SEN 2355 15 Oct 2017 - Sierria f1E and Wurts on Thermals
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- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 1826
Table of Contents – SEN 2355
- 2017 Sierra Cup F1E Full Results and Update
- Joe Wurts on Thermals on You Tube
2017 Sierra Cup F1E Full Results and Update
Fred Terzian
Here are the actual scores as recorded by Peter Brocks, who along with
Brigitte were running this event. This is copied from an iPhone photo.
F1E 150 150 180 180 180
1 Bob Sifleet USA SEC 137 106 160 180 180
AMA 18326 % 100 70.67 88.89 100 100
E% 170.67 259.56 359.56 459.56
2 Fred Terzian USA SEC 122 135 1127 180 180
AMA 137 % 89.05 90.00 70.56 100 100
E% 179.05 249.61 349.61 449.61
3 Peter Brocks USA SEC 76 150 180 180 142
AMA 84018 % 55.47 100 100 100 78.89
E% 155.47 255.47 355.47 434.36
4 Ian Kaynes GBR SEC 57 111 163 180 180
GBR 2100 % 41.61 74.00 90.56 100 100
E% 115.61 206.17 306.17 406.17
5 Dave Parsons USA SEC 113 150 125 55 125
AMA 6280 % 82.48 100 69.44 30.56 69.44
E% 182.48 251.92 282.48 351.92
As a side note, most competitors who flew throughout the weekend in the big
events had left. Possibly because of work commitments or fearing the
projected strong winds on Monday during the combined Mini events. As others
have reported, Monday was an absolutely incredible day. You could stand and
do a 360 degree turn around and not see any mountains in the distance. The
Sierra Nevada, Grapevine and "Lost Hills" mountains were obscured with a
combination of dust and possibly some ash from fires in Kern County, mainly
to the southeast.
By Tuesday morning only one camper or motorhome was observed in the main
flying pad. The lone standouts were the Porta Potties.
I have to really thank Alan Jack for noting that my stabilizer was popped
up in the first round when I was ready to launch. Although the flight
probably would have allowed me an attempt of less than twenty seconds, the
model could have suffered some damage, changing my odds of placing later.
My model was the last to fly in the final fifth round so the four other
contestants plus Tom Ioerger, Henning and Alan Jack were spectators.
Brigitte was farther north in a ravine looking for Peter's model.
When I launched, the breeze was not very strong and the temperature
recorder was slowly moving up. The airplane proceeded forward and began to
gain altitude. It was weather vaning directly into the wind with very
little side motion, however it was starting to be pushed backwards towards
the launch area. My timer Dave Parsons and I were looking straight up at
it--I should have pulled my iPhone out and take a few photos! It then
proceeded to move forward and still gaining altitude as it went into the
heart of the basin below the launch point. By the time it landed barely
half way out, it had recorded a total time of 8 minutes and 47 seconds on
Dave's stopwatch. The spectators asked why I did not DT it after three
minutes. I responded by saying that I removed it before its first flight,
assured that it would never fly away. The empty cavity provided a spot to
put my tracking transmitter in, along with any additional ballast if it
became windy. What a way to finish a fabulous six days of flying at Lost
Fred T.
Joe Wurts on Thermals on You Tube
Joe Wurts is one of the best R/C Soaring Pilots in the world, he is the man to beat at any major event. Joe moved from the USA to New Zealand a few years ago. Joe has given lectures to R/C Soaring pilots around the World a number of times. On a recent visit to Israel a series of these lectures were recorded and put on You Tube. The link to the first lecture is While part of Joe’s lectures does not apply to Free Flight as it is to do with piloting the R/C glider. He gives extensive information about thermals in general. I quickly found information that was new to me and will be very useful to me. Once on You Tube at the above link you can find the subsequent parts.