SEN 2344 10 Aug 2017
- Details
- Category: Archive 2017
- Hits: 1855
Table of Contents – SEN 2344
- Those Magnificent men and their flying machines
- Nelson Engine Parts for Tone
- Epilogue on the Integration
- Found at Perris
Those Magnificent men and their flying machines
From:Stuart Darmon
Hi Roger,
your spirited defense of the originality and multi-ethnicity of the modern FAI model put me in mind of a scene from the 1960's British movie 'Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines', a charming if not exactly PC comedy about an international air race set in 1910.
The Japanese pilot is conversing with his design team; on a table before them models of leading aeroplanes from Europe and the USA. There is much earnest discussion (all in Japanese with no subtitles), punctuated with aeronautical hand gestures and references to the models. Eventually the chief designer turns to the table, pulls the wings off one model, plonks them on the fuselage of another, and sticks a Japanese flag on top to the applause of his colleagues.
I think it was supposed to be satire....
Regards, Stuart
Editor’s Comment. Firstly I was interested how Stuart read the article. See the item below. But I guess that I too must have been influenced the Magnificent Men movie because I slapped some “national” decals on my airplanes as well as the 3 character country ID.
Nelson Engine Parts for Tone
From: Randy Secor
Looking for Tone Vidensek from Slovenia e mail address.
I have tracked down the Nelson Engine Parts you requested
when we met at the Hungary WC...
Randy Secor
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Epilogue on the Integration
On the field from time to time some of us model avionics types, Ken, Frederic, Rene, Massimo, me, etc. get together and talk about stuff. Based on those comparing of notes the article was written.
The short message is take care and test stuff.
A point of great importance that I forgot to emphasize. When you put all these electronic bits together it is critical to test the system fully on the ground. This is not just turning it on saying, oh it looks good. You need to do several simulated flights taking into account time before launch and time for retrieval. You need to see how the battery stands up and get an expectation of how long it will last in real life. Regular tests of battery voltage both during testing and operational use is essential. Always charge the battery before every flying day.
Tidy wiring is key. Don’t skimp on battery or servo quality and remember that none of these last forever.
Found at Perris
Tracker Rx, with LiPo connection, possibly Airtek.
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