SEN 2736 Q is a Whizzz and USA Team Selection revised.

SEN 2736

Q is a Whizzz and USA Team Selection revised.

1. About the F1Q-rules - an answer to Dino
2. Whizzzz if you want it
3. Qualification for US Team Finals

About the F1Q-rules - an answer to Dino

From:Per Grunnet
When the energy-multiplier in F1Q was changed from 4 joules/gram til 3 joules/gram there had been a vivid discussion about how to reduce the performance in the class.
If the energy was reduced, and the max. motor run was maintained, the existing models would be made obsolete. In that case we would have to build slower models with perhaps bigger propellers to make best use of the new rules.

If the energy was unchanged, and the motor run was shortened, the existing models would also be obsolete. The propellers should turn faster to use the energy in a shorter motorrun.
So the answer was to reduce the energy and to reduce the motor runtime proportionally. This made it possible to make the flyoff-rule, that the contest director could reduce the energy to 2 joule/gram with a 20 second motor run.

Dino, you have to understand that F1Q is a contest about using the allowed energy to make the best possible flights. Just like in F1B and F1D, where you have a limited amount of energy (in these cases in the shape of rubber) – or in the case of F1C, where you have the energy that can be produced in a 2,5 ccm combustion engine during a 4 second motorrun.
The change from 4 joules/gram to 3 joules/gram did not make it necessary to change trim of any well-trimmed F1Q-model. You just had to reduce the energy allowed on the energy-limiter on the model.

It is a fact, that many critize F1Q for being slow and uninspiring. For those F1S is an obvious class to fly, if they want to fly electric.

For me – and many others – F1Q is a wonderful class for several reasons. Among these are, that it is cheap, you can buy everything for your models – motor, timer, energy-limiter, propeller, gear etc. at low cost, you can build your own models and be competitive, you can build in balsa and spruce or in high-tech materials as you wish – and it’s still a question of finding the best air!
Join us and find out for yourself!

Best regards, Per Grunnet



Whizzzz if you want it

From: Chris Edge

Yet again I read as if F1Qs HAVE to be flown to their full 30s run with
large props; do the rules say this ? No of course they don't. The nice
thing with fixed energy events (eg F1B and F1Q) is that you have the
option for a short punchy run, high whizzzz factor (HWF), or a lower
sedate run (LWF) and both appeal to different flyers and both are
allowed to compete against each other. I get it that with a short run
(let's say 10s) you'll lose out on some still-air time to the cruisers
but how much - maybe 20s in 6mins ? Hardly significant when the thermal
doesn't care how long the motor run was and it's the thermal that wins
most contests. How about stop complaining about the rules (or trying
to create a complex handicap system so that all models land at exactly
the same time in the FO), build the F1Q you like (fast or slow) and just
compete. Oh, and not that long ago the suggestion to change anything about
E36/F1S resulted in significant trolling, so those now advocating a
shorter run at some time in the future had better batten their doors.
EoB - blissfully locked down with his favourite chicken


Qualification for USA Team Finals

From: William Booth 

In response to the uncertain future of the contest schedule, the Team Selection Committee has decided to waive qualification requirements for the 2020 Finals.  There will be no requirement to accumulate time or World Cup contest participation.  You will still need to pay the Program Entry Fee ($90) and the Finals Entry Fee ($250), but you may proceed directly to the Finals without further efforts.  The reduced fee structure for lower age and for returning and first time entrants will remain the same.  The deadlines for entries to be in AMA's hands will remain the same.  

A decision on the Finals is still premature.   We are watching the lead of the local agencies and of sporting leagues, theater groups, etc. to see not only if they begin to function but if so, how.  We expect to make a final determination by mid August.  By then we should have a pretty good idea of how re-opening the country is progressing.  For what it is worth in the last hour, the Director of the Los Angeles County Health Department specifically noted in her daily TV address that model airplane venues were permitted to open provided proper protocol such as distancing, limited contact, etc are followed.  There are certainly many issues for us to resolve such as the availability of lodging, restaurants, etc.  LA County is about 15% higher than the state and national average for illness, so if they are comfortable letting us do our thing, I suspect other Counties will follow.  The numbers for Kern County appear to be right at the state average.

There is not much more we can do right now except wait, but I will keep you informed as this progress.


Bill Booth,
Free Flight Team Selection Program.