hills Community Center Friday 10 Feb 2023 10 AM to 4PM
Entry Fees:
"Kiwi" World Cup events $35
All others, $20.00 - includes one event.
Additional events $5.00 ($10 World Cup) each.
CD Roger Morrell
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+1 310 483 8776
In memory of our dear friends, Bob and LaVera Isaacson