SEN 2606 - Tell Terrible, What’s up Wawaynda and Tom empties Man Cave(well part of it)
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SEN 2606 - Table of Contents
Tell Terrible, What’s up Wawaynda and Tom empties Man Cave(well part of it)
1. Las Vegas FAI World Cup:
2. Wawayanda field status
3. B and G stuff for sale
Las Vegas FAI World Cup:
October 26 & 27.
If you are thinking of attending our event after the World Champs please let us know in advance. Knowing the head count and what events you might fly would be very helpful. There is a link to the flyer on both the NFFS and FAI site.
You can contact either of us by email.
Mike Richardson: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tom Ioerger: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Wawayanda field status
From: Andrew Barron
Dear Free Flight friends,
Flyers who have been to Barron field in the last couple of weeks observe
a phenomenon that is common at this time of year. Much of the sod has been
harvested and replanted in August. We still have some good mature grass
launch areas to south and southwest. Likewise for winds from the Northwest
we have our usual access to the Ford grass fields. By the time of the
Harvest Classic contest run next weekend (Sept 14-15 with John Clapp as CD)
most of the replanted fields should be fine for retrieval. We also have
access to launch and retrieve from the Shuback and Lane sod farms on the
other side of the river. Each year we keep an eye as to whether to migrate
to the other side of the river for our September meet. So far we have not
needed to, but those fields are also good and can be used. The bottom line
is that we are looking forward to hosting a good meet next weekend and hope
to see many of you there.
B and G stuff for sale
From: Tom Vaccaro
Hi Roger,
I’m finally getting around to selling my free flight stuff. I have four Andriukov models left with M&K 8.XX timers. They have altimeters, flashers and RDT. Two have AA four panel wings and two have Tony Mathews 6 panel wings. All are in excellent condition and were trimmed, ready to fly when I put them away. Won a lot of big contests with these. Also have three Gorban F1G models with electronic timers.
In addition I have a lot of support equipment, spare parts etc.
If anyone is interested in these models or other items I can make them available at the contests in Lost Hills this October.
Please email me at “This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ” for a list of what is available with pricing.
Best regards,