SEN 2157
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- Category: Archive Jan-Nov 2016
- Hits: 1284
Table of Contnets - SEN 2157
Blog about the F1E E/C
From: Bernhard Schwendemann
F1E European Championship
On 18. July the F1E European Championship will start in Turda/Rumania.
19. July and 24. July world-cup events will be held.
Thursday, there will be the junior championship, Friday the senior
The Thermiksense has started a blog on it's website:
Best regards
Contest Cancellation and World Cup Status
From: John Carter
Contest cancellation
Well after reading Leslie Farkas defence of the contest cancellation I am disappointed that the organisers choose to defend the cancellation. May be if the field is small and unsuitable in windy conditions that this contest should then not be a World Cup.
It's about time the FAI police applications for World Cup status with far stricter guide lines on field size quality of organisation and as my previous comments a comprehensive weather cancellation clause (may be the cancellation by the organisers should render then liable for entrants abortive costs air tickets etc .)
It is a fact that when you cancel a contest at short notice you will always damage its future participation.
One alternative is of course as in the UK and Sweden plus the Ukraine organise a multiple event over a number of days generally if you attend contests like this at least one will enjoy nice flying conditions plus the concept will boost entries. After all you get two or three for the price of one !
Regards John Carter UK
What people are saying - Was Scandanavian Cups now Q performance
Aram Schlosberg Commented on the weather - Seems that the Danish and Norwegian Cups had terrible weather - per number of rounds, their max times and the number of drop outs. What a shame :-(
Tapio Linkosalo The weather was totally fly-able throughout the weekend. But the field is rather small, so when the wind picks up to 5m/s, you need to go rather close to the edge and hence the air is turbulent. The competition managers did a good job, however, to avoid most of the rain. And luckily the evenings tended to turn calm, so for most of the fly-offs the field was big enough (I wonder if the last, Norway cup was the only one where some models flew into the woods?).
Once again, the best weather was for the small classes contest in Saturday afternoon. After morning of rain it was overcast and almost totally calm. In the final fly-off for F1S, I waited maybe 30 seconds after Jens launched to get into different air, but his model persisted gliding overhead, so I changed my mind and went into the same air!
Now starts the bit about Q performance
Aram Schlosberg I'm puzzled by Ian's comment in FFn 1607 about the Rinkaby WCs saying that good performance and stable rules grow Q, but that '(climbs to about 130 or 140 m) show that an energy reduction from 4J to 3J must be considered'. Where the Q flyoffs too large? And when I think my model reaches 120 m it's altimeter only shows 80 m.
Tapio Linkosalo In Swedish cup, half the Q-fliers went to fly-off.In other contests, less, but then the conditions were tricky so people dropped when they launched into considerable sink.
All in all, the best Q climbs were spectacular, easily 150 meters in the evening calm. So definitely the the energy reduction is needed, at current F1Q easily outperforms all other classes (ABC). In Norway Cup a DT-flyoff (DT at 3 mins, time the model to the ground, so the model with lower sink rate on DT wins) was needed, as the field was too small for the winning Q models...
Aram Schlosberg LDA F1As get just over 100 m and glide for about 5 minutes. F1Bs can get over a 100 m and glide for 6-7 minutes. F1Cs get to around 100 m with a 4 second motor run) and glide about 6-7 minutes in the case of folders. F1Q cruisers get to about 120-30 m and glide well, probably to about 7-8 minutes. However, lowering the energy multiplier would ELIMINATE the fast Q climbers - as drag is a function of V^2. I think it would also ADVERSELY effect models that spiral up (AMA locked surface models) that don't glide particularly well. Such models are popular in the States. So the unintended effect would be to make Q into a cruiser event (low Wattage and long motor runs) and discourage many US electric fliers.
Tapio Linkosalo The best F1Q cruisers in the Swedish World Cups climbed to 150 meters, and would probably have flown for 10+ minutes in dead air. There were a few fast climbing Q models also present in the contests, but they clearly lost in the overall climb height, plus were 30 seconds behind in flight time when they started to glide. Thus watching the Q models is Sweden, it was obvious that even at 4J/g, the cruisers are superior to fast climbing models. (Which of course is as expected, it is quite unlikely that one set of rules would produce multiple optimal layouts....)
Roger Morrell
- F1E Blog
- Cancelled
- What people are saying - Was Scandabavian Cups now Q performance
Blog about the F1E E/C
From: Bernhard Schwendemann
F1E European Championship
On 18. July the F1E European Championship will start in Turda/Rumania.
19. July and 24. July world-cup events will be held.
Thursday, there will be the junior championship, Friday the senior
The Thermiksense has started a blog on it's website:
Best regards
Contest Cancellation and World Cup Status
From: John Carter
Contest cancellation
Well after reading Leslie Farkas defence of the contest cancellation I am disappointed that the organisers choose to defend the cancellation. May be if the field is small and unsuitable in windy conditions that this contest should then not be a World Cup.
It's about time the FAI police applications for World Cup status with far stricter guide lines on field size quality of organisation and as my previous comments a comprehensive weather cancellation clause (may be the cancellation by the organisers should render then liable for entrants abortive costs air tickets etc .)
It is a fact that when you cancel a contest at short notice you will always damage its future participation.
One alternative is of course as in the UK and Sweden plus the Ukraine organise a multiple event over a number of days generally if you attend contests like this at least one will enjoy nice flying conditions plus the concept will boost entries. After all you get two or three for the price of one !
Regards John Carter UK
What people are saying - Was Scandanavian Cups now Q performance
Aram Schlosberg Commented on the weather - Seems that the Danish and Norwegian Cups had terrible weather - per number of rounds, their max times and the number of drop outs. What a shame :-(
Tapio Linkosalo The weather was totally fly-able throughout the weekend. But the field is rather small, so when the wind picks up to 5m/s, you need to go rather close to the edge and hence the air is turbulent. The competition managers did a good job, however, to avoid most of the rain. And luckily the evenings tended to turn calm, so for most of the fly-offs the field was big enough (I wonder if the last, Norway cup was the only one where some models flew into the woods?).
Once again, the best weather was for the small classes contest in Saturday afternoon. After morning of rain it was overcast and almost totally calm. In the final fly-off for F1S, I waited maybe 30 seconds after Jens launched to get into different air, but his model persisted gliding overhead, so I changed my mind and went into the same air!
Now starts the bit about Q performance
Aram Schlosberg I'm puzzled by Ian's comment in FFn 1607 about the Rinkaby WCs saying that good performance and stable rules grow Q, but that '(climbs to about 130 or 140 m) show that an energy reduction from 4J to 3J must be considered'. Where the Q flyoffs too large? And when I think my model reaches 120 m it's altimeter only shows 80 m.
Tapio Linkosalo In Swedish cup, half the Q-fliers went to fly-off.In other contests, less, but then the conditions were tricky so people dropped when they launched into considerable sink.
All in all, the best Q climbs were spectacular, easily 150 meters in the evening calm. So definitely the the energy reduction is needed, at current F1Q easily outperforms all other classes (ABC). In Norway Cup a DT-flyoff (DT at 3 mins, time the model to the ground, so the model with lower sink rate on DT wins) was needed, as the field was too small for the winning Q models...
Aram Schlosberg LDA F1As get just over 100 m and glide for about 5 minutes. F1Bs can get over a 100 m and glide for 6-7 minutes. F1Cs get to around 100 m with a 4 second motor run) and glide about 6-7 minutes in the case of folders. F1Q cruisers get to about 120-30 m and glide well, probably to about 7-8 minutes. However, lowering the energy multiplier would ELIMINATE the fast Q climbers - as drag is a function of V^2. I think it would also ADVERSELY effect models that spiral up (AMA locked surface models) that don't glide particularly well. Such models are popular in the States. So the unintended effect would be to make Q into a cruiser event (low Wattage and long motor runs) and discourage many US electric fliers.
Tapio Linkosalo The best F1Q cruisers in the Swedish World Cups climbed to 150 meters, and would probably have flown for 10+ minutes in dead air. There were a few fast climbing Q models also present in the contests, but they clearly lost in the overall climb height, plus were 30 seconds behind in flight time when they started to glide. Thus watching the Q models is Sweden, it was obvious that even at 4J/g, the cruisers are superior to fast climbing models. (Which of course is as expected, it is quite unlikely that one set of rules would produce multiple optimal layouts....)
Roger Morrell